Item 4 - Exhibit 8-13---- I I I I I I I I L ---=----=-= -=----=-= -=---=-= -=---=-= -=--------' RIGHT-SIDE ELEVATION l9l B ·------------ I I I I 1 I I I L___ -------h.-=-: ---=---=----=---=---=--d --___j LEFT -SI DE ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" 1/4"= 1'-0" I I I I I ~-------------------C==T~ FRONT ELEVATION 1/4"= 1'-0" -;;1.,;-~ -- - --- --I I """ I I I I I I I I I ~-----------------~ REAR ELE V ATION 1/4"= 1'-0" RECEIVED o· s-tL.i~o%:. v:JL 17 ?014 T-::'1 '-I OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION ORAW(t.'<JS PREPARED BY CHRIS SPAULDING aA R CH I TE CTa 101 CAME.lJA sn.EET SUITE E 8£RKfLEY CAUFc::.NlA 94710 (SIO) S27·S997 rAX (S IO)Sl'M999 REVJ SIONS BY PllEUMINAitY SET DESIONJlEVIEW SET PLAN CHECK SET CONSllt.VCTlOro SET DAre '·'0 ·14 SCALE: AS NOTe .) DRAWN: ~I.A:~& JOB: Tlllt • ovtfUOOI(.. S HUT A4 O F . SHEEn .EXHIBIT 8 CQG CANNON DESIGN GROUP April29, 2015 Ms. Erin Walters Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main S treet Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 18151 Overlook Road Dear Erin: ARCHITEC.IURE PLANNING URBAN DESIGN RECEIVED APR 2 9 2015 s -I t-j--o50 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I reviewed the drawings, and vis ited the site. My comments and recommendations are as follows: Neighborhood Context The si te is located in an established neighborhood with a mix of single family home s and multifamily housing complexes. Homes are one and two-stories in height with traditional architectural style s. Photographs of the neighborhood are shown on the following page. 7 00 LAR KSPU R LA N DI NG C IRC LE . SUITE 199 . LA RK SP U R . CA . 9493 9 EXHIBIT 9 TEL : 4 "15.33 .1.3 7 9 5 CDGPLAN@ PACHf LL.N(T Ex1sling house on the site /-louse to the immediate left Nearby house to the left CANNON DESIGN CROUP House to the immedic1te right Nearby house to the nght Nearby house to the left 18151 Overlook Road Design Review Comments Apri l 29, 2015 Page 2 Nearby multlfamil) homes Jcross Overlook Road 700 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE . SUITE 199 . LA RKSPUR . CA . 94939 Concerns and Recommendations 18 151 Overlook Ro ad Design Review Comments April 29, 2015 Page 3 The proposed h o use is well designed in a traditional architectural style with a scale compatible with o ther nearby homes -see streetscape below. The garage has been minimized to allow m o re prominence for the entry. 1 ~ 1 ---1 -= l -·-1 Lutjht ilL)JJ G0\1 trs o !l;::=l, ~~o Proposed Front Elevation Proposed Rear Elevation The o nly concern that I see is that the d esign of the gas fire p lace chimneys are not consistent with Residential Design Guide- line 3.1 0.4. 3 . 10.4 Chimneys • ..... A dd chimnrys fo r gas firep la ces whm the architectural style would normally ftaturl chimnrys. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION Chimneys are not consistent with Residential Design Guideline 3.10.4 CANNON DESIGN GROUP 700 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE. SUITE 199 . LA RKSPUR . CA . 94939 18 15 1 Overlook Road Design Review Comments April 29, 2015 Page 4 RrCIJ11//IIt'ntllltiiJII" Dr.<ign thr IUJIJ firrplur chimnry.< liJ br compmzblf' wah trllrlitional ( rafisman ~l),fe homr.<. I have no other recommendations for changes . Erin , please let me know if you have a ny question s, or if there are other iss u es that I did not address. Sin cerely, CANNON DESIGN GROUP Larry L. Cannon CANNON DESIGN GROUP 700 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE. SUITE 1 99. LARKSPUR . CA . 949 39 CQG CANNON DESIGN GROUP August 19, 2015 Ms. Erin Walters Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 18151 Overlook Road Dear Erin: ARCHITECTURE PLANNING URBAN DESIGN RECEIVED AUG 2 0 Z015 s-\ tf-os0 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I reviewed the drawings, and visited the site. My comments and recommendations are as follows: Neighborhood Context The site is located in an established neighborhood with a mix of single family homes and multifamily housing complexes. Homes are one and two-stories in h eight with traditional architectural styles. Photographs of the neighborhood are shown on the following page. 7 00 LARKSPUR LANDING C IRC LE . SU ITE 199 . LARKSP U R . CA . 94939 EXHIBIT 1 0 TE L: 41 5.33 1 .3 7 9 5 C DGPl AN@PAC BEll .N[T Fmting house on the site /-louse> to the immediate left Nearby house to the left CAN NO N DESIGN GROUP f louse to the immediate nght Nearby house to the right Nearby house to 1 he left 1815 1 Overlook Road Design Review Comments August 19, 2015 Page 2 .--· ..