Item 01 - 15600 & 15650 LG Blvd - Staff ReportTOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 26, 2015 PREPARED BY: Jennifer L. Savage, Senior Planner jsava ge@lo s ga to sc a .gov APPLICATION NO: Planned Development Application PD-11-005 Negative Declaration ND-11-007 ITEM NO: 1 LOCATION: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard (northeast comer of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road) APPLICANT: BOOS Development West CONTACT PERSON: Michael Mallard PROPERTY OWNER: Longs Drug Stores California, LLC APPLICATION SUMMARY: Requesting approval to change the zone from CH to CH:PD, to demolish existing commercial buildings ( 18,052 square feet), to construct new commercial buildings (28 ,763 square feet), and to operate a super drugs tore (CVS) with a drive through service window. No significant environmental impacts have bee n identified as a result of this project and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended. APN s 424-14-028 and 036. EXHIBITS: Previously received with the October 8, 2014 Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration dated September 2014 3. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (nine pages) 4 . Findings 5. June 9 and December 8, 2010 CDAC Minutes 6 . Response to CDAC Comments (six pages), received March 27 ,2014 7 . Letter of Justification (11 pages), received March 27,2014 8. Architectural Consultant Report (eight pages), received January 23 ,2012 9. Architectural Consultant Report (14 pages), received June 11,2013 I 0. Architectural Consultant Report (18 pages), received January 6 , 2014 11. Response to Architectural Recommendations (three pages), received March 27, 2014 12. Arborist Consulta nt Report (37 pages), received January 3, 2012 13. Arborist Consultant Report ( 14 pages), received August 2 1, Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 2 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 August 26, 2015 2013 14. Arborist Consultant Report (seven pages), received January 22 ,2014 15. Parking Analysis (101 pages), received on November 20, 2013 16. Parking Analysis Peer Review (three pages) 17. Public Comments received September 26, 2014 to October 2 , 2014, 11:00 a.m. (two pages) 18. Superseded Development Plans (18 pages), received February 22 ,2013 19. Superseded Development Plans (16 pages), received November 20, 2013 20. Planned Development Ordinance (28 pages) with Exhibit A Rezone Area (one page) and Exhibit B Development Plans (18 pages) Previously received with October 8, 2014 Desk Item: 21. Public Comments received October 2, 2014, 11:01 a.m. to October 8, 2014 11:00 a.m. (two pages) Previously received with the December 10,2014 StaffReport: 2l.b. Node Concept illustration (exhibit number was duplicated) 22. Applicant's Los Gatos Boulevard Plan Compliance Letter received on November 20, 2013 (six pages) 23. Email Summarizing Changes Based on Neighborhood Meeting (two pages), received December 2, 2014 24. Revised Development Plans Based on Neighborhood Meeting (four sheets), received December 2, 2014 Previously received with December 10 , 2014 Desk Item: 25. Supplemental Information Summarizing Changes Based on Neighborhood Meeting (six pages), received December 10, 2014 26. Public Comments received December 4, 2014 to December 10,2014, 11:00a.m. Previously received with the February 11, 2015 Staff Report: 27. Public Comments received 11 :01 a.m. December 10, 2014 to February 5, 2015, 11 :00 a.m . Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 3 15 600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PO-l 1-005/ND-11-007 August 26, 20 15 BACKGROUND: Received with the April 8, 2015 Staff Report: 28. Public Comments received 11:01 a.m. February 5, 2015 to 11 :00 a .m. April 2, 2015 Received with this Staff Report: 29. 2013 Initial Study and 2013 Mitigated Negative Declaration 30. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ( 10 pages) 3 1. Findings 32. Applicant's Design Revisions Memo (two pages), received July 28, 20 15 33. Arborist Consultant Tree Conditi on Report (II pages), received August 20, 2015 34. Public Comments received II :0 I a .m. April 2, 2015 to 11 :00 a.m. August 20, 2015 35. Vehicle Travel Paths (two pages), received August 2 1, 2015 36. Proposed Light Fixtures (one page), received August 2 1, 2015 37. Planned Development Ordinance (29 pages) with Exhibit A Rezone Area (one page) and Exhibit B Development Plans ( 19 sheets) On October 8, 2014, the Planning Commission opened and closed the public portion of the public hearing and continued the project to December 10, 2014. The project was continued to February 11 , 2015, April 8, 2015 , and May 27, 2015. On May 27, 2015 , the project was continued to a date uncertain. Since October 2014, the applicant worked to balance the site constraints, the Town requirements, and the direction from the Planning Commission and the public . On July 9, 2015, the applicant held a community meeting at which the applicant summarized the design changes with new renderings and revised plans, and answered questions from residents. The revised proposal includes locating the CVS building away from the comer, placing an open space element at the comer, and eliminating the request for a 24-hour operation. This report evaluates the revi sed proposal and notes where the revisions address comments from the Planning Commission and the public. Additional background information and a nalysis is available in previous staff reports. Planning Commi ss ion Staff Report -Page 4 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/N D-11-007 August 26, 20 15 PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION: A. Project Summary The app li cant is proposing to rezo ne the properties from C H to C H:PD. Thro ug h the PO application, the applicant is propo s in g to operate a super drugstore and proposing the fo ll owing construction : • Demoli sh the three existin g commercial buildings ; • Construct a 16,763-square foot co mmercial building for the su per drugstore; • Construct a 12 ,000-s quare foot commercial building for reta il , office, or restaurant use s ; • Construct associated parking and la nd s caping; and • Other site improvements. The primary commercial structure would co nt ain CVS and wo uld be 16 ,763 s quare feet (14 ,752 square feet o n the ground fl oor and 2 ,011 s quare feet in the mezz anine). The proposed height varies with the architectural a rticulation. The highe st po ints are 29 feet 9 inches and the lowest points a re 24 feet and 4 inches above finished grad e. The structure would be 65 feet six inches from the front property line (Los Gatos Boulevard), 58 feet from the side property lin e abutting th e s treet (Los Gatos Almade n Road), and 93 feet six inch es from the rear property lin e. A pharmacy dri ve-thru w indo w would be located at the northeast comer of the building. A tras h enclosure would be located at the north sid e of the building a nd the loading dock i s proposed at th e so utheast comer ofthe building. The secondary structure would be 12 ,000 square feet. The proposed he ight vari es w ith the ar c hitectural articu lation. The hi ghest points ar e 29 feet 9 inches and th e lowest points are 22 feet above fini shed grade. T he secondary structure would be located 13 feet s ix in ch es from the front property line (Los Gatos Boulevard), 96 feet six in c hes from the rear property line, a nd four feet fro m the s id e property lin e. Ma terials for both buildings would consist of cement plas ter, stone veneer , a luminum windows and doors , fabric awnings, a nd til e roofing . A co lor and material board wi ll be available at the public hearing. There are two ex is ting lo ts -one 1 02 ,282-square foot lot and one 19 ,372-square foot lo t. The applicant is propos ing a lot line adjustment which would reconfigure the lots and separate the two commercial buildings. The new lots would be approximatel y 78 ,076 squ ar e feet (CVS site ) a nd 43 ,548 squ ar e feet (secondary ret a il s ite). B. Planned Development Application The app l ication i s a reque st for a Pl a nn ed Development (PO) overlay. A PO a pp li cation i s Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 5 15600 and I 5650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 August 26, 2015 required because previous Town Council direction requires development applications for former auto dealership sites to be processed as a PD . The General Plan also encourages projects on sites larger than 40,000 square feet to be processed as a PD . Town Code states that the purpose of a PO is to provide for alternative uses and developments that are more consistent with site characteristics, to create an optimum quantity and use of open space, and to encourage good de sign . The Planning Commission shall make a recommendation for the PO application to the Town Council, who is the final deciding body. If the Council adopts the proposed PO ordinance (Exhibit 37), the next step is the Development Review Committee consideration of Architecture and Site applications for the new commercial buildings. It is possible that each Architecture and Site application would be processed at different times. ANALYSIS: A. Planned Development The Planned Development application incorporates the zone change, lot line adjustment, and drugstore operation. The Planned Development Ordinance defines the operation of the drugstore through the performance standards and, therefore, a separate CUP is not required. The PD does not define the operation of a restaurant; a CUP would be required for a future restaurant on the secondary retail site. B. Site Des ign The project is subject to the Town 's Commercial Design Guidelines (CDG), specifically the Los Gatos Boulevard Commercial Guidelines (pages 41-4 7). Although the Commercial Design Guidelines encourage buildings at comers, the primary commercial building was moved toward the center of the site to address concerns from the Planning Commission and the public. Other Planning Commission and public comments included direction to consider setbacks like Whole Foods, use significant landscaping to soften the parking lot, and to increase wall height between neighboring properties. The revised development plans include an entry plaza with benches and shade trees at the comer. The plans provide a differentiated pedestrian pathway with special paving from Los Gatos Almaden Road, the entry plaza, and Los Gatos Boulevard near the bus stop, and connecting the two commercial buildings. To provide a more pedestrian scale, the project