Attachment 2 - Noise Assessment, dated Oct. 4, 2016Acoustics Audiovisual Telecommunication& Seturtty O......M. Saltor, PE Da.ld It. Sd-..t fASf,. Enc~Mort,PE ~N.~LEEDAP lharncaA. Sdnler, PE Dr...i I. B.p~ PID, FAES .... °"-~ RalD, CTS-0 AnHicxy P. Nmh, PE cmtMLNMyor .Iman It. DIAy, PE Lloid B. Rcnala Ii-.1 Corbelt, CIS Enc:A.Y• JoiluoM.~. ~ lEED» ,.,.. l. HDlit ~ !HD N' Bhon c Sahr, ~ lfED/11 CiaJg L ~ RCOO Alomndor IC. Satt.r, PE ..,_,Lo.cbr,PE lab tt..--t PSI', NICET Ml Amr-.1 #""- St-A. Woaclt w. J. Hanllan \llnay c. Pat.I v.-.c.SrnttVE llerpMiD.r..., Etlabmlli s. ic.i... ibanG.~AL\NCNB a.-c.w- ~...__ l,oft A. Sdditld N.Wt.T.~ Abo.. E.Man:il.. ~Llu Greg I. &tnil9tn "-J.1'9ny, fM' St.. l.leiby ~W.llm F.llpeT......, SW.M. W9'. l.EED GA W-M.Naxe .bdanL.._.. ¥6M.ltalh 8tym M. Grcwen HHffw A. Sahr O.E.Garctc c..tt.rlne F. SporM Charles M. Salter 4 October 2016 Jim Gerney MetWest TerTa 140 S Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Email: jim.gemey@metwestterra.mm Subject: Dear Jim: Toll House Hotel, Los Gatos, CA Entertainment Noise Assessment Salter Project: 16-0588 ASSOCIATES INC. 1 30 Sutter Street Floor 5 SanFra.~CA 94104 ' 415.397.0442 F 415.397,045.4 -.allllllter.can This letter summarizes the results of our entertainment noise assessment for proposed outdoor events at the Toll House Hotel in Los Gatos. The purpose of this study was to measure typical entertainment (music) noise at nearby resldential properties and determine a music operating level necessary to meet the City standards. This letter summarizes our findings and recommendations. ACOUmCAL CRITERIA Town of Los Gatos Code of Ordinances The Town of Los Gatos Code of Ordinances addresses Noise in Chapter 16. According to Section 16.20.015: No person shall cause, make, suffer or allow to be made by any machine, anima~ device or any combination of same in a residential zone, a noise level more than six (6) dB above the noise level splicitied for that particular noise~ as shown on the Noise Zone Map, during that particular time !tame, at any point outside of the property plane. Addltlonally, the Noise Zone Map specifies the subtraction of 5 dB for weekends and holidays. The noise levels specified for the zone in which the Toll House Hotel and surrounding properties are located are listed in Table 1. Table 1: Town of Los Gatos Noise Zone lirnits Ambient I Allowable Allowable Time of Day NolaeLevel Weekday Noise Waekend/Hollday (dBA) Level (dBA) Noise Level (dBA) 6 am-1 pm 52 58 53 1 pm-10 pm 56 62 57 10 pm-6am 51 57 52 We understand that entertainment noise from events would stop at 10 pm. Therefore, the allowable noise limits vary between 57 and 62 dBA, depending on the day of the week. A.1TACHMENT 2 Acoust ics Audiovisugl lelacammunlcotions Security 130 Su/tar S!r-1 Floor 5 San Francisco. CA 9<11 0 .. T .. 15.3Q 7.0 .... 2 f 415.397.0 .. 5 .. www.cmso~« ,r;iom Toll House Hotel 4 October 2016 ENTERTAINMENT NOISE Entertainment Noise Assessment Page2 We visited the site to measure entertainment noise on 27 September 2016. One DJ was setup on the north end of the rourtyard with two speakers facing south (i.e., inwards towards the hotel). One noise monitor remained stationary In the courtyard of the hotel at a prospective location for a future permanent noise monitor (Cl). Spot measurements were taken at surrounding locations, including the properties