Item 4 - Exhibit 14-15Erin Wa lters Associate Plann er Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ( 408) 354-6834 RE: Proposed New Residence-18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms. Walters : RECEIVED ~UG 12 201~ s-14-osu, TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION liwe are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature: I Name: __ -.j8L.L........:::o----4/}2""""'--_..5---'-(_,_JV1_=--=---/v{-=-=-O ~1'!-~------- Address : ryCf Gfjz) riVvT b~ Contact Info: ----------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT 1 4 Erin Walters Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Proposed New Residence-18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms . Walters : 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the arch1tectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, RECE\VEO ~G\7J~sw i OWN "(;F lOS GAiOS pL,ANN\N G oN\S\ON Erin Walters Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street · Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Proposed New Residence -1 8151 Overlook Road Dear Ms . Walters: 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood. Respectfully, ,' I <--~I -~· ::::lure Gn::?;SJb Address: /~&1l ;fJHf>RD_tJL .iJUf? Contact Info : cf!Yb-G~b.-3 8'5~ RECEIVED S-1 '-f-OS(:, AUG 1 7 2015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Erin W alte rs Associate Pl anner Town of Los G atos C o mmu n ity Deve lopme nt Departm e nt 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 9 5 0 30 (408) 354-6834 RE: Propose d New Res id ence -1 8151 Ov e rl ook Roa d Dear Ms . Walters : 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residen c e in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature: ~ Name: __ O__;_f{_L-~-A9-----'MJtc:.........=:L.......___~L.__;:~:::;_:AtJ=+'--'..__ ______ _ Address : J "g S S 0 0 V--f;{L.L .O 0 f<. .. Contact Info : __ .,..'f ....... O:.....o.~~___,6~Cf_._I_-.......,0_~......-:._..3..___ _____ _ RECEIVED s~ 14-oS&> AUG 2 0 2015 TOWN OF l OS GATOS PL AN NING DIVIS ION Erin Walters Associate P lanner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Departme nt 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Propos ed New Res id ence -18151 Ov erlook Road Dear Ms . Walters : 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature ' ~~~ ~ Name: 'l)A.v 10:::> tfLt-{ Address : Cj L tt~IA,_~ t }we_ Contact Info : __ <fi_DJ;..__~-'-'1_8_' 57_·~__!_ ___________ _ RECEIVED 5 -\ 4-0?~ AUG 2 0 2015 TOW N OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Erin Walters Associate Planner Town of Lo s Gatos Community Deve lopment Department 11 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 (4 08) 354-6834 RE : Propos ed New Res idence -18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms. Walters: !R ECE IVE D 5 -(4~0~ AUG 21 2015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan, floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residen ce in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature: Name : ____ ~_;__;=-=-..,..__._~~--VV __ e..:,_; =s_.s'""--------- Address : 193o; (J velt?L~k Contact Info : __ (/~t;_,._f_.---"<.3---=9--'J::.._-_-_3'--'=-....:..;,h---=0---------- Erin W alt ers Associate Planner To wn of Los Gatos Community Development Department 11 0 E . Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ( 408) 354-6834 RE : Propo sed New Res id e nce -18 151 Ove rl oo k Roa d Dear Ms. Walters: RECEIVED s -l4-G~ AUG 21 201 5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS P L ANNING DIVIS ION 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature : Address: Contact Info : --------'~rL---=~---------------- Planning commission and planning dept. Erin Walters Re: new residence 18151 Overlook Rd. The plans sent to us are difficult to read, but from what I can surmise I present the following concerns: Fencing: There is an existing 3-foot high fence on the east side. This is the only front yard, solid fence, on this side of the block. The addition of a second solid fence (hopefully only 3 foot high) is out of the norm to this cluster of homes. The entire block has an open landscape feeling blending into each other's property including this one which enhances the neighborhood. It would be friendly to have no fences from the street to the garage or at least similar to the rest on that side of the street. One Car Garage: Not adequate for a 5-bedroom home, which is being proposed by this developer who is catering to a large family buyer. A home this size requires at least a two-car garage, with storage. On Site Parking: The proposed on site parking is nothing more than what exists now: a parking lot. It is clear that the hard surface to the right of the drive way is for additional vehicles. Street Parking: Two multi unit properties are directly across the street and usually about 5 cars park on the street adjacent to these. There is little street parking on this new projects side due to driveway configurations and landscaping. I point this out as cars squeeze into existing landscape areas on this side of the block creating a narrowing of the usable space to drive safely on the street. This street is now a raceway for the hundreds of homes in the Rancho Condo's and the mountain beyond. I notice a number of police notices being issued from Overlook Rd property owners parking long term on Wisahicken, around the corner. There will be more complaints with current infill and density. So it is important to get every project right. Architecture: The recent remodels of existing homes on this block have faithfully adhered to low roof lines and excellence in design, even without tearing the existing structure down. You have seen better from this architect, just ask him to do better instead of adhering to the constraints of the developers budget. Erin Walters Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Prop osed New Resid ence -18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms. Walters : RECE\VED. S-14-oS47 AUG 2 G zms TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNiNG DlVIS ION 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road. 