02 Attachment 1 with Exhibit A GENERAL PLAN 2019 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT ATTACHMENT 1 2 INTRODUCTION The Town Council adopted the Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan on September 20, 2010 after an extensive two-year community process to update and build upon the strong foundational framework established by the Town’s 2000 General Plan. On May 5, 2015, the Town adopted its 2015-2023 Housing Element which is a required sub- element of the General Plan. The State Housing and Community Development Department certified the Housing Element on May 20, 2015. Government Code Section 65400 mandates that cities and counties submit an annual report on the status of their General Plan and any progress in its implementation to their legislative bodies. Annual Progress Reports (APRs) must be presented to the local legislative body for its review and acceptance, usually as a consent or discussion item on a regular meeting agenda. 2019 SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS The following significant Planning efforts made progress or were completed in 2019: • General Plan Update The Town Council approved a Vision and Guiding Principles for the General Plan update and the General Plan Advisory Committee continued their work on the update. Work on the update is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2020. • 16212 Los Gatos Boulevard The Town Council conducted public hearings and approved a Planned Development application with modifications. The Los Gatos Boulevard application allows for a new 11,300-square foot commercial building. • 16100 Greenridge Terrace The Town Council conducted public hearings and approved a Planned Development application with modifications. The Greenridge Terrace application allows for eight hillside lots. • Town Code Amendments (Streamlining) Amendments to the Town Code streamlining the process for shared parking, valet parking, parking lot improvements, and hillside homes were adopted by the Town Council. • Town Code Amendments (Hillside Fences) Amendments to the Town Code regarding fences, hedges, and walls, including regulations for the hillside area of Town were adopted by the Town Council. 3 • Town Code Amendments (Demolition) Amendments to the Town Code regarding demolition regulations were adopted by the Town Council. • Town Code Amendments (Building, Fire, and Reach Codes) Amendments to the Town Code regarding Building, Fire, and Reach codes were adopted by the Town Council. • Town Code Amendments (Land Use Appeals) Amendments to the Town Code regarding the land use appeal process were adopted by the Town Council. HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS The Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2019 is attached as Exhibit A. PROPERTIES ANNEXED TO THE TOWN IN 2019 The Town Council approved the following annexations to the Town of Los Gatos from Unincorporated Santa Clara County in 2019: • El Gato Lane No. 3: 15760 El Gato Lane (approximately 0.19 acres) Approved February 5, 2019 • Island Annexations (approximately 308 parcels) Approved June 18, 2019 N:\DEV\TC REPORTS\2020\GP APR\Attachment 1 - 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report.doc This Page Intentionally Left Blank JurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTNote: "+" indicates an optional fieldReporting Year2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element ImplementationDate Application SubmittedTotal Approved Units by ProjectTotal Disapproved Units by ProjectStreamliningNotes234678910Prior APN+Current APN Street AddressProject Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)TenureR=RenterO=OwnerDate Application SubmittedVery Low-Income Deed RestrictedVery Low-Income Non Deed RestrictedLow-Income Deed RestrictedLow-Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate-Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeTotal PROPOSED Units by ProjectTotal APPROVED Units by projectTotal DISAPPROVED Units by Project (Auto-calculated Can Be Overwritten)Was APPLICATION SUBMITTED Pursuant to GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Notes+Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below0020052458580 0110No330No220No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110No110NoHousing Development Applications SubmittedTable ACells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas(CCR Title 25 §6202)51Project IdentifierUnit TypesProposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes EXHIBIT A JurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTReporting Year2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element ImplementationCells in grey contain auto-calculation formulasTable A2Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed UnitsStreamlining InfillHousing without Financial Assistance or Deed RestrictionsTerm of Affordability or Deed RestrictionNotes2356891112131415161718192021Prior APN+Current APN Street AddressProject Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID+Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)TenureR=RenterO=OwnerVery Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeEntitlementDate Approved# of Units issued EntitlementsVery Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeBuilding Permits Date Issued# of Units Issued Building Permits Very Low- Income Deed RestrictedVery Low- Income Non Deed RestrictedLow- Income Deed RestrictedLow- Income Non Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Deed RestrictedModerate- Income Non Deed RestrictedAboveModerate-IncomeCertificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued# of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readinessHow many of the units were Extremely Low Income?