Item 4 - Exhibit 14 - Public comment, received between 1101 a.m., Friday, December 6, 2019 and 1100 a.m.,Tuesday, December 10, 20191 Ryan Safty From:thomasanddar <thomasanddar@aol.com> Sent:Friday, December 6, 2019 1:23 PM To:Ryan Safty Subject:Re: 16940 Roberts Rd - Project Plans Attachments:20191206_113155.jpg; 20191206_113211.jpg Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged To Whom it May Concern: We are the owners of 16200 Fisher Avenue, Tom & Darlene Truesdell, and have lived there for over 25 years. Unfortunately, we cannot attend the public hearing. At this time we wish to challenge the application for the reasons listed. 1. The height of the units and/or placement of windows. We lose our upstairs master bedroom privacy from Unit 1 and/or Unit 3. Unit 1's master bedroom and master bathroom. Unit 3's bedroom 3 and bathroom. The windows directly face our large master bedroom window. 2. Enabling the height and exceeding floor ratio standards of these buildings gives precedent to other developers. With allowing the height and floor ratio standards the few "little homeowners" remaining on the block will potentially lose all privacy from the recent sale of two huge lots on George Street and in the near future the corner lot next door to us on Mitchell. 3. Allowing the addition of three driveways with at least six cars backing in and out on to Fisher Avenue and Roberts with the two main crosswalks to Fisher Middle School seems extremely unsafe for pedestrians. 4. The plans do not include a sidewalk to extend to Mitchell Avenue. 16194 and 16200 Fisher Avenue are the only two homes in the neighborhood without a sidewalk (which is mindblowing due to being across the street from Fisher Middle School) Not only is it unsafe to have no sidewalk for the remainder of Fisher Avenue, but it will look ugly and odd to not extend it. Over the years we have witnessed numerous close calls of pedetrians being hit. Because of their being no sidewalk and allowing cars to park on Fisher Avenue pedestrians will avoid the muddy area and the parked cars and walk near the middle of the road. (See pictures) In fact, I have an email from a concerned parent witnessing our own son of being almost hit in front of our house. It is not "if" but "when" an accident will happen without the sidewalk extension. I am hopeful that an agreement can be reached Sincerely, Tom & Darlene Truesdell Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone EXHIBIT 14 1 Ryan Safty From:thomasanddar <thomasanddar@aol.com> Sent:Friday, December 6, 2019 2:54 PM To:Ryan Safty Subject:16200 Fisher Attachments:20191206_133241_001.jpg Attached is a picture from 16200 Fisher Avenue master bedroom window. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone This Page Intentionally Left Blank