Item 6 - Exhibit 11 - Development PlansEXHIBIT 11 BYREVISIONSN.T.S.7-8-2019NRSCALE:DATE:DRAWN BY:SHEET NO:JOB NO:4SHEETSOFGENERAL NOTES: UTILITY NOTES:ABBREVIATIONDESCRIPTIONLEGENDNOTICE TO CONTRACTORSPERTINENT GRADING, PAVING AND TRENCH BACKFILL ON THIS SITE.RECOMMENDATIONS ON STRIPPING AND SITE PREPARATION FOR ALLEARTH WORK NOTE:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRICLY ADHERE TO THE SOILS ENGINEER'SNOTE:SHALL ESTABLISH HIS OWN QUANTITIES.THE QUANTITIES ARE SHOWN FOR THE PURPOSE OFGRADING PERMIT APPROVAL FROM THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PUBLIC WORKS AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR . CONTRACTOR STANDARD GRADING NOTES“” 75007500APPROXIMATE GRADING QUANTITIES (CU. YDS.)LOCATIONCUTDEPTHFILLDEPTHHOUSE3504.0'00SITE40000TOTAL75002.5'2,1181,8483,966IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE (S.F.)BUILDINGSDRIVEWAY/WALKSTOTALEXISTINGREPLACEDNEW9552,5511881,2791,1433,830TOTAL NEW & REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA=4,973 S.F.THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICALREPORT PREPARED BY:VICINITY MAPSITEBLOSSOM HILL RDLINDA AVE ROCHIN TERR A C E STEPHENIE L N ROCHIOLD B L O S S O M HILL R D SHORT RD/DECK BYREVISIONS1" =10'7-8-2019NRSCALE:DATE:DRAWN BY:SHEET NO:JOB NO:4SHEETSOFGRADING AND DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION NOTES:LEGEND:DRAINAGE NOTEDRAINAGE NOTE’ SEWER NOTE 470480490500460470480490500BYREVISIONSAS SHOWN7-8-2019NRSCALE:DATE:DRAWN BY:SHEET NO:JOB NO:4SHEETSOFAREA DRAIN DETAILAAGRAVEL BASIN DETAILCONCRETE DRIVEWAY-TYPICAL SECTION ROOF DOWNSPOUT/SPLASH BLOCKINFILTRATION DEVICE DETAILFOOTING DRAINS SYSTEMCATCH BASIN DETAILEXTERIOR GRADING DETAIL (TYP.)NOTE BYREVISIONS1" =10'7-8-2019NRSCALE:DATE:DRAWN BY:SHEET NO:JOB NO:4SHEETSOFENTRENCHMENT IN FLAT AREASTRAW WATTLESDETAILTEMPORARY COVER ON STOCK PILESTABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NOTES: BURLAP SACK DRAIN INLET (D.I.)SEDIMENT FILTER DETAILNAME OF PROJECT EROSION CONTROL POINT OF CONTACT:NOTES:TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT FACILITY ( ABOVE GRADE)LEGENDSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION Materials storage & spill cleanup Non-hazardous materials management 4 Sand, dirt, and similar materials must be stored at least 10 feet from catch basins, and covered with a tarp during wet weather or when rain is forecast. 4 Use (but don’t overuse) reclaimed water for dust control as needed. 4 Sweep streets and other paved areas daily. Do not wash down streets or work areas with water! 4 Recycle all asphalt, concrete, and aggregate base material from demolition activities. 4 Check dumpsters regularly for leaks and to make sure they don’t overflow. Repair or replace leaking dumpsters promptly. Hazardous materials management 4 Label all hazardous materials and hazardous wastes (such as pesticides, paints, thinners, solvents, fuel, oil, and antifreeze) in accordance with city, state, and federal regulations. 4 Store hazardous materials and wastes in secondary containment and cover them during wet weather. 4 Follow manufacturer’s application instructions for hazardous materials and be careful not to use more than necessary. Do not apply chemicals outdoors when rain is forecast within 24 hours. 4 Be sure to arrange for appropriate disposal of all hazardous wastes. Spill prevention and control 4 Keep a stockpile of spill cleanup materials (rags, absorbents, etc. ) available at the construction site at all times. 4 When spills or leaks occur, contain them immediately and be particularly care- ful to prevent leaks and spills from reaching the gutter, street, or storm drain. Never wash spilled material into a gutter, street, storm drain, or creek! 4 Report any hazardous materials spills immediately! Dial 911 or your local emer- gency response number. Vehicle and equipment maintenance & cleaning 4 Inspect vehicles and equipment for leaks frequently. Use drip pans to catch leaks until repairs are made; repair leaks promptly. 4 Fuel and maintain vehicles on site only in a bermed area or over a drip pan that is big enough to prevent runoff. 4 If you must clean vehicles or equipment on site, clean with water only in a bermed area that will not allow rinsewater to run into gutters, streets, storm drains, or creeks. 4 Do not clean vehicles or equipment on-site using soaps, solvents, degreasers, steam cleaning equipment, etc. Dewatering operations 4 Reuse water for dust control, irrigation, or another on-site purpose to the greatest extent possible. 