-~--- Nearby multifamily homes across Overlook Road 7 00 LARK SPU R LAN DING C I RC L E . SUITE 1 99 . LARKSP U R . CA . 94939 Concerns and Recommendations 181 5 I Overlook Road D es ign Review Comments August 19, 20 I 5 Page 3 The proposed h o use is well designed in a traditional architecrural style with a scale compatible with o th er n earby homes, and the garage has b een minimized to allow more prominence for the entry. The revised elevations for the h o use are shown below. Proposed Front Elevation Proposed Rear Elevation .,. ___ _ Proposed Right Side Elevation The only con cern addressed in my review letter o f A pril 29 was that the design of the gas fireplace chimneys are not consistent with Re sidential Design Guideline 3.10.4. The concerns were addressed by eliminating the chimney o n the right side elevation and extending the chimney on the left side elevation . My only lingering concern is that the shed roof tran sition b etween the fireplace firebox and the chimney seem s a bit out of character with the Craftsman Style details at the roof gable ends. Chimney transition does not seem to t-.....;:;;:;-;;=;;• complement the Craftsman Style of the house ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CANNON DESIGN G ROU P 700 LAR KSPUR LA NDING C IR CLE . SUITE 199 . LARKSPUR . CA . 94939 18151 Overlook Road Design Review Comments August 19, 2015 Page 4 Rrcommmrlation: Design thr firrplacr chimney tramitwn to br compatible with tmdllional Craftsman Stylr honm. Onr apprOilch 1s shou•n brl011', and othrn (e.g.. non-symmrtnca/) are possible. I have no other recommendations for c h anges. Erin, please let me know if you h ave any questions, or if there are other issues that I did not address. Sincerely, CANNON DESIG N GROUP Larry L. Cannon CANNON DESIGN GROUP 700 LA RKSPUR LAN D ING C IR CLE. SUITE 199. LA RKSP UR . Cl\. 949 39 CQG CANNON DESIGN GROUP December 11, 2015 Ms. Erin Walters Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 18151 Overlook Road Dear Erin: ARCHITECTURE PLANNING URBAN DESIGN RECEIVED DEC 11 2015 TOVVN OF LOS GATOS PLAi·miNG DIVISION s-J4-a?~ I have previously reviewed the drawings, visited the site, and prepared two review letters. This letter is in response to the applicant's desire to u se exterior shingles and stone in lieu of the stucco previously proposed. My comments and recom- mendations are as follows: Neighborhood Context The site is located in an established neighborhood with a mix of single family homes and multifamily housing complexes. Homes are one and two -s tories in heig ht with traditional architectural style s. Photographs of the neighborhood are shown on the following page. 7 00 LA RKSPU R LAND ING C IRC LE . SU ITE 1 9 9 . LARKSPUR . CA . 94939 :EXHIBIT 1 1 · TEL: 4 "15.33 .1.3 79 5 CDGPl AN @ PACBf ll .N[T House to the immediate left Nearby house to the left CANNON DESIGN GROUP House Lo the 1mmed1ate nght Nearby house to the right Nearby house to the left 18151 Overlook Road Design Review Comments December II, 2015 Page 2 Nearby multifamily homes across Overlook Road 700 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE . SUITE 199. LARKSP UR. CA. 94939 Concerns and Recommendations 18 15 1 Ov~rlook Road Design R~v iew Commen ts D~c~mb~r II , 20 15 Page 3 The proposed house is well designed in a traditional architectural style with a scale compatible with other nearby homes, and the garage has been minimized to allow more prominence for the entry. The last front elevation that I reviewed and the new elevation with shingles and stone are shown below. Previously reviewed front elevation Re~tsed front flevation-with shingles and stone 111 lieu of stucco CANNON DESIGN G ROUP iOll LARKSPUR LANDING CIRCLE . SUITE 199 . LARKSPUR . CA . 94939 1815 1 Overlook Road Design Review Comments Decem ber I I , 2015 Page 4 I am co m for table with the substitutio n of shingles for the stucco so long as they are traditional wood shing les rather t ha n manu fa cture d fi be r cem e nt shingles. And, the use of stone i s al so c onsistent wit h the archi tec tural style a nd the Town's Residential D esign G uidelines. I have o nly two concerns. 1. The stone column bases seem too small for the architectural style. 2. The use o f corner boards wh ere the shingles turn corners is n ot the best looking detail. Rrcommmdatiom. I . lncreme the size ofthl' stone column basrs. Two suggestiom art shown below. Eithrr option would br acceptable. 2 . Use mitrrtd shingles at all cmners. 