Staff Report PREPARED BY: Monica Renn Economic Vitality Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, Community Development Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/07/19 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: JANUARY 31, 2019 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF THE DOWNTOWN PARKLET PILOT PROGRAM TO INCLUDE ALL SIDE STREETS IN THE C-2 ZONE (DOWNTOWN) WHERE ON-STREET PARKING CURRENTLY EXISTS. RECOMMENDATION: Approve an extension of the Downtown Parklet Pilot Program to include all side streets in the C-2 zone (Downtown) where on-street parking currently exists. BACKGROUND: At its February 5, 2019 meeting, the Town Council unanimously voted to approve a pilot parklet program for Downtown. Staff recommended the pilot on Main Street and gave an alternative option for the Council to extend it into more of the downtown. The Town Council voted to extend it, noting N. Santa Cruz Avenue in the motion as follows: MOTION: Motion by Council Member Sayoc to approve a dow ntown parklet pilot program as recommended by the Council Policy Committee (Attachment 1) with the following modifications: 1) allow parklets on N. Santa Cruz Avenue without a maximum limit; 2) staff to look at a structure that allows 100% occupation by the business during hours of operation and public use during non-business hours; and 3) staff to look at the technical requirements during the pilot and modify as appropriate. Seconded by Vice Mayor Jensen. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF THE DOWNTOWN PARKLET PILOT PROGRAM TO INCLUDE ALL SIDE STREETS IN THE C-2 ZONE (DOWNTOWN) WHERE ON- STREET PARKING CURRENTLY EXISTS. DATE: April 29, 2019 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2019\05-07-19\Parklets\Staff Report.docx 5/2/2019 3:32 PM DISCUSSION: Since the Council’s action and the development of the parklet permit process, several commercial property owners and downtown businesses have shown interest in creating a parklet within existing street parking adjacent to their buildings/businesses , including some on the side streets of downtown. Adding parklets on the side streets may be a great way to activate more areas in downtown and add outdoor seating where there otherwise may not be space to accommodate it. While the Council voted for the staff to remain flexible with the technical specifications, the motion specifically noted that the pilot program should expand beyond Main Street to include N. Santa Cruz Avenue. Thus, staff is requesting support of extending the pilot program to include the side streets within the C-2 zone, in locations adjacent to a commercial business with existing on-street parking. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Council approve the expansion of the pilot parklet program to the side streets in the C-2 zone where on street parking currently exists to continue to support downtown businesses and community vitality, and to expand opportunities to provide activation and placemaking in downtown Los Gatos. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact from this action. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required.