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Address: Erin Walters Associate Planner To wn of Los Gatos Community Development Department 11 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos , CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Proposed New Residence-18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms. Walters : RE CEIVE D S -I 4 ---c>S~ AUG 2 7 2015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road. 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature: Address : t ~ l L1 o, , ez eumt:. eo -L C-r Contact Info: 46¥-35~-~:35 3 Erin Walters Associate Planner To wn of Los Gatos Community De velopment Department 110 E . Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE : Proposed New Reside nce - 18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms. Walters : 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood. Respectfully, Signature: ~ Name : _____ ~--~~·=~~~~~~·&='-------------------------- Address : / rSur cl/~P~ ~~ Contact Info : '-/DI' A.~ / 1<-td R ECEIVED 6 -l 4' -Ot:;0 AUG 2 8 20 15 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANN ING DIVISION Erin M. Walters From: Sent: To: Subject: Erin, D. Goddard <d64goddard@ hotmail.com> Sunday, August 30 , 2015 11:05 AM Erin M. Walters 18151 Overlook -Proposed new construction RECEIVED S-14--D~ AUG 3 0 2015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Our neighbors shared with us the plans for new construction at 18151 Overlook Road, which were recently sent out for comment. We didn't receive these plans directly, I assume because we live 2 houses up the street. It will of course be nice to have a new house at that location -the existing one is pretty run down. That s aid , we do have some concerns. It looks at if the new house is intended to be 5 bedrooms, but with only a 1 car garage-3500 sq ft including cellar and garage if I am not mistaken. Our block of Overlook Road is narrow, has limited street parking and no sidewalk on this side, and when people try to park on the street, they cram cars into the side and onto the properties as best they can. With the Rancho de Los Gatos townhouse complex further up, as well as all of the homes in the mountains, all of whom use Overlook Road for access, we already have enough trouble with speeding traffic and limited road space as is. Not to mention this stretch of Overlook Road has no speed bumps, stop signs or traffic lights. Overlook Road is unique in this regard in our neighborhood. Chestnut is a short street with speed bumps and is not straight (and also has larger lots). Wissahickon is a short, wide street with stop signs at each intersection- Overlook, Pennsylvania, and Hernandez. Unfortunately, building a large home with an inadequate garage on this stretch of Overlook would probably only contribute to the existing traffic problems. The roof on the plans looks shallow -like now -not too steep an angle. If that's the case and it is not higher than the existing roof, that would be ideal. Even though the lots here on our side of Overlook aren't large-roughly 7000 sq. ft., all of the homeowners have s u cceeded in maintaining a good degree of privacy, in part because the homes aren't too large and generally have low rooflines. In addition, we all have adequate garage space so that none of us needs to park on the street. Personally, we would think a 4 bedroom house with a 2 car garage house would fit in well and help maintain the integrity of our neighborhood. Thank you in advance to taking our concerns into consideration. David and Anita Goddard 18251 Overlook Road Los Gatos 408 802 2041 1 Erin Walters Assoc iate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 E . Main Street Los Gatos , CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Proposed New Res id ence -18151 Ov e rl ook Road Dear Ms . Walters : 1/we are res idents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, ~----Signature : ~ Name: 7 ()\Avk ~J ~..~'-' ------------~~~----------------~---------------- Address : 1 ~ lP I \ M r;._~cf'-< ~ RECEIVED AUG 3 1 2015 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION RECEtVEf? . s -14 -o?f£; AUG 31 20'5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS I!)U.,NN\NG OIVlS \ON Erin Walters Asso ciate Pla n ne r Tow n of Los Gatos Com mun ity Deve lo pm ent Department 110 E . Ma in Street Los Gato s, CA 950 30 (408) 354 -683 4 RE: Proposed New Resid ence - 18 151 Overlook Road Dear Ms . Walters : 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed th e a rc hitectural site p la n , floor pl ans , a nd e levations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature : Name : __ \--t--.:.o=--' rv-.