Item 05 - 26 Oak Hill Wy - Staff Report & Exhibits 1-8Planning Commission Staff Report-Page 2 26 Oak Hill Way/ S-16-032 June 22 , 2016 FINDINGS: CONSIDERATIONS: ACTION : EXHIBITS : BACKGROUND: • As required, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, this project is Categorically Exempt, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures . • As required by the Residential Design Guidelines that the project complies with the Residential Design Guidelines. • As required by Section 29.40.075 of the Town Code for granting approval to exceed the maximum FAR. • As required by Section IV.B o f the Redevelopment Plan for the Centr al Los Gatos Redevelopment Project that it meets the use set forth in the Town's General Plan. • As required by Section 29.10.265(3) of the Town Code for granting approval of reduced setbacks on a non-conforming lot. • As requir ed by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application. The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. 1. Location Map 2 . Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Project Data Sheet (one page) 5. Letter of Justification (one page), date May 10, 2016 6 . Arborist Report (28 pages), dated April 12 , 2016 7 . Architectural Consultant Report (four pages), dated April25, 2016 8 . Development Plans (eight pages), received June 3 , 2016 The property contains a single-family residence that was built in 1925. The Historic Preservation Committee approved the removal of the residence from the Historic Resources Inventory because the building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; no significant persons are associated with the site; there are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; and it does not yield information important to the Town's history. The property fronts Oak Hill Way and has vehicular access from Villa A venue. The lot is non- conforming since it does not meet the minimum lot area of 5,000 gross square feet. The net lot Planning Commission Staff Report-Page 3 26 Oak Hill Way/ S-16-032 June 22, 2016 size, and therefore the allowable FAR, is further reduced by the steep slope along the Oak Hill Way property line. In 2008 a previous owner submitted an application (now expired) for a technical demolition of the house and an addition of a second story on top of the existing structure. The proposal, which was never built, included a request for encroachment into the side yard setback and a floor area exceeding the maximum allowed by 272 square feet. The addition did not increase the footprint of the building but did significantly increase its height by placing the new floor area on top of the existing structure. The proposal was considered by the Planning Commission on March 25 , 2009, and approved as proposed. The Planning Commission discussion included comments that the redesign was consistent with the neighboring properties and added in a positive way to the evolution of the neighborhood. The proposal to exceed the floor area by 272 square feet was described by Commissioners as a way to clean up the architecture of the house while both improving quality of life for the residents and improving the neighborhood. The current project proposes additions that will be primarily on one side of the house, and will not result in a technical demolition nor affect the existing encroachment into the side setback. The proposal does include a new encroachment (a small entry porch) into the required rear setback (side of building facing away from Oak Hill Way). The request for reduced setbacks (as permitted for non-conforming lots) requires an Architecture and Site application. The proposal to exceed the maximum allowable floor area ratio by 267 square feet is a discretionary approval that is being referred to the Planning Commission. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The property is located at 26 Oak Hill Way on the north side of Oak Hill Way, approximately 260 feet southwest of Jackson Street (Exhibit 1 ). The adjacent properties contain single-family residences. B. Architecture and Site Approval The applicant is proposing an addition to the existing single-family residence. The addition will be primarily along one side of the existing house, but will also include expansion of an existing basement/cellar, an increase in building height from 14 feet to 16.5 feet , and a small new entry porch encroaching into the required rear setback. The siz e of the addition would result in a total floor area that exceeds the maximum allowed floor area by 267 square feet. Exhibit 4 provides general project data. The applicant also provided a letter of justification (Exhibit 5) for the proposed project. Planning Commission Staff Report-Page 4 26 Oak Hill Way/ S-16-032 June 22,2016 C. Zoning Compliance The proposed project complies with the height limitations and structure coverage limitations, but would maintain the existing non-conforming parking. The zoning permits a single-family dwelling. ANALYSIS: A. Mass and Scale The neighborhood is a mix of one-and two-story homes. Staff and the Town's Consulting Architect have determined that the design and the mass and scale of the proposed project i s compatible with the immediate neighborhood (Exhibit 7). B. Floor Area Ratio Based on Town and County records, the surrounding residences range in size from 576 square feet to 4,227 square feet. The floor area ratios (FAR) range from 0.05 FAR to 0.43 FAR. The applicant is proposing a residence of 1,534 square feet on a 4,094 square foot parcel (0.37 FAR). The Neighborhood Analysis table below reflects current conditions, although it does not account for reductions in net square feet resulting from slopes greater than ten percent. House & Lot House ADDRESS House Garage Garage size FAR Stories 172 Villa Ave 576 0 576 3224 0.18 1 174 Villa Ave 1548 264 1812 3224 0.38 1 176 Villa Ave 1270 26I I 53 I 3330 0.38 2 180 Villa Ave 3680 0 3680 12210 0.30 1 14 Oak Hill Wy 576 0 576 2952 0.20 I I8 Oak Hill Wy 780 560 I340 4070 0.19 I 38 Oak Hill Wy 2395 0 2395 12322 0.19 2 19 Grove St 4227 683 49IO 9900 0.43 2 25 Grove St 1632 480 2112 12480 0.13 2 2I Oak Hill Wy I442 500 I942 278I6 0.05 2 15 Oak Hill Wy 2067 400 2467 25000 0.08 2 26 Oak Hill Wy (N) 1534 0 1534 4094 0.37 2 26 Oak Hill Wy (E) 1089 0 I089 4094 0.27 I At I ,534 square feet , the project would create a residence that is 267 square feet over the maximum allowable floor area. The immediate neighborhood is unique with its wide range Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 5 26 Oak Hill Way/ S-16-032 June 22,2016 oflot sizes and house sizes. 'Immediate Neighborhood' is generally the two properties on each side of the subject property and the five properties across the street as shown in the Town's Residential Design Guidelines. At an FAR of0.37, the project would create the third largest FAR in the immediate neighborhood. However, the proposal is within the range of existing residences in terms of square footage . The subject parcel is one of the more modest size lots and the proposal is not out of character with the immediate neighborhood in terms of square footage. C. Architectural Consultant Review The project was reviewed by the Town's Architectural Consultant twice. The second review (Exhibit 7) describes his initial concerns and the applicant's response to them. His five initial concerns were: 1. The design of the gable returns was more typical of Classical or Colonial Revival architectural styles , and was out of place with the home 's otherwise simple forms and details. 2. The porch roof and gable element were very awkward, with squat proportions, and the details of the eaves and columns were inappropriate to the simplicity of the house. 3. The use of sliding windows gave the home more of a subdivision builder look than is typical for homes in Los Gatos. 4. There was an attempt to create the impression of a bay projection at the front second floor bedroom by adding a gable end and vertical and horizontal trim boards, but there was almost no change of wall plane at this location. 5. The proposed faux shutters were too narrow , and not consistent with Res idential Design Guideline 3.7.2. The applicant has modified the plans to comply with the recommendations to the satisfaction of the Town's Architectural Consultant: 1. The entry porch has been simplified and modified with an increased roof pitch, simplified gable returns, and columns more appropriate to the scale and character of the house. 2. The faux projecting bay at the second floor bedroom ha s been removed to simplify the design. 3. Casement windows have been used throughout and solid wood jambs have been added between grouped windows. 4. The shutters which were originally too small have been eliminated to simplify the design . Therefore, a ll the Town 's Co nsulting Architect's recommendations hav e been addressed. Planning Commission Staff Report-Page 6 26 Oak Hill Way/ S-16-032 June 22, 2016 D. Reduced Setbacks Most of the proposed addition will meet the required setbacks with one exception. The applicant is proposing to construct a new entry porch which would have posts located in the required rear setback. The new posts will be 15 feet from the rear property line (property line closest to Villa Avenue) on a portion of the house that already encroaches into the required 20 foot rear setback by two and a half feet. The non-conforming lot si ze allows the applicant to request reduced setbacks pursuant to Town Code Section 29.10.265 (3). The majority of the homes in the immediate neighborhood have non-conforming front, side and/or rear setbacks. E. Tree Impacts The Town's Consulting Arborist visited the site and prepared an assessment of the proposed project and its potential impacts on the trees on and near the site. Ten protected trees were tagged and evaluated in the report . None are proposed to be removed, and no significant damage is expected ifthe arborist's recommendations are incorporated into the building permit plans. The arborist's recommendations are included in the attached conditions of approval. F. CEQA Determination The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. PUBLIC COMMENTS : At this time, the Town has not received any public comments regarding the subject application. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: A. Summary Although the applicant is proposing to exceed the maximum floor area, the project would create a residence that is compatible with the immediate neighborhood in terms of square footage, setbacks, mass and scale, and design. 