of concerned residents {Ll-10). The nearest residential property line Is shown as location L6. The time periods of the spot measurements were synchronized with the stationary noise monitor to determine the amount of noise reduction at eadl receiver location. Table 2 shows the measured noise levels at eadl receiver location. The source (courtyard) noise level varies as different types of music were played. See Rgure 1 for measurement locations. Table 2: Measured EntertiJinment Noise at Nearby Receiver LoaJtions Receiver Courtyard Noise Receiver Noise Level Attenuation Location Level (C1) (dBA) (U-10) (dBA) (dBA) L1 69 53 16 L2 69 48 21 L3 72 47 25 L4 65 44 21 LS 70 54 16 L6 67 53 14 L7 72 57 15 L8 73 61 12 L9 70 47 23 L10 72 49 23 An additional measurement was madt;i near the center of the courtyard, labeled C2 in Figure 1, and may offer an alternative future noise monitoring location for the owners. This measurement shows that simultaneous no ise levels at C2 are 8 dB higher than at location Cl. The amount of attenuation at each receiver location shou ld rema in ronstant. The rece iver noise level at each location is directly proportional to the courtyard noise level . ANALYSIS As shown in Table 2, all of the measured entertainment noise levels meet the allowable weekday Noise Zone Limits from 1 pm to 10 pm (I.e., 62 dBA). We understand the hotel will monitor noise levels during events and adjust the volume as needed so as not to exceed the Town Noise Zone Limits. Charles M Salter ASSOCIATES INC. Aco1ntlcs A.udlovl1ual T•l•communlcatlon• Security 130 Suitor Street Floor 5 San FrancifCO. CA 94104 T 415.397.0A42 F A 15.397.0454 www~mso1tw.cx>m Toll House Hotel 4 October 2016 Entertainment Noise Assessment Page 3 Therefore, the entertainment noise may operate as high as 74 dBA at the Cl meter location (or 82 dBA at the C2 location) while meeting the Noise Zone Limits at the most noise-sensitive location (L8). However, with the subtraction of 5 dB for weekends and holidays, as stated .In the Town of Los Gatos Noise Zone Limits, events ocrurr1ng from 1 pm to 10 pm on weekends and holidays should operate at a maximum level of 69 dBA at the Cl location (or 77 dBA at the C2 location) to meet the required Noise Zone Limits. If events are scheduled to occur outside of the 1 pm to 10 pm time frame on either weekdays or week.ends/holidays, entertainment noise levels should be adjusted accordingly, as shown in Table 3. Table 3: Allowable Entertainment Noise Levels at !.«at/on CJ Time of Day 6am-1 pm 1 pm -10 pm 10pm-6am * Weekday Noise Level at C1 (dBA) 70 74 69 * · Weekend/Holiday Noise Level at C1 (dBA) 65 69 64 * This concludes our entertainment noise assessment for the Toll House Hotel project. If you have any questions or comments, please give us a call. Sincerely, CHARLES M. SALTER ASSOCIATES, INC. 7//'f_Js Blake M. Wells, LEED® Green Associate Consultant ~~~ Alexander Salter, PE Principal Consultant Charles M. Salter ASSOCIATES INC. n ::r • .. -• • I: • • .. • .. ,. • • 0 n -• .. • • :I n ~ ~ ~ !!' ~ !!.. VI ~ ~ ~ " ;; n o> ~ ~ c. 'f ':i? ~ .. "' (A "' ~ 0 ,. " ~I ., ~ :!: "' "' ID .... 0 .. .... .. TOLL HOUSE HOTEL ENTERTAINMENT NOISE MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS © 20 15 CHARLES M. S ALTER ASSOCIATES. INC. FOR ACOUSTICAL DESIGN INFORMATION ONLY FIGURE 1 SALTER /I f:IM 1N /Al<S. 16-0558 I 0.0~ tij