Staff Report PREPARED BY: Lisa Petersen Assistant Parks and Public Works Director/Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 406-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/16/2019 ITEM NO: 11 DATE: APRIL 8, 2019 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: APPROVE A REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF ALL TOWN TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEES FOR THE MARIPOSA MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a request for waiver of all Town Traffic Impact Mitigation fees for the Mariposa Montessori Preschool. BACKGROUND: Town Code Section 15, Article VII covers Town Traffic Impact fees. The Town Council has found that new developments and expansion of uses contribute to cumulative traffic impacts. The purpose of the Town’s Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee is to assure that each new development or expansion pays its fair share of the transportation improvements needed to address cumulative traffic impacts. These fees finance transportation and traffic improvements within the Town that are identified on the Traffic Mitigation Improvement Project List, which is approved by the Town Council. In January, Mariposa Montessori Preschool representatives attended the Council Policy Committee and requested that the Committee add the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees to its work plan. The representatives indicated that they were in the process of obtaining Planning permits to allow an expansion of the Preschool and that the Fees would be a hardship for the organization. In February, the Committee discussed the item and identified that the Code states that under unusual circumstances , where the policy places an undue burden on a developer or landowner, the Town may deviate from the policy as approved by the Town Council. Based on this existing authority, the matter is no w before the Town Council. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: APPROVE A REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF TOWN TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEES - MARIPOSA MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL DATE: APRIL 8, 2019 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2019\04-16-19\Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees Mariposa Preschool\Staff Report FINAL.docx 4/10/2019 12:25 PM LP BACKGROUND (continued): On March 22, 2019, Mariposa Montessori Preschool, located at 16548 Ferris Avenue, delivered a letter to the Town (Attachment 1) explaining the request for an exemption from paying Town Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees due to hardship . DISCUSSION: Mariposa Montessori is a non-profit preschool. The school is interested in expanding their current enrollment from 50 to 70 students. The Town’s Traffic Impact Policy states that the Town will use the applicable trip generation rates from the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual to determine trip generation rates of development projects. Using ITE, the daily traffic increase created by the Mariposa Montessori Preschool expansion is 80 vehicles. Based on this number, the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee for the project would be approximately $75,000. Mariposa Montessori has stated that due to the recent or scheduled end of the year closures of Green Hills Preschool, Harker Preschool, and Harwood Hills County Preschool, there is an increased need in the community for their service. Mariposa notes that the school is working to expand to meet this increased community need and the financial burden of paying the Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee would limit the school’s ability to expand. In addition, the school notes their services are non-profit and meet many of the goals outline in the Town’s adopted General Plan (see Attachment 1). Staff has confirmed the closures of these local preschools. Based on these closures and the non-profit status of Mariposa Montessori, staff recommends that the Town Council approve the request for a waiver of all Traffic Impact Fees for the Mariposa Montessori Preschool expansion. CONCLUSION: Approve a request for waiver of all Town Traffic Impact Mitigation fees for the Mariposa Montessori Preschool. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this request will waive approximately $75,000 of Town Traffic Impact Fees. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: APPROVE A REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF TOWN TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEES - MARIPOSA MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL DATE: APRIL 8, 2019 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2019\04-16-19\Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees Mariposa Preschool\Staff Report FINAL.docx 4/10/2019 12:25 PM LP Attachment: 1. Letter of Justification