09 Attachment 9 - Public Comments received between 1101 a.m., July 22, 2020 and 1101 a.m. August 27, 2020ATTACHMENT 9 6573 Shattuck Avenue x Oakland, CA 94609 x 510.654.2552 x www.hillarch.com 1 AXJXVW 22, 2020 TRZQ RI LRV GaWRV CRPPXQLW\ DHYHORSPHQW DHSaUWPHQW TRZQ RI LRV GaWRV TRZQ CRXQcLO SXbMHcW: 146 RRbLQ Wa\ (TKH DHKNRUGL RHVLGHQcH) ASSHaO RI AUcKLWHcWXUH aQG SLWH ASSOLcaWLRQ aSSURYaO IRU SURSRVHG QHZ KRPH DHaU CRXQcLO PHPbHUV, AV WKH SURSHUW\ PaQaJHU RI 150 RRbLQ Wa\, aQG RQ bHKaOI RI P\ PRWKHU WKH KRPHRZQHU DaOH S. HLOO, I aP ZULWLQJ LQ VXSSRUW RI WKH aSSURYHG GHVLJQ. I XUJH WKH CRXQcLO WR GHQ\ WKH aSSHaO. AV aQ aUcKLWHcW SUacWLcLQJ LQ WKH UHVLGHQWLaO UHaOP I aP JHQHUaOO\ VXSSRUWLYH RI GHYHORSPHQW SURMHcWV WKaW cRPSO\ ZLWK WKH ]RQLQJ UHJXOaWLRQV aV ZHOO aV WKH VXbMHcWLYH cULWHULa RI GHVLJQ UHYLHZ JXLGHOLQHV. HaYLQJ YLHZHG WKH VWRU\ SROHV, WKH GHVLJQ SOaQV aQG UHQGHULQJV ± LQcOXGLQJ WKH VWUHHWVcaSH VWXG\ aQG WKH HYROXWLRQ RI WKH IaoaGH aQG PaVVLQJ HOHPHQWV - I aP cRPIRUWabOH WKaW WKH VcaOH aQG cKaUacWHU RI WKH KRPH ZLOO ILW ZHOO LQ WKH QHLJKbRUKRRG aQG ZLOO KaYH QR VLJQLILcaQW QHJaWLYH LPSacWV RQ QHLJKbRULQJ SURSHUWLHV, LQcOXGLQJ RXUV. IQ IacW, I ILQG LW WR bH a ZHOcRPH aGGLWLRQ WR WKH SWRQ\bURRN QHLJKbRUKRRG LQ ZKLcK I JUHZ XS. I aP aZaUH KRZ VXbWO\ WKH QHLJKbRUKRRG KaV cKaQJHG RYHU WKH \HaUV VLQcH ZH aUULYHG LQ 1965. SRPH KRPHV KaYH bHHQ UHbXLOW aIWHU ILUHV, RWKHUV H[SaQGHG aQG UHPRGHOHG, PRVWO\ ZLWKLQ WKH SUHYaLOLQJ UaQcK KRXVH VW\OH. TKH VLQJOH-VWRU\ cRYHQaQW LV OaUJHO\ UHVSRQVLbOH IRU WKLV cRQWLQXLW\ RI VcaOH, bXW I WKLQN WKaW LQcUHPHQWaO cKaQJH ZLWKLQ WKLV IUaPHZRUN caQ bH SRVLWLYH. TKH ZULWWHQ cRYHQaQW SURKLbLWLQJ WZR-VWRU\ KRPHV KaV cHUWaLQO\ bHHQ aQ HIIHcWLYH IRLO WR XSZaUG GHYHORSPHQW SUHVVXUHV RYHU WKH \HaUV, aQG WKLV cRQVLVWHQc\ RI VcaOH KaV UHZaUGHG SURSHUW\ RZQHUV aQG UHVLGHQWV ZLWK a cOaVVLc VXbXUbaQ HQYLURQPHQW WKaW YaOXHV SULYac\, WKH aSSUHcLaWLRQ RI OaQGVcaSLQJ, aQG WKH HQMR\PHQW RI RXWGRRU OLYLQJ VSacHV. RHJaUGLQJ aQ\ cRQcHUQV abRXW WKH VL]H RI WKH SURSRVHG KRPH I WKLQN LW LV IaLU WR aOORZ KRPHRZQHUV WR cRPH cORVH Pa[LPL]LQJ WKH SRWHQWLaO RI WKH aOORZabOH RQH-VWRU\ bXLOGabOH HQYHORSH. RHJaUGLQJ VSHcLILc cRQcHUQV abRXW YLHZV aQG SULYac\ UHOaWLYH WR 140 RRbLQ Wa\, LW LV WUXH WKaW WKH SURSRVHG KRPH ZLOO bH VRPHZKaW cORVHU WR WKH VKaUHG SURSHUW\ OLQH aQG ZLOO bH PaUJLQaOO\ WaOOHU LQ VRPH aUHaV. TKaW VaLG, WKH aSSHOOaQWV¶ RZQ RbVHUYaWLRQ abRXW JUaGH HOHYaWLRQ GLIIHUHQcHV acWXaOO\ PLWLJaWHV WKH LPSacW: WKH JURXQG SOaQH RI 140 RRbLQ Wa\ LV aSSUR[LPaWHO\ WKUHH IHHW abRYH 146, ZKLcK LV LQ WXUQ a VLPLOaU GLPHQVLRQ abRYH 150. (AV I UHcaOO IURP SOa\LQJ LQ WKH bacN\aUG RI 140 aV a NLG LQ WKH OaWH 1960V - ZKHQ LW ZaV WKH SPLWK UHVLGHQcH - LWV JaUGHQ LV HYHQ KLJKHU WKaQ WKH PaLQ bXLOGLQJ SaG). IQ RWKHU ZRUGV, GXH WR WKH VORSH RI WKH VWUHHW, HacK KRPH ORRNV GRZQ XSRQ LWV QHLJKbRU WR WKH QRUWK. HLVWRULcaOO\ WKLV KaV bHHQ aGGUHVVHG ZLWK IHQcLQJ aQG OaQGVcaSLQJ, WRROV WKaW ZRXOG aSSO\ ZHOO WR WKLV VLWXaWLRQ. I aP XQaZaUH RI aQ\ VLJQLILcaQW YLHZV WR WKH QRUWK WKaW ZRXOG bH LPSacWHG b\ WKH SURSRVaO. TKH OaWHUaO YLHZV aUH MXVW WKH URRIVcaSH RI QHLJKbRULQJ KRXVHV. TKH bacNGURS RI OaUJH WUHHV LV XQaIIHcWHG. RHJaUGLQJ VSHcLILc cULWLTXHV RI WKH aUcKLWHcWXUaO HOHPHQWV RI WKH GHVLJQ, WKH RHVLGHQWLaO DHVLJQ GXLGHOLQHV aSSHaU WR KaYH bHHQ QaUURZO\ UHYHUVH HQJLQHHUHG WR HQVXUH a VSHcLILc RXWcRPH: UaQcK KRXVH IRUHYHU. IQ LRULQ HLOO AUchLWecW 2 P\ YLHZ WKaW H[cHHGV WKH SXUYLHZ RI JRRG JXLGHOLQHV, ZKLcK VKRXOG QRW WLH WKH KaQGV RI aGYHQWXURXV bXW UHVSHcWIXO KRPHRZQHUV