-_~ ·b--=_--!.,8.>.L.l.oL'---'.p'---futc:..=....r...C\--l.--___.U-!'---=s"""'-s~v'-----­ Address : ( 6Gc;o OJedoo~ ro l . L.ocs I Conta ct 1 nfo: --~_;::,0~2>~~-=--:}_5 _ _._9_Li_;_.2_0-=---------- RECEIVED s -tl-f -o ~ AUG 3 1 zu:s TOWN OF LOS GATOS r ''NING DIVISION From: Larry Arzie [mailto:larryarzie@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2015 2:29 PM To: Town Manager Subject: Tear down on Overlook Road Att: Director of Planning Re: 18151 Overlook Road TOw.'J OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION A number of weeks ago I received a letter regarding this property from the developer, Urban West. I presumed it was from your offices or would be part of the packet when received by planning commission. I questioned parking, and compatibility to surrounding homes. I brought the project to my neighbors attention who are closer to the project and they had not received any notice. Did you receive my comments or any other neighbors I got a more recent letter saying that the project was approved. I am surprised that there is not a planning commission hearing on this project. There are further issues planning commission needs to review such as excellence in design for allowing a tear down to happen. Please do not let this project slip through without planning commission review. Larry Arzie 18000 Overlook Rd. 95030 Erin M. Walters From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Larry Arzie <larryarzie@gmail.com> Tuesday, January OS, 2016 2:34PM Nicole Cave Lance Tate; Erin M . Walters Re : 18151 Overlook Road -Revised Plans Follow up Flagged RECE\\IE.D s -tL.\: -o5 & JAN 0 ~)201~ OF LOS Gf'-:'"OS Nicole, TO WN NING DIVIS ION Thank you for your E-mail. Yes I did receive a packet last Nov. re: your project.P ~longer have the packet as I gave it to the neighbors who did not receive one. I see no difference from what you sent me originally. Larry Arzie On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 2 :24PM, Nicole Cave <nicole@urbanwest.com> wrote: Hi Larry, We are your neighbors at 18151 Overlook Road in Los Gatos. I wanted to check in and make sure you received our package we sent you on November 24th, 2015. We never heard from you, and wanted to make sure you were OK with our revised plans. See attached for the latest plan set we are submitting to the City tomorrow. Hoepfully everything looks good to you. If not , let's meet in person. A lot of these changes and requirements were put upon us by the City to meet their requirements . We have also installed story poles on the home that you can see when you walk/drive by. This will give you a picture of where the new building will sit. Attached is the certification letter from our surveyor. 1 We look forward to hearing from you, and hope for your approval on our project so w e can move forward with the Town. Thanks , Nicole Cave (King) Project Manager P: 408-399-4950, xt. 4 C: 707 -484-1335 2 -----Original Message----- From: David Stonesifer [mailto:larryarzie@gmail.com] Sent : Tuesday, January 12, 2016 1:03 PM To: Erin M . Walters Subject: Status of 18151 Overlook Road Project Re : S-14-056 Dear Erwin, Can you advise me of the status of this project. One issue that has not come up is the encroachment of the planting areas in front of most the houses on this side of the street. Due to storm water issues, berms and raised planting levels on the town right of way hinder parking on this side of the street. I hope you gave consideration to this as 5 bedrooms will create extra parking needs . The street has been narrowed quite some distance up the block creating dange r ous parking problems, by property owners. When cars are parked on both sides it virtually makes Overlook a one way street. This may not be a problem in other areas of town but because this is a main artery roadway for the entirety of Overlook Road mountain homes etc. this issue needs to be addressed . Especially during construction . Workers auto's need to park on the extra wide Wissahicken street just a few feet away. But a final solution needs to be accomplished for safety reasons . Street improvements should be done on the entire north side of the block. Larry Arzie t~ECE~Vt=D s -l t..f -05~ FU~ r ? 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVIS ION This letter is in regards to the remodel plans for 18151 Overlook Road , Los Gatos by Urban West, LLC. We live at 9 Chestnut Ave., Los Gatos, the property directly behind the property that Urban West is planning to remodel. I am very upset by the proposed plans as it will have a severe impact on my personal privacy and will change the character of our neighborhood due to its large size and increased height. Our privacy has already been diminished since they have purchased the property as two very large trees have been removed . We remodeled our house 2 years ago and spent a great deal of money to open our home to our backyard so that we could enjoy it. We were also very considerate of the impact that we made on our neighbors and our community---essentially we had no impact on any of our neighbor's privacy and did not change the look/feel of our house from the outside. The proposed plans , by Urban West, LLC, add what looks like and additional level to the existing structure. It will allow