Exhibit 9 - Public comments received by 1100 a.m., Friday, February 19, 202114300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK Town of Los Gatos, I am the property owner and occupy the home at 14298 Lora Drive. Please accept this letter to open a dialog to request your review and consideration of minor modifications to the proposed project located at 14300 Lora Drive. Overall, I am supportive of the planned development and support the development. However, I am seeking practical and pragmatic solutions to be evaluated, understood, and appropriately implemented to ensure positive impacts to our town, to my neighborhood, and to my home are achieved. It is appropriate to mention I completed a significant development of my property, in 2008/9 which took into account the principles I am seeking. TOPIC 1: CRUUecWLRQ Rf NRQ-PeUPLWWed GUadLQg - TR RedXce SWUXcWXUe HeLghW In 2015, grading was conducted without Town of Los Gatos approval. The property owner brought in a significant amount of Fill Dirt and graded +50% of the property. This fill dirt has increased the elevation between 2-4 feet across the majority of the South facing property line. Due to this, the proposed structure¶s plans illustrate that the finished grade elevations will be used to set the structure above the natural grade. If this were to commence, their North facing wall height would be 25 feet above existing finished grade, with the roof ridge protruding much higher. SSecLfLc ReTXeVW: Remove Fill Dirt and ensure finished height of foundation elevations are set as appropriate to the natural grade of the property. My primary goal is to decrease the height of the structure to preserve the view and invasiveness from the perspective of my property. TRSLc 2: RedXce OYeUaOO HeLghW Rf PURSRVed SWUXcWXUe The mass and scale of the structure is significant and is perceived to be visually invasive to the property at 14298 Lora Drive. For example, the ridgeline of the proposed structure is illustrated to be over 17 feet taller to my ridgeline of 14298 Lora Drive. The height of the proposed structure creates challenges for natural landscape screening and significantly impedes my existing views of the town¶s treeline. SSecLfLc ReTXeVWV: 1.RedXce RLdge HeLghW: Proposed ridge height of the structure is +17 feet taller as compared to the ridge of 14298 Lora Drive. Request to reduce interior wall heights on 1st and 2nd floor. Recommendation to reduce to 3:12 roof pitch. 2.RedXce HeLghW Rf FLQLVhed FORRU EOeYaWLRQV: Proposed plan illustrates the finished floor height to be ~ 4¶ above existing grade on the south side of the property. TRSLc 3: - EQVXUe PULYac\ fURP PURSRVed SecRQd SWRU\ The proposed second story¶s south facing windows and rear balcony provide unobstructed visibility into our complete backyard and inside portions of our home. SSecLfLc ReTXeVWV 1.Install Full Height Privacy Screen on North Facing side of Balcony 2.Remove Bedroom Window or Raise windows sills above 6 feet. 3.Raise the window sill to 5 feet and install privacy glass on the window above the bathtub. 4.Install privacy glass on both front upstairs bathrooms. TRSLc 4: EQVXUe PRVLWLYe DUaLQage Rf RaLQ RXQRff Runoff rainwater has proven to be a significant problem with our neighborhood. I would like to ensure that the property at 14300 maintains positive drainage throughout and after the project is completed. SSecLfLc ReTXeVW 1.Ensure final elevations are conducive to managing 100% rainwater runoff to street. 2.Do not add another 2x12 to the fence to retain additional soil as one 2X12 already exists. EXHIBIT 9 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK APPENDIX PURSRVHG HOHYaWLRQV aUH H[cHVVLYH. RLGJH KHLJKW 17+¶ WaOOHU WKaQ P\ KRXVH. PURSRVHG VWUXcWXUH¶V ZaOO KHLJKW, VHW aW 25¶, LV 10¶+ KLJKHU WKaQ P\ 14¶ OaQGVcaSLQJ. 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK TOPIC 1: CRUUHcWLRQ RI NRQ-PHUPLWWHG GUaGLQJ - TR RHGXcH SWUXcWXUH HHLJKW This photo illustrates significant addition of soil to the South property line. Image from day of fill dirt installation. Demonstrates original grade at location of structure. ThLV ShRWR LOOXVWUaWeV WhaW FLOO DLUW ZaV XVed WR LQcUeaVe Whe eOeYaWLRQ Rf Whe SRXWh SURSeUW\ OLQe. 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK TOPIC 2: RHGXcH OYHUaOO HHLJKW RI PURSRVHG SWUXcWXUH TheVe ShRWRV LOOXVWUaWe hRZ fLOO dLUW ZaV bURXghW LQ WR LQcUeaVe eOeYaWLRQ XS WR 3.5 feeW. ReTXeVW WR RedXced HeLghW Rf SWUXcWXUe RYeUaOO heLghW b\ 4+ feeW. Proposed structure's ridge height is over 17¶ taller than the adjacent ridge of 14298 property. Proposed plans illustrate the building¶s foundation will be built upon Fill Dirt. 1.Reduce Finished floor by 2 Feet by grading/ removing non-permitted installation of Fill Dirt. Ensure fill dirt is removed and foundation is installed into solid ground. ReTXeVW WR RedXce HeLghW Rf SWUXcWXUe WhURXgh aSSURSULaWe gUadLQg Ɣ Remove Fill Dirt for suitable foundation integrity. Ɣ Proposed FF Height would be 3¶10” above the existing grade at the North side of Property. Storyboard poles are set at 25 feet, on the North side with current FF height. ●Example illustrates foundation elevations can be reduced while still maintaining positive drainage. 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK TRSLc 2 CRQWLQXHG: RHGXcH OYHUaOO HHLJKW RI PURSRVHG SWUXcWXUH ReTXeVW WR RedXce HeLghW Rf SWUXcWXUe WhURXgh PRdLfLcaWLRQ Rf ceLOLQg aQd URRf SLWch heLghWV. OYHUYLHZ FLOO DLUW GUaGLQJ / RHTXHVW WR RHPRYH FLOO UQGHU NHZ SWUXcWXUHV 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK TRSLc 3: - EQVXUH PULYac\ IURP PURSRVHG SHcRQG SWRU\ Request to Maintain Privac\ The windows on the N. and NW corner of the proposed building have direct visibility into our home and to our private backyard. Request to preserve privacy for a future swimming pool installation. Proposed tree species screening is at least 7-10 years away. Implement the following requests: 5.Install Full Height Privacy Screen on North Facing side of Balcony 6.Remove Bedroom Window or Raise windows sills above 6 feet. 7.Raise the window sill to 6 feet & install privacy glass on the window above the bathtub. 8.Install privacy glass on both Front upstairs bathrooms. 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK TRSLc 4: EQVXUH PRVLWLYH DUaLQaJH RI RaLQ RXQRII E[LVWLQg UaLQ UXQ Rff cRQdLWLRQ LOOXVWUaWLQg SRVLWLYe dUaLQage LV cORVe WR VXffLcLeQW. IPage WR UePLQd XV Zh\ Ze OLYe LQ CaOLfRUQLa! :) ThaQN \RX fRU \RXU cRQVLdeUaWLRQ. 14300 LRUa DU. DeYeORSPeQW - NeLgKbRU OXWUeacK