+Was Project APPROVED using GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35 Streamlining) Y/NInfill Units?Y/N+Assistance Programs for Each Development (see instructions)Deed Restriction Type(see instructions)For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions)Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units+Demolished or Destroyed Units+Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter+ Notes+Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below003005193147000002833100000171229000000011N0110N0011N0011N0011N0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011N0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110N0110N600N300NINC1000100N100N100N0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element01111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element01111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element01111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element01111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100N200N0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element11111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element11111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element0011N0011N0011N0011N0011N0011N0011N0011NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element7800N300NINC1000100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element11111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element1110NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element11111NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element100NSurvey for 2015-2023 Housing Element000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(CCR Title 25 §6202)Note: "+" indicates an optional fieldHousing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed RestrictionsDemolished/Destroyed UnitsProject Identifier1Unit TypesAffordability by Household Incomes - Completed EntitlementAffordability by Household Incomes - Building PermitsAffordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy4710 JurisdictionLos GatosANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTReporting Year2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation(CCR Title 25 §6202)1 3 4RHNA Allocation by Income Level2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023Total Units to Date (all years)Total Remaining RHNA by Income LevelDeed RestrictedNon-Deed RestrictedDeed Restricted2Non-Deed RestrictedDeed RestrictedNon-Deed Restricted2 3 4 18 28Above Moderate174 13 38 9 7 3 7010461915 43 13 25 31 127 492Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totalsCells in grey contain auto-calculation formulasTotal RHNATotal UnitsIncome LevelVery LowLow77This table is auto-populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous APRs.55Moderate201112132Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here22Table BRegional Housing Needs Allocation ProgressPermitted Units Issued by Affordability201110 JurisdictionLos GatosReporting Year2019(Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)1 2 3 4Name of ProgramObjectiveTimeframe in H.EStatus of Program ImplementationNorth 40 Specific Plan Area RezoningRezone Specific Plan Area Within 3 years North 40 Specific Plan zoning designation adopted on August 4, 2015.Below Market Price (BMP) ProgramContinue to implement the BMP Program in order to increase the number of affordable units in the community.On-going BMP Program is implemented on all residential projects that meet the criteria.Enhanced Second Unit Policy Amend the Town Code to allow more opportunities for new deed-restricted second units to be affordable to lower income households.Within 1 year Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance amendments adopted on 2/6/18. General Plan Density BonusContinue to provide up to a 100% density bonus for developments that provide housing for elderly, handicapped, and/or very low and low income households.On-going This is an incentive that would be provided to projects that meet the criteria.BMP In-Lieu FeesUse BMP in-lieu fees to increase and preserve affordable housing.On-going Use of BMP in-lieu fees will be considered as opportunities arise.Extremely Low-Income HouseholdsOffer incentives to developers to develop this type of housing.On-going The Town will consider incentives when projects of this nature are proposed.Funds for Development for Extremely Low-Income HouseholdsUse BMP in-lieu fees to subsidize these types of projects.On-going Use of BMP in-lieu fees will be considered as opportunities arise.Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element.Table DProgram Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTHousing Element Implementation(CCR Title 25 §6202) Large Site ProgramTo assist development of housing for lower income households on sites larger than 10 acres.On-going Incentives and assistance will be considered as opportunities arise.Affordable Housing Overlay ZoneContinue to implement minimum density and incentives in the AHOZ.On-going This will be implemented when a project in the AHOZ is considered.Meeting Los Gatos' Housing Needs Using the AHOZDevelop by-right development findings for North 40 and AHOZ site.Within 1 year This has not yet been completed.Transitional and Supportive HousingAmend Town Code to clarify Transitional and Supportive housing is a permitted use in residential zones.Within 1 yearThe Town will comply with State Law and SB 743 if a project is proposed before the Town Code is amended.By Right FindingsDevelop by-right development findings for North 40 and AHOZ site.Within 1 year This has not yet been completed.No Net LossIf residential capacity is reduced on a property on the Sites Inventory then the Town will identify and zone another property to accommodate the remaining RHNA.On-going If this situation arises the Town will comply with this requirement.Preserve "At-Risk" Affordable Housing UnitsMonitor affordable housing to ensure affordability status is maintained.On-going No units are at-risk of converting to market rents in the planning period.Rental Housing Conservation ProgramAny conversion of residential