14 Attachment 6 - Public Comment Received 1101 am April 16 2020 to 1100 am April 17 2020From: Heidi Owens Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 7:56 AM To: PublicComment <PublicComment@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Comments on Public Hearing Items for April 21, 2010 Los Gatos Town Council Meeting Hello Town of Los Gatos, I would like to make the following comments on agenda items for the April 21, 2020 meeting. Having toured NUMU and spoken with the executive dir ector at great length about the challenges with the existing lease agreement and the substantive benefits provided to the community by NUMU, I would like to speak in support of item 14. The new agreement not only addresses the high cost of utility bills for NUMU, but also expands the partnership between the organization and the Town. This is an arrangement that benefits all parties involved, and especially benefits the residents of Los Gatos. Our Town must navigate these challenging times, not only due to Covid, but also due to mounting pressures that threaten our small-town charm and way of life on so many fronts. A focus on the arts is one way Los Gatos can differentiate itself from surrounding areas and draw much-needed tourism and foot traffic into our Town. I applaud the Council and staff for working constructively with NUMU leadership to bring increased focus on the arts to Los Gatos. Bravo, and let's do even more in the future. Thank you! Heidi Owens Los Gatos Resident and Community Organizer ATTACHMENT 6