Item 4 - Exhibit 12 - Additional Correspondence from Applicant1 Ryan Safty From:Jim Whitney <jimw@demattei.com> Sent:Tuesday, November 12, 2019 11:44 AM To:Ryan Safty Cc:Sally Zarnowitz Subject:RE: Rose Ave Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Hi Ryan, Sorry for the delay. Please see below for our response to the latest comments from the appellant. 1) We will not perform any work outside the boundaries of the subject property which will be reflected in subsequent plan sets. The quit claim describes the “right of way for ingress and egress and utilities” easement (also described in the deed as “Parcel 3”) which is outside the boundary of the subject property and is NOT included in the lot size calculation. 2) Note 11 that he is referring to “Class “A” Comp. roof system to match main house.” is a reference to the material, not that it is matching the slope of the existing house. We are not trying to graphically misrepresent the height of the new structure as he seems to be implying, rather proposing a structure that indeed has a slope of 5:12 which respects the height restrictions. 3) I am still not sure where the 21,000 square feet is coming from and it is unclear as to what his “attachment 5” even is. The area of the boundary identified in the survey which excludes the right of way easement is 25,469 as stated. The 30’ slope easement is identified as being on the adjacent property to the rear which we feel is accurate. Thank You, Jim Whitney Architectural Project Manager, IT Oversight 1794 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 408.350.4200 p 408.674.0440 c website | facebook | Houzz EXHIBIT 12 This Page Intentionally Left Blank