26 Oak Hill Way £XHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION -June 22, 2016 REQUIRED FINDINGS & CONSIDERATIONS FOR: 26 Oak Hill Way Architecture and Site Application S-16-032 Requesting approval to construct a new second story addition to an existing single-family residence and exceed the maximum allowed floor area on property zoned R-l:D. APN 529- 34-053. PROPERTY OWNER: Alexander Peysakhovich APPLICANT: Holly and Rich Hartman: Homtec FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: • The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Required Compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: • The project is in compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines for single-family homes not in hillside residential areas. Required findings for exceeding the maximum Floor Area Ratio: • As required by Section 29.40 .075 of the Town Code, the deciding body may allow a FAR in excess of the FAR derived by the formulas in subsections (b)(l), (2), and (3) above if it makes the following findings : ( 1) The design theme, sense of scale, exterior materials and details of the proposed project are consistent with the provisions of: a. Any applicable landmark and historic preservation overlay zone; and b. Any applicable specific plan; and c. The adopted residential development standards; and (2) The lot coverage, setbacks, and FAR of the proposed project is compatible with the development on surrounding lots. Required f'mding for the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area: • That the proposed project is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area (Section IV.B) in that the subject property is designated residential and the proposed use falls under residentail uses. EXHIBIT 2 CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations for granting approval of reduced setbacks on a nonconforming lot: • Pursuant with Section 29.20.265(3) of the Town Code for granting approval of a request to modify any rule of the zone, the approval may be granted by the terms of the architecture and site approval so that the building and its use will be compatible with the neighborhood. Required considerations in review of Architecture & Site applications: • As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project. N :\DEV\FI N DINGS\20 16\0AK GROVE 52.DOCX PLANNING COMMISSION-June 22, 2016 CONDIT IONS OF APPROVAL 26 Oak Hill Way Architecture and Site Application S-16-032 Requesting approval to construct a new second story addition to an existing single-family residence and to exceed the maximum allowable floor area on property zoned R-l:D. PROPERTY OWNER: Alexander Peysakhovich APPLICANT: Holly and Rich Hartman: Homtec Architecture TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans . Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. OUTDOOR LIGHTING : Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. The lighting plan shall be reviewed during building plan check. 4. GENERAL: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan, and must remain on the site. 5. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 6. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations made by Walter Levison, identified in the Arborist 's report dated April 12 , 2016, on file in the Community Development Department. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the recommendations have or will be addressed. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans, and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 7. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Refer to tree fencing requirements and other protection measures identified in the Arborist Reports prepared by Walter Levison dated April 12, 2016 , on file in the Community Development Department. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. 8. SALVAGE OF BUILDING MATERIALS : Prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, the developer shall provide the Community Development Director with written notice of the company that will be recycling the building materials . All wood, metal , glass, and aluminum materials generated from the demolished structure shall be deposited to a company which will recycle the materials. Receipts from the company(s) accepting these EXHIBIT 3 materials, noting the type and weight of materials, shall be submitted to the Town prior to the Town's demolition inspection. 9. STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 10. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 11. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 12 . PERMITS REQUIRED: A Building Permit shall be required for the demolition of portions of the existing single family residence and construction of new single family residence alterations and additions to the existing single family residence. Separate permits are required for electrical , mechanical , and plumbing work as necessary. 13 . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue-lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 14. SIZE OF PLANS: Four sets of construction plans, minimum size 24" x 36", maximum size 30" X 42 ". 15. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report , Geotechnical Investigation, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared b y a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. As an alternate, the necessary foundation el ements can be designed by a licensed Engineer to the minimum requirements of Chapter 4 ofthe 2013 California Residential Code. 16. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined, i.e. directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 17 . BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025 . Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12-inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 18 . TOWN FIREPLACE STANDARDS: New wood burning fireplaces shall be an EPA Phase II approved appliance as per Town Ordinance 1905. Tree limbs shall be cut within 10-feet of Chimney. 19. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: The project requires a Class A Roof assembly. 20. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS : When a special inspection is required by CB C Section 1704, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. The Town Special Inspection form must b e completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building 21. BLUE PRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara County Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (24x36) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at San Jose Blue Print for a fee or online at www .losgatosca. gov/building. 22. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development -Planning Division: Jennifer Armer at (408) 399-5706 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: Ryan Do at (408) 395-5340 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: ( 408) 3 78-401 0 d . West Valley Sanitation Di strict: (408) 378-2407 e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 23. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall b e kept clear of all job-related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and /or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued . The Developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the Developer's expense. 24. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 25. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT: All work in the public right-of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. It is the responsibility of the Applicant/Developer to obtain any necessary encroachment permits from affected agencies and private parties , including but no t limited to, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), AT&T, Comcast, Santa Clara Valley Water District, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Copies of any approvals or permits must be submitted to the Town Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to releasing any permit. 26. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Developer or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities , grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of work that went on without inspection. 27. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The Developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of the Developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways , signs , pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings , etc., shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better th an the original condition. Any new concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti , etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. The Developer shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 28. STREET/SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitati ons on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public acce ss in a safe manner may be required. 29. SITE DESIGN MEASURES : All projects shall incorporate at least one or more of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use permeable pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 30. SITE DRAINAGE : Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. Any storm drain inlets (public or private) directly connected to public storm system shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate "NO DUMPING-Flows to Bay" NPDES required language. On-site drainage system s for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels , directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. If dry wells are to be used they shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) fee t from the adjacent property line and/or right-of-way. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 31. CONSTRUCTION STREET PARKING : No vehicle having a manufacture's rated gross vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (I 0 ,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on the portion of a street which abuts property in a residential zone without prior to approval from the Town Engineer. 32. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on-or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Developer shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off of the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Developer/Owner to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 33. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays , construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 34. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN: Prior to the issuance of any permits, the Applicant shall submit a construction management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum employee parking, materials storage area, concrete washout, and proposed outhouse locations . 35 . DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m . and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty-five (25) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 36. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 37. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town 's storm drains. 38 . GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The storing of goods and /or materials on the sidewalk and /or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued. The Developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Developer's expense. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\20 16\0ak Hill26.docx 26 Oak Hill Way PROJECT DATA EXISTING I• PROPOSED II REQUIRED/ CONDITIONS PROJECT PERMmED Zoning district R-10 same - Land use ?f'~ .o5'f{Z-- Lot size: • Square feet/acres A-o'\...\-5,000 sq . ft . min. Exterior materials: • siding WCO\:> ~~'~ \!.-~' ~ - • trim ~\C.\~ CLH .. \u~Y..o ~~~" 1--' - • windows K\~'D D u.kl.-f ~ ~~ - • roofing oof\f coMf' - 1'1 Building floor area: -~~ • first floor V()(l..)~~ ?'\o '?"Je;, - • second floor t-\~ \ ~ Cc>'\ct llq(p - • garage ~~~ .,..------ • cellar '2-'?~ rS'Ob - Setbacks (ft.): • front lll-~\\ ~l 15 feet minimum • rear \1'-~ l~-~ 20 feet minimum • side ~ ; tt.a~-5" l (. £;l 5 feet minimum '2-'"'I • side street ...--~ 10 feet minimum Maximum height (ft.) 30 feet maximum Floor Area Ratio (%) • house lOef\ ~ 1J.t; ,c;% l~~ ~ ">1.~'70 \'2-CP~~. ft. maximum • garage / ----sq. ft. maximum Parking "'2-1-two spaces minimum Sewer or Septic '?~~~~ "5~1J.)~~ - Grading (cu. yds.) • house 1-~D • driveway () - • landscape area 0 - N:\DEWENNIFER SIPROJECT DATA SHE ETS\R-1 D.DOCX £XH1BIT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank To Whom it May Concern We are Alexander and Lana Peysakhovich, the owners of the property at 26 Oak Hill Way, Los Gatos, CA. When we moved to our house in 2014 our family consisted of 2 adults and a 7 year old girl. We quickly fell in love with the downtown and the vibrant Los Gatos community and decided to settle down here and expand our family. 