Attachment 29 - Public Comments received 1101 a.m. Thursday, September 28, 2017 to 1100 a.m. Monday, October 2, 2017Jennifer Armer From: Thomas Dunn [mailto :tdunn @vant ageb2b.com ] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 11:34 AM To: Planning Subject: 401-409 alberto way Letter of opposit ion to the 401 -409-alberto way project (see attached) Thomas Dunn 408-460-69 76 \'/antage B2B tdunn@vantageblb.com www.vantageblb.com Bu ancs Payment Solution ;ATTACHMENT 2 9 My name is Thomas Dunn and I live at 420 Alberto Way. I have lived in LG for over 40 years. and what I enjoyed about living here and especially on Alberto way is still the small town feeling, ,quite neighborhood, the friendly people and the picturesque views of mountains, redwoods and spectacular sunsets. All this will be lost if the development moves forward as proposed This may not be important to some people but it's very important to the people in the 18 units in the front of our compl ex that share this view. and (that's why h ere we chose to live here) We're not opposed to some development at this proposed site but with close to the same footprint 35-45,000 sqft and no 2 story underground parking. This proposed development has been reviewed for ove r 1 ¥2 years by the planning commission, they have done their due diligence and have asked all the questions they had and to heard all the answers and responses from the developer. Recommendations by the planning commission were given to the developer to reduce the size of the building by 30 to 50%. Maximum of 4Sk sqft. he ignored them with attitude and said that he will build this size and also the 2 story underground parking lot and no compromise. Is this the type of developer we want to develop our town who doesn't listen or obey the planning commission recommendations and guidance? What will he do next? The planning commission denied this project twice and the last time it was a unanimous decision. That tells it all . No one, the town or the residents, wants this size project built. I encourage you to deny this appea l to not move forward with this project RECElVED B 11:~Lf AM SEP ?: 8 2017 Jennifer Armer From: Susan L. & John B [mailto:love bourqeois@ya hoo.com] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 9:36 PM To: Steven Leonardis; Rob Re nnie; Marcia Jensen; Marico Sayoc ; BSp ector Cc : Susan Love ; bobburkeat@qmail.com ; Matt Morley; Laure l Prevetti; Town Manager Subject: Alberto Way Dear Town Council Members, I regret that I was unable to attend the public hearing on 401-409 Alberto Way on September 20th. have subsequently been able to view the entire hearing and would. like to offer a couple of additional thoughts on the matter: 1 . Neighborhood Compatibility The Town Council and Planning Commission have, on numerous occasions in the past , denied (or sent back for re-design) projects solely on the grounds of bulk and mass and/or neighborhood compatibility. Even if those cases where projects met the other zoning requirements such as height limits and FAR. Therefore , I do not see where you have any grounds to find that the Planning Commission erred in its decision. I appreciate that this is a tricky neighborhood to define. This is not the Almond Grove , nor the hillside , but nonetheless it is a single-outlet street that is home to many Los Gatos residents . When the Motor Inn redevelopment was before Council , the PD was originally sold to us as neighborhood-serving retail. Once passed , the use was later changed to medical , thereby intensifying the use whil e not providing any of the promised benefits. Now we are facing additional intensification at both ends of Alberto Way. I t ruly hope that you have heard the unified voice of the neighbors -this development is simply too much for the neighborhood . We , the immediate neighbors, have always been open to compromise (someone at the public hearing incorrectly implied otherwise) and expe ct the site to be re- developed . In this spirit , I hope you instruct the developer to work with us and find an appropriate compromise . 2 . Traffic I know the Council hears about traffic issues all the time , so will not bel a bor the point. But I do want to make a couple of points. I have lived at 420 Albe rto W ay for more than 13 years . Never before have I seen the traffic we are facing now. By blocking off the Hwy 17 downtown on-ramp , you may have reduced the gridlock in downtown , but you have diverted it onto Hwy 9 . There are time s wh en ma ny of us feel trapped in our home s due to the standstill of traffic at the Hwy 9/Alberto Way intersection. This is not a fun way to live and dramatically affects my ability to enjoy living in Los Gatos. My wife and I are able to walk most places , however I am concerned about my older ne ighbors and those will small children . Traffic studies are a necessary and useful tool in making land use decisions, but they are just that: a tool. We ask that you consider th e substantial evid e nce regarding traffi c you have heard from re sid ents who have lived on Alberto Way for a decade or more . Living here and experiencing the traffi c da ily provid e s a differe nt perspective th an sa mplin g traffi c at di sc rete points in tim e a nd applying that data to a formula. In fact, CEQA case law validates the ability of a deciding body to weigh such evidence : "Relevant personal observations of area residents on nontechnical subjects may qualify as substantial evidence ." (Pocket Protectors v. City of Sacramento (2004) 124 Cal.App .4th 903 , 928 .) "For example , an adjacent property owner may testify to traffic conditions based upon personal knowledge ." (Citizens Assn . for Sensible Development of Bishop Area v. County of Inyo (1985) 172 Cal.App.3d 151, 173.) In conclusion , I am confident that you will take into account your constituents over the interest of a developer in this decision. In that light , I sincerely ask that you deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission decision . I know how difficult your job is , and thank you all for your service to the Town . -John Bourgeois 420 Alberto Way #37 Jenn ifer Armer From: Donald M. Eaton [mailto:don@argus-financial.com] Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2017 2:21 PM To: voiceheard@401albertoway.com Subject: Please approve 405 Alberto Way To the Mayor and members of the Los Gatos Town Council: I would like to voice my strong support for the redevelopment of the 405 Alberto Way as proposed by the applicant, LP Acquisitions, LLC. --The project is located in a strong position adjacent to a freeway, and would replace an older, 2-story structure that is out of date and not complementary (visually or fiscally) to the Town. --The new proposal will bring additional vibrancy and revenue to the Town. --A new, free shuttle will be provided which will benefit not just the building's tenants, but also neighbors on Alberto Way, nearby high school students, and numerous downtown merchants and restaurants, which, according to Chamber of Commerce testimony at your last meeting, are sorely in need of more customers . -A proposed 2-story., Class A structure is hardly "massive by nearly anyone's definition these days. -The design and site plan have been modified per planning commission direction to be located away from residential neighbors, and provide free evening and weekend parking to relieve nearby commercial tenant parking overflow onto Alberto Way . -Change is inevitable in a dynamic Silicon Valley and in the Town of Los Gatos. Let those changes be a positive influence on Los Gatos and make Los Gatos a better place. Please vote YES on the proposed redevelopment of 405 Alberto Way as has been presented to you . Thank you. Don Eaton Don ald M. Eaton , President A rgus Financial 990 Indu strial Rd Ste 202 San Carlos, CA 94070 650-358 -31 88 direct 650-483 -9294 cell 65 0-425-9595 fax don({Dargus-finan ci a I .com argu s-financia_l.c01}1 Financial Jennifer Armer From: Sent: To: Subject: City Council, Victor Bell <vbell40@gmail.com> Saturday, September 30, 2017 5:03 PM voiceheard@401albertoway.com Rea ffirming My Support For 405 Alberto Way Project I have reached out to you previously pledging my support for the subject project and would like to reaffirm my support in advance of your October 3rd vote. I originally moved to Los Gatos in 1992 and have owned two properties there sin ce, neither of which were lo cated on Alberto Way . While I understand and can appreciate the concerns of the r es idents on Alberto Way, I think that its important to remember that there are another 30,000 Lo s Gatos residents with an interest in thi s city's future and I believe that the majority of those resident s support this project. At the September 19th meeting, I listened very closely to the representative that spoke on behalf of the Los Gatos Chamb e r of Commerce and found her analysis of the downtown merchant survey on this matter to be very compelling, specifically, the majority believe that the project would be a positive influence on the town in general and downtown specifically . I think that the building is smart, hand so me and the developer has reengineered the design in an effort to accommodate the residents on Alberto Way, but I have come to believe that these residents are beyond rea so nable compromise. From what I can tell, the project conforms with the general plan and the other objective requirements and therefore, it i s my hope that you will support the project with your vote this Tuesday. See you then and thanks for your time. Sincerely, Victor Bell