Item 6 - Exhibit 08 - Consulting Arborist ReportTree Inventory, Assessment, and Protection 15921 Linda Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95032 Prepared for: Town of Los Gatos May 29, 2019 Prepared By: 
 Richard Gessner ASCA - Registered Consulting Arborist ® #496 ISA - Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B ISA - Tree Risk Assessor Qualified EXHIBIT 8 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Table of Contents Summary 1 ............................................................................................................... Introduction 1 ........................................................................................................... Background 1 ............................................................................................................ Assignment 1 ............................................................................................................. Limits of the assignment 1 ........................................................................................ Purpose and use of the report 2 ................................................................................ Observations 2 ......................................................................................................... Tree Inventory 2 ......................................................................................................... Analysis 4 ................................................................................................................. Discussion 5 ............................................................................................................. Condition Rating 5 ..................................................................................................... Suitability for Preservation 6 ...................................................................................... Expected Impact Level 7 ........................................................................................... Mitigation for Removals 8 .......................................................................................... Tree Protection 9 ....................................................................................................... Conclusion 9 ............................................................................................................ Recommendations 10 ............................................................................................. Pre-construction and Planning Phase 10 .................................................................. Bibliography 11 ........................................................................................................ Glossary of Terms 12 ............................................................................................... Appendix A: Site Plan 14 ......................................................................................... Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables 15 ...................................... Appendix C: Photographs 17 .................................................................................. C1: Japanese maple #136 and Sweetgum #137 17 ................................................. C2: Adjacent trees in back 18 ................................................................................... Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines 19 ........................................................... Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During Construction 19 ........................... Tree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications 19 ................................................. All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 20 ..................................... Monitoring 20 ............................................................................................................ Root Pruning 21 ......................................................................................................... Boring or Tunneling 21 ............................................................................................... Tree Pruning and Removal Operations 21 ................................................................. Appendix E: Tree Protection Signs 22 .................................................................... E1: English 22 ............................................................................................................ E2: Spanish 23 ........................................................................................................... Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions 24 ................................... Certification of Performance 25............................................................................. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Summary The plans indicate the existing structure will be demolished and a new residence constructed. The inventory contains 13 trees comprised of 8 different species with no Large Protected, seven Protected, and three Exempt while the remaining trees are less than twelve inches in diameter originating on the adjacent sites. Most of the trees are in fair condition and two have fair suitability for preservation. All four trees originating on the site will be highly impacted and caused to be removed which are Japanese maple #136, Sweetgum #137, pear #138 and apple #139. The trees on the adjacent sites are not expected to be highly impacted by the project depending on the grading and drainage plans. Replacement trees will be required and tree protection for this project would consist of a fence at the property setbacks or close to them on the north and west side of the property. A total of 13 trees were appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $26,350.00 using the Trunk Formula Method. Introduction Background The Town of Los Gatos asked me to assess the site, trees, and proposed footprint plan, and to provide a report with my findings and recommendations to help satisfy planning requirements. Assignment •Provide an arborist’s report including an assessment of the trees within the project area and on the adjacent sites. The assessment is to include the species, size (trunk diameter), condition (health and structure), and suitability for preservation ratings. Affix aluminum number tags on the trees for reference on site and on plans. •Provide tree protection specifications, guidelines, and impact ratings for trees that may be affected by the project. •Provide appraised values. Limits of the assignment •The information in this report is limited to the condition of the trees during my inspection on May 20, 2019. No tree risk assessments were performed. •Tree heights and canopy diameters are estimates. •The most recent Guide to Plant Appraisal, Tenth Edition was published in late 2018 by the ISA. The Guide is not functional at this time due to significant errors in the original printed version and gaps in information regarding regional species characteristics and nursery stock wholesale costs. Therefore the ninth edition and its supplemental publications were used for this assignment with the exception of the “condition ratings” assessment. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 1 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 •The plans reviewed for this assignment were as follows (Table 1). Purpose and use of the report The report is intended to identify all the trees within the plan area that could be affected by a project. The report is to be used by the Town of Los Gatos and the property owners as a reference for existing tree conditions to help satisfy planning requirements. Observations The plans indicate the existing structure will be demolished and a new residence constructed. Tree Inventory The inventory consists of trees protected by the Town of Los Gatos located on site and those in close proximity on neighboring properties. Sec. 29.10.0960. - Scope of protected trees. All trees which have a four-inch or greater diameter (twelve and one half-inch circumference) of any trunk, when removal relates to any review for which zoning approval or subdivision approval is required. (Appendix A and B). Los Gatos Town Ordinance 29.10.0970 Exceptions (1) states the following: “A fruit or nut tree that is less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter (fifty-seven-inch circumference). 
