Item 7 - Exhibit 02 - Letter from the Applicant1 Jennifer Armer From:Alex Anderson <alex.anderson@theclublg.com> Sent:Wednesday, October 23, 2019 6:51 PM To:Jennifer Armer Subject:The Club at Los Gatos Annex 66 E. Main St Jennifer Armer Senior Planner Town of Los Gatos Dear Ms. Armer, Thank you for the communication leading up to your first staff report. I am pleased to announce that while at 66 East Main. St. we have not received any direct complaints. We look forward to maintaining our promise of being good neighbors. I am aware that during the installation of our outdoor turf, your office was contacted by a neighbor complaining about the use of gas powered blowers. You and I discussed this afterwards, the blowers were specifically used to push sand down into the turf, electric blowers simply cannot handle this and this use was limited to a one-time installation. Secondly, both West Valley Sanitation and The Club worked together on a backed up waste line. During this two day period we had a portable restroom onsite that your office received a complaint about, but The Club did not receive this directly. Thank you, again. All my best, Alex Anderson Operating Co-Owner The Club at Los Gatos theclublg.com https://www.theclublg.com/emaildisclaimer EXHIBIT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank