07 Attachment 1 - School Bus Performance ReportsFirst Quarter Performance Report: School Bus Pilot Program Background At the September 17, 2019 Town Council meeting, the Town Council adopted performance metrics for the School Bus Pilot Program. Staff plans to provide quarterly performance reports to the Transportation and Parking Commission and the Town Council for regular monitoring. Table 1 shows details of the performance metrics and the target milestones over three years. Table 1 - Performance Metrics and Target Milestones Year ½ (FY18/19) Year 2 (FY19/20) Year 3 (FY20/21) Baseline Target Target Subscriptions 59 62 65 Ridership 47% 65% 75% Other Funding 10% 35% 60% Performance Summary The pilot program is on track to meet the targets in both the subscriptions and other contribution categories. However, the ridership metric has not met the target and continues to be a challenge in this program. Table 2 shows the details of the performance report for Route A and B. Subscriptions are higher in Route B, and ridership is highest in Route A. However, the average for both routes is below the target metric. Route C is not included in the performance report due to the route only being offered for half of the school year with its introduction in Fall 2019. Table 2 - Performance Report Q1, 8/15 - 9/27 Route A Route B Averages Subscriptions 47.5 69.5 58.5 Ridership 64% 41% 53% Other contribution 28% 63% 45% Attachment 1 School Bus Quarterly Performance Reports ATTACHMENT 1 Details 1. Subscriptions As of the end of September, there were 117 full day equivalent passengers on Routes A and B and 21 passengers on Route C. Table 3 shows the total subscriptions for Routes A and B; one- way passes are tracked as part of a full day equivalent pass in reporting. Table 3 – Total Subscriptions, 8/15 - 9/27 Full Day AM PM AM Max PM Max Full Day Equivalent 2018/19 Route A 38 7 12 45 50 47.5 52 Route B 61 4 13 65 74 69.5 66 Subtotal 117 118 Route C 21 21 N/A 2. Ridership Table 4 shows the weekly averages in ridership for Routes A and B. Data is unavailable for the first two weeks of ridership. Table 4 – Weekly Averages for Ridership, 8/15-9/27 Weeks starting on Route A: Average Ridership Route A: Ridership Percentage Route B: Average Ridership Route B: Ridership Percentage 15-Aug N/A N/A N/A N/A 19-Aug N/A N/A N/A N/A 26-Aug 30 65% 28 40% 2-Sep 29 62% 31 45% 9-Sep 32 69% 28 40% 16-Sep 32 69% 29 42% 23-Sep 30 63% 28 40% 30-Sep 26 55% 29 42% Average 30 64% 29 41% 3. Funding Table 5 shows the details of other funding contribution with the cost of the program, the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant, and fare. The Town was awarded a total of $174,000 in Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant funding for two years of service, which will contribute a significant amount to the program. The awarded funds are not an equal split between both routes, with Route B receiving the most funding. Table 5 – Details of Other Funding Contribution Route A Route B Total Cost $ 142,782 $ 142,782 $ 285,563 TFCA $ 22,000 $ 65,000 $ 87,000 Fare $ 17,290 $ 24,920 $ 42,210 Other contribution 27.5% 63.0% 45.2% Additional Information 1. Driver Turnover STA is experiencing driver turnover on both routes. A new driver was assigned to Route B on August 26 and Route A is temporarily staffed by a manager while the company is actively recruiting for a new permanent driver. In this challenging labor market, driver turnover is very common as skilled employees are in high demand. Although STA is working hard on driver recruitment and training, and it has a backup system in place, it is still possible for service disruptions to occur. Peer agencies are experiencing the same challenges. Town staff will keep the Council and customers updated on further developments. 2. On Time Performance The buses are departing and arriving on time approximately 90% of the time.1 There have been a few instances where the bus has not arrived on time with one of those days being the first day of service for the new school year which started out with difficulty due to traffic delays on Highway 17. The causes of the delays included weather, traffic conditions, and contractor error. Staff has worked with STA to try to minimize service delays that are under the control of the contractor. Notes: 1. Per the contract with Student Transportation of America, a bus departing or arriving 15-minutes after the scheduled time is considered late. Second Quarter Performance Report: School Bus Pilot Program Reporting Period: September 30 - November 8, 2019 Background At the September 17, 2018 Town Council meeting, the Town Council adopted performance metrics for the School Bus Pilot Program. Staff plans to provide quarterly performance reports to the Transportation and Parking Commission and the Town Council for regular monitoring. Table 1 shows details of the performance metrics and the target milestones over three years. Table 1 - Performance Metrics and Target Milestones Year ½ (FY18/19) Year 2 (FY19/20) Year 3 (FY20/21) Baseline Target Target Subscriptions 59 62 65 Ridership 47% 65% 75% Other Funding 10% 35% 60% Performance Summary For the second quarter between September 30 and November 8, 2019, the pilot program is on track to meet the targets in both the subscriptions and other contribution categories. However, the ridership metric has not met the target and continues to be a challenge in this program. Table 2 shows the details of the first and second quarter’s performance report for Route A and B. In comparison of Q1 and Q2 subscriptions are higher in Route B, and ridership is highest in Route A. However, the average for both routes is below the target metric. Route C is not included in the performance report due to the route only being offered for half of the school year and discontinued in December 2019. Table 2 - Performance Summary Q1 and Q2 Q1 8/15 – 9/27 Q2 9/30 – 11/8 Route A Route B Averages Route A Route B Averages Subscriptions 47.5 69.5 58.5 48.5 70 59.25 Ridership 64% 41% 53% 59% 40% 50% Other contribution 28% 63% 45% 28% 63% 45% Details 1. Subscriptions As of November 8, there were 118.5 full day equivalent passengers on Routes A and B and 21 passengers on Route C. Table 3 shows the total subscriptions for full day equivalents for Q1 and Q2 for Routes A and B; one-way passes are tracked as part of a full day equivalent pass in reporting. Table 3 – Total Subscriptions Q1 and Q2 Q1 Full Day Equivalent Q2 Full Day Equivalent 2018/19 Route A 47.5 48.5 52 Route B 69.5 70 66 Subtotal 117 118.5 118 Route C 21 21 N/A 2. Ridership Table 4 shows the weekly averages in ridership for Routes A and B. Table 4 – Weekly Averages for Ridership, 9/30 – 11/8 Weeks starting on Route A: Average Ridership Route A: Ridership Percentage Route B: Average Ridership Route B: Ridership Percentage 30-Sep 26 55% 29 41% 7-Oct 30 62% 26 37% 14-Oct 29 60% 30 43% 21-Oct 29 60% 30 43% 28-Oct 30 62% 25 36% 4-Nov 26 54% 30 43% Average 28 59% 28 40% 3. Funding Table 5 shows the details of other funding contribution with the cost of the program, the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant, and fare. Funding information is unchanged from the First Quarter Table 5 – Details of Other Funding Contribution Route A Route B Total Cost $ 142,782 $ 142,782 $ 285,563 TFCA $ 22,000 $ 65,000 $ 87,000 Fare $ 17,290 $ 24,920 $ 42,210 Other contribution 27.5% 63.0% 45.2% Additional Information 1. Driver Turnover Student Transportation of America (STA) continued to experience driver turnover on both routes. In this challenging labor market, driver turnover is very common as skilled employees are in high demand. Although STA is working hard on driver recruitment and training, and it has a backup system in place, it is still possible for service disruptions to occur. Peer agencies are experiencing the same challenges. 2. On Time Performance There were a few instances of bus arrived at the start or end bus stop late. The causes of the delays included weather, traffic conditions, and contractor error. Staff has worked with STA to try to minimize service delays that are under the control of the contractor. The Town exercised the Liquidated Damages provision in the Town-STA contract and issued a penalty charge for the failure to perform services on November 13. Staff deemed this as a necessary step in enforcing the contract terms.