the new owners , whom we don't know since it is being built to "flip", to peer directly into my backyard, guest cottage, and right into my family room . I was sitting on my sofa in my family room when they added the story poles and looked up to find the crew looking right at me-it was unnerving to say the least. I have attached pictures so that you can feel the impact. The plywood boards represent the windows for the new house. I would like to be supportive of the remodel and builder but the house will be taller than all the other houses in the area and I feel there was little consideration given to the people that already live here. I have been talking with my neighbors and they are also unhappy with the height and privacy impacts on their properties . It seems to me that the builder could remodel the house maintaining its current height. I expect houses like this in Campbell and San Jose (which is why we didn't move there) but I resent someone coming in and destroying my privacy and neighborhood character. The builder has reached out and tried to come up with solutions to mitigate our privacy concerns but planting new trees and putting up screens will not limit the view into our back yard . The house is just too tall and offers no consideration for our privacy, or that of our neighbors, and doesn't match the feel of our neighborhood. As designed, the structure represents Urban West, LLC 's interest in flipping the property versus that of a neighbor. Thank you for your consideration, Rita and David Kelly This Page Intentionally Left Blank RECE~VED FEB ? ? 2016 TO VVN OF LOS GATOS P!...J..t-:N!NG !::>!VISION ( . This Page Intentionally Left Blank RECEIVED FEB ? ? 2016 TOvVN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION NOISIAIO 8NINNVld S01.V8 SOl :10 NMOJ. 9lOZ C.(, 8J:J This Page Intentionally Left Blank Erin Walters Associ ate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 11 0 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6834 RE: Proposed New Res ide nc e -18151 Overlook Road Dear Ms . Walters : RECEIVED 5"-\ y. -6 5(,;:, MAR 2 2 2016 TOWN OF LOS GATOS P LANNiNG D!VIS ION 1/we are residents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan , floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, Signature : Address : ME MORANDUM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT To: Project File From: Erin Walters, Associate Planner Subject: 18151 Overlook Road Architecture and Site Application S-14-056 Date: March 29, 2016 Kay Thompson, next door neighbor at 18121 Overlook Road expressed the following concerns to staff regarding the proposed two-story house at 18151 Overlook Road : • The lot is narrow and the proposed house is too big for the lot; • Concerned with parking, only one car garage provided; • Proposed two story house is overpowering; • The proposed height is taller than the existing two story house; and • The house is too large for the neighborhood because of the lot width. N:\DEVIERIN WICO RRE SPONDANCE\MEMOS\ 18 1 S I OVERLOOK ROAD -MEM03.DOC Erin M. Walters From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Planning commissioners. Larry Arzie <larryarzie@gmail.com> Tuesday, March 29, 2016 12:33 PM Erin M . Walters Re: 18151 Overlook Rd . Tear down. RECEIVED _s ·-\ ~ -oE:& MAR 2 9 2016 TOWN C'F lOS C "TOS PLAI,.-.Jii'l!-3 D, v'ISiCJN Despite the revised plans this proposed house is bigger in mass and scale than the 2 story homes on the same block. On this lot is an existing two story house, but the orange netting show what seems to be almost 4 more feet in height than the original building. The ubiquitous cookie cutter design does not blend with anything on the block with hardly any attention paid to existing low slung rooflines and set back second stories. Even the garage which dominates the architecture has an unusually high roof line. Excellence in design is a key factory in allowing for demolition of an existing home. The existing home is a classic mid-century low slung 2 story house. It blends nicely in our neighborhood. It is one of the few redwood clad homes left in Los Gatos and should have been saved by raising it up and putting a basement below. I realize that the developer has a right to develop his property and hope he can find a solution by softening his design. Larry Arzie 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ~-~-;_,,=:;~,==-L ~~~-.. -=-=--=--- ---=-----~-.-·~!. ----~--_ -=----=---- ...L ----.-_- ·-c:-= P ·• • I 11 ~1~1 J----'1<- 1 .c ==·~;:'' '~-=c ... ~ I I II L-..L.....J I ..• ,. r:. .. c-. ""Y· r-··-··---+-· -+-· +I· .j I -:: .. ~ -:;; ,' :--~-=-' -, = ~--:._::. .:.--;.::· I .. , .. ?-=-<-=- :-;!;~:~t·.;.=~ 1 ,. ;~C' :!--:-:-.! =-~:.~-.,; ~-r -:; STONE VENEER n · ·.:..., -:,c.,~-G.J "·-~.3 1 • • . • • . T rt;.~: .. -.~-= r :,--; -,- '" ... ~<, a;.:4 '0-i _o 18151 OVERLOOK ROAD -GRANITEROCK "CASTLEROCK LEDGE " t-.-c._ l}\ ,., -"'~ 1 n COLOR BOARD : ~ ~ 4=-• !_LOS GATOS , CA ) s;u-: \ ~ !) -1'..)\J .. /J:)t-1 ~ 1 5~1 .... cn \S\ ) 2.0 (11 ~ (/) HIGH-PROFILE COMP. SHINGLE ROOF CER TA INTEED lANDMARK Tl ''PlATINUM" HORIZONTAL BOARD SI DING-GABLE ENDS K EL LY MOORE, "SWI SS COFFEE" l WOOD CLAD FACTORY WI N DOWS W/ FACTORY-I NSTALLED CASINGS W/ SI LlS D I RECT SOliD COLOR -FOOT H ILL EXHIBIT 1 5 r ·-·.-..•,. r-2~ •:YV'-JC: S•~-...; ~ .:n .:10 NMOl. . ~ 0 NVr This Page Intentionally Left Blank