1 year later we had a wonderful baby boy. Our current house is only 1080 sq. ft and has only 2 bedrooms. It became too small for our family of 4 with 2 growing kids. That is why we decided to expand our house by adding a third bedroom and a bathroom to accommodate our children. Our current house is a split level where our bedroom is above our daughter's room. We feel it's unsafe to have her sleep so far from us. In addition, her room is partially below ground and requires extra heating . That is why our new design proposes to bring all bedrooms on the same level with Master bedroom. This will ensure a better floorplan, safer living conditions, and will make the house greener and more energy efficient. Under the new design we propose to move the rear wall of the house to comply with the required setback, However, we would like to keep existing entryway and put a roof gable above it for structural aesthetic. Our property is 90 years old and has only I 080 sq ft with 2 bedrooms and I 112 baths. The current allowed square footage under the FAR is 1267 sq ft, which only allows us to add 187 sq ft to the existing house . The new house plan we are proposing is just 1534 sq ft, which is only 267 sq ft above the FAR. The total size of of existing house and the proposed new addition is similar or even smaller than most houses on Villa Ave and Oak Hill Way. The project will keep the current use of the home as a single family residence. We also made sure the addition to the house is comparable with the developments on surrounding lots. At thi s time, all r esidential standards for development in the Town have been applied to the design of th e addition and remodel and have been reviewed and approved by the Town's consulting Architect. This includes keeping the style of the house, matching exterior materials and smoothly integrating the new design into its surroundings. The new plan will bring our 90 year old house up to the modern codes and standards . We want to upgrade existing house to improve our current conditions and are asking to approve the extra 267 sq ft above FAR for a total of 1534 sq ft of li ving space , which will allow us to comfortably accommodate our growing family. Thank you. Lana & Alexander Peysakhovich 10 May 20I6 EXHIBIT 5 This Page Intentionally Lefi Blank ~J)J ~~!~~~N~~~i;~R I~ ~}A ... __ ... _. ................. .... ........... -..... -_, ... .. ASCA Registered Co nsu ltin g Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qua lified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3 172 cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net tr1 I Assessment of Protected -Size Trees at 26 Oak Hill Way Los Gatos, California Prepared for : Ms _ Jennifer Armer, Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Field Visit: Walter Levison, Contract Town Arborist (CTA) 3/4/2016 Report by CT A Version : 4/12/2016 en Site Add ress : 26 Oak Hilt Way, Los Gatos. CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of th e International Society of Arboriculture © Walter Le vison 2015 All Rights Re served 1 of28 EXHIBIT 6 Version: 4/12/20 16 ~Jb Walter Levison r CO NSULTING ARBORIST ~~ ·-· ... ~ ... w-.. -.... --~··· ··-· .. ___ ... ASCA Reg istered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell (415) 20 3-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net Table of Contents 1.0 Summary 3 2.0 Assignment & Background 5 3.0 Tree Location & Protection Fence Map 6 4.0 Town of Los Gatos-What Trees are Protected? 7 5.0 Recommendations 8 6.0 Tree Protection and Maintenance Directions per Town Code 13 7.0 Tree Replacement Standards-Los Gatos T own Code 16 8.0 Author's Qualifications 19 9 .0 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions 20 10.0 Certification 21 11.0 Digital Images 21 12.0 Tree Data 25 Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way, Los Gatos, CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture ft"t W::~lt,:.r t ~\Actnn ?01 ~ AU Riohts Reserved 2-of28 Version: 4 /12/2016 ~J)J ~~!~~,r,N ~;~,,i,;;~~ J~ .. _ ............ , ... ~ ..... ·-···· .... ---· .. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net 1.0 Summary 1. Protected-size trees (non-exempt species, 4 inches diameter at 4.5 feet above grade). No trees are proposed by applicant to be removed. The following information is for documentation purposes in the case that a tree is damaged due to site plan-related work activity: Line Number Tree Tag Number Common Name Appraised Value Replacement Rate Per Replacement Size Tree Canopy Lost 1 1 California valley oak $7,000 . 4 24" box 2 2 Coast live oak $9,500 . 4 24" box 3 3 Coast live oak $16,900 . 6 24" box 4 4 Coast redwood $7,700. 3 24" box 5 5 Coast live oak $2,100 . 3 24" box 6 6 Coast redwood $6,600 . 3 24" box 7 7 Coast redwood $9,300. 3 24" box 8 8 Coast redwood $11 ,000. 3 24" box 9 9 Coast redwood $18,500 . 4 24" box 10 10 Coast redwood $30,800. 4 24" box ------- 2. Protected-size trees that may be significantly impacted by site plan-related work as currently proposed: None of the ten (1 0) survey trees are expected to be significantly damaged if chain link root zone protection fencing is erected per "option 1" in the Town Arborist's tree location and protection map in this report, except possibly coast redwood #4 (see below). Option 1 (the preferred option) fencing would fence off the rear yard completely, east to west, such that no access would be available for contractors to ingress or egress from Oak Hill Way. This option protects site trees in the rear yard , including trees #1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 . Trees #6 through #1 0 in the front yard area would be fenced together in groupings. All work ingress/egress will occur from Villa Avenue only. Option 2 fencing would involve building separate enclosures around sections of root zone using an ind ividual fence perimeter for each tree. 3. Residential Addition vs . Redwood #4 : The only proposed work item shown on the applicant's set of plans that is expected to have any impact on a survey tree is the proposed new residential addition itself. The addition footprint encroaches to approximately 13 horizontal feet from the trunk edge of coast redwood #4, and other work shown as black line on sheet A1 , assumed to be retaining wall or other similar type work, appears to encroach to with i n approximately 9 horizontal feet north of the trunk edge of redwood #4 (see Town Arborist's tree map markup in this report). It is suggested that planning Staff verify with the applicant as to the nature of the item shown as bold line new work at 9 feet north of redwood #4 on the proposed site plan. Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way, Los Gatos, CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture © Walter Levison 2015 Al l Rights Reserved 3of28 Version: 4/1212016 ~))J ~~!~~f.N H~ig~~ M\ ·--.-.. ~ ......... ··-......... __ ... A S CA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /ISA Tree Risk Assessm e nt Qualified /I SA Certified A rbori s t #WC-3172 cell (4 15) 20 3-0990 I d rt ree@sbcglobal.net 4. Landscape and Irrigation Plans: It is the Town Arborist's understanding that no new landscaping or irrigation is proposed for this site . 5. Utilities : It is the Town Arborist's understanding that no new utility trenching is to occur at this site . 6. Grading and Drainage: It is the Town Arborist's understanding that no new drainage pipe trenching will be required at this site , other than possib ly the east-west orie nted item shown on sheet A 1 at 9 feet north of the trunk of redwood #4. 7. Asphalt Driveways and Parking : The applicant's submittal set of plans does not show any proposed work to be performed re lated to renovations, demolition , rehab ilitat ion , or modification of any existing asphalt driveways or parking areas associated with this proj ect. Therefore, the Town Arborist will assume that for the purposes of this tree impact analys is, there are no parking area or road-related work items proposed th at cou ld negatively impact t he te n site tr ees and neighbor-owned survey trees described in this report. Tree Risk: If modifications to the parking area and /or driveways are proposed , then redwoods #6, 7, 8, 9, and #1 0 will be threatened with potentially se vere root loss and root damage that could increase TRAQ risk rating of tree failure and impact to ""High " in relatio n to persons and residential p roperties w ithin 1 00 or more horizontal feet of each of those tree specimens. 8 . Machinery Travel vs . Neighbor Trees: It is possible that movement of machinery or vehicles ingressin g or egress ing the site may physically hit the above ground portions of trees #9 or #10 . However, it may be problematic to set up protection for these neighbor trees as they are located offset from the proj ect site . If the neighbors are amenable to installation of trunk padding as a protection measure to guard against mach inery impacts to the ir t rees, then the CT A would advise that trunk padding be installed on redwoods #9 and #1 0. 9. Security Bonding : The newest iteration (2015) of the Town tree ordinance section 29 .10.1000 (c)3 includes wordage that requires that all trees being retained on a development site need to be appraised for dollar value at the applican t's ex pense prior to bu ilding or grading permits being issued b y the Town . T he CTA included the applicant's arborist report appraisal data charts as a marked-up attachment to the end of t h is report, f or use by Town pla nning division Staff. Part 'f of this same tree ordinance section states that the Town may cond it ion a security bond prior to issuance of a permit, in the su m of $5 ,000 per each tree being preserved, or $25,000, whichever is less . The ordinance does not contain wordage as to whether th is includes neigh bo r- owned trees adjacent to construction . Therefore, the CT A will assume that neighbor-ow ned trees are included as t rees "required to be prese rv ed ". Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way. Los G atos. CA Registered Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arbori cult ure ©Walter Lellison 201 5 All Rights Reserved 4 of 28 Vers ion: 4112/20 16 ~J)J ~~!~~~"~~~iz~Pr AS CA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certifi ed Arborist #WC-3172 4.0 Town of Los Gatos-What Trees are Protected? ~~ A .. , .... ~.,.,_._.,..-.,,. -"''·-··--··· cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.n et Per the 2015 iteration of the Town of Los Gatos tree ordinance (Town Code Chapter 29 -Zoning Regulations , Article 1 }, the following regulations apply to all trees within the Town 's jurisdiction (wordage adjusted): 1. All trees with at least a single mainstem measuring four (4) inches diameter or greater at 4 .5 feet above grade are cons idered "Protected Trees" when removal relates to any development review. 2 . 12 inch diameter (18 inch multistem total} trees on developed residential property not currently subject to development review. 3 . 8 inch diameter (8 inch multistem total) blue oak (Quercus douglasi1), black oak (Quercus kellogi1), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), and Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesi1) on developed residential lots not currently subject to development review. 4 . 8 inch diameter (8 inch multistem total) trees on developed residential property not currently subject to development review, on lots in the designated Hillside Area per the official Town map. 5 . All trees with a single mainstem or sum of multiple mainstems totaling 48 inches diameter or greater at 4 .5 feet above grade are considered "Large Protected Trees" (LPT). 