uses must saisfy the housing goals and policies of the General Plan.On-going This will be considered if a conversion of residential uses is proposed.CDBG and other Housing Rehabilitation ProgramsContinue to participate in CDBG JPA and CDBG Housing Rehabilitation programs.On-going The Town still participates in these programs.Countywide Home Repair ProgramsSupport countywide programs that provide assistance to lower income households.On-going The Town supports these programs. Town Housing Resources GuideProvide information on developments that provide affordable housing units.On-going Town Housing Resources Guide is updated when necessary.Rental Dispute Resolution ProgramContinue to administer a Rental Dispute Resolution Program.On-goingThe Town continues to use Project Sentinel to administer a Rental Dispute Resolution Program.Emergency SheltersChange Town Code to allow emergency shelters in the CM zoning district as a permitted use.Within 1 year Town Code has been amended to address this. Supportive Services for the HomelessContinue to support organizations that provide supportive services for homeless persons.On-goingThe Town continues to support organizations that provide supportive services for homeless persons.Santa Clara County Housing ConsortiumSupport the efforts of the Santa Clara County Fair Housing Consortium. On-goingProject Sentinel is a member of the Santa Clara County Fair Housing Consortium and administers the Town's Rental Dispute Resolution Program.Non-Profit Affordable Housing ProvidersSupport the efforts of non-profit affordable housing organizations.On-goingThe Town has met with affordable housing organizations regarding potential development in Town. Increased Range of Housing Opportunities for the HomelessContinue to support Santa Clara Couty's Continuum of Care Plan.On-going The Town continues to support Santa Clara Couty's Continuum of Care Plan.Compliance with the Employee Housing ActAmend Town Code to adress the Employee Housing Act.Within 1 yearThe Town will comply with State Law if a project is proposed or an issue comes up before the Town Code is amended.Senior Housing ResourcesUpdate senior resource materials regularly.Annualy Senior resource materials are updated when necessary.Governmental ConstraintsRemove affordable housing development constraints.Every 3 yearsThe Town's Housing Element contains a number of items that limit or remove constraints.Reasonable Accommodation OrdinanceAmend the Town's Reasonable Accommodation Ordinance.Within 1 year This has not yet been completed.Persons with DisabilitiesRemove constraints to housing with persons with disabilities.Every 3 years Removal of constraints is considered when necessary.Special Needs Housing Give priority to special needs housing. On-going If a project of this nature is submitted it will be given priority.Special Needs HousingInclude preferential handling of special needs populations.On-going Will be considered when plans are adopted and projects are funded.Rental Assistance for Persons with Developmental ChallengesExplore opportunities to work with local and/or regional partners to provide rental assistance for persons with developmental challenges.On-goingThe Town will explore opportunities with local and/or regional partners during this Housing Element cycle.Universal DesignConsider universal design enhancements and include universal design features in new construction. Every 2 yearsThe Town will consider enhancements to universal design and the Town requires universal design features in new construction consistent with Building Code requirements.Universal Design AwarenessIncrease awareness of universal design principles.Within 2 yearsThe Town will take appropriate actions to increase awareness of universal design principles.Developmental ChallengesContinue to work with the CA Department of Developmental Services to inform citizens of available services.On-goingThe Town will work with the CA Department of Developmental Services to inform citizens of available services. Development StandardsContinue to review, evaluate, update, and streamline the development process for affordable housing developments. On-goingThe Town considers improvements to the development review process for affordable housing projects when they are proposed.Energy Conservation OpportunitiesContinue to enforce Title 24 requirements. On-going The Town enforces Title 24 requirements.Annual Housing ReportPrepare an annual housing report.On-goingThe Town prepares an annual housing report.Housing ManagementContinue to fund staff for management and planning of housing programs and funding.By December 2016The Town has contracted with Hello Housing to administer our affordable housing program and has staff that dedicate time to our affordable housing program.Coordination with Water and Sewer Service ProvidersProvide the Housing Element to the San Jose Water Company and West Valley Sanitation DistrictUpon adoption of Housing ElementTown staff regularly work with the San Jose Water Company and West Valley Sanitation District on upgrades to their infrastructure and they are involved in development applications and environmental review. Jurisdiction Los Gatos Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 28 3 31 55 58 58 0 0 0 0 0 Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 0 0 0 Low 0 0 0 Moderate 0 0 0 Above Moderate 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits Number of Streamlining Applications Approved Total Developments Approved with Streamlining Total Units Constructed with Streamlining Total Housing Applications Submitted: Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: Total Housing Units Approved: Total Housing Units Disapproved: Total Units Housing Applications Summary Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low- income permitted units totals Number of Applications for Streamlining Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level