ZRUNLQJ ZLWK a WaOHQWHG GHVLJQHU. TKH UaQcK KRXVH VW\OH LWVHOI LV aQ RXWJURZWK RI WKH bURaGHU PLG-cHQWXU\ PRGHUQ aHVWKHWLc WKaW aOVR LQcOXGHV ELcKOHUV, WKH SHcRQG Ba\ WUaGLWLRQ, aQG HYHQWXaOO\ SHa RaQcK aQG RWKHU VLWH-VSHcLILc YRcabXOaULHV. WKLOH aQ ELcKOHU ZRXOG VWLcN RXW OLNH a VRUH WKXPb LQ SWRQ\bURRN, WKH aSSHaOLQJ aUcKLWHcWXUaO IRUPV aQG PaWHULaOV RI WKH aSSURYHG GHVLJQ aUH, LQ P\ YLHZ, cRPSOHPHQWaU\ WR WKH VXUURXQGLQJ KRPHV. (IQ IacW, I acWXaOO\ SUHIHU RQH RI WKH HaUOLHU GHVLJQ RSWLRQV WKaW SUHGaWHG a KLS URRI RYHU WKH VWRQH cOaG IaoaGH YROXPH). TKH VWaQGLQJ VHaP PHWaO URRI ZLOO bH WaVWHIXO, GXUabOH, aQG H[WUHPHO\ ILUH UHVLVWaQW. IQ WKLV RQJRLQJ SHULRG RI GLUH ILUH ULVN, I caQQRW LPaJLQH aQ\ cUHGLbOH aUJXPHQWV aJaLQVW a KLJK-TXaOLW\ PHWaO URRI. CKHPLcaOO\ ILUH- WUHaWHG ZRRG VKLQJOHV aQG VKaNHV aUH QRW SaUWLcXOaUO\ HQYLURQPHQWaOO\ IULHQGO\, aQG HYHQ T\SH A ILUH UHVLVWaQW cRPSRVLWLRQ aVSKaOW VKLQJOHV ZRXOG bH XQOLNHO\ WR aIIRUG aV PXcK SURWHcWLRQ aJaLQVW ILUH aQG ZLQG-bORZQ HPbHUV aV GRHV aV a PHWaO URRI. I XQGHUVWaQG WKaW PaQ\ IRONV aUH UHVLVWaQW WR cKaQJH, bXW I bHOLHYH LQcUHPHQWaO cKaQJH LV bHQHILcLaO ± HYHQ cUXcLaO - WR PaLQWaLQLQJ WKH YLWaOLW\ RI WKH bXLOW HQYLURQPHQW. TKH DHKNRUGLV KaYH ZRUNHG SaWLHQWO\ aQG GLOLJHQWO\ ZLWK WKHLU aUcKLWHcW aQG WKH QHLJKbRUV WKURXJKRXW WKH SURcHVV, UHVSHcWIXOO\ SOa\LQJ b\ WKH UXOHV aOO WKH Za\. TKH\ VKRXOG bH aOORZHG WR bXLOG WKLV KRPH. TKaQN \RX IRU \RXU cRQVLGHUaWLRQ. SLQcHUHO\, LRULQ HLOO, AUcKLWHcW CA OLcHQVH #C23266 Page 1 of 2 August 24, 2020 Town of Los Gatos Town Council Subject: 146 Robin Way – Request for approval for the proposed new house Dear Council members, As the property owners of 146 Robin Way, and on behalf of our children, we are writing in plea for your support of the approved project and to deny the appeal. We request for your support because we hope to build ourselves a home – for the first time and most probably for the last time in our lives. As part of this community, we hope to build on the good faith relationship between the neighbors, remain fair and kind towards each other, and while respecting each other’s opinion, honor each other’s individuality. In order to understand the sense of the neighborhood , we reached out to 32 families in the neighborhood on August 20-21, including the four (4) tenant families, and asked for their comments on our project – we did not reach out to the appellants nor the family who had come to their support in the previous public hearings. Also we did not reach out to one of the neighbors who is an elderly woman with no email; we wished not to compromised their privacy or health by showing up at their door, specially knowing she had been in and out of hospital in the past few months. Out of the 32 families we reached out to, 17 had no concerns with our project, three (3) chose to not comment, and 12 have yet not responded as of 8PM on Monday August 24th. Please find attached the supporting neighbors’ signatures/comments. All along in the project, we have consistently considered the existing neighborhood’s characteristic while having an eye into the future. Early on, we communicated our plans with the 2+2+5 property owners plus their 3 tenants on Robin Way when we initially submitted our plan to DRC, followed up twice via mail, and heard no complaint. Instead, we received positive responses like “excited for you! good luck!” from all. All along, based on the feedback, our sense was that our neighbors were supportive. Right before the first DRC meeting, we