6 . All oak species (Quercus spp.), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), and Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesi1) with one or more mainstems totaling 24 inches diameter or more at 4 .5 feet above grade are considered "Large Protected Trees" (LPT). 7 . Section 29.10.0965 . Prohibitions: A permit is required to prune, trim , cut off, or perform any work , on a single occasion or cumulatively, over a three- year period , affecting 25% or more of any Protected Tree (including below ground root system). 8. Section 29.10.0965 . Prohibitions: A permit is required to prune, trim , or cut any branch or root greater than four (4) inches in diameter of a Large Protected Tree. 9 . Section 29.10.0965 . Prohibitions: A permit is required to conduct severe pruning on any protected tree . Severe pruning is defined in section 29 .10 .0955 as "topping or removal of foliage or significant scaffold limbs or large diameter branches so as to cause permanent damage and/or disfigurement of a tree, and/or which does not meet specific pruning goals and objectives as set forth i n the current version of the International Society of Arboriculture Best Management Practices-Tree Pruning and ANSI A300-Part 1 Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management-Standard Practices, (Pruning)." 10. Exception s: Severe Pruning Exception in Town Code section 29 .10.101 0(3) " ..... except for pollarding of fruitless mulberry (Morus alba) or other species approved by the Town Arborist .... ". Protected Tree Exceptions: Site Address : 26 Oak Hill Way. Los Gatos. CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of th e International Society of Arboriculture © Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 7of28 Version: 4/12/2016 ~}~ ~~!t~~N~~~i~~~ ~\ ·--~ ..... ,..,.,.,,. . . ............ .., __ , ... . ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Ris k Assessment Qualified /I SA Certifi ed Arborist #WC-3172 cell ( 415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net a. Edible fruit or nut bearing trees less than 18 inches diameter (multistem total or single stem ) b. Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood acacia) less than 24 in ches (multistem total or single stem) c . Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip tree) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem ) d . Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) less than 24 inches (mu ltistem total or single stem) e. Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue gum) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) f . Eucalyptus camaldulensis (R iver red gum) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) g . Other eucalyptus species (E. spp.) not noted above , less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) (REMOVAL O .K. ONLY AT HILLSIDE AREA LOCATIONS PER OFFICIAL TOWN MAP): INWW .l osgatosca. gov/doc u mentce nter/vi ew/1 76 h. All palm species (except Phoenix canariensis) less than 24 inches (multistem total or s ingle stem ) i. Ligustrum lucidum (glossy privet) less than 24 inches (multistem total or single stem) 5.0 Recommendations 1. Project Arborist ("PA"): It is suggested that a third party ASCA registered consulting arborist or ISA Certified Arborist with good experience with tree protection during construction be retained by the applicant, to provide pre-project verification that tree protection and maintenance measures outlined in this section of the arborist report are adhered to . Periodic (e.g . monthly) inspections and summary reporting , if required as a project condition of approval , are suggested in order to verify contractor compliance with tree protection throughout the s ite plan project. This person will be referred to as the project arborist ("PA"). The PA should monitor soil moisture within the root protection zones of trees being retained , using a Lincoln soil moisture probe/meter or equivalent. If required , inspection reports shall be sent to Ms. Jennifer Armer, Associate Planner, at jarm er @losgatosca.gov Sample wordage for a condition of approval regarding monitoring of tree protection and tree cond ition : "The required protect ive fencing shall remain in place until final landscaping and inspection of the project. Project arbori st approval must be obtained and documented i n a monthly site activity report sent to the Town . A mandatory Monthly Tree Activity Report shall be sent at least once monthly to the Town planner associated with this project (j ar mer@losgatosca.gov ) beginning with the initial tree protection verification approval letter". 2. Special Project Arborist Monitoring : (None for this project). Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way. Los Gatos. CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture C> Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 8 of28 Version: 4/12/2016 ~))J ~~!~~r.N~~~i~~Pr ASCA Reg is tered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assess ment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 6.0 Tree Protection and Maintenance Directions per Town Code ·~ ~f)... ... _, .. , ...... , ............ . .. -.......... __ .... . cell (4 15) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net The following is excerpted directly from the 2015 iteration of the Town of Lo s Gatos tree ordinance sections which provide specific tree protect ion directions and limitations on root pruning and above-ground pruning: Sec. 29 .1 0.1000. New property development. (a) A tree su rvey sha ll be cond ucted prior to submittal of any development application proposing the remova l of or impact to one or more protected trees . Th e development application shall include a Tree Survey Plan a nd Tree Preserv ation Report based on this s urvey. The tree survey inventory numbers shall correspond to a numbered metal tag placed on each tree on site du r ing th e tree su rvey. The tree su rvey plan shall be prepared by a cert ifi ed or consulti ng arbo ri st , and shall include th e following information : (1) Locatio n of all existing trees on the property as described in section 29.1 0 .0995; (2) Identify all trees that could potentially be affected by t he project (directly or ind irectly-imm ed iately or in long te rm), such as ups lope grading or compaction outs ide of the dripline ; (3) Notation of all trees class ified as protected trees; (4) In add ition , fo r trees four (4) in ches in diameter or large r, th e plan sh all s pecify the precise location of the trunk and crown spread , and the species, size (diameter, height, c ro wn spread) and condition of th e tree . (b) The tree survey plan shall be reviewed by the Town 's consulting arborist who s hall , after making a field visit to th e propert y, indi ca te in writing or as shown on appro ved plans , which trees ar e recommended for preservation (based on a retention ratin g of high /mod erate/low) using, as a minimum , the Standards of Re view set forth in sect io n 29 .10 .0990 . This plan shall be m ade part of th e staff r eport to the Town r eviewin g body upon its cons ideration of th e application for new prop erty de ve lopment ; (c) When development impacts are within the dripline of or will affect any protected tree , th e app li cant shall pro vide a tree preserv ati on repo rt prepa re d by a certified or cons ultin g arbori st. T he report , based on the findings of th e tree su rvey plan and other relevant in formation , sha ll be u sed to determine the hea lth and structure of ex isting trees, the effects of the proposed development and vegetation removal upon the tre es, recommendations for specific precautions necessary for th eir pr eserv ation during all pha ses of development (demolition , grad ing , du ri ng construct ion, landscaping); and shall also indi cate wh ich trees are propo se d for r emova l. The tree prese rv ation report sha ll stip ul ate a required tree protection zone (TPZ) for trees to be retained , including str eet trees, protected trees and tre es whose canopies are hanging over the project site from adjacent properties . The TPZ sha ll be fenced as specified in sectio n 29.10.1005 : (1) The final approved tree preservation r eport sha ll be in clud ed in th e building permit se t of development plans and printed on a s heet titl ed: Tree Preserv ation In stru ctions (Sheet T -1 ). Sheet T -1 shall be referenced on all relevan t sheets (civil, demolition, util ity, landscape , irrigation) w here tree im pacts from improvements may be shown to occur ; (2) The Town reviewing body through its site and design plan review s hall endeavor to p rotect all tree s recommended for prese rvat ion by th e Town 's consu lti ng arb ori st. The T own r ev iewing body may determine if any of th e trees r ecommended for preservat ion s houl d be removed, if based upon t he evidence submitted th e reviewi ng body determines that due t o specia l site grading or other unusual cha r acteristics associated with the pr operty, th e preservation of the tree(s) would sig nifi cantly preclude feasible development of the property as described in section 29.1 0 .0990 ; Site Address: 26 Oak Hilt Way, Los Gatos, CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborist s and Member of t he International Society of Arboriculture ©Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 13of28 Version: 4/1212016 ~Jb Walter Levison r CO NSU L T I NG ARBORIST ~~ "::~.: :.:. .. r..:...:..:!. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 I ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net (3) Approva l of final site or landscape plans by the appropriate Town reviewing body shall comply with the following requirements and conditions of approval : a. The applicant shall, within ninety (90) days of final approval or prior to iss uance of a grading or build ing perm it, whichever occurs first, secure an appraisal of the condition and value of all trees included in the tree report affected by the development that are required to remain within the development using the Tree Value Standard methodology as set forth in this Chapter . The appraisal of each tree shall recognize the location of the tree in the proposed development. The appraisal shall be performed in accordance with the current edit io n of the Guide for Plant Appraisal published by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) and the Species and Group Classification Guide published by the Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture . The appraisal shall be performed at the applicant's expense, and the appraisal shall be subject to the Director's approval. b. The site or landscape plans shall indicate which trees are to be removed . However, the plans do not constitute approval to remove a tree until a separate permit is granted . The property owner or applicant shall obtain a protected tree removal permit, as outlined in section 29.10 .0980, for each tree to be removed to satisfy the purpose of this division. (d) Prior to acceptance of proposed development or subdivision improvements , the developer shall submit to the Director a final tree preservation report prepared by a certified or consulting arborist. This report shall consider all trees that were to rema in within the development. The report shall note the trees' health in relation to the initially reported condition of the trees and shall note any changes in the trees' numbers or physical conditions . The applicant will then be responsible for the loss of any tree not previously approved for removal. For protected trees , which were removed , the developer shall pay a penalty in the amount of the appraised val ue of such tree in