4 Be sure to call your city’s storm drain inspector before discharging water to a street, gutter, or storm drain. Filtration or diversion through a basin, tank, or sediment trap may be required. 4 In areas of known contamination, testing is required prior to reuse or discharge of groundwater. Consult with the city inspector to determine what testing to do and to interpret results. Contaminated groundwater must be treated or hauled off-site for proper disposal. Concrete, grout, and mortar storage & waste disposal 4 Be sure to store concrete, grout, and mortar under cover and away from drainage areas. These materials must never reach a storm drain. 4 Wash out concrete equipment/trucks off-site or designate an on-site area for washing where water will flow onto dirt or into a temporary pit in a dirt area. Let the water seep into the soil and dispose of hardened concrete with trash. Make sure your crews and subs do the job right! Storm drain polluters may be liable for fines of up to $10,000 per day! Runoff from streets and other paved areas is a major source of pollution in San Francisco Bay. Construction activities can directly affect the health of the Bay unless contractors and crews plan ahead to keep dirt, debris, and other construction waste away from storm drains and local creeks. Following these guidelines will ensure your compliance with local ordinance requirements. 4 Divert water from washing exposed aggregate concrete to a dirt area where it will not run into a gutter, street, or storm drain. 4 If a suitable dirt area is not available, collect the wash water and remove it for appropriate disposal off site. Earthwork & contaminated soils 4 Keep excavated soil on the site where it is least likely to collect in the street. Transfer to dump trucks should take place on the site, not in the street. 4 Use hay bales, silt fences, or other control measures to minimize the flow of silt off the site. Paving/asphalt work Saw cutting 4 Always completely cover or barricade storm drain inlets when saw cutting. Use filter fabric, hay bales, sand bags, or fine gravel dams to keep slurry out of the storm drain system. 4 Shovel, absorb, or vacuum saw-cut slurry and pick up all waste as soon as you are finished in one location or at the end of each work day (whichever is sooner!). 4 If saw cut slurry enters a catch basin, clean it up immediately. 4 Do not pave during wet weather or when rain is forecast. 4 Always cover storm drain inlets and man- holes when paving or applying seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal. 4 Place drip pans or absorbent material un- der paving equipment when not in use. 4 Protect gutters, ditches, and drainage courses with hay bales, sand bags, or earthen berms. 4 Do not sweep or wash down excess sand from sand sealing into gutters, storm drains, or creeks. Collect sand and return it to the stockpile, or dispose of it as trash. 4 Do not use water to wash down fresh asphalt concrete pavement. Painting 4 Never rinse paint brushes or materials in a gutter or street! 4 Paint out excess water-based paint before rinsing brushes, rollers, or containers in a sink. If you can’t use a sink, direct wash water to a dirt area and spade it in. 4 Paint out excess oil-based paint before cleaning brushes in thinner. 4 Filter paint thinners and solvents for reuse whenever possible. Dispose of oil-based paint sludge and unusable thinner as hazardous waste. 4 Avoid scheduling earth moving activities during the rainy season if possible. If grading activities during wet weather are allowed in your permit, be sure to implement all control measures necessary to prevent erosion. 4 Mature vegetation is the best form of erosion control. Minimize disturbance to existing vegetation whenever possible. 4 If you disturb a slope during construction, prevent erosion by securing the soil with erosion control fabric, or seed with fast- growing grasses as soon as possible. Place hay bales down-slope until soil is secure. 4 If you suspect contamination (from site history, discoloration, odor, texture, abandoned underground tanks or pipes, or buried debris), call your local fire department for help in determining what testing should be done. 4 Manage disposal of contaminated soil according to Fire Department instructions. Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA) 1-888-BAYWISE Pollution Prevention —It’s Part of the Plan