Attachment 1 - FY18-19 Annual Status Report on Receipt and Use of Development Impact FeesATTACHMENT 1 TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 30, 2019 Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee: The Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee assures that each new development or expansion of use pays its fair share of the transportation improvements needed to accommodate the cumulative traffic impacts. The fee, $958 per new average daily trip generated, is paid in full to the Town Building Department prior to issuance of the building permit for new development or expansion of use. The collected fee is held in the Traffic Mitigation Fee Fund. The Traffic Mitigation Fund should be used solely to fund transportation improvement projects related to mitigating the impacts of new development. The funds cannot be used for routine repair or maintenance. Beginning Cash Balance (07/01/2018)$2,596,299 Source of Funds Fees Collected FY 18/19 43,704 Interest Earned FY 18/19 44,161 Total Source of Funds $2,684,163 Use of Funds Capital Outlay: Crosswalk Improvements $14,131 Crosswalk Lighting Upgrades 29,192 Cut-Thru Traffic Mitigation 2,910 Project Overhead Business Service Charge 10,000 Traffic Signal Modernization 18,394 Total Use of Funds $74,626 Expenses Occurred in FY 2017/18 , Paid in July of FY 2018/19 58,450 Expenses Occurred in FY 2018/19, Paid in July of FY 2019/20 4,219 Ending Cash Balance (07/01/2019) Pre-Final Audit $2,555,306 Designated Future Projects: Per FY 19/20 through 23/24 Capital Improvement Plan: Los Gatos Boulevard/Shannon Improvements (FY 2019/20)$20,000 Cut Through Traffic /Wood Road Roundabout (FY 2019/20)228,136 Highway 17 Bicycle & Ped Bridge (FY 2019/20)147,005 Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements (FY 2019/20)2,400 Traffic Signal Modernization (FY 2019/20- FY 2020/21)978,289 Highway 17/9 Interchange and Capacity Improvements (FY 2019/20)600,000 Total CIP and Operating Budget Commitments 1,975,830 Potential Project List (Estimates Only) per Unfunded List (Additional Unfunded Projects are Located in the Operating Budget) Blossom Hill Rd and University Ave Intersection Improvements (Future Project - Pending Funding)$1,080,000 Los Gatos- Almaden Road Improvements (Future Project - Pending Funding)1,500,000 Los Gatos Blvd Widening , New Sidewalks, and Bike Lanes (Future Project - Pending Funding)2,000,000 Total Potential Project List $4,580,000 Total Designated and Unfunded Projects 6,555,830 Current Funding Shortfall ($4,000,524) TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEES FUND TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 30, 2019 (Continued) Construction Impact Activity Fee: Construction Impact Activity Fee is assessed on construction projects based on the square foot size of the project at a rate of $1.17 per square foot. These fees are intended to recover the damage caused to Town streets by construction traffic. The collected fee is held in the General Fund Appropriated Reserves. Beginning Cash Balance (07/01/2018)$0 Source of Funds Fees Collected FY 18/19 181,687 Interest Earned FY 18/19 (Funds expended upon receipt)- Total Source of Funds $181,687 Use of Funds Business Services Charge Capital Outlay: Street Repair and Resurfacing Project FY 18/19 $181,687 Total Use of Funds $181,687 Ending Cash Balance (7/01/2019) Pre-Final Audit $0 Designated Future Projects Per FY 19/20 through FY 23/24 Capital Improvement Plan: Street Repair and Resurfacing Project $10,667,885 Total Designated Future Projects $10,667,885 Current Funding Shortfall ($10,667,885) CONSTRUCTION IMPACT ACTIVITY FEE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ON RECEIPT AND USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES JUNE 30, 2019 (Continued) Below-Market Priced (BMP) Housing Program In-Lieu Fee: BMP In-Lieu Fees are collected from residential development projects with five (5) or more units when the construction of the BMP unit is impractical or there are unusual circumstances that make the construction of the unit inconsistent with Town policy. The required in-lieu fee is to be paid to the Town prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The BMP In-Lieu Fee is equal to the amount of six (6) percent of the building permit valuation for the entire project. The collected fees are held in the General Fund BMP Housing liability account and are restricted to be used solely for BMP Housing Program activities. Beginning Cash Balance (07/01/2018)$3,704,586 Source of Funds Fees Collected FY 18/19 $163,433 Interest Earned FY 18/19 66,505 Total Source of Funds $3,934,523 Use of Funds Staff Administration 23,000 Total Use of Funds $23,000 Ending Cash Balance (7/01/2019) Pre-Final Audit $3,911,523 Potential Future Projects Low and Moderate Income Housing (Future Project - Pending Funding)$3,000,000 Reacquisition of Distressed/Foreclosed Properties (Future Project - Pending Funding)700,000 Hello House Program Services (Future Project - Pending Funding -5 Year Total)600,000 Total Potential Future Projects $4,300,000 Current Funding Shortfall ($388,477) BELOW-MARKET PRICED HOUSING PROGRAM IN-LIEU FEES Other Required Disclosures: As required by law, no inter-fund (loans/transfers) were made doing the reporting period and no refund were necessary as all fees collected have a current funding short fall status as presented in the Annual Status Report.