addition to replacement requirements contained in section 29.10.0985 of th is Code . The applicant shall remain responsible for the health and surviva l of all trees within the development for a period of f ive (5) years following acceptance of the public improvements of the development or certificate of occupancy. (e) Prio r to issuance of any demolition, grading or bui ld ing permit, the appl icant or contractor shall submit to the Building Department a written statement and photographs verifying that the required tree protection fence is installed around street trees and protected tr ees in accordance with the tree preservation report. (f) If requ ired by the Director and cond itioned as part of a discretionary approval , a security guarantee shall be prov ide d to the Town . Prior to the issuance of any permit allowing construction to begin , the applicant shall post cash, bond or other security satisfactory to the Director, in the penal sum of fi ve thousand dollars ($5,000 .00) for each tree required to be preserved , or twenty-five thousand dollars ($25 ,000 .00), whichever is less . The ca sh, bond or other security shall be retained for a period of one (1) year following acceptance of the public improvements for the development and shall be forfeited in an amount equal to five thousand dollars ($5 ,000 .00) per tree as a civil penalty in the event that a tree or trees required to be preserved are remo ve d , destroyed or severely damaged . (g) An applicant with a proposed development which requires underground utilities shall avoid th e installation of said utilities within the dripline of existing trees whenever possible . In the event that this is unavoidable , all trenching shall be done using directional boring , air-spade excavation or by hand , taking extre me caution to avoid damage to the root structure . Work within the dripl ine of existing trees shall be supervised at all times by a certified or consu lt ing arborist. (h) It s hall be a violation of this division for any property owner or agent of the owner to fail to comply with any development approval condition co ncerning preservation, protection , and maintenance of any protected tree . (Ord . No . 2114 , §§ I, II , 8-4-03) Site Address: 26 Oak Hi ll W ay, Los Gatos, CA Reg istered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture e> Walter Levison 20 15 All Rights Reserved 14of28 Version: 4/12/2016 ~Jb Walter Levison r CONSULTING AA BOA IS T "~ s . . ~~t~;: ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net Sec. 29.10.1005. Protection of trees during construction . (a) Protective tree fencing shall specify the following: (1) Size and materials. Six (6) foot high chain link fencing , mounted on two-inc h diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the grou nd to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than 1 0-foot spacing . For pav ing area that will not be demol is hed and w hen stipulated in a tree preservation plan , posts may be supported by a co ncrete base . (2) Area type to be fenced . Type 1: Enclosure with chain lin k fen cing of eit her the entire dripl ine area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), whe n specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosu re for street trees located in a planter strip : cha in link fence around the ent ire planter strip to the outer branches. Type Ill: Protection fo r a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrap ped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch w it h 2-inch wooden boards bound securel y on the outside . Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. (3) Duration of Type I, II, Ill fencing . Fencing shall be erected before demolition , grading or construction permits are issued and rema in in place until the work is completed . Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arbo rist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence . (4) Warning sign . Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an 8 .5 x 11-inch s ign stating: 'Warning-Tree Protectio n Zone-this fence sha ll not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025". (b) All persons, shall comply with the following precautions : (1) Prior to the commencement of construction , install the fence at the dripl in e, or tree prote ct ion zone (TPZ) when specified in an appro ved arb orist report, around any tree and /or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and proh ibit any storage of construct ion materials or other materials, equipment cleaning , or park ing of vehicle s within the TPZ . The dripl ine shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction . (2) Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavatio n, grading , drainage and le vel ing within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director . (3) Prohib it disposal or depositing of oil , gasoline, chemicals or othe r harmful materials with in th e dripline of or in dra inage channels , swa les or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. (4) Prohibit the attachment of wires , signs or ropes to any protected tree. (5) Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outs ide of the dripline w hen feasible . (6) Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for per iodic monitor ing of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved . The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to t he health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site v is its . (7) The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occu rs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatmen t may be admin istered. (Ord. No. 2114, §§I, II , 8-4-03) Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way, Los Gatos. CA Registered Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Soci ety of Arboriculture @ Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 15of 28 Version: 4 /1212016 ~Jb Walter Levison r CO NS UL T ING ARBORIST ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /ISA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 Sec. 29.10.1010. Pruning and maintenance. 1\\ ~}A •;.··::. :.~: ... .r..;::"";:;:: cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net All pruning shall be in accordance with the current version of the International Society of Arboriculture Best Management Practices-Tree Pruning and ANSI A300-Part 1 Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management-Standard Practices, (Pruning) and any special conditions as determined by the Director. For developments , which require a tree preservation report , a certified or consulting arborist shall be in reasonable charge of all activities involving protected trees , including pruning , cabling and any other work if specified . (1) Any public utility installing or maintaining any overhead wires or underground pipes or conduits in the vicinity of a protected tree shall obtain permission from the Director before performing any work, including pruning , which may cause injury to a protected tree . (e.g. cable TV/fiber optic trenching, gas, water , sewer trench , etc.). (2) Pruning for clearance of utility lines and energized conductors shall be performed in compliance with the current version of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 (Part 1 )-Pruning , Section 5.9 Utility Pruning . Using spikes or gaffs when pruning , except where no other alternative is available, is prohibited. (3) No person shall prune, trim , cut off, or perform any work, on a single occasion or cumulatively, over a three-year period , affecting twenty-five percent or more of the crown of any protected tree without first obtaining a permit pursuant to this division except for pollarding of fruitless mulberry trees (Morus alba) or other species approved by the Town Arborist. Applications for a pruning permit shall in clude photographs indicating where pruning is proposed. (4) No person shall remove any Heritage tree or large protected tree branch or root through pruning or other method greater than four (4) inches in diameter (12.5 " in circumference) without first obtaining a permit pursuant to this division . (Ord. No . 2114, §§I , II, 8-4-03) 7.0 Tree Replacement Standards-Los Gatos Town Code (Excerpted from Town Code 29.10.0985 and 29.10.0987) (1) Two (2) or more replacement trees , of a species and size designated by the Director, s hall be pl ante d on the subject private property. Table 3-1 The Tree Canopy-Replacement Standard shall be used as a basis for this requirement. The person requesting the permit shall pay the cost of purchasing and planting the replacement trees . (2) If a tree or trees cannot be reasonably planted on the subject property, an in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by the Town Council by resolution sha ll be paid to the Town Tree Replacement Fund to : a. Add or repla ce tree s on public property in the vicinity of the subject property; or b. Add or replace trees or landscaping on other Town property; or c. Support th e Town 's urban forestry manageme nt program . (Ord. No . 2114, §§I, II , 8-4-03) Table 3-1 -Tree Canopy-Replacement Standard S ite Address : 26 Oak Hill W ay. Los Gatos. CA Registered Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arbon culture © Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 16of28 Version: 4112/2016 ~)~ ~~!t~~N~~.v.ig~~ .i~. ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net -------------------------------------------,--------------(~~~~-~-~--~;-;~-~-~-;~~------ i SFR) Canopy Size of Removed Tree 1 1 Replacement ----------------------'--------------~=-~~~~~~-~~~~---------i ! l 1 0 feet or less I Two 24 inch box trees ! __________________________________________________ j ____________________________________________________________ 1: More than 10 feet to 25 feet ~~~re~24 inc~ bo:~~~:~--- 1 Four 24 inch box trees; j l or Two 36 inch box l I I : Er~to0e~---m~~~~;:~-==J I Greater than 55 feet IT ~n 24 i_nch box trees : or 1 l J F1ve 36 1nch box trees i '------------' ________________________________________ ...) More than 25 feet to 40 feet Notes 1To measure an asymmetrical canopy of a tree , the widest measurement shall be used to determine canopy size. 20ften, it is not possible to replace a single large , older tree with an equivalent tree(s). In this case , the tre e may be replaced with a combination of both the Tree Canopy Replacement Standard and in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by Town Council resolution paid to the Town Tree Replacement Fund. 3Single Family Residential Replacement Option is available for developed single family residential lots under 10 ,000 sq u are feet that are not subject to the Town 's Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All 15-gallon trees must be planted on-site . Any in-lieu fees for sing le family residential sha ll be based on 24" box tree rates as adopted by Town Council. 4 Rep lacement Trees shall be approved by the Town Arborist and shall be of a species suited to the ava ilable planting location , proxim ity to structures , overhead clearances , soil type , compatibility with surrounding canopy and other relevant factors. Replacement with native species sha ll be strong ly encou raged. Replacement requirements in the Hillsides shall comply with the Hill side Developm ent Standards and Guidelines Appendix A and Section 29.10.0987 Special Provisions --Hillsides . Sec. 29.10.0987. Special Provisions-Hillsides Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way, Los Gatos. CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Art>oricullure @ Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 17 of28 Version: 4/121201 6 ~}~ ~~!