10 Staff Report - MassolCrosswalk PREPARED BY: Lisa Petersen Assistant Public Works Director/Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Director of Parks and Public Works 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/02/2020 ITEM NO: 10 DATE: May 28, 2020 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Following Actions for the Massol Intersection Improvements Project (19-813-0236): a. Approve the Plans and Specifications; b. Authorize the Town Manager to Advertise the Project for Bid; c. Authorize the Town Manager to Award and Execute a Construction Agreement in an Amount not to Exceed $349,760, Including Contingencies and Change Orders; and d. Authorize Staff to Execute Future Change Orders in an Amount not to Exceed Twenty Percent of the Contract Award Amount. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the following actions for the Massol Intersection Improvements Project (19-813- 0236): a. Approve the plans and specifications; b. Authorize the Town Manager to advertise the project for bid; c. Authorize the Town Manager to award and execute a Construction Agreement in an amount not to exceed $349,760, including contingencies and change orders; and d. Authorize staff to execute future change orders in an amount not to exceed twenty percent of the contract award amount. BACKGROUND: The adopted FY 2019/20-2023/24 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget designates funding for the Massol Intersection Improvements project (19-813-0236). This project is consistent with the Town’s goal to improve public safety, primarily by enhancing pedestrian safety crossing Highway 9. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Approve Actions for the Massol Intersection Improvements Project DATE: May 28, 2020 BACKGROUND (continued): On October 17, 2017, the Town Council authorized the Town Manager to proceed with the Highway 9 Corridor Study, that included the area between Los Gatos Boulevard to the east and the Town limits to the west, with an emphasis on safety and vehicle flow. The intersection at Massol Avenue and Highway 9 was a prime focus of the study due to safety issues, including a pedestrian fatality on September 1, 2017. The intersection currently has no traffic control but does have pedestrian activated flashing beacons intended to alert drivers when a pedestrian is crossing. On August 21, 2018, the Town Council reviewed the Highway 9 Corridor Study recommendations and directed staff to move forward with upgrading the existing flashing beacons to the LED rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) and additional safety improvements at the intersection of Massol Avenue. The LED rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) are utilized at many of the Town’s other crosswalks providing high visibility of the crosswalk for drivers. Highway 9 is under the control of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and any improvements must ultimately receive Caltrans approval. Where local agencies desire improvements on State Routes, Caltrans typically expects the local agency to advance the project and provide funding for a project that ultimately meets Caltrans standards. DISCUSSION: Staff, with consultant assistance, has developed a final design for the RRFB project on Highway 9 at the intersection of Massol Avenue. PPW staff has been working with Caltrans staff since August 2019 to secure the required Caltrans approval for this project. Staff anticipates receipt of the Caltrans encroachment permit allowing work within the right of way within the next two weeks. The scope of work for the proposed project includes the following measures: 1. Visual narrowing of the roadway to slow traffic with a landscaped median island. 2. Installation of speed feedback display signs. 3. Replacement of existing flashing beacons with higher visibility rectangular rapid flashing beacons. 4. Installation of a new streetlight closer to the crosswalk for visibility. 5. Installation of green bike lanes on the eastbound and westbound sections of Highway 9 near the crosswalk. 6. Removal of two magnolia trees for improved visibility. The project plans and specifications can be viewed on the Town website at http://www.losgatosca.gov/108/Capital-ImprovementProgram. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Approve Actions for the Massol Intersection Improvements Project DATE: May 28, 2020 DISCUSSION (continued): The engineer’s estimate for this project is $349,760, including a 20% contingency. Typically, project contingencies are between 10 to 15 percent and are used to resolve unexpected construction problems during the course of the work. Staff is recommending a larger 20% contingency for this project due to the work being completed within the Caltrans right of way. Should a changed condition occur during the course of construction on the project, Caltrans would need to be consulted and may require additional unanticipated work as a result. CONCLUSION: Approval of the recommendations will allow this project to move forward for bidding and award. COORDINATION: This project has been coordinated with the Finance Department and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as highlighted in this report. FISCAL IMPACT: The Parks and Public Works Department continues to plan for, and track costs associated with capital improvement projects. Where projects can be delivered within the workload of staff already budgeted in the Department’s operating budget, no costs will be associated with the project. This project requires the use of some temporary staffing not included in the Department budget in order to meet schedule and workload commitments. The costs of the temporary employees will be charged to the project budget. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Approve Actions for the Massol Intersection Improvements Project DATE: May 28, 2020 FISCAL IMPACT (continued): Massol Intersection Improvements Project 813-0236 Budget Costs GFAR $ 450,000 Total Budget $ 450,000 Construction $ 291,467 20% Contingency $ 58,293 Temporary Staff Costs $ 29,147 Total Expenditures $ 378,907 Remaining Balance $ 71,093 Staff Costs Operating Budget (Full time with benefits) $ 8,744 Total $ 8,744 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301 (c)). A Notice of Exemption has been filed.