Draft Mins 09.26.18 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/10/2018 ITEM NO: 1 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 The Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 26, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Chair D. Michael Kane, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Commissioner Mary Badame, Commissioner Kendra Burch, Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Commissioner Kathryn Janoff, and Commissioner Tom O’Donnell Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Badame led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS/COMMISSION MATTERS Committee Name Vice Chair Hudes - The Historic Preservation Committee met 9/26/18 and considered two items: o 16940 Roberts Road o 221 Almendra Avenue VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – September 12, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Burch to approve adoption of the Consent Calendar. Seconded by Commissioner Janoff. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously PAGE 2 OF 4 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2018 N:\DEV\MINUTES - PC\2018 PC Minutes\DRAFT\LOS GATOS ACTION MINUTES 9-26-18 DRAFT.docx PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 248 Jared Lane Architecture and Site Application S-16-054 APN 532-34-071 Property Owner/Applicant: Sam Pan Project Planner: Sean Mullin Requesting approval for construction of a new single-family residence and removal of large protected trees on vacant property zoned HR-1. Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Sam Pan - He is the owner of 248 Jared Lane. He bought the property in February 2016 with no hesitation, because research of the Town records showed that a previous permit had been approved, but expired, and they were required to file a new application. The new design has reduced the size of the living space from the previous plan. His design has a lap pool that is needed for physical rehabilitation. Preserving the oak trees is a top priority for him. He has been in contact with his adjacent neighbors and they want privacy, so he plans to plant more trees between his property and theirs. Mary Martin - She lives at 254 Vista Del Monte, the property that would have the biggest view of the proposed house, so her main concern is how it would look. She was concerned when she read the sentence stating that the applicant has not revised the design or siting of the proposed residence. At the last meeting someone had photos that said “Don’t Do This,” this plan looks just like those photos. Allen Rudolph - He lives at 258 Jared Lane. His only concern is emergency access and parking on Jared Lane and he asked for a condition that prohibits parking during construction. The biggest problem would be getting up the hill. He has seen fires in that area twice. Once a couple of subcontractors park on Jared Lane, it gets to be very dangerous. Zach Edmonds - He lives at 249 Vista Del Monte, directly down a steep hill from the proposed development, and he asked for measures to be taken to ensure items will not roll down the hill during construction, because his children play in the yard at the bottom with just a small fence to protect them. He also asked for story poles for the actual driveway access to be installed PAGE 3 OF 4 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2018 N:\DEV\MINUTES - PC\2018 PC Minutes\DRAFT\LOS GATOS ACTION MINUTES 9-26-18 DRAFT.docx for line of sight for his property to see exactly where the driveway will be and what they will be looking at. Michael McDonough - He lives at 253 Vista Del Monte, below the proposed project site. They had some flooding from the drainage system from the stream about two years ago and he asked that during construction it be well documented that with erosion or whatever the water runoff is kept clean. He is specifically interested in the drainpipe that is between his and the applicant’s property. Steve Yang - He is the project architect. They have followed the Commission’s directions from the previous hearing. Grading, driveway, privacy, tree preservation, and massing have all been presented in detail in the Letter of Justification. They are hoping for a win-win for both the applicant and the Town. Closed Public Comment. Commissioners discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Commissioner Burch to continue the public hearing for 248 Jared Lane to a date certain of November 14, 2018, subject to Planning Commission direction given at the hearing. Seconded by Commissioner O’Donnell. Commissioners discussed the matter. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 3. Report from the Director of Community Development Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development • The Town Council and Planning Commission will hold a joint study session/workshop on 10/1/18 to kick off the General Plan update, get an overview of the process, and receive input on potential issues and opportunities for the General Plan Update. • The Town’s first Community Workshop will be held on 10/17/18. • The Town is accepting applications for positions on commissions and committees until 10/26/18. PAGE 4 OF 4 MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2018 N:\DEV\MINUTES - PC\2018 PC Minutes\DRAFT\LOS GATOS ACTION MINUTES 9-26-18 DRAFT.docx ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the September 26, 2018 meeting as approved by the Planning Commission. _____________________________ /s/ Vicki Blandin