~~~N~~~.i~~~ ~\ ........ _ ...... ,om~ ... -·•· ··--·"'---· ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 l iSA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified liSA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell ( 415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net The Town of Los Gatos recognizes its hillsides as an important natural resource and sensitive habitat which is also a key component of the Town's identity, character and charm . In order to maintain and encourage restoration of the hillside environment to its natural state , the Town has established the following special provisions for tree removal and rep lacement in the hillsides : (1) All protected trees located 30 or more feet from the primary residence that are removed shall be replaced with native trees listed in Appendix A Recommended Native Trees for Hillside Areas of the Town of Los Gatos Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G). (2) All protected trees located within 30 feet of the primary residence that are removed shall be replaced as follows : (a) If the removed tree is a native tree listed in Appendix A of the HDS&G , it shall only be replaced with a native tree listed in Appendix A of the HDS&G . (b) If the removed tree is not listed in Append ix A, it may be replaced with a tree listed in Appendix A , or replaced with another species of tree as approved by the Director. (c) Replacement trees listed in Appendix A may be planted anywhere on the property. (d) Replacement trees not listed in Appendix A may only be planted within 30 feet of the primary residence . (3) Replacement requirements shall comply with the requirements in Table 3-1 Tree Canopy Replacement Standard of this Code. (4) Property owners should be encouraged to retain dead or declining trees where they do not pose a safety or fire hazard, in order to foster wildlife habitat and the natural renewal of the hillside environment. Site Address: 26 Oak Hilt Wa y. Los Gatos. CA Registered Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Art>oriculture @ Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 18 of28 Version: 4 /12/2016 ~))J ~~!~~U:~~ig~~ ASCA Registered Co nsulti ng Arborist #40 1 l iSA Tree Ris k Assessment Qualified l iSA Certified A rbori st #WC-3172 8.0 Au t hor's Qualifications I~ ~}A ... _ ... 4 .. _. ............ ·--....... __ . cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcgloba l.net • Continued edu cation through The American Society of Con sulting Arborists , The Inte rn ational S oc iety of Arbori cu lture (W estern Chapter), and various governmental and non-governmental entities . • Contract Town Arborist, Town of Los Gatos, Cal ifornia Community Development Department I Planning Division 2015-present • Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (ISA TRAQ Course Graduate , Van couver, B.C ., Canada, and Pa lo Alto, Ca lifornia ) • Millbrae Community Preservation Comm ission (Tree Board) 2001-2006 • ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 • ASCA Arboriculture Consulting Academy graduate, class of 2000 • As soc iate Consulting Arborist Barrie D. Coate and Associates 4/99-8/99 • Contract City Arborist , City of Belmont, California Planning and Community Development Department 5/99-present • ISA Certified A r borist #WC-3172 • Peace Corps Soil and Water Conservation Extension Agent Chiangmai Province , Thailand 1991-1993 • B.A. Environmental Studies/Soil and Water Resources UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 1990 (My full curriculum vitae is available upon request ) Site Ad dress: 26 Oak Hill Way. Los Gatos. CA Registered Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the Intern ational Soci ety of Arboriculture @ W alter Le\'ison 2015 All Rights Reserved 19of28 Version: 4/12/2016 ~J)J Walter Levison CO NSULTING ARBORIST ,/J;\ ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 cell ( 415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net 9.0 Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant/appraiser is assumed to be correct. Any titles and ownership to any property are assumed to be good and marketable. No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character. Any and all property is appraised and evaluated as through free and clean, under responsible ownership and competent management. It is assumed that any property is not in violation of any applicable codes, ordinance , statutes , or other government regulation s. Care has been taken to obtain all information from reliable sources. All data has been ve rified insofar as possible: however, the consultant/appraiser can neither guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant/appraiser shall not be requ ired to give testimony or to attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in the fee schedu le and contract of engagement. Unless required by law otherwise. the possession of this report or a copy thereof does not imply right of publication or use for any other purpose by any other than the person to whom it is addressed , without the prior expressed written or verbal consent of the consultant/appraiser. Unless required by law otherwise, neither all nor any part of the contents of thi s report, nor copy thereof, shall be conveyed by anyone, including the client. to the public through advertising , public relations, news, sales , or other media , without the prio r expressed conclusions, identity of the consultant/appraiser. or any reference to any professional society or institute or to any initiated designation conferred upon the consultant/appraiser as stated in his qualifications. Thi s report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant/appraiser, and the consultant's/appraiser's fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specified value, a stipulated result. the occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding to be reported . Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report. being intended for visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys unless expressed otherwise. The reproduction of any information generated by engineers, architects, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is for the express purpose of coordination and ease of reference only. Inclusion of said information on any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation by Walter Levison to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless expressed otherwise: a. information contained in this report covers only those items that were examined and reflects the condition s of those item s at the time of in spection : and b. the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible item s without dissection . excavation, probing , or coring . There i s no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied , that probl ems or deficiencies of the plants or property in question may not arise in the future. Loss or alteration of any part of this report inva lidates the entire report. Arborist Disclosure Statement Arborists are tree specialists who use their education , knowledge, training, and experience to examine trees , recommend measures to enhance the beauty and health of trees , and attempt to redu ce the risk of living near trees . Clients may choose to accept or disregard the recommendations of the arborist . or to seek additional advice. Arborists cannot detect every condition that could possibly lead to the structu ra l failure of a tree. Tree are living organisms that fail in ways we do not fully understand. Conditions are often hidden within trees and below ground. Arborist cannot guarantee that a tree will be healthy or safe under all ci rcumsta nces, or for a specified period of time . Likewi se, remedial treatments, like any medicine, cannot be guaranteed. Treatment . pruning , and removal of trees may involve cons ide rations beyond the scope of the arborist's services such as property boundaries. property ownership, site lines, di sputes between neighbors , and other issues. Arborists cannot take such considerations into account unless complete and accurate information is d isclosed to the arborist. An arbori st should then be expected to reasonably rel y upon the completenes s and accuracy of th e information provided. Trees can be managed , but they cannot be controlled . To live near trees is to accept some degree of risk. The only way to eliminate all risk associated with trees is to eliminate the trees . Site Address: 26 Oak Hill W ay, Los Gatos. CA Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboricutture ®Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved 20 of 28 Version: 411212016 ~))J Walter Levison CO NSULT I NG ARBORIST ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 12.0 Tree Data ~ E :I z g' 1- ~ 1- 2 3 Genus & Species Quercus lobata Quercus agrifolia Quercus agrifolia Common Name California ... ~ E ., i5 .... ~ c ~ valley I 17.0 oak Coast live oak Coast live oak 23.5 22 Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way. los Gatos. CA ... ~ E ., i5 S:! c 2 1- ... ~ i i5 ~ c 2 1- 22 I 16 ~ c :I ...... 1-'-;c! ~e OOI ei5 :I f/) 17.0 23.5 Est. 60 ~ 0~ c.-.,~ 0"0 ~e ~Q. ~f/) ~ 45/35 50/40 50/45 1:11 .E:c ..,liiu a:., .c-w "il!~ :!~8 2=. u; 68/68 75/60 80/50 Overall Condition Rating (0 to 100"/o) 68% Fair 68% Fair 60% Fa ir : E ~'It. N. ~== o..= !~~ ~ ... 1-o No No Yes Registered Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture @ Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved • ~ 1 !!!. X X X 25of 28 ~ "0 ~c~ 0 &ti: ~ 1:'><•3: 'CW-!:!"0 ~ufh,! Jl!.g~ .§-=a: "" a.-oC c 0 ., ... ~! ~'6 -· ag .3- ~ c--c c 0 =~ ...J., ~~ C"' ~ ~ a: 1:11 .: '2 0 ~~ "'~":"::.~'.:..:· cell {415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net 8 c a: J 1e 'C(.) = m X X ~­~: ~~ 01 os"'z !!•~ ... ., .!! •• •c ... ~ 0.. £5 Tree located at east property line. Moderate TDE. Buried root crown needs excavation by hand. Root crown buried. Needs excavation . Moderate TOE. Three foot long cavity noted on uphill side of trunk between 2 and 5 feet above Qrade. Cavities noted throughout tree, due to decay from sunscald that is result of overpruning in the past. Mod TDE. Mainstems fork at 3 to 4 feet above Qrade. f/) C Z:J w Qj5 !iil-t<-w0wa::u: (!)01-W- C!)II:Q(.) ::l a::z f/) 0..~ w (.) z z 0 <ci=f3 ffiz 0 c 1-<l!:!o 2!': ~0 ~ 0.. Version: 4 /12120 16 ~J)J Walter Levison CONSULTING AABOAIST ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 /I SA Tree Ri sk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 .! E :I z ! .. ~ 4 5 6 Genus & Species Sequoia sempervirens Quercus agrifolia Sequoia sempervirens Common Name Coast redwood Coast live oak (neighbor tree) Coast redwood ... i! E ~ 0 ... ... "' 2 1- 27.4 Est. 11 25 .9 Site Address: 26 Oak HiH Way, Los Gatos. CA ... .. a; E ~ 0 ~ "' 2 1- ~ !a i3 .., ... "' 2 1- ... "' :I ... Ill ....... :! -<"' _e 0 Ia eo :I t/) 27.4 11 25.g >o 8'--:-c: .. '~~!:!:. (.)"0 ~! ~a. ~t/) :t 85/25 35/25 100120 Cl .S:c .... ~au ""II: ~a Ee~ Ia :I • • .. o :tuo =-... -u; 85/60 90/75 80180 Overall Condition Rating (0 to 100%) 70% Good 80% Good 80% Good " i ~ .. -E t-,. ~~~ ! ... t-o Yes No Yes Reg istered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture © Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved I • ~ i !!!. ~ X X X 26 of 28 "0 ... ~i-f o•-o ~~'!;3: "CUJ:, "'!!In"' ~ue.i t/)laOII a.-= 0:: .§ Moderate due to work encroach ing to within 9 feet north of tru nk edge (verify with applicant) None to moderate, depending on whether existing asphalt is modified in some manner ~c Oo "'-~~ '2:6 :2s &o o..S ...I West .. 0 .::--.:: .::o ..,_ "'u ....... ... .!:: 1:"0 :I ~ J:~ ';';:.~:,:.•.~.::;-',.w.:.::. cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net J!! .. 