Item 2 - Exhibit 03 - RHNA Objectives and FactorsAgenda Item 7 Attachment A RHNA Objectives and Factors Summary of RHNA Objectives (from Government Code §65584(d) and (e)) The regional housing needs allocation plan shall further all of the following objectives: (1)Increase housing supply and mix of housing types, tenure, and affordability all cities and counties within the region in an equitable manner (2)Promote infill development and socioeconomic equity, protect environmental and agricultural resources, encourage efficient development patterns, and achieve GHG reduction targets (3)Promote improved intraregional jobs-housing relationship, including balance between low- wage jobs and housing units affordable to low-wage workers in each jurisdiction (4)Balance disproportionate household income distributions (more high-income RHNA to lower- income areas and vice-versa) (5)Affirmatively further fair housing Summary of RHNA Factors (from Government Code §65584.04(d)) (1)Existing and projected jobs and housing relationship, particularly low-wage jobs and affordable housing (2)Lack of capacity for sewer or water service due to decisions outside the jurisdiction’s control. (3)The availability of land suitable for urban development. (4)Lands protected from urban development under existing federal or state programs (5)County policies to preserve prime agricultural land. (6)The distribution of household growth assumed for regional transportation plans and opportunities to maximize use of public transportation and existing transportation infrastructure. (7)Agreements between a county and cities in a county to direct growth toward incorporated areas of the county (8)The loss of units in assisted housing developments as a result of expiring affordability contracts. (9)The percentage of existing households paying more than 30 percent and more than 50 percent of their income in rent. (10)The rate of overcrowding. (11)The housing needs of farmworkers. (12)The housing needs generated by the presence of a university within the jurisdiction. (13)The loss of units during a state of emergency that have yet to be rebuilt or replaced at the time of the analysis. (14)The region’s greenhouse gas emissions targets provided by the State Air Resources Board. EXHIBIT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank