12 Attachment 4 - Expenditure Baseline and Projection FactorsExpenditure Baselines and Projection Factors ATTACHMENT 4 The Town budgets vacant and non-sworn positions at the top step pf the range of the position. Sworn and management positions are budgeted at one step higher than the current step in anticipation of potential merit increases in the upcoming fiscal year. For the Five-Year Forecast, positions are budgeted at the actual rate of pay employees including benefits as of January 1,2020. * Salary increases are based on actual step increases and bargaining units’ negotiation. ** Benefit increase estimates are provided by CalPERS/Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) *** Based on historical trends. The Town’s required contribution estimates toward retirement and unfunded liabilities are provided by CalPERS as a percentage of current payroll. The actual percentages used in the forecast are summarized in the table on the next page. CalPERS employer contributions are shown as percentage of payroll. Type of Expenditure FY 2019/20 FY 2020/21 Forecast FY 2021/22 Forecast FY 2022/23 Forecast FY 2023/24 Forecast FY 2024/25 Forecast Salaries* 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% Benefit - Medical** Current baseline set by FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% Operating Expenditures*** Current baseline set by FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Grants & Awards Current baseline set by FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Utilities*** Current baseline set by FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Internal Service Charges*** Current baseline set by FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Debt Service Current baseline set by FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget Debt Service Schedules Expenditure Baselines and Projection Factors Page Two Type of Expenditure FY 2019/20 FY 2020/21 Forecast FY 2021/22 Forecast FY 2022/23 Forecast FY 2023/24 Forecast FY 2024/25 Forecast Safety POA 52.22% 58.97% 63.67% 67.32% 69.09% 70.82% Safety Management POA 55.22% 61.97% 66.97% 70.32% 72.09% 73.82% Safety POA - PEPRA 15.02% 15.94% 15.99% 15.93% 13.9% 13.9% Miscellaneous TEA/Confidential/ Management 33.18% 34.23% 36.30% 37.86% 38.52% 39.15% Miscellaneous TEA/Confidential/ Management PEPRA 33.18% Separate PEPRA rate for Miscellaneous has not been established yet by CalPERS. 37.43% 40.14% 42.42% 43.74% 44.74%