should provide lower, larger awnings as previously recommended by the consulting architect (Performance Standard 6). The revised proposal complies with the Commercial Design Guidelines and address the Planning Commission and public comments in that: Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 6 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 August 26, 2015 • The project would provide a strong landscaped setback along the street edges with an entry plaza at the comer and varying vegetation heights along Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road; • Views to the surrounding hills would be maintained; • The applicant adapted their standard design to the unique desires of the Town of Los Gatos; • A 15-foot landscape buffer would be provided along the streets and include low hedges ; • The project provides defined building entries; and, • Special paving would be provided at project entries and at pedestrian pathways between the streets and building entries. C. Views Moving the primary commercial structure away from the comer of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road maintains the current hillside views. The existing views of the hillsides for motorists and pedestrians traveling southbound on Los Gatos Boulevard are partially screened by trees. New and remaining trees in the median and onsite would continue to partially screen views to the hillside. D. Architecture The Planned Development application was reviewed by the Town 's Consulting Architect (Exhibits 8, 9, and 1 0). The revised project addresses comments from the Planning Commission and the neighbors regarding architecture, and was not sent back to the consultant. These comments were: use materials and details like the surrounding buildings, consider the height of other buildings anywhere in Town or near the site, and install stone up to the roof for the entry element. The applicant explains how the proposed project has been revised in Exhibit 32. In response to comments from the July 9, 2015 community meeting the applicant also increased the height of the wall along the eastern property line to eight feet and added stone to the entire building entry elements. Based on the consultant's previous reviews , staff recommends the plans should be revised during the Architecture and Site application process to (Performance Standard 6): • Simplify and unify the facades along Los Gatos Boulevard (primary and secondary structures); • Provide larger awnings to emphasize the pedestrian scale; • Narrow the pilasters; Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 7 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 August 26,2015 • Add landscaping along the parking lot fa9ade for the secondary retail structure (add tree pockets, like the ones along the north side of the primary building, at the western most and ea stern most parking edges); and, • Decrease the space between the ground and the bottom of the awnings to create a more inviting pedestrian environment. E. Drive Through Through public comments and at the July 9, 2015 community meeting, some residents stated that they do not want a drive through service window. Other residents expressed that they see the benefit of the drive through window. Existing drive through windows in Town include Jack in the Box on Los Gatos Boulevard, Bank of the West on N. Santa Cruz A venue, and Peninou Cleaners on Highway 9. Each location experiences a different frequency of use. Neither the Town Code nor General Plan prohibits drive through service windows. The parking analysis (Exhibit 15) identifies the frequency of use of the drive through service window and the queueing length. The frequency varies depending on time and day of the week. The average number of vehicles per hour is six. Although six vehicles may arrive at the same time, vehicles are estimated to queue for two minutes. The average queue is estimated at two vehicles and the required queue length is 22 feet per vehicle. The project provides a queue length of 45 feet and, therefore, meets the queue requirement. F. Minute Clinic The proposal includes medical services provided by nurse practitioners and physicians assistants which the applicant calls a Minute Clinic. The Minute Clinic would encompass approximately 200 to 400 square feet of floor space in the primary commercial building. The Minute Clinic services consist of walk-in minor care such as flu vaccines, treatments for ear infections and sprains, and routine lab tests. No emergency medical services are allowed. G. Parking and Parking Exception Request The retail parking requirement for the subject site is one space for every 235 square feet of retail space. Pursuant to Town Code, 122 parking spaces would be required for the total 28 ,763 square feet. The applicant is proposing 127 parking spaces. Therefore, the proposal would meet the parking requirement. The secondary retail building could also be used for office which requires one parking space for 250 square feet. The project would meet parking requirements if the secondary building were used for office or a combination of office and retail. Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 8 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 Augu st 26, 2015 The applicant is considering a restaurant in the second building as evidenced in the applicant's letter of justification (Exhibit 7) but tenants are not yet dete rmined. The applicant is requesting an exception for parking in the event that they are able to secure a l 08-seat restaurant. Without the exception, a maximum of 54 seats would be permitted in a 3,600-square foot tenant space. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) would be required for a future I 08-seat restaurant but the s ubject Planned Development could allow a parking exception. The applicant submitted a parking analysis (Exhibit 15) and the Town's traffic consultant reviewed the parking ana l ysis (Exhibit 16). The traffic consultant concurred with the parking analysis that, based o n the Urban Land Institute shared parking methodology, the proposed number of parking s paces (127) would meet the peak period parking demand of 123 spaces (Town Municipal Code parking space requirement minus the shared parking reduction, refer to Exhibit 16). If the Planning Commission supports a restaurant use in the secondary retail bui lding, staff recommends the Commission recommend approval of the parking exception. H. Traffic The project would result in an increase of 2,174 average daily trip s (ADT). A Traffic Report was prepared. A traffic impact mitigation fee and street improvements are required. Street improvements would consist of the addition of a second left-tum lane tra ve ling so uthbound on Los Gatos Boulevard, re-striping Peach Blossom Lane to provide separate northbound left and right tum lanes, and re-striping on Los Gatos Almaden Road to provide an eastbound left-tum pocket into th e property. Sheet DR-5.3 of Exhibit B of Exhibit 37 contains the conceptual off-site improvement plan. Performance standards require additiona l upgrades and a detailed off-site improvement plan approved b y the Town Engineer. Two so uthbound left-tum lanes are required on Los Gatos Boulevard to s horten the green light time for these left turns. A shorter green light time allows more time for through movement for northbound traffic on Los Gatos Boulevard which reduces congestion. One of the left-tum lanes trav eling southbound on Los Gatos Boulevard to Lo s Gatos A lmaden Road would merge with vehicles traveling northbound on Los Gatos Boulevard and turning right onto Los Gatos Almaden Road. This does not present a safety ha za rd because northbound, right-tum traffic must yield to southbound, left-tum traffic. The applicant will be required to maintain the existing yield s ign and add yield striping (Performance Standard 76). Signage indicating the need to merge will also be required (Performance Standard 76). At the community meeting, resid ent s asked how deliver trucks and drive thro ugh customers would travel to and from the site. The applicants provided exhibits to illustrate th e travel paths (Exhibit 35). Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 9 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 August 26, 2015 I. Bicycle Lanes The Planning Commission identified concerns regarding bicycle traffic traveling westbound on Los Gatos Almaden Road. The current bicycle lane along Los Gatos Almaden Road terminates before the Los Gatos Almaden Road and Los Gatos Boulevard intersection. In addition, signage directs bicycles to the bike route at Cherry Blossom Lane. The project would maintain the bike lane on Los Gatos Almaden Road as it currently exists. Along Los Gatos Boulevard, the applicant is required, as part of Performance Standard 76, to maintain the bike lane. Bicyclists traveling westbound on Los Gatos Almaden Road must use the right tum vehicle lane to tum right onto Los Gatos Boulevard. A sharrow will be provided to indicate visually indicate bicycles will use the vehicle lane to tum right. J. Trees The revised project would result in the removal of 13 trees (five magnolias, five coast live oaks, one green wattle, one flowering pear, and one Mexican fan palm). Based on the Consulting Arborist 's updated assessment (Exhibit 33), the condition of these trees range from poor to fair/good. The applicant is proposing to retain nine magnolias along Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road. These trees have fair/good , fair, and fair/poor preservation suitability. The consultant recommends not retaining the magnolias with fair/poor preservation suitability (trees # 15 and # 16). If the updated recommendation is followed , the applicant would retain seven magnolias and remove a total of 15 trees. The applicant will be required to plant replacement trees onsite pursuant to Town Code. The applicant's current proposal shows low water plants around the high water requirement magnolias. If the deciding body finds merit to require the magnolias to be retained, a requirement to design landscaping around the magnolias with appropriate water need levels is recommended (Performance Standard 17). K. Lighting The applicant is proposing to turn the parking lot lights off b y 10:00 p.m. and the lights will be limited to 15 feet in height. The applicant provided a photometric plan showing where proposed project lighting will and will not fall (Sheet DR-6.2 , Exhibit B of Exhibit 3 7). The public at the community meeting requested that the parking lot lights match those