Approval of Draft Minutes July 8, 2015DRAFT MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8, 2015 The Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2015, at 7:00 PM. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Vice Chair Badame called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Mary Badame, Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Commissioner D. Michael Kane, Commissioner Tom O’Donnell, and Commissioner Joanne Talesfore. Absent: Chair Kendra Burch and Commissioner Charles Erekson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner O’Donnell led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 2015 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Kane to approve the meeting minutes of June 24, 2015. Seconded by Commissioner O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed 5-0. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Desk Item for Item 1. REQUESTED CONTINUANCES None. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS None. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (AUDIENCE) John Shepardson - Commented that the Town is effectively broke because it cannot afford to fix Almond Grove/Broadway streets, and noted that 42% of the Town’s budget is for the police department. The Town could save $100 million over 20 years if it went to the Sheriff’s Department, an idea that deserves a third-party review. CONSENT CALENDAR None. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS None. Page 2 of 3 Planning Commission Minutes July 8 2015 NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 17061 Wild Way Architecture and Site Application S-15-021 APN 424-30-087 Property Owner: Wild Way LLC Applicant: Tony Jeans Project Planner: Jennifer Savage Vice Chair Badame opened the public hearing. Jennifer Savage, Senior Planner, presented the Staff Report. Commission members asked questions of Staff. Tony Jeans - Commented that he has tried to take into account the views from the street and from the neighbors, in spite of the building constraints. There are many large homes in the area. Front setbacks less than the allowable amount are normal on the street, including the neighboring property. He needs the reduced front setback in order to preserve the large oak trees in back. Commission members asked questions of Mr. Jeans. Connie Sullivan - Commented that her home could have been easily impacted by the project, but it is not because of Mr. Jean’s design. They would see only a small portion of the house and their privacy is protected; mostly they see trees from their home. The home is well designed for the area and would improve property values. Mary Keith Osborn - Commented that she has lived on Wild Way for 75 years, an oak woodland with birds and wildlife, which has been disregarded. It is sad that the house will be built and flipped. She asks that the property remains as much in its current state as possible. Commission members asked questions of Ms. Osborn Mary Jelinek - Commented that she is speaking on behalf of Robert Herzig, who resides two homes from the proposed project and supports the project. The architect has worked with the neighbors and came up with a design that fits well on the property. He supports preserving the trees in back and noted that many homes on the street are built close to the street. Tony Jeans - Commented that he designed the windows facing both side neighbors to be small and high up. The footprint of both the current home and the proposed home are the same square footage, giving equal opportunity for landscaping. They plan to replant the property with native, drought tolerant plants. The tree to be removed has a root fungus and two arborists have declared it dangerous. Vice Chair Badame closed the public input portion of the hearing and returned to the Commission for deliberation. Commission members discussed the matter. Commission members asked questions of Staff. Page 3 of 3 Planning Commission Minutes July 8 2015 Vice Chair Badame reopened the public input portion of the hearing. Vice Chair Badame asked questions of Mr. Jeans. Vice Chair Badame closed the public input portion of the hearing and returned to the Commission for deliberation. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Talesfore to deny Architecture and Site Application S-15-021. Seconded by Commissioner Kane. VOTE: Motion passed 4-1, with Commissioner O’Donnell opposing. Planning Manager Joel Paulson cited the appeal rights. NEW OTHER BUSINESS 1. Report from Community Development Director, Laurel Prevetti • There are no development applications for the July 22, 2015 meeting agenda. Staff suggests that the Commission meet on that date for a workshop to learn how to read an EIR, discuss the analysis that goes into staff reports, and go through the new Planning Commission rules and procedures. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, July 8, 2015 ___________________________________________ Kendra Burch, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ATTEST: _____________________________ Joel Paulson Planning Manager