 Table 1: Plans Reviewed Checklist Plan Date Sheet Reviewed Source Existing Site Topographic Map or A.L.T.A with tree locations Proposed Site Plan 4/9/19 A1 Yes RH Associates Architects Demolition Plan Construction Staging Grading and Drainage Utility Plan and Hook- up locations Exterior Elevations Landscape Plan Irrigation Plan T-1 Tree Protection Plan Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 2 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 The inventory contains 13 trees comprised of 8 different species. No trees are Large Protected , seven are Protected , and three are 1 2 Exempt while the remaining trees are less than twelve inches in diameter they originate on the adjacent sites. The chart below list 3 the species and their relative quantities (Chart 1). 
 Large protected tree means any oak (Quercus spp.), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), or Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) which has a 24-inch or 1 greater diameter (75-inch circumference); or any other species of tree with a 48-inch or greater diameter (150-inch circumference). Protected tree means a tree regulated by the Town of Los Gatos as set forth in Section. 29.10.0960, Scope of protected trees.2 A fruit or nut tree that is less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter (fifty-seven-inch circumference).3 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 3 25 Quantity 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Analysis Tree appraisal was performed according to the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers Guide for Plant Appraisal 9th Edition, 2000 (CLTA) along with Western Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004. The trees were appraised using the “Cost Approach” and more specifically the “Trunk Formula Method” (Appendix B). “Trunk Formula Method” is calculated as follows: Basic Tree Cost = (Appraised tree trunk increase X Unit tree cost + Installed tree cost) Appraised Value = (Basic tree cost X Species % X Condition % X Location %). The trunk formula valuations are based on four tree factors; species, size (trunk cross sectional area), condition, and location. There are two steps to determine the overall value. The first step is to determine the “Basic Tree Cost” based on size and species rating which is determined by the Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004 Western Chapter Regional Supplement. The second part is to depreciate the value according to the location and condition of the trees. The condition assessment and percentages are defined in the “Condition Rating” section of this report. The condition ratings deviate from the Guide’s condition assessment numerical rating system. The reason for this deviation is the Guide’s assessment criteria fails to account for significant health or structural issues creating high percentages for tree with either significant structural defects or health problems that could ultimately lead to failure or irreversible decline. Location rating is an average of three factors; site, contribution, and placement. Site is determined by the relative property value where the trees are planted. The residential site would be classified as “very high” value with a 90 percent rating compared to similar sites in the area (ISA, 2000). Contribution and placement is determined by the function and aesthetics the trees provide for the site and their location on the property. The percent of contribution and placement can range from 10 to 100 percent depending on the trees influence to the value of the property. These percentages ranged from 0 to 90 percent in my assessment. A total of 13 trees were appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $26,350.00 using the Trunk Formula Method (Appendix B).