8 8 I= a: a: ;s: Cl "0 0 "' ..... = ·~o "0 :I .!:: ID Cl -gut "'eCG.! "' Ill • 0 '~~~a"'z ncug._ ttt.!!G)U .ro!!s IL Mod to good TDE . Few symptoms of soil moisture deficit (good ). Abnormal trunk morphology between 20 and 40 feet elevation above gra de , where it appears that two codominant mainstems fused . Possibl e structural issue. Lower trunk are a not visible. Tree is adjacent to property line. Roots extend below existing older asphalt driveway surfacing . Mod TOE. en 0 Z::J w Qs ~::>~:!~ 0 ot-w-oO:ou ::I a:z tJ) IL~ w (.) z z 0 ...: ;::en zOuW wzwo t-<Ct-0 ~ ~(.) ~ IL Version: 4/1212016 ~J~ Walter Levison CONSULTING ARBORIST ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #401 l iSA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified l iSA Certified Arborist #WC-3172 j E :I z ~ ~ 7 8 9 Genus& Species Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Common Name Coast redwood Coast redwood Coast redwood (neighbor tree) .. ~ E .. 0 .... , c :I ~ 34.5 34.3 43.0 Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Wrry , Los Gatos. CA lii li E .. 0 S::! c ~ .. ~ fi 0 ~ c 2 .... , c 2 ~ l-ao =iG ... e O"' eo :I f/) 34.5 ~~ c-oa!!;. u"CJ .a: i~ c;Cil ::J: 80/25 a> .5--.s: .......... -o:: .. .s:-w i;~ ao_a ::J:uc ,..,.. .. -u; 70/60 34.3 I 100/25 I 80/80 43.0 80/30 72/60 Overall Condition Rating (0 to 100%) 68% Fair 80% Good 68% Fa ir : E •ao N"; j::'E Q.= t ~.e Gl~ !!! 1-:S Yes Yes Yes Registe<ed Member. American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture ©Walter Levison 2015 All Rights Reserved ~ i ~ X X X 27 of 28 rJ tl "CJ ... tli~ 0 & -0 ~.-;:= ·c: w ~ "g Gl .. f/) Gl ~tle1! C/l«<oGI ~-= 0:: .§ None to moderate , de pending on whethe r existing asphalt is modified in some manner None to moderate, depending on whethe r ~-0 c c 0 .... u~ 'i:ij :2ao s_o oc ...J- North existing I South asphalt is modified in some manner Main impacts that might occu r are above ground "hits" from machinery or vehicles, but installation of trunk padding is probably not feasible due to this tree being neighbor- owned. North ~ c--c c 0 ..,_ ~~ .>t<.l:: C"CJ :I ~ ·\\ ~'t~ ,.._ ... ~ .. ..., .......... .... ,_ ...... -........ --... cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcglobal.net !! - 8 8'" 0:: 0:: jli a> ~ 0 a -cO "CJ = .l:: ID (!) "CJ "CJ COl ;:~~ !!:tJz eft., c ... ___ ., Q.QOI.S: £5 Top of tree appears to be split out due to high winds. Roots extend below existing olde r aspha lt driveway surfacing. Mod TOE. Roots extend below existing older aspha lt driveway surfacing . Mod TOE. Roots extend below existi ng older asphalt driveway surfacing . Top of canopy appears to be b lown out(wind da mage) Mod TO E f/) c z:::~ w Qo li;l-t;ct~ wO o::-oOI!!w!!:. oo::ou :::1 o::z f/) Q.~ w u z z Qf/) <cl-w ffiz 0 c .... ccl!!o !: ~u ~ Q. Version: 4 /1212016 ~J~ Walter L e vi son CONSU LTING ARBORIS T ASCA Registered Consu lti ng Arborist #40 1 /I SA Tree Ri sk Assessment Qualified /I SA Certifi ed Arborist #WC-3 172 .! E :;J z = {! ~ .... 10 Genus & Species Common Name Coast Sequoia I redwood sempervirens (neighbor tree) ~ E .. Q .... ~ c 2 .... Est. 62 Site Address: 26 Oak Hill Way, Los Gatos. CA ~ i Q S:! c t. :& 1i E .. Q .., ~ c 2 .... ~ c :;J ~~ :.! c" ... e O"' eo :;J II) Est. 62 ~~ c .. •!!:. U-a ;K =II) 'ii :z: = ~:c ~"'u -a: .. .C-w i$~ .. .. o :z:uo :;J.-.. -a; 100/30 I 80/65 Overall Condition Rating (Oto 100%) 75% Good • E ., .. N;j ~~­~ e ~ ~~~· ~ .... ~ Yes Registered Member, American Society of Consulting Arborists and Member of the International Society of Arboriculture @ Walter Levison 2015 All Righ ts Reserved I ! i X 28 of28 ~ 'a -~i~ 0 !.iL 0 ~ .... 3: "CW='1:J ~t!(l)! JJ a g-.; .§~a: Main impacts t hat might occur a re above ground 'hits' from machinery or vehicles. but in stallation of trunk padding is probably not fea sible due to this tree being neighbor- owned. ~-oC ;:8 (,)~ 'i~ 'a 'a _ .. &o oc ..... - East ~ c--c c 0 .,_ .5~ ~ ·-C'a 2 .... ~\ "'=.·'":: :.:.;-:..:.':~::. cell (415) 203-0990 I drtree@sbcgloba l.net ~ 8 a: a: i = 'a 0 c .... = "C(..) 'a :;J ~ ID (!) 'a 'a Clll c•co~J :: aizo .... u Ill Ill c .. 0t-4» G o..o=:.c o:5 Roots extend below existing older asphalt driveway surfacing. Mod TOE Tree exhibits scaffold lim b issue s due to past limb splitouts and past pruning. Ul 0 Z::) w o-........ i=o :nou~:; o~l!:!w!!:. (!) ou ::) a::z Ul D..~ w (,) z z 0 "'oi=:n ffizuo t-el!:! a z ou -a: ~ D.. Version: 4112/2016 The Sit e and access driveway from Villa Avenue A djacent home to t h e west (viewed from O ak Hill Way) Ex isting ho use and adjacent home to th e eas t (v iewed from Oa k Hill Way) 26 O ak H ill Wa y Design Re view Commenrs Ap ril 25, 20 16 Page 2 CANNO N DE SIG N GROU P 700 LA RK SPU R LANDI NG CI RCLE . SU ITE 199 . LA RKSPUR . CA . 94939 NDN DN Wine CellarXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX XXX XX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX X 172.00'172.00'234.99'1100.00set mag spk2103.27fd mag499.91fd ip15101.68fd mag16106.28SET MAG1796.82set x1895.56fd conc nail19104.34set mag20105.05fd ipcrce13???21105.87fd ipctls8?47022108.94fd ht23113.73fd ht24107.26fd ip op25103.40fd ip op26105.69fd conc nail shn27106.17fd x tc28105.87SET X WALK29106.96SET NAIL SHINER30108.29fd mag shnr31101.04SET HTN76°21'58"E224.92'N:4954.5642E:2610.99825107.60SET MAG6106.30MAG 167105.69NL SHNR 26E / LT.P.T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. T.P.T.P.T.P. 7'-4"3'-6"15'-0"20'-0"9'-0" 2 '-9 1 /8 " 4" 2" 16'-2 3/4"17'-4 1/4"2'-0 11/16" 16'-5 11/16" 5'-0"15'-0"5'-0"32" REDWOODASPHALTASPHALTASPHALTGRASSGRASSLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPING DECKDECKDOC.NO. 22509111 APN: 529-34-053 ONE STORY WOOD FRAME HOUSE HOUSE FINISH FLOOR = 396.83' AREA - 4,090 S.F.±LANDSCAPINGLANDSCAPINGBRICKBRICKBRICKASPHALTS 55°12'30" W56.39'S 14°13'31" E87.60'52.43' N 75°35'00" E67.97'S 14°31'54" EVILLA AVENUE (50' R/W)PATHPATHDECKSHED30" OAK24" OAK22" REDWOOD30" OAK30" RDWOOD32" REDWOODCONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETEPROJECT BENCHMARKA SET MAG NAIL,ELEVATION 395.67'.FOUND 3/4" OPENIRON PIPE, PER 771 M 20FOUND 3/4" OPENIRON PIPE, LS 3407,PER 388 M 35-36 OAK HILL W A Y ( 4 0' R / W ) PARCEL A 388 M 35-36 APN: 529-34-045 APN: 529-34-052 APN: 529-34-046 PARCEL 2 402 M 28 APN: 529-34-047 ROCK WALL (TYP.)CONCRETE BLOCK WALLASPHALTSSMH RIM = 385.60INV = 376.96 (OUT-EAST)G 345.6 1004 0.00 calc161384.42WV162383.20SSMH184-562.80JP186-596.17JP187442.98SSMH10386.22FD MAG 1611381.62FD MAG 15582390.02SSMH410 405 4 0 0 395 395400405410 4 1 5 420420415 410 40 5 390385415 405EC424.16EC421.61EC419.37EC417 .39EC417 .54EC415 .32EC413 .42EC412 . 1 1 EC41 1 .95EC413 .32EC415 . 16 EC417 .39EC419.11EC421.48EC424.06EP 425 .48EP 424 .33 EP 423.84 EP 423.74 EP 422. 6 1EP 422.67EP 421.77EP 420.24EP 418 .07EP 415.77EP 415.00EP 4 13 .6 1 EP 4 1 2 .42TC384.97FL384.54TC385.08FL384.61TC384.93FL384.44LIP384.58LIP384.79LIP384.58LIP385.02LIP385.27LIP385.40LIP385.31LIP385.21TC385.36FL384.87TC385.64FL385.15TC385.77FL385.28TC385.65FL385.16TC385.51FL385.05TC385.42TC385.38TC385.75425EP 3 8 6 . 8 6 EP 3 8 7 . 2 7 EP 3 8 7 . 3 7 EP 3 8 7 . 7 3 EP 388.4 5 EP 389.19 EP 389.8 4 EP 390.14EP 3 8 6 . 0 2 EP 3 8 6 . 3 4 EP 3 8 6 . 7 7 EP 3 8 7 . 2 4 EP 3 8 7 . 6 6 EP 388.34 EP 389.21EP 390 .36 EP 390.39 EP 391.25 EP 392.07 EP 392.74 EP 3 9 3 . 3 4 E P 393 . 73 EP 393.82EP 393.82EP 393.75E P 3 9 3 . 8 0EP 394.10EP 394 .30409.3404.7404.4409.6407.5403.8402.2401.4401.5401.4402.9407.7407.6409.5411.6411.8419.3418.8415.5413.2411.4409.5408.4405.7401.4399.7397.7394.5394.9394.4395.4395.7397.1395.9394.7396.5399.5399.5397.3401.1401.8392.8391.4390.3389.3388.5387.8386.6385.3385.4385.2385.2402.8402.4401.9403.5401.5406.3404.8409.9411.1399.7396.5396.8399.9398.5414.4EXISTING GAS RELOCATED ELEC SERVICE EXISTING SAN. SEWER SUMP PUMP TO REMAIN EXISTING OVERHEAD ELEC. LINE TREE PROTECTION FENCE EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVE TO REMAIN TREE PROTECTIVE FENCE ADDITION: 529 - 34 - 053 R 1 - D 4,094 S.F. 1,267 S.F. 1089 S.F. F.A.R. ALLOWED: PROPOSED: 699 S.F.UPPER FLOOR: LOWER FLOOR:390 S.F. TOTAL HOUSE:26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" 497 S.F. PLANNING 5-12-16 22 A-2 TOTAL: 338 S.F. A.P.N. : A-1 1,196 S.F. -52 S.F. ZONING: OCCUPANCY GROUP: R-3, U Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB LOT SIZE: 445 S.F. (net) EXISTING HOUSE: NONE 588 S.F.CELLAR: VICINITY MAP SITE DATA SITE PLAN 1,534 S.F. GARAGE: 1,534 S.F. 1" = 10'-0" THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH 2013 CBC, CRC, CMC, CPC, CEC, CFC, CAL GREEN, CAL ENERGY CODE, AND LOCAL ORD. 1" = 10'-0" HPC (1925) FAR = .40 - ([A-2/3] X .05)= = .40 - ([3.357 - 2 / 3] X .05) = .3773 3,357 X .3773 = 1,267 S.F. AVE. SLOPE = 14.2% 10% + (2% X 4) = 18% NET LOT = 4,094 - 736.92 = 3,357.08 S.F. PLANNING 3-23-16 11 11 11 11 1-7-16ADDITION1-STORY SFR1-STORY SFR SCOPE OF WORK: ADD UPPER BEDROOM, BATHROOM. REMODEL, EXPAND LOWER LEVEL FOR BASEMENT & CELLAR AREAS FOR BATH, LAUNDRY, STUDY, LIVING & PLAY ROOMS. SHEET INDEX A-1 SITE PLAN A-2 EXISTING FLOOR PLAN, ELEVATIONS A-3 NEW FLOOR PLAN A-4 ELEVATIONS A-5 SECTIONS, DETAILS A-6 CELLAR AREA, STREET SCAPE A-7 SHADOW STUDY C-1 EXISTING SURVEY IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE: DRIVEWAY, PORCHES = 1037 S.F. EXISTING HOUSE = 1,072 S.F. ADDITION = 421 S.F. TOTAL COVERAGE = 2,530 S.F. CUT / FILL ADDITION: 240 C.Y. CUT 0 C.Y. FILL LANDSCAPE: NO GRADING ALL DOWNSPOUTS SHALL HAVE SPLASH BLOCKS TO DIRECT WATER FLOW TO LANDSCAPED AREAS. ALL HARDSCAPE SURFACES SHALL BE SLOPED TO DIRECT WATER TO LANDSCAPED AREAS. 11 11 NO CONS T R U C T I O N A C C E S S F R O M O A K H I L L W A Y 22 22 22 22 22 EXHIBIT 8 DN Wine Cellar3068 3032 GREENHOUSE 2730DH 6068 01131FX12211DH2630RS2630RS2056FX2668 50111FX5036FX2068316826682868XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXE / LE / LXXXXXX 172.00'172.00'234.99'1100.00set mag spk2103.27fd mag499.91fd ip15101.68fd mag16106.28SET MAG1796.82set x1895.56fd conc nail19104.34set mag20105.05fd ipcrce13???21105.87fd ipctls8?47022108.94fd ht23113.73fd ht24107.26fd ip op25103.40fd ip op26105.69fd conc nail shn27106.17fd x tc28105.87SET X WALK29106.96SET NAIL SHINER30108.29fd mag shnr31101.04SET HTN76°21'58"E224.92'N:4954.5642E:2610.99825107.60SET MAG6106.30MAG 167105.69NL SHNR 26 7'-6" X 6'-2" 17'-10" X 12'-1"11'-2" X 12'-2" 11'-2" X 16'-0" 21'-10" X 20'-3" 11'-4" X 3'-6" 3'-8" X 6'-10" 4'-3" X 3'-1" 34'-0" 11'-10"7'-10"14'-4"33'-0"12'-6"3'-10"16'-8"33'-0"13'-4"7'-2"12'-6"34'-0" 4'-0"18'-2"11'-10"13'-10"7'-0" OPEN BELOW BATH OPEN BELOW BATH MASTER BDRM DINING TUB/SHOWER HALL SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING F.F. = 396.83' F.F. = 401.83' EXISTING 200 AMP ELEC. SERVICE WALLS TO BE REMOVED EXISTING GAS METER EXISTING OVERHEAD ELEC. 8030RS1030FX1030FX 3068 2630 26683020PT 3020FX3040RSUP 17'-10" X 10'-9" 13'-5" X 14'-2" 11'-2" X 12'-2" 28'-4" X 19'-10"33'-0"12'-9 1/2"20'-2 1/2"33'-0"20'-6"12'-6"34'-0" 34'-0" 4'-0"8'-10"4'-4"5'-0"11'-10" LIVING STUDY UTILITY F.F. = 396.83' CRAWL SPACE F.F. = 392.83' BASEMENT CELLAR DEMODEMO DEMO DEMODEMODEMODEMODEMO10'-0"13'-0"7'-0" EXIST EXIST EXIST EXISTEXIST EXIST EXIST EXISTEXISTEXIST14'-0"8'-6"EXIST EXISTE X I S T E X I S T E X I S T E X I S TEXIST E X I S T E X I S T E X I S T DEMODEMOD E M O D E M O D E M ODEMO D E M O D E M O 13'-10"13'-11"NWEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION A-2EXISTING UPPER FLOOR PLAN 26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" EXISTING LOWER F LOOR PLAN PLANNING 5-12-16 22 Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY WALL REMOVED = 231.66 OPENING ADDED = 0 TOTAL WALL REMOVED = 231.66 S.F. 7.5 7.5 11 40 7.5 9.3 20 3 3 5.9 13.8 20 3 3 24 18 EXISTING WALL = 