were surprised by the rigor and caliber of complaints from a few of the neighbors. Following the DRC meeting and per the DRC recommendation, we revised the plans even though they were fully compliant with all governing codes, we reviewed the revisions with the concerned neighbors, which we believed addressed the issues that had been raised. Three of the concerned neighbors later notified us that they appreciated the modifications and were no longer in opposition. But there was one neighbor who was still not satisfied and appealed. The project was then sent to the Planning Commission. They too, approved our project. Yet the approval is appealed again. In the meantime, some other neighbors reached out to us to render their sympathy for the delays in the project. They also pointed out that they had been approached to oppose the project by those who were not in support. All along the review meetings, we have consistently taken the high road, been responsive, and shown a willingness to compromise. All of those are particularly important, especially our willingness and Page 2 of 2 demonstration to modify our plans to meet folks halfway. We have been reasonable while a few just seem to be repeating the same demands without any willingness to meet us part way. We come to you to plea for your help. We simply are planning to improve quality of life for ourselves and our children: Arman an honored freshman in Los Gatos High, Mana in 2nd grade at Blossom Hill, and Yara at Mariposa Montessori preschool (I, Leila, have been serving as a volunteer on their Board of Directors for the past two years); all along respecting the regulations and neighborhood spirit. We have further modified our compliant designs to satisfy concerns of the neighbors. At some point, and it seems like we are at that point, it appears no longer necessary or fair to attempt to satisfy unreasonable expectations. Everyone has been given ample chances to show code violations. None have been shown. Instead, the complaints are repetitive, some of accusatory nature, some that invade our privacy, some dictating how we should spend our money or how the details of landscape design should be in our own backyard. In the face of the adversity we are all facing, it is important to support each other, infuse hope and plan for better futures for all, as Mayor Jensen had requested of all of us too. Our project of rebuild and hope for a better future, has become interrupted with heartbreaking encounters. Continuing with additional public hearings when nothing is illegal or out of code, and when all the hearings have been exhausted, is less than fair. Further unnecessary delays to beginning the project appear to be less than fair to us and our children. We believe the permit was rightfully due and we ask of you to please deny the appeal. We appreciate the Council’s time and consideration. Thank you! Sincerely, Leila Bahreinian and Mehrdad Eslami Dehkordi PS: quick key facts: · The house to our south, at 140 Robin Way, owned by the appellants, is on grounds higher than the grounds of our home at 146 Robin Way and has windows overlooking our home. Given these, the 140 house has direct view onto our property which can compromise our privacy; yet they are the ones complaining about their privacy! · The house at 140 is the only house in the cul-de-sac that has tall gable ends that blocks sunlight to our property and the exterior design is full wood – these are unique features, different than the rest of the neighborhood.