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 4 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Discussion Condition Rating A tree’s condition is a determination of its overall health, structure, and form. The assessment considered both the health and structure for a combined condition rating. •100% - Exceptional = Good health and structure with significant size, location or quality. •61-80% - Good = Normal vigor, well-developed structure, function and aesthetics not compromised with good longevity for the site. •41-60 % - Fair = Reduced vigor, damage, dieback, or pest problems, at least one significant structural problem or multiple moderate defects requiring treatment. Major asymmetry or deviation from the species normal habit, function and aesthetics compromised. •21-40% - Poor = Unhealthy and declining appearance with poor vigor, abnormal foliar color, size or density with potential irreversible decline. One serious structural defect or multiple significant defects that cannot be corrected and failure may occur at any time. Significant asymmetry and compromised aesthetics and intended use. •6-20% - Very Poor = Poor vigor and dying with little foliage in irreversible decline. Severe defects with the likelihood of failure being probable or imminent. Aesthetically poor with little or no function in the landscape. •0-5% - Dead/Unstable = Dead or imminently ready to fail. Most of the trees are in fair condition with four good, eight fair, and one in poor shape (Chart 2). 
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 5 25 Quantity 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Suitability for Preservation A tree’s suitability for conservation is determined based on its health, structure, age, species and disturbance tolerances, proximity to cutting and filling, proximity to construction or demolition, and potential longevity using a scale of good, fair, or poor (Fite, K, and Smiley, E. T., 2016). Trees with good suitability have good vigor, structural stability, and potential longevity after construction. •Good = Trees with good health, structural stability and longevity. •Fair = Trees with fair health and/or structural defects that may be mitigated through treatment. These trees require more intense management and monitoring, and may have shorter life spans than those in the good category. •Poor = Trees in poor health with significant structural defects that cannot be mitigated and will continue to decline regardless of treatment. The species or individual may possess characteristics that are incompatible or undesirable in landscape settings or unsuited for the intended use of the site. Two trees have fair suitability for preservation which are the Japanese maple and sweetgum that will be highly impacted and caused to be removed. The two fruit trees have poor suitability and the remaining nine originate on the adjacent sites.
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 6 25 Quantity 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Expected Impact Level Impact level defines how a tree may be affected by construction activity and proximity to the tree, and is described as low, moderate, or high. The following scale defines the impact rating: •Low = The construction activity will have little influence on the tree. •Moderate = The construction may cause future health or structural problems, and steps must be taken to protect the tree to reduce future problems. •High = Tree structure and health will be compromised and removal is recommended, or other actions must be taken for the tree to remain. The tree is located in the building envelope. All four trees originating on the site will be highly impacted and caused to be removed which are Japanese maple #136, Sweetgum #137, pear #138 and apple #139. The trees on the adjacent sites are not expected to be highly impacted by the project depending on the grading and drainage plans.
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 7 25 Quantity 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Mitigation for Removals The table below indicates the recommended replacement values (Table 3). Alternatively it may be possible to create an approved landscape plan or provide an in-lieu payment. 1To measure an asymmetrical canopy of a tree, the widest measurement shall be used to determine canopy size. 2Often, it is not possible to replace a single large, older tree with an equivalent tree(s). In this case, the tree may be replaced with a combination of both the Tree Canopy Replacement Standard and in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by Town Council resolution paid to the Town Tree Replacement Fund. 3Single Family Residential Replacement Option is available for developed single family residential lots under 10,000 square feet that are not subject to the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All 15-gallon trees must be planted on-site. Any in-lieu fees for single family residential shall be based on 24” box tree rates as adopted by Town Council. 4Replacement Trees shall be approved by the Town Arborist and shall be of a species suited to the available planting location, proximity to structures, overhead clearances, soil type, compatibility with surrounding canopy and other relevant factors. Replacement with native species shall be strongly encouraged. Replacement requirements in the Hillsides shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Appendix A and Section 29.10.0987 Special Provisions—Hillsides.