30' X 10' = 300 EXISTING WALL = 4 X 13 = 52 (EXISTING OPENINGS = 20 + 3 + 3 + 24 = 50) TOTAL EXISTING WALL = 302 S.F. EXISTING WALL = 372.75 (EXISTING OPENINGS = 18 + 11 + 7.5 + 7.5 = 44) TOTAL EXISTING WALL = 328.75 S.F. EXISTING WALL = 371.67 (EXISTING OPENINGS = 3 + 3 + 13.8 + 5.9 = 25.7) TOTAL EXISTING WALL = 345.97 S.F. EXISTING WALL = 34' X 8.5' = 289 (EXISTING OPENINGS = 40 + 7.5 + 9.3 + 20 = 76.8) TOTAL EXISTING WALL = 212.2 S.F. TOTAL EXISTING WALL AREA = 345.67 + 302 + 328.75 + 212.2 = 1,188.62 WALL REMOVED = 238.13 OPENING ADDED = 15.51 TOTAL WALL REMOVED = 253.64 S.F. WALL REMOVED = 0 WALL REMOVED = 0 WALL REMOVED = 231.66 + 253.64 + 0 + 0 = 485.3 TOTAL WALL AREA REMAINING = 1,188.62 - 485.3 = 703.32 S,F, = 59.17 % DEMO PLAN PLANNING 3-23-16 11 1-7-16 SYMBOLS & LEGEND NEW WALLS AFCI PROTECTED WALLS TO BE REMOVED EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN 1-HOUR FIRE WALLS VS NDN DN Wine Cellar3068 3032 GREENHOUSE 2730DH 6068 01131FX12211DH2030SC 2020FX 50111FX5036FX20683168266828685040DC2030SC2668 24682668266860682640SC2640FX2640SC266 86068 2030SC2640SC2640FX2640SC 7'-6" X 6'-2" 7'-1" X 2'-0" 14'-9" X 9'-6" 11'-2" X 16'-0" 21'-10" X 20'-3" 1194 SQ FT 3'-8" X 6'-10" 4'-3" X 3'-1" 10'-8" X 6'-11" 10'-8" X 12'-0" 17'-10" X 9'-5" 7'-5" X 1'-11" 6'-11" X 11'-9" 13'-7" X 3'-6" 11'-5" X 3'-9" 45'-0" 11'-3 1/2"11'-6 1/2"7'-10"14'-4"2'-8"34'-4"12'-1"2'-4"12'-4"7'-7"4'-0"33'-0"13'-4"7'-2"12'-6"45'-0" 4'-0"7'-4"10'-10"17'-5"5'-5" OPEN BELOW BATH BEDROOM #3 BATH MASTER BDRM DINING TUB/SHOWER HALL SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING SLOPED CEILING F.F. = 396.83' F.F. = 401.83' PORCH CLOSET BEDROOM #2 CLOSET LIGHTWELL LIVING AREA 1 A-5 1 A-5 F.F. = 396.83' 2 A-5 2 A-5 3 A-5 3 A-5SLOPEDCEILINGRELOCATED 200 AMP ELEC. SERVICE EXISTING GAS METER BATH 2020FX 6040RS 3024PT2016SC3068 2020FX606828682654 5068 2668 UP UP 6'-8" X 5'-2" 10'-2" X 5'-0" 6'-8" X 6'-10" 25'-8" X 8'-0" 2'-11" X 3'-0"11'-4" X 3'-9" 14'-8" X 9'-6" 27'-8" X 19'-10" 15'-3" X 15'-8" 9'-7" X 5'-9" 13'-5" X 6'-1" 7'-1" X 6'-1" 10'-0" X 3'-1" 338 SQ FT 3'-10"4'-0"33'-0"20'-6"12'-6"45'-0" 11'-3 3/4"5'-6 5/16"28'-1 15/16"2'-8"38'-2"5'-4"5'-6"7'-2"16'-4"3'-10"45'-0" 4'-0"7'-4"10'-11 3/4"11'-4 3/4"11'-3 1/2" LIVING LIVING 1 A-5 1 A-5 LAUNDRY PLAY ROOM F.F. = 396.83' CRAWL SPACE F.F. = 392.83' LIVING LIVING F.F. = 392.83' ENTRY UTILITY ENTRY 2 A-5 2 A-5 STUDY/CLOSET 3 A-5 3 A-5 LIGHTWELL CELLAR AREA (NOT IN F.A.R.) CELLAR AREA (NOT IN F.A.R.) LIVING AREA BATH 8'-0" CEILING 8'-0" CEILING A-3 NEW LOWER FLOOR PLAN 26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" PLANNING 5-12-16 22 Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY NEW UPPER FLOOR PLAN PLANNING 3-23-16 11 1-7-16 396.83' ENTRY 392.83' LOWER FLOOR 401.83' UPPER FLOOR 408.83' TOP PLATE 415.16' NEW RIDGE 396.83' ENTRY 392.83' LOWER FLOOR 401.83' UPPER FLOOR 408.83' TOP PLATE 415.16' NEW RIDGE 396.83' ENTRY 392.83' LOWER FLOOR 401.83' UPPER FLOOR 408.83' TOP PLATE 415.16' NEW RIDGE 26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" PLANNING 5-12-16COMPOSITION SHINGLES WITH 30 LB. FELT UNDERLAYMENT, CLASS 'A', INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS HARDY PLANK SIDING OVER (1) LAYER CLASS D BUILDING PAPER A-4 22 36'' CONCRETE LANDING AS REQUIRED, 4'' MIN. 7" MAX. STEP DOWN WITH 3/4" MAX. THRESHOLD@ SLIDERS & 1/2" MAX. THRESHOLD @ DOORS SLOPE FINISH GRADE AT 5% MIN. FOR 10' AWAY FROM HOUSE & 1% MIN. TO AN APPROVED FACILITY SOUTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION MIN. 4" TALL STREET ADDRESS NUMERALS OF CONTRASTING COLOR TO BACKGROUND. Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY PLANNING 3-23-16 11 1-7-16 PLANTER BOX STONE VENEER BY "CULTURED STONE" INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS WINDOW TRIM PER 5 A-5 5 A-5 2 X 4 SKYLIGHT BY "VELUX" ER-0199 (NON-OPERABLE) 11 11 11 3 1/2 : 123 1/2 : 123 1/2 : 123 1/2 : 124 : 124 : 124 : 124 : 12 3 1/2 : 123 1/2 : 123 1/2 : 123 1/2 : 12 6 : 126 : 12 6 : 126 : 12 4 : 124 : 12 396.83' ENTRY 392.83' LOWER FLOOR 401.83' UPPER FLOOR 408.83' TOP PLATE 415.16' NEW RIDGE 396.83' ENTRY 392.83' LOWER FLOOR 401.83' UPPER FLOOR 408.83' TOP PLATE 415.16' NEW RIDGE 396.83' ENTRY 392.83' LOWER FLOOR 401.83' UPPER FLOOR 408.83' TOP PLATE 415.16' NEW RIDGE PROVIDE CROSS-VENTING OPENINGS OF 1/150 UNDERFLOOR AREA (COVER WITH 26 GA. GALV. 1/ 4'' MESH) PER C.B.C. 1203.3 26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030A-5ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" PLANNING 5-12-16 SECTION SECTION SECTION 11 22 33 PROVIDE CROSS-VENTING OPENINGS OF 1/150 ATTIC AREA (COVER WITH 26 GA. GALV. 1/4'' MESH) 50% VENTS TO BE 36" ABOVE CEILING PER C.B.C. 1203.2 R-13 FIBERGLASS BATT. INSULATION R-19 FIBERGLASS BATT. INSULATION R-30 FIBERGLASS BATT. INSULATION 8 1/4'' R-30 FIBERGLASS BATT. INSULATION WITH 1'' AIRSPACE AT SLOPED CEILING 2 x 4 D.F. #2 STUDS AT 16'' O.C. (TYP.) 22 1/2'' GYP. BD. (TYP.) 11 Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY ROOF PLAN PLANNING 3-23-16 11 1-7-16 TYPICAL WINDOW TRIM 55 6" 'HARDIE' PLANK SIDING OVER (1) LAYER OF TYPE I. NO. 15 ASPHALT SATURATED FELT COMPLYING TO ASTM D 226. 44 R- 30 INSULATION TYPICAL EAVE TRIM 1/2" GYP. BD. 3" DIAM. DRILLED HOLES FOR ATTIC VENTING FINISH ROOFING RAFTER ROOFING MEMBRANE 2 x 6 FASCIA BAFFLE 5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. BD. 2 X 4 STUD WALL 3/8" PLY SHEATHING R- 13 INSULATION FLASHING GUTTER 11 11 SSS S UP UP LIVING LIVING LAUNDRY PLAY ROOM F.F. = 396.83' CRAWL SPACE F.F. = 392.83' LIVING LIVING F.F. = 392.83' ENTRY UTILITY ENTRY STUDY/CLOSET LIGHTWELL CELLAR AREA (NOT IN F.A.R.) CELLAR AREA (NOT IN F.A.R.) BATH 8'-0" CEILING 8'-0" CEILING N8'-6" DN DN Wine CellarXXX 172.00'172.00'234.99'1100.00set mag spk2103.27fd mag499.91fd ip15101.68fd mag16106.28SET MAG1796.82set x1895.56fd conc nail19104.34set mag20105.05fd ipcrce13???21105.87fd ipctls8?47022108.94fd ht23113.73fd ht24107.26fd ip op25103.40fd ip op26105.69fd conc nail shn27106.17fd x tc28105.87SET X WALK29106.96SET NAIL SHINER30108.29fd mag shnr31101.04SET HTN76°21'58"E224.92'N:4954.5642E:2610.99825107.60SET MAG6106.30MAG 167105.69NL SHNR 26T.P.T.P. T.P.T.P.T.P. T.P.T.P.T.P. 7'-6" X 6'-2" 7'-1" X 2'-0" 14'-9" X 9'-6" 11'-2" X 16'-0" 21'-10" X 20'-3" 1194 SQ FT 3'-8" X 6'-10" 4'-3" X 3'-1" 10'-8" X 6'-11" 10'-8" X 12'-0" 17'-10" X 9'-5" 7'-5" X 1'-11" 6'-11" X 11'-9" 13'-7" X 3'-6" 11'-5" X 3'-9" OPEN BELOW BATH BEDROOM #3 BATH MASTER BDRM DINING TUB/SHOWER HALL PORCH CLOSET BEDROOM #2 CLOSET E P 3 8 9 .2 1 LIGHTWELL LIVING AREA BATH N26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030A-6ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" PLANNING 5-12-16 22 Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY NOTED SUBJECT 18 OAK HILL WAY 26 OAK HILL WAY STREET SCAPE 1/8" = 1'-0" PLANNING 3-23-16 11 1-7-16 CELLAR AREA (NOT IN F.A.R.) CELLAR AREA (HATCHED) 1/4" = 1'-0" MATERIAL STORAGE CONCRETE WASH-OUT PORT-A-POTY FIBER ROLLS EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1" = 10'-0" EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1.ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE ONSITE AND READILY ACCESSIBLE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2.SWEEP OR SCRAPE UP SOILS TRACKED ONTO THE ROAD AT THE END OF EACH DAY. DO NOT HOSE INTO STREET, GUTTER OR STORM DRAIN. 3.RE-VEGETATE DISTURBED AREAS. EXPOSED BARE DIRT SHALL BE COVERED WITH MULCH, JUTE NETTING OR OTHER EROSION CONTROL BLANKET. 4.ALL TEMPORARY STOCKPILES SHALL BE COVERED WITH 6 MIL PLASTIC SHEETS. 5.THE SITE SHALL BE MONITORED BY THE CONTRACTOR/OWNER AFTER RAIN EVENT TO VERIFY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE FUNCTIONING. 22 NO CONSTRUCTION ACCESS FROM OAK HILL NXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX X 172.00'172.00'234.99'1100.00set mag spk2103.27fd mag499.91fd ip15101.68fd mag16106.28SET MAG1796.82set x1895.56fd conc nail19104.34set mag20105.05fd ipcrce13???21105.87fd ipctls8?47022108.94fd ht23113.73fd ht24107.26fd ip op25103.40fd ip op26105.69fd conc nail shn27106.17fd x tc28105.87SET X WALK29106.96SET NAIL SHINER30108.29fd mag shnr31101.04SET HTN76°21'58"E224.92'N:4954.5642E:2610.99825107.60SET MAG6106.30MAG 167105.69NL SHNR 26NE / LT.P.T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. T.P.T.P.T.P. 7'-4"3'-6"15'-0"20'-0"9'-0" 2 '-9 1 /8 " 4" 2" 16'-2 3/4"17'-4 1/4"2'-0 11/16" 16'-5 11/16" 5'-0"15'-0"5'-0"12:00 PM 6/21/20169:00 AM 6/21/20163:0 0 PM 6/21/201 6 S 55°12'30" W56.39'S 14°13'31" E87.60'52.43' N 75°35'00" E67.97'S 14°31'54" EPROJECT BENCHMARKA SET MAG NAIL,ELEVATION 395.67'.FOUND 3/4" OPENIRON PIPE, PER 771 M 20FOUND 3/4" OPENIRON PIPE, LS 3407,PER 388 M 35-36EC424.16EC421.61EC419.37EC41 7.39EC41 7.54EC41 5.32EC41 3.42EC41 2.1 1 EC41 1.95EC41 3.32EC41 5. 1 6EC41 7.39EC419.11EC421.48EC424.06EP 425.48EP 424.33E P 4 2 3 .8 4 E P 4 2 3 .7 4EP 422.61EP 422.67EP 421.77EP 420.24EP 418.07EP 415.77EP 415.00EP 41 3.61 EP 41 2.42 TC384.97FL384.54TC385.08FL384.61TC384.93FL384.44LIP384.58LIP384.79LIP384.58LIP385.02LIP385.27LIP385.40LIP385.31LIP385.21TC385.36FL384.87TC385.64FL385.15TC385.77FL385.28TC385.65FL385.16TC385.51FL385.05TC385.42TC385.38TC385.75EP 386.86 EP 387.27 EP 387.37 EP 387.73 EP 388.45 EP 389.19 EP 389.84 EP 390.14E P 3 8 6 .0 2 E P 3 8 6 .3 4 E P 3 8 6 .7 7 E P 3 8 7 .2 4 E P 3 8 7 .6 6 E P 3 8 8 .3 4 E P 3 8 9 .2 1EP 390.36EP 390.39 E P 3 9 1 .2 5 E P 3 9 2 .0 7 EP 39 2 .7 4 EP 393.34 E P 393 . 7 3EP 393.82EP 393.82EP 393.75E P 3 9 3 . 8 0EP 394.10EP 394.30XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX XX XXX XX XXXXXXXXXXXX X 172.00'172.00'234.99'1100.00set mag spk2103.27fd mag499.91fd ip15101.68fd mag16106.28SET MAG1796.82set x1895.56fd conc nail19104.34set mag20105.05fd ipcrce13???21105.87fd ipctls8?47022108.94fd ht23113.73fd ht24107.26fd ip op25103.40fd ip op26105.69fd conc nail shn27106.17fd x tc28105.87SET X WALK29106.96SET NAIL SHINER30108.29fd mag shnr31101.04SET HTN76°21'58"E224.92'N:4954.5642E:2610.99825107.60SET MAG6106.30MAG 167105.69NL SHNR 26E / LT.P.T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. T.P.T.P.T.P. 7'-4"3'-6"15'-0"20'-0"9'-0" 2 '-9 1 /8 " 4" 2" 16'-2 3/4"17'-4 1/4"2'-0 11/16" 16'-5 11/16" 5'-0"15'-0"5'-0" 9 : 0 0 A M 1 2 / 2 1/ 2 0 1 63:00 PM 12/21/201612:00 PM 12/21/2016S 55°12'30" W56.39'S 14°13'31" E87.60'52.43' N 75°35'00" E67.97'S 14°31'54" EPROJECT BENCHMARKA SET MAG NAIL,ELEVATION 395.67'.FOUND 3/4" OPENIRON PIPE, PER 771 M 20FOUND 3/4" OPENIRON PIPE, LS 3407,PER 388 M 35-36EC424.16EC421.61EC419.37EC41 7.39EC41 7.54EC41 5.32EC41 3.42EC41 2.1 1 EC41 1.95EC41 3.32EC41 5.1 6EC41 7.39EC419.11EC421.48EC424.06EP 425.48EP 424.33E P 4 2 3 .8 4 E P 4 2 3 .7 4EP 422.61EP 422.67EP 421.77EP 420.24EP 41 8.07EP 415.77EP 415.00EP 41 3.61 EP 41 2.42TC384.97FL384.54TC385.08FL384.61TC384.93FL384.44LIP384.58LIP384.79LIP384.58LIP385.02LIP385.27LIP385.40LIP385.31LIP385.21TC385.36FL384.87TC385.64FL385.15TC385.77FL385.28TC385.65FL385.16TC385.51FL385.05TC385.42TC385.38TC385.75EP 386.86 EP 387.27 EP 387.37 EP 387.73 EP 388.45 EP 389.19 EP 389.84 EP 390.14E P 3 8 6 .0 2 E P 3 8 6 .3 4 E P 3 8 6 .7 7 E P 3 8 7 .2 4 E P 3 8 7 .6 6 E P 3 8 8 .3 4 E P 3 8 9 .2 1EP 390.36EP 390.39 E P 3 9 1 .2 5 E P 3 9 2 .0 7 EP 39 2 .7 4 EP 393.34 EP 393. 7 3 EP 393.82EP 393.82EP 393.75E P 3 9 3. 8 0EP 394.10EP 394.30SUMMER SHADOW STUDY A-7 1" = 10'-0"26 OAK HILL WAY, LOS GATOS, CA. 95030ADDITION & REMODEL FOR:ALEXANDER & LANA PEYSAKHOVICHRICHARD A. HARTMAN A.I.A.HOMETECARCHITECTURE, INC.619 NORTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95112408/995-0496 HometecArch@hotmail.com15-049 RAH 1/4" = 1'-0" PLANNING 5-12-16 WINTER SHADOW STUDY 22 Date Scale Drawn Job Sheet of Sheets REVISIONS BY PLANNING 3-23-16 11 1-7-16 22 22 1" = 10'-0" 1" = 10'-0"