10 Staff Report.Shannon Road Complete Streets PREPARED BY: Ying Smith Transportation and Mobility Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 11/05/2019 ITEM NO: 10 DATE: October 21, 2019 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Shannon Road Complete Streets Project (CIP Project #813-0218): a. Adopt a Resolution of Local Support Authorizing the Filing of an Application for One Bay Area Grant funding Assigned to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, committing any Necessary Matching Funds, and Providing Assurance on Completion of the Shannon Road Complete Streets Project b. Authorize Revenue and Expenditure Budget Adjustments in the Amount of $119,204 from Available Utility Undergrounding Fund Balance c. Authorize the Town Manager to Conduct a Request for Proposals and Negotiate and Execute a Consultant Agreement for the Shannon Road Complete Streets Project Design in an Amount not to Exceed $200,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the following actions for the Shannon Road Complete Streets Project (CIP Project #813-0218): a. Adopt a resolution of local support authorizing the filing of an application for One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) funding assigned to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), committing any necessary matching funds, and providing assurance on completion of the Shannon Road Complete Streets project. b. Authorize revenue and expenditure budget adjustments in the amount of $119,204 from available Utility Undergrounding Fund balance. c. Authorize the Town Manager to conduct a request for proposals and negotiate and execute a Consultant Agreement for the Shannon Road Complete Streets project design in an amount not to exceed $200,000. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Shannon Road Complete Streets Project DATE: October 21, 2019 BACKGROUND: The MTC’s OBAG program directs MTC’s federal funds towards transportation solutions that align with regional priorities. Available grant money is distributed to cities and counties through the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). The funds are separated into competitive funding programs, in which cities and counties must compete for the funds, and non- competitive funding programs, which is a formulaic funding process that provides money directly to cities and counties based on population. The Vehicle Emissions Reductions Based at Schools (VERBS) Program, one of the competitive programs, is focused on reducing greenhouse gases by promoting walking, biking, transit, and carpooling to school, targeting grades K -12. DISCUSSION: In 2018 the Town was awarded $940,100 of federal funds in the VTA’s FY2018-2022 VERBS Grant Program for the Shannon Road Complete Streets project. The project scope included a Class 1 multi-use path on the north side of Shannon Road between Los Gatos Boulevard and Cherry Blossom Lane. The project will greatly enhance safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, separating them from automobiles with a three-foot buffer between the path and the travel lane. In addition, the project will install new ADA curb ramps and bike sharrows on Shannon Road. The work scope will also include necessary items to upgrade the street, such as new curb and gutter and utility undergrounding work. Originally staff had intended on moving the project forward in its entirety following the federal process, including the design and construction. In consultation with VTA and MTC, staff is now proposing shifting the currently budgeted funds as local funds, specifically from the Utility Undergrounding Fund and General Fund Reserve, to advance the design phase while using the federal funds to complete the construction. This will allow the design process to remain clear of federal requirements, yet still meet the local match requirements for federal funds. The recommended budget action moves the Utility Undergrounding Funds, previously committed in the Capital Improvement Program for next year, forward so they are available this year. Final project costs may be affected by the actual costs proposed by the contractors and associated staff costs. The total project cost is estimated at $1,190,000, including design and construction. In the grant application, the Town committed to $249,900 in local match, or 21% of the total project cost. A resolution of local support (Attachment 1) is required for any project that receives regional discretionary funds. The first step to start the project is to select an engineering consultant to proceed with project design and environmental clearance. Staff anticipates starting the design in early 2020 and returning to the Town Council in the summer to approve the final design. Once final design is approved, staff will seek authorization for construction, following the federal project delivery process. The federal funds are expected to be available in Fiscal Year 2021/2022, which aligns with the timing for completion of the design phase. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Shannon Road Complete Streets Project DATE: October 21, 2019 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Town Council adopt the resolution to meet the federal grant requirements. Staff also recommends the approval of the contractor procurement and contract award in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to begin the design for the Shannon Road Complete Streets project. COORDINATION: This item has been coordinated with staff of MTC and VTA and the Finance Department. FISCAL IMPACT: The OBAG/VERBS grant of $940,100 is already included in the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Capital Improvement Program Budget under Project #813-0218, Sidewalk Improvements. The budget action associated with the Utility Undergrounding funds moves those funds from next year’s CIP to the current year. There are sufficient funds for the project. Sidewalk Improvements Project 813-0218 Budget Costs OBAG/VERBS Grant $ 940,100 GFAR (Grant Match) $ 129,896 Utility Undergrounding (requested with this action) $ 119,204 Total Budget $1,189,304 Design Contract (TBD) $ 200,000 Total Expenditures $ 200,000 Remaining Balance $889,304 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. CEQA clearance will be completed in the design phase. Attachment: 1. Resolution of Local Support