14 Attachment 2 - Draft Conditions of Approval TOWN COUNCIL –June 2, 2020 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 110 E. Main Street Temporary Sign Permit Application SN-20-029 Consider Approval of a Temporary Sign Permit Application on Property Zoned C-1:PD Located at 110 E. Main Street. APN 529-34-108. PROPERTY OWNER: Town of Los Gatos APPLICANT: Veterans Memorial and Support Foundation of Los Gatos. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director or the Town Council depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. DURATION: The duration of the temporary sign shall not exceed 45 days from the date of installation. 4. TOWN ARBORIST: The applicant shall coordinate with the Town Arborist to ensure that the temporary sign is installed in a manner that is not detrimental to the health of the large protected trees. 5. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. ATTACHMENT 2