 Table 3: Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy - Replacement Standard Canopy Size of Removed Tree (1) Replacement Requirement (2)(4) Single Family Residential Replacement Option (3)(4) 10 feet or less Two 24 inch box trees Two 15 gallon trees More than 10 feet to 25 feet Three 24 inch box trees Three 15 gallon trees More than 25 feet to 40 feet Four 24 inch box trees or two 36 inch box trees Four 15 gallon trees More than 40 feet to 55 feet Six 24 inch box trees; or three 36 inch box trees Not available Greater than 55 feet Ten 24 inch box trees; or five 36 inch box trees Not available Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 8 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Tree Protection Tree protection focuses on avoiding damage to the roots, trunk, or scaffold branches (Appendix D). The most current accepted method for determining the TPZ is to use a formula based on species tolerance, tree age/vigor, and trunk diameter (Matheny, N. and Clark, J. 1998) (Fite, K, and Smiley, E. T., 2016). Preventing mechanical damage to the trunk from equipment or hand tools can be accomplished by wrapping the main stem with straw wattle or using vertical timbers. Tree protection for this project would consist of a fence at the property setbacks or close to them on the north and west side of the property. Conclusion The plans indicate the existing structure will be demolished and a new residence constructed. The inventory contains 13 trees comprised of 8 different species with no Large Protected, seven Protected, and three Exempt while the remaining trees are less than twelve inches in diameter they originate on the adjacent sites. Most of the trees are in fair condition with four good, eight fair, and one in poor shape. Two trees have fair suitability for preservation which are the Japanese maple and sweetgum that will be highly impacted and caused to be removed. The two fruit trees have poor suitability and the remaining nine originate on the adjacent sites. All four trees originating on the site will be highly impacted and caused to be removed which are Japanese maple #136, Sweetgum #137, pear #138 and apple #139. The trees on the adjacent sites are not expected to be highly impacted by the project depending on the grading and drainage plans. Replacement trees will be required and any combination of trees listed with crown diameters between 25 and 40 feet will be required for the Japanese maple and Sweetgum removals. Tree protection for this project would consist of a fence at the property setbacks or close to them on the north and west side of the property. A total of 13 trees were appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $26,350.00 using the Trunk Formula Method.
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 9 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Recommendations Pre-construction and Planning Phase 1.Place tree numbers and tree protection fence locations and guidelines on the plans including the grading, drainage, and utility plans. Create a separate plan sheet that includes all protection measures labeled “T-1 Tree Protection Plan.” 2.Place tree protection fence the property setbacks or close to them on the north and west side of the property. 3.Provide a landscape plan that accounts for the loss in tree canopy to include in tabular form the required replacements in accordance with the Town’s Tree Canopy Replacement Standard. 4.All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writing according to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards and local regulations. All maintenance is to be performed according to ISA Best Management Practices. 5.Refer to Appendix D for general tree protection guidelines including recommendations for arborist assistance while working under trees, trenching, or excavation within a trees drip line or designated TPZ/CRZ. 6.Provide a copy of this report to all contractors and project managers, including the architect, civil engineer, and landscape designer or architect. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure all parties are familiar with this document. 7.Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the project arborist or landscape architect to verify tree protection is in place, with the correct materials, and at the proper distances. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 10 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Bibliography American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management : Standard Practices (Management of Trees and Shrubs During Site Planning, Site Development, and Construction)(Part 5). Londonderry, NH: Secretariat, Tree Care Industry Association, 2012. Print. Costello, Laurence Raleigh, Bruce W. Hagen, and Katherine S. Jones. Oaks in the urban landscape: selection, care, and preservation. Oakland, CA: University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2011. Print. Fite, Kelby, and Edgar Thomas. Smiley. Managing trees during construction, second edition. Champaign, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2016. ISA. Guide For Plant Appraisal 9th Edition. Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2000. Print. ISA. Guide For Plant Appraisal 10th Edition. Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2018. Print. ISA. Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004 Western Chapter Regional Supplement. Western Chapter ISA Matheny, Nelda P., Clark, James R. Trees and development: A technical guide to preservation of trees during land development. Bedminster, PA: International Society of Arboriculture1998. Smiley, E, Matheny, N, Lilly, S, ISA. Best Management Practices: Tree Risk Assessment: International Society of Arboriculture, 2017. Print Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 11 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Glossary of Terms Basic Tree Cost: The cost of replacement for a perfect specimen of a particular species and cross sectional area prior to location and condition depreciation. Cost Approach: An indication of value by adding the land value to the depreciated value of improvements. Defect: An imperfection, weakness, or lack of something necessary. In trees defects are injuries, growth patterns, decay, or other conditions that reduce the tree’s structural strength. Diameter at breast height (DBH): Measures at 1.4 meters (4.5 feet) above ground in the United States, Australia (arboriculture), New Zealand, and when using the Guide for Plant Appraisal, 9th edition; at 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) above ground in Australia (forestry), Canada, the European Union, and in UK forestry; and at 1.5 meters (5 feet) above ground in UK arboriculture. Drip Line: Imaginary line defined by the branch spread or a single plant or group of plants. The outer extent of the tree crown. Form: describes a plant’s habit, shape or silhouette defined by its genetics, environment, or management. Health: Assessment is based on the overall appearance of the tree, its leaf and twig growth, and the presence and severity of insects or disease. Mechanical damage: Physical damage caused by outside forces such as cutting, chopping or any mechanized device that may strike the tree trunk, roots or branches. Scaffold branches: Permanent or structural branches that for the scaffold architecture or structure of a tree. Straw wattle: also known as straw worms, bio-logs, straw noodles, or straw tubes are man made cylinders of compressed, weed free straw (wheat or rice), 8 to 12 inches in diameter and 20 to 25 feet long. They are encased in jute, nylon, or other photo degradable materials, and have an average weight of 35 pounds. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 12 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Structural evaluation: focused on the crown, trunk, trunk flare, above ground roots and the site conditions contributing to conditions and/or defects that may contribute to failure. Tree Protection Zone (TPZ): Defined area within which certain activities are prohibited or restricted to prevent or minimize potential injury to designated trees, especially during construction or development. Tree Risk Assessment: Process of evaluating what unexpected things could happen, how likely it is, and what the likely outcomes are. In tree management, the systematic process to determine the level of risk posed by a tree, tree part, or group of trees. Trunk: Stem of a tree. Trunk Formula Method: Method to appraise the monetary value of trees considered too large to be replaced with nursery or field grown stock. Based on developing a representative unit cost for replacement with the same or comparable species of the same size and in the same place, subject to depreciation for various factors. Contrast with replacement cost method. Volunteer: A tree, not planted by human hands, that begins to grow on residential or commercial property. Unlike trees that are brought in and installed on property, volunteer trees usually spring up on their own from seeds placed onto the ground by natural causes or accidental transport by people. Normally, volunteer trees are considered weeds and removed, but many desirable and attractive specimens have gone on to become permanent residents on many public and private grounds. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 13 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Appendix A: Site Plan Site plan not to scale Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 14 25 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables Table 2: Inventory and Assessment Summary Tree Species #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Health Structure Form Condition Suitability Expected Impact Rounded Value Replacement Required Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) 136 8, 8, 8, 8 32 Fair Fair Good Fair Fair High $4800.00 Yes American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) 137 18.5 40 Good Fair Good Good Fair High $5,000.00 Yes Pear (Pyrus communus) 138 7 15 Good Good Good Good Poor High $1,100.00 Yes? apple (Malus domestica) 139 4, 4, 2 15 Good Good Good Good Poor High $1,170.00 Yes? *coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 140 12 30 Good Fair Fair Fair N/A Low $1,560.00 No *coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 141 6, 10, 10 35 Good Poor Fair Fair N/A Low $2700.00 No *coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) 142 14 35 Good Poor Poor Poor N/A Low $1,050.00 No *plum (Prunus sp.)143 4, 8, 6 25 Good Poor Poor Fair N/A Low $620.00 No *valley oak (Quercus lobata) 144 12 45 Good Fair Good Good N/A Low $3,870.00 No *Xylosma (Xylosma congestum) 145 8 35 Fair Fair Fair Fair N/A Low $710.00 No Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 15 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 *Xylosma (Xylosma congestum) 146 8 35 Fair Fair Fair Fair N/A Low $710.00 No *Xylosma (Xylosma congestum) 147 12 35 Fair Fair Fair Fair N/A Low $1,530.00 No *Xylosma (Xylosma congestum) 148 12 35 Fair Fair Fair Fair N/A Low $1,530.00 No Tree Species #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Health Structure Form Condition Suitability Expected Impact Rounded Value Replacement Required Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 16 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Appendix C: Photographs C1: Japanese maple #136 and Sweetgum #137 
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 17 25 136 137 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 C2: Adjacent trees in back 
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 18 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During Construction Tree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications   1.Size and materials: Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base. 2.Area type to be fenced: Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. 3.Duration of Type I, II, III fencing: Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence. 4.Warning Sign: Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning —Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025.” Text on the signs should be in both English and Spanish (Appendix E). 
