Item 5 - Exhibit 09 - Applicant Response to Consulting Architect RecommendationsNovember 20, 2019 Responses to Architectural Peer Review recommendations from the Cannon Design Group dated March 26, 2019 On page 8 of the Architectural Peer Review are listed 6 recommendations for modifying the architectural design that would preserve the integrity of the owner’s preferred architectural style. These modifications result in a project that more strictly conform to the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. Renderings of the primary elevation(s) illustrating the original design and the proposed design are included herein. 1. Increase the second floor setback, if possible. The front façade on the second floor moved back an additional 3.5 feet resulting in a greater offset between the lower floor and the upper floor levels. The greater portion occurred within the two upper floor Bedrooms. 2. Add continuous railings and cast stone friezes in lieu of the currently proposed three separated front elevations forms. The project was redesigned to create a continuous Frieze element that separates the upper and lower floor levels in lieu of a broken into three distinctive elements. The previous design included a distinctive entrance element that was 4’-8” taller than the flanking elements that dominated the façade. The current design includes a frieze that is constant in height and includes wide newel posts that visually diminish and mask the upper floor level. 3. Increase the window sizes on the second floor over the entry. One new window was added to the upper floor to increase the amount of glazing width. Additionally, each of the windows on the primary façade and on the upper floor level is identical in size and fundamentally is floor to ceiling in height. This consistent rhythm now accentuates a horizontal line parallel to the topographic contours of the site. 4. Enhance the second floor cornice to add more visual substance. The cornice design was modified to have taller and deeper dimensions. The height and depth increased by approx. 8”, providing an overall increase in mass by 25%. The added detail provides contrasting shadows and light and diminishes the overall height and mass with less light casting on the walls. 5. Deep set all wall planes and windows. The wall thickness along the front and side elevations was increased such that the windows and doors could be setback deeper into the wall planes. The wall thickness increased 100% from 6” walls to be a 1 foot thick. The deeper set doors and windows create shadows that highlight contrasting planes and detailing in the façade 6. Add additional landscape buffering along the street edge. The Landscape Plan has been revised to include 4 additional 24” box California Live Oak Trees to completely screen the proposed residence form creating a visual impact from both Drysdale Drive and Shady Lane. EXHIBIT 9 Initial Design that was reviewed be the Cannon Design Group Final Design implementing the design recommendations from the Cannon Design Group