of the development at the former Swanson Ford site. The applicant is amenable to modifying Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 10 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/N D-11-007 August 26, 2015 the lights. The proposed modification consists of dark, traditional s tyle light fixtures (Exhibit 36) and will be incorporated into plans provided to the Town Council. L. Phas ing Staff included a performance standard that would requtre the applicant to provide landscaping and other attractive low maintenance improvements , and security and maintenance of any undeveloped land, if the applicant/developer elects to build the project in phases. M. CEQA Determination Two Initial Studies and Mitigated Negative Declarations were prepared -one in August 20 13 (Exhibit 29) and one in September 2014 (Exhibit 2). The more restricti ve miti gations from each are recommended and li sted below . The Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS /MND), dated September 2014, were provided with the October 8, 2014 staff report (Exhibit 2). The September 2014 IS /MND evaluated the project with the primary building at the comer. An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), dated August 2013, evaluated the project with the primary building towards the center of th e site (Exhibit 29). Between the two IS /MNDs, the following topics were identified and require mitigation: • Air Quality -The miti gatio n measure addresses dust and criteria pollutant emissions control measures recommended b y the Bay Area Air Quality Management Di stri ct. • Geology and Soils -The mitigation meas ure addresses the project 's so il impacts. • Greenhouse Gases -The mitigation meas ure addresses sustainable design feature s to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. • Hazard s and Haza rdous M aterial s -The mitigation meas ures include recommendations to test for and, if necessary, provide protection for hazardous building material abatement, soil contamination analysis , and hazardou s m aterials testing and disposal management. • Noise and Vibration -The mitigation measures address noise impacts from trash dumpsters and construction. Mitigation measures from both versions are included as performance standards (Exhibit 37) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program was prepared (Exhibit 30). The comment period for the fir st Mitigated Negative Declaration began on September l 0, 20 13 and ended on September 30, 20 13 . T he comment period began on September 18 , 2014 and ended on October 7, 2 014 for the seco nd document. Planning Commission StaffReport-Page 11 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11-005/ND-11-007 August 26, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENTS: The applicant mailed the July 9 , 2015 community meeting notice to property owners and occupants within 1,000 feet of the subject property. The notice for the August 26, 2015, Planning Commission meeting was mailed to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the subject property and posted in the newspaper. In addition, staff emailed a courtesy notice to a list of interested parties. The Town received public comments throughout the process for the subject application (Exhibit 17, 21 , 26, 27 , 28, and 34). SUMMARY AND R EC OMMENDATION: A. Summary The project would allow the redevelopment of a vacant auto dealership with two commercial buildings and the operation of a super drugstore with a drive thru pharmacy window. The project complies with the Commercial Design Guidelines, Los Gatos Boulevard Plan, Consulting Architect recommendations, and Conceptual Development Advisory Committee comments. The current proposed addresses the concerns and comments from the public and the Planning Commission. B. Recommendation Based on the summary above, staff recommends the Commission take the following actions to forward the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Planned Development application to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval: 1. Make the required findings (see Exhibit 31); 2 . Recommend that the Town Council make the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Exhibit 30); and , 3. Recommend that the Town Council adopt the Planned Development Ordinance (Exhibit 3 7) and approve the project as proposed. If the Commission has concerns with the application, it can: 1. Forward a recommendation for denial of the Planned Development Application to the Town Council; or 2. Forward a recommendation for approval of the Planned Development Application with modified performance standards to the Town Council; or 3. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction. Planning Commission StaffReport-Page 12 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-11 -005/N D-11-007 Augus t 26, 2015 Pre9 red by: 0 Jennifer L. Savage, AICP Senior Planner LRP:JLS:cg App~ ~, Laurel R . Prevetti Assistant Town Manager/Director of Community Development cc: Michael Mallard, BOOS Development We st, LLC , 711 4th Street, Davis, CA 95616 Architectural Dimensions, 300 Frank H. Ogawa P laza, Suite 375, Oakland, CA 94612 Longs Drugs Stores CA LLC , 1 CVS Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 N:\DEY \PC REPORTS\2 0 15\LGB 15600 & 15650_8.26 .15.d ocx