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 19 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 1.Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. 2.Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. 3.Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. 4.Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. 5.Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. 6.Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. 7.The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered. Monitoring Any trenching, construction or demolition that is expected to damage or encounter tree roots should be monitored by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist and should be documented. The site should be evaluated by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist after construction is complete, and any necessary remedial work that needs to be performed should be noted. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 20 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Root Pruning Roots greater than two inches in diameter shall not be cut. When roots over two inches in diameter are encountered and are authorized to be cut or removed, they should be pruned by hand with loppers, handsaw, reciprocating saw, or chain saw rather than left crushed or torn. Roots should be cut beyond sinker roots or outside root branch junctions and be supervised by the project arborist. When completed, exposed roots should be kept moist with burlap or backfilled within one hour. Boring or Tunneling Boring machines should be set up outside the drip line or established Tree Protection Zone. Boring may also be performed by digging a trench on both sides of the tree until roots one inch in diameter are encountered and then hand dug or excavated with an Air Spade® or similar air or water excavation tool. Bore holes should be adjacent to the trunk and never go directly under the main stem to avoid oblique (heart) roots. Bore holes should be a minimum of three feet deep. Tree Pruning and Removal Operations All tree pruning or removals should be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Treatment, including pruning, shall be specified in writing according to the most recent ANSI A-300A Standards and Limitations and performed according to ISA Best Management Practices while adhering to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards. Trees that need to be removed or pruned should be identified in the pre-construction walk through.
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 21 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Appendix E: Tree Protection Signs E1: English
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 22 25 Warning Tree Protection Zone This Fence Shall Not Be Removed And Is Subject To Penalty According To Town Code 29.10.1025 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 E2: Spanish 
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 23 25 Cuidado Zona De Arbol Pretejido Esta valla no podrán ser sacados Y está sujeta a sanción en función de Código Ciudad del 29.101025 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. Any titles or ownership of properties are assumed to be good and marketable. All property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. All property is presumed to be in conformance with applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other regulations. Care has been taken to obtain information from reliable sources. However, the consultant cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or attend meetings, hearings, conferences, mediations, arbitration, or trials by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services. This report and any appraisal value expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is not contingent upon the reporting of a specified appraisal value, a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report are intended for use as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale, and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. The reproduction of information generated by architects, engineers, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is only for coordination and ease of reference. Inclusion of said information with any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless otherwise expressed: a) this report covers only examined items and their condition at the time of inspection; and b) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that structural problems or deficiencies of plants or property may not arise in the future. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 24 25 15921 Linda Avenue, Los Gatos Tree Inventory and Assessment May 29, 2019 Certification of Performance I Richard Gessner, Certify: That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and/or the property referred to in this report, and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation and/or appraisal is stated in the attached report and Terms of Assignment; That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; That the analysis, opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own; That my analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted Arboricultural practices; That no one provided significant professional assistance to the consultant, except as indicated within the report. That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party, nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any other subsequent events; I further certify that I am a Registered Consulting Arborist® with the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and that I acknowledge, accept and adhere to the ASCA Standards of Professional Practice. I am an International Society of Arboriculture Board Certified Master Arborist®. I have been involved with the practice of Arboriculture and the care and study of trees since 1998. Richard J. Gessner ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #496 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualified Copyright © Copyright 2019, Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC. Other than specific exception granted for copies made by the client for the express uses stated in this report, no parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the express, written permission of the author. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com of 25 25