Item 2 - Exhibit 02 - Required Findings and ConsiderationsN:\DEV\FINDINGS\2020\BROADWAY, 101 - A&S FINDINGS - DRC 09-15-20.DOCX PLANNING COMMISSION –October 28, 2020 REQUIRED FINDINGS & CONSIDERATIONS FOR: 101 Broadway Architecture and Site Application S-20-003 Consider an Appeal of a Development Review Committee Decision Approving a Request for Demolition of an Existing Single-family Residence and Construction of a New Single-family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP Located at 101 Broadway. APN 510-45-041. PROPERTY OWNER: ZKJ LLC. APPLICANT: Jay Plett PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Required finding for the demolition of a two -family residence: ■ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures: 1. The Town's housing stock will be maintained as the two-family residence will be replaced. 2. The existing structure has no architectural or historical significance and is in poor condition. 3. The property owner does not desire to maintain the structures as they exist; and 4. The economic utility of the structures was considered. Required compliance with the Zoning Regulations: ■ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations). Required compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: ■ The project is in compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines for single- family residences located in Historic Districts and not in hillside areas. The project was found to be compatible with the Broadway Historic District in terms of style, massing, and scale by the Historic Preservation Committee. The applicant responded to the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Committee be revising the siding material to a wood channel lap siding. EXHIBIT 2 N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2020\BROADWAY, 101 - A&S FINDINGS - DRC 09-15-20.DOCX ■ The project is not the largest for floor area or FAR, and is not the first two-story residence in the neighborhood ■ The applicant revised the design to respond to the privacy concerns of the neighbor by removing one second story window and reducing the size of another second story window. ■ The applicant lowered the roof ridge by six (6) inches above the master bedroom and master bathroom to respond to the view concerns of the neighbor. ■ The applicant revised the design to respond to the privacy concerns of the neighbor by reducing the extent of the upper terrace patio by five (5) feet to be farther away from the property to the east. Additionally, the applicant introduced a fence along a portion of the east property line, adjacent to the neig hbor’s patio, with a height 1.33 feet above the neighbor’s eave line for a length of not less than 40 feet. Required Compliance with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G): ■ The project is in compliance with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines for properties outside of the hillside area with an average slope exceeding 10 percent. CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Architecture & Site applications: ■ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project.