M02-04-081 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FEBRUARY 4, 2008 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday, February 4, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman, Council Member Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Joe Pirzynski. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - LED BY FUTURE LEADER Stephanie Stapleton, 8th grader at Rolling Hills led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. CLOSED SESSION REPORT CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code Section 54957.6) Town Negotiator (Lead): Rumi Portillo, Human Resources Director Employee Organization: POA Negotiations Mr. Korb, Town Attorney stated that direction was given and no action was taken. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code Section 54957) Title: Town Manager Mr. Korb, Attorney stated that direction was given and no action was taken. 2 TOWN COUNCIL CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Adopt ordinance amending the Town Code effecting a zone change from CH to CH:PD at 55 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road for a motel renovation, conversion of a portion of the motel to office and construction of a new commercial building. ORDINANCE 2158 TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 2. Approve Council/Agency minutes of January 22, 2008. Mr. Davis pulled Consent Items #1 and #2. Mayor Barbara Spector stated that the pulled Consent Items would be heard after other business. VERBAL COMMUNICATION Mr. Nelson  Commented against Measure D and that funding should not come from public funds.  Commented on liability issues associated with other skate parks. Mr. Lang  Commented against Measure D. Ms. Lang  Commented that No on Measure D signs have been taken from their yard.  Commented that a special interest group should not receive funding from the General Fund.  Concerned that the Miles Avenue location is too isolated for the proposed skate park. Ms. Morris  Commented against Measure D.  Commented that the Skate Park Committee should raise money to build the park.  Commented that other community organizations raise funds for their special interest groups and youth activities within the community. 3 Verbal Communications – Continued Mr. Simonson  Commented that he is opposed to Measure D and not against skateboarding.  Commented that the Miles Avenue lot is too isolated for the proposed skate park. Ms. Hughes  Commented against Measure D.  Commented that she is not against a skate park, but against the use of public funds to build the proposed skate park.  Commented that the committee should raise private funds for a skate park. Mr. Kahler  Commented that the Youth Commission supports three issues relating to Measure D:  Town needs to help fund the skate park beyond the allocated funding.  The skate park would benefit the community.  The location at Miles Avenue.  Commented that the skate park meets the needs of youth and is not unsafe. Mr. Davis received a warning for disrupting the meeting. Mr. Silva  Commented against Measure D and that the Skate Park Committee should have a business plan and should have stronger leadership. Mr. Davis  Commented that he was offended by the warning from Mayor Barbara Spector for disrupting the meeting.  Commented in support of Measure D.  Commented that a skate park would take the kids off the street.  Commented about the duplication of petitions by the Clerk Department. Ms. Ristow  Commented in support of Measure D.  Commented that the measure asks the Town to pay for the balance of the funding that was not raised by the Skate Park Committee.  Commented that the Town Council agreed to the location at Miles Avenue. 4 Verbal Communications – Continued Mr. Leonardis  Commented that public funds should be used to build public parks.  Commented that the Council agreed to operate the proposed park for up to $50,000 per year.  Commented that he believes that the General Fund could cover the cost of the proposed skate park.  Commented that many Yes on Measure D signs have also been taken. Mr. Kapp  Commented against Measure D.  Commented that the community youth have every opportunity to utilize sports in the community. Ms. Cockrum  Commented in support of Measure D.  Expressed concerns about the divisiveness of the campaign.  Commented that the cost to maintain the proposed skate park is exaggerated. Mr. Veazie  Commented on the facts for Measure D.  Commented that the Miles Avenue site was zoned for redevelopment.  Commented that the Tony Hawk Foundation indicated a skate park could be built for about $750,000. Ms. Veazie  Showed letters from the Chief of Police, the Manager of the City of Monte Sereno, and community members that indicated support for the Miles Avenue site in the 2004 grant application for State funding.  Commented on community support for Measure D. Ms. Di Napoli  Commented against Measure D.  Commented against the proposed location and public funding for a skate park.  Commented that the Tony Hawk foundation states that the best place for a skate park is in an established park. Ms. Murphy  Commented against Measure D.  Commented against the use of public funding for a skate park. 5 Verbal Communication - Continued Mr. Kraus  Commented against Measure D.  Would like to see public funds used for repairing public roads like Reservoir Road which is in need of repair.  Commented that the Town's reserves should be saved for rainy days. Ms. Currie  Questioned why the community is divided over Measure D.  Commented against Measure D.  Indicated that public funds should not be used for a skate park. Ms. Farwell  Commented that she is not against youth sports in the community, but wants to protect downtown parking.  Commented against Measure D. Mr. Murphy  Commented against Measure D.  Commented that the community has been misled by the Skate Park Committee. Mr. Calderwood  Commented that parking would not be impacted if the skate park was built at the Miles Avenue location.  Commented that the free parking signs on University Avenue do not point to the Miles Avenue Lot. Mr. Di Napoli  Commented against Measure D.  Stated that the cost to build the proposed skate park is not exaggerated, compared to recently constructed skate parks.  Commented that the parking spaces in the Miles Avenue lot are narrow. 6 Verbal Communications – Continued Ms. Rodgers  Commented that she is not against a skate park, but is against the way the Skate Park Committee has run its campaign.  Commented that the funds should be raised private ly.  Commented that the community meets many needs of the youth in Los Gatos and most of these organizations have been funded by community fund raising and private donations.  Commented against Measure D. Mr. Knowles  Commented against Measure D and the Skate Park Committee’s campaign tactics.  Commented against building a skate park with public funds. Ms. Deloumi  Commented that the Skate Park Committee can provide information to the community.  Commented that the estimated skate park maintenance costs were inflated.  Commented on the negativity generated by the Yes on Measure D supporters.  