Item 3 - Exhibit 09 - Summary of neighbor outreach by applicantNeighbor Feedback for 236 Las Miradas Drive RE: 236 Las Miradas Drive Minor Residential Development Application MR-15-011 Requesting approval to construct a new second story addition to an existing singl-familty residence on propertyzoned R-1 :8. APN 424-24-020. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Yujun Wang, Jia Liu Dear Sir/Madam, This letter is about the feedback from the neighbors of my house (236 Las Miradas). I started to design the floor plans three years ago. I have talked with every neighbor over the years. There is no neighbor that I haven't talked with. I have explained to all of them about the plan and scope of work. They all support my project. Here is the list of the near neighbors: 227 Las Miradas Dr: 230 El Cajon Way: 245 Las Miradas Dr: 228 Las Miradas Dr: 232 Las Miradas Dr: 240 Las Miradas Dr: 244 Las Miradas Dr: Richard Ponton (last talk: 12/26/2016) Neil E Grenzebach (last talk: September 2016) Robin Emmerson (last talk 12/26/2016) Deborah Mcdowell (last talk November 2016) Andrew Ferguson (last talk 12/23/2016) Emil Tiller (Summer 2016) Rick & Susi Steiner (last talk: 12/19/2016) Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions. Thanks! Sinc~rely, Yujun Wang Cell phone#: 408-348-9365 Email: yujun.wang@gmail.com EXHIBIT 9 Support Letter for the new 2nc1-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nd-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature 10/u I o/2J zhof\8 p ~11 ~I\ XIA Address l 2 <is LA 5 A11.!l-r I) Comments RECEIVED OCT 2 9 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Support Letter for the new 2nc1-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nc1-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature Address Comments tlt~~B- (11 /~ I Support Letter for the new 2nd-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nc1-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nc1-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature (,.eP<1t C,-irv'"i (vtu/ VJµ,t, /Jy,p1 Address ib D E. \ Cb.. l""' w ~J J l~ e,.~~~ oiso, L ~l{// ~~ Comments 1,ohA_ll~ <;,v(f~ ! Cj!AL1 qL) Jk H ~ M9' ',.j NEf< 5HcJUL]) ])~Cf D € (T sUP/>tJ t<..1' J. "'P L~VE.L.S Support Letter for the new 2nc1-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nd-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature Address Comments Support Letter for the new 2nc1-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We. the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nd-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. ft will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signatur Address 9 !:' 1 tu,, (<._ vc$<1.. <.r t..-3 L ~,, G-'P ~ Comments I Support Letter for the new 2nd-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nd-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature Address Comments 10 /2 J. ~tvw ~~ Los AA'vYD4~ \ 1)n~ ;,Ji ~,,~Dlb {,4QptJJtv ,. k'Z.. . i;;/ ;). f, J LAS 11..J 11).;tab..$ --, () H)IJ}< 13 ~i:tL V1l)-.t...CA 7rt;3~ p '1 pJ:.}l\. l)~,_,a ). C fb/J,,P" t57 U.5 /Y11rtt"1s 0, ll.ff-i nLf roVune.n±. I 'ltru5r'~ ,/'/hUlt...~f /-l)S 6,-./t,~ C!A-1o~~ our ~n1CS' { I Support Letter for the new 2nd_story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2"d~story of 665 sq ft. The new 2"d-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code . . I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of "it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. 1 Date V \ .. Address Comments I n-3-\ l I I --}-I RECE\VED .NDV .12 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I I I Support Letter for the new 2"d-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive .- We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2"d-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2"d-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code . . I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of "it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature Address Comments · De.Joo~ \'4. '{1.ie \ z.___2 i i...A..5 ·oky -< II/ 11 /1i M~r~s. Or (.J.J\.~ ~~ Los~ Cft VV\;·e_ . Ko. J7~,v \o~ L.M M<.IY? ---'Yi0, ,1. 5 .o~ t>)i!."'" lo 7 Gi _t-.-"\D .s 't/JJ!tf; M t lt.t TeA~ -0 t& , w.s f\G~ Cr. C)~·-- , I~ A-"" r!<.J £"' ns las As-/a_r 7µ Yes .1.~1 (.../e o ,-e I ~ltr l.. of 0 C't/rr;J 1/,i t/1 iyr~ i>.x. I \\ 1,, 1" I s~drre,~ Tucxer 2:w l(f ro~o V) ptnd,e_ w°' , LOS C;zo..to S 'Jf: ':::, \, fU\\ 'y <;Lf)l?Ort-_1 i ~--------------·-r ---~------------- I I Sf; /-f rttJ>f_ . ~~1 /I I j 11/,1J,1 fafrice 5f;"ff5 rd:, rn,, Je, wtrY I /_o -6 {d a-h.s I I I I I I Support Letter for the new 2nd_story -addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We 1 the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2"d-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nd-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code . .I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of 'it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Address Comments /J 1/ 11 1. s \J 6' (>l""-~ tt....J\. 4l"V' f;,-. - ~\\wt 1)'"" ,\" t,A.M \ \ i. A'vt°Jo ~ -1. "V"(Jr~ t~ \\ I u ~~··· ~ y!WA \\\ \I ~\I\ o.., ~vi~ 1oq lo-Gwt~(,eJ i I\ 1 ~li>~IMQM,ts °"( -e ~o! (. ~ '" '"' CW\ t"'- L 3 \ \A-L\u.~C<.. lh..e.. I?\£).~ \,oo\L.~ 0 ¥-· Bille-to lo Ma jv\ltl ----------- 5~ J 5' J 4-Gtncck_ ---r, ~r,..,,+-~ ~ ·~< I ~ flaA\.. Support Letter for the new 2nd_story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to -add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nd-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code . . I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of 1t because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. 1 Date Name/Signature \l)D)}\ CMt\o.v.A J/v~ I ~ 11;~; rk i/~ru vt~ 'f ~J VAA~1v Address 161 A-r rd~-- G ra /\Je w~1 1 L't> G-"'f<,', CA ~ () 3--"L Z.ol LA._ V(.1t (<4 <-t [u, µ?r-J q5"0' l.,. l 'i 3 L..A-(JnT~A- l-J)"b c;go,f}~ Comments YV> v-Jt:. s,Plo'' Tu J-,Jdtr~ Yes, 5ee/Af'5 t,te. a. ~~&ible..~~~ ~ ,JUt:;-Ps~ -To~ ~~O'-' {II ~C~C.f-f ~ W7 6oti-o~{~>(IJ)...._ t·'7 Cf LA CA~1.n-er l.o> ~~-f o~ C/J . ,' O L ·---------- u .-.. . . J e ~, l vv 0 vl1 '-1/(~ -Jo nA ~C r J., /) fJ .vt, °' I I Support Letter for the new 2nd_story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2"d-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2"d-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of lt because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature Address Comments ( \f \ \ Jo VU1~c.J°" ~ \~, ,~ i~~ \A,, l ~1: ok_ \ \\ \\ \< it Y-tN\ v~, ~ '° \~L\Wl~ ~,rkry-2Yo--0v , 2,0~ L,w1 fa ,kJ,;. \ t\ \\ 11~ ()~~ --------- vJ ~;, 7-lAS \ l ll 111 o ,.,e Q~ -!LAD 1-1 ;> y ;;-5 bJ> pi/\, Y\,L- / ' Support Letter for the new 200-story addition at 236 Las Miradas Drive We, the Wang family of four and surrounding neighbors, are writing this letter to Town of Los Gatos to add a new 2nd-story of 665 sq ft. The new 2nc1-story is designed to preserve the neighborhood character. It will conform to the latest building code. I have reviewed plans for this project and signed this letter in support of it because this project will both improve the quality of neighborhood and meet its changing needs. Date Name/Signature Address Comments 1 I I IJ/1 9~ eri,1v 11Gf/L Z,fO Lc;,s /};1,r C 4 d QS M12 0 K. < .Cf) .(L/Jv Oc. ioc; GrJ9J vv, 't~ M(_ .J' ll/lfl/!f 1wi~ T~ 'V-f Cf uY /VJ!~ Dk~ p ~ yY)~ ., "