7his is 11 commo11 dnail for similar homes in I OJ Gatm . r rant elevdl/On -Optton ., front e/evat1on -Option 1 CANNON DESIGN CROUP Use mitered shingle comers rather than comer boards See photo .x•mple Use mitered shingle corners rather than corner boards SH photo ex•mple 7 0 0 LA RK SPUR LAN D I NG C IRCLE . SUITE 199 . LAR KSPUR . CA . 9493 9 Shingl e miter ed corn ers exa mple I have no other recommendations for changes. 181 5 I Overlook Road Desig n Review Com menrs Decem ber I I , 20 I 5 Page 5 Erin, please let me know if you h ave any questions, or if there are other iss ues that I d id not address. Sincerely, CAN 0 D ES IGN GROUP Larry L. Canno n CANNON DES IGN GROU P 7 00 LARKSPUR LANDING CIRC LE . SUilE 199 . LARKS P UR . CA. 94939 This Page Intentionally Left Blank From: Larry Cannon [mailto:cdgplan@pacbell.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 10:32 AM To: Erin M. Walters Subject: Re: 18151 Overlook Road-Revised Plans Hi Erin Happy New Year. I thought about all of the issues you raised during each of my reviews. I am comfortable with the design as proposed. It is a two-story house between two one-story homes, but if one looks at the streetscape drawing, there is an alternation of one and two-story homes along this street front, and those existing conditions do not seem awkward to my eye. The design of this house is such that it'd scale is appropriate, and should blend well with the one-story structures nearby. The proposed Contemporary Craftsman Style allows a fair amount of latitude in form , materials and details . The style by its very nature and historical evolution has a certain eclectic quality, and I feel that the proposed forms, materials and details easily fall within an acceptable range in my judgment. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more. Larry Larry Cannon CANNON DESIGN GROUP 700 Larkspur Landing Circle Suite 199 Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 331 -3795 5-l4 -0~ EXHIBIT 1 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank s;_.-.. ··~ ... .._ ~ • f. . ' - .August 4th 2015 Homeowner or Occupant Overlook Road Los Gatos , CA 95030 RE : 18151 O verlook Road-New Home Plans Dear Neighbor, URBAN WE ST TOWN O F LOS GATOS PLANNI NG DIVISION g,~i Lf-O~cP I hope you ha ve been enjoyi ng your summer and that it has brought you and your family good health and g ood spirits . My name in Lan ce Tate and I am a local real estate developer as well as a Los Gatos native I live in Los Gatos with my wi fe , my 7 ye ar ol d son who attends Lou ise Van Meter and my daughter Leighton (born 2/25/15). The reason for my letter is two-fold. First , I would like to inform you of w hat we have planned for 18151 Overlo ok Road . Along with the letter you will f ind a site plan , f loorplan, elevations , as well as a few architectural examples of what we are proposing to build . I invite you to review the p lans and use my contact information bel ow to ask me any qu estions you may have about the project. The second purpose is t o ask for your support of our project. I don 't expect this to come immediately or without questions but I will encourage you to take a look . along wi th the plans , at some of our previous work by visiting our website at www.urbanwest.com . As you will see , we have a track record of building high quality homes that add to the value and appea l of both up and coming an d established neig hborhoods. If you are in support of our project alii ask is that yo u complete the attached Letter of Support , place it in the pre-addressed and stamped envelope provided , and place in the ma il. We have invested a good amount of time and money in developing a plan and concept that we feel is considerate of the neighborhood 's architecture and character. As Los Gatos loca ls, your feedback and support is important to us. That being said . I c annot stress enou gh t hat we welcome your feedback . Again , please find my contact information below. We look fo rw ard to hearing from you . Warm regards , Lance Tate . managing member 408 .399 4950 x2 office 1858.40 1 9810 mobile llance@urbanwest.com EXHIBIT 1 3 Erin Wa lt ers .Assoc iate P lan ner Town of Los G ato s Co m m unity Devel opm ent Department 110 E . Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ( 408) 354-6 83 4 RE: Proposed New Resid ence -18151 Ov erlook Road Dear Ms . Walters : 1/we are res idents of Los Gatos residing near the proposed new residence located at 18151 Overlook Road . 1/we have reviewed the architectural site plan, floor plans , and elevations of the proposed new residence in our neighborhood . Respectfully, S ignature : Name : ------------------------------------------------------- Address : Contact Info : -------------------------------------------------