Commented that the youth needs a skate park in the community. Closed Verbal Communications PUBLIC HEARING 3. Consider a request to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow police operations and Architecture and Site approval to construct an addition to the existing building zoned CH. APN: 523-01-010. Conditional Use Permit U-07-158. Architecture and Site Application S- 07-214. Property location: 15900 Los Gatos Boulevard. Property Owner/Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. Staff report made by Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development. Council Comments  Commented on the desire to have the entire police department at the Los Gatos Boulevard location. 7 Public Hearing Item #3 - Continued Open Public Hearing Mr. Leonardis  Supported the need for a new police facility.  Commented that he would like to see both police administration and police operations at the Los Gatos Boulevard location. Mr. Kraus  Supported the new police facility.  Suggested using bench marking data for costs per square foot. Mr. Davis  Commented that a modern police facility would help the department do its job. Closed Public Hearing Council Discussion  Commented on the unanimous support for the new police building project.  Commented on the timeframe and efficiency of the process to move forward with the project. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Joe Pirzynski to make the required findings and approve the conditional use Permit subject to conditions stated in Attachment#1 and #2. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman. Council Discussion  Commented on the appropriateness of the costs associated with the project.  Commented that the cost in the staff report includes the cost of the property. Mr. Lortz  Clarified how the project costs and future needs were determined related to the facility.  Commented that costs will continue to be monitored through the construction phases. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 8 Public Hearing Item #3 - Continued MOTION: Motion by Council Member Joe Pirzynski to approve the Architecture and Site application subject to conditions as stated in Attachment #3. Seconded by Council Member Diane McNutt. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 4. Approve the preliminary work plan for General Plan update. Staff report made by Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development. Council Comments  Clarified the role and membership of the General Plan Advisory Committee.  Questioned if other commissions are eligible to participate in the process. Mr. Lortz  Clarified the role of the proposed advisory committee.  Commented on several options about the formation of the advisory committee. Open Public Comments Mr. Davis  Commented that recreation needs should be addressed in the General Plan update.  Commented that he would like to see a diverse community committee. Closed Public Comments Council Discussion  Commented on staff’s General Plan Advisory Committee recommendations. 9 Other Business Item #4 - Continued MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to approve the preliminary work plan for the General Plan Update. Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman. Council Discussion  Commented that during the Council retreat last year, Council confirmed that the General Plan update process would not start form scratch, rather it would enhance the current document and add issues not included during the 2000 General Plan. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to designate the General Plan Committee as the “General Plan Advisory Committee” with up to 10 additional members to be appointed by the Council at a future date. Seconded by Council Member Diane McNutt. Council Discussion  Commented on the appointment of the 10 additional members to the advisory committee.  Questioned the outreach and appointment process for appointing members to the advisory committee.  Commented that the committee membership should reflect a broad spectrum of the community.  Encouraged staff to contact members of the community who expressed an interest in the General Plan Update process at the Town Hall in the Neighborhood and during commission interviews.  Suggested that input from various commissions would be valuable to the advisory committee.  Invited the community to participate and stay tuned for more information. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman to approve timeline Option #2 as the tentative schedule for the update. Seconded by Council Member Steve Glickman. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 10 PULLED CONSENT ITEMS 1. Adopt ordinance amending the Town Code effecting a zone change from CH to CH:PD at 55 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road for a motel renovation, conversion of a portion of the motel to office and construction of a new commercial building. ORDINANCE 2158 Mr. Davis  Commented that the story poles at the site do not reflect the height, bulk and mass for the proposed project. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Glickman to adopt ordinance amending the Town Code effecting a zone change from CH to CH:PD at 55 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road for a motel renovation, conversion of a portion of the motel to office and construction of a new commercial building. Seconded by Council Member Joe Pirzynski. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 2. Approve Council/Agency minutes of January 22, 2008. Mr. Davis  Stated that his comments under Verbal Communications at the January 22, 2008 meeting where inaccurate.  Commented on his beliefs relating to democracy in America.  Expressed concerns about the copying of petitions by the Clerk Department. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Joe Pirzynski to approve Council/Agency minutes of January 22, 2008. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mike Wasserman. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 11 COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS 5. Council Matters Council Member Steve Glickman  Commented that at the County Committee on School District Organization meeting he was made aware of a request from homeowners in the Rinconada area.  Commented that the report indicated that there are certain areas along Wedgewood Avenue that are not safe for pedestrian use and that the lack of sidewalks on Wedgewood Avenue present a safety issue for pedestrian traffic.  Requested that staff look into the issue to see if the Town could mitigate the safety concerns along Wedgewood Avenue. Mr. Larson  Commented that staff met with the City Attorney and the adjacent property owners concerned about safety on Wedgewood Avenue. The Town is discussing options to move forward with the project soon.  Suggested that staff will consider this project as part of the CIP budget development process.  6. Manager Matters Mr. Larson  Commented that he met with local service clubs and discussed Town services.  Thanked Council for its ongoing support of staff. ADJOURNMENT Attest: /s/Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator