M10-01-071 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING OCTOBER 1, 2007 7:00 p.m. TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Vice Mayor Barbara Spector, Council Member Steve Glickman, Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Mike Wasserman. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Sara Chiala, a Kindergartener at Blossom Hill Elementary School led the Pledge of Allegiance as part of our "Future Leaders" program. The audience was invited to participate. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Mr. Korb stated that Council did not meet in Closed Session. PRESENTATION Mayor Joe Pirzynski Presented Chief Scott Seaman with a proclamation for Los Gatos Prepared. Chief Seaman accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Town. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Adopt resolution approving Settlement and Release Agreement resulting in a covenant running with the land (15310 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos, CA; APN 537-13-011) RESOLUTION 2007-107 2. Approve Council/Agency minutes of: a. August 27, 2007 b. September 17, 2007 c. September 24, 2007 2 Consent Items – Continued Mr. Davis pulled consent Item #2b and #2c. Mayor Joe Pirzynski stated that the pulled Consent Items would be heard after Other Business. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Mike Wasserman to approve Consent Items #1, #2a. Seconded by Council Member Diane McNutt. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATION Mr. Guardino  Invited the Town Council, staff and community to the Applied Material’s Silicon Valley 3rd Annual Turkey Trot. Mr. Davis  Thanked the Town for the radar sign boards located around the schools as part of the safe routes to school program.  Commented about the 13.5 acres at Vasona and suggested a study session to facilitate a dialogue about the sale of the Town owned property located in Vasona Park. Closed Verbal Communications OTHER BUSINESS Discussion Of Options For The Development Of A New Library And Provide Direction To Staff Regarding Next Steps. Staff report made by Les White, Special Advisor to Council 3 Other Business Item #3 – Continued Council Comments  Commended staff on the research, time, and effort to follow Council’s approved principles to develop the option before them.  Questioned when the public process would take place.  Questioned if there would be increases in annual operating costs.  Clarification on the current operating costs for the Town’s library.  Clarification on available funding for the proposed project.  Suggested building a green library.  Questioned if Redevelopment Agency funds would be available for other capital projects in the future.  Questioned if this approach with library funding has either the benefit or the problem of proceeding without any need for public approval. Mr. White  Clarified that the funding options suggested would require public hearings to be held, but does not require a vote from the residents. Ms. Jacobs  Commented on the public process and next steps involved.  Commented on the funding options for the proposed library.  Stated that there is a Designated Reserve for the Civic Center which could be used for the library plan.  Commented that an update of costs will be provided as part of the RFP process. Ms. Conaway  Stated a rule of thumb is that operating costs run about 10% of the construction costs. Open Public Comments Mr. Atkinson  Commented on the need for space to hold more book sales which bring revenue to the Town’s library. Ms. Hill  Commended staff on moving forward with the new library process.  Expressed concerns about giving up a community room in the proposed library plan.  Commented on organizations that need a place to meet. 4 Other Business Item #3 – Continued Public Comment - Continued Mr. Davis  Commented about uses for the existing library space.  Suggested adding on to the space that already houses the library.  Suggested reviewing an extensive remodel of the existing library space. Mayor Joe Pirzynski  Clarified that a community room could be considered in the existing library building. Ms. Baum  Thanked staff and Council for moving forward with the new library plans. Ms. Alderson  Thanked staff and Council for moving forward with the project.  Commented that the current library is too small and that she feels that the community will embrace the space and programs that will be available with the new library. Ms. King  Expressed that she would like to see the project move forward.  Commented that she would like to see ground broken in a year. Closed Public Comments Council Discussion Motion by Council Member Mike Wasserman to accept the three recommendations as follows:  Direct staff to proceed with specific planning for a new 31,000 square foot library facility.  Conduct a request for proposal process to engage an architectural firm to develop cost estimates, parking requirements, and schematic design for a 31,000 square foot, two-story main library.  In consultation with Town’s Finance Consultant, develop detailed financial analysis for a 31,000 square foot library, including identification of the process required to issue RDA bonds and COP certificates. Seconded by Vice Mayor Barbara Spector. 5 Other Business Item #3 – Continued Council Discussion  Commented about the size of the proposed library verses the size of the current library and that community needs should be met with the 31,000 square foot plan.  Commented about the design phase for the proposed project and that the community has determined that there is a need for a larger library.  Clarified that adding an extension between the existing library and the police building would not be financially feasible.  Commented that the Town has come up with a proposal that does not require bonds or assessments.  Expressed concerns about using the Redevelopment funding for the library project.  Stated that if the Redevelopment funds were used for the library then there would not be Redevelopment funding options available for future projects.  Questioned if the community is making the best use of the total library facilities.  Questioned if all capital resources would be used for the proposed library plan.  Clarified that there will be several opportunities for community input about funding the new library.  Questioned if keeping the Los Gatos High School Library open longer would be an alternative option to meeting library needs within the community.  Commented that RDA funds are established to revitalize areas within communities.  Commented that the library fits the guidelines for RDA funding. Mr. White  Clarified that the proposed project would use Redevelopment funds and would not use any funds from potential land sale funds for the project.  Commented on the proposed funding option relating to RDA funds and that other funds are available for other capital needs. VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Steve Glickman voting no. 6 PULLED CONSENT ITEM #2b and #2c Approve Meeting Minutes of: b. September 17, 2007 c. September 24, 2007 Mr. Davis  Expressed his concern about the gist of the study session minutes.  Commented that he feels that the public discussion should be added to reflect the Town Neighborhood meeting minutes. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Diane McNutt to approve minutes from September 17, 2007 and September 24, 2007. Seconded by Council Member Mike Wasserman. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Steve Glickman  Suggested an audio recording of the Town Hall in the Neighborhood meetings. COUNCIL MATTERS Mayor Joe Pirzynski  Commented that the Town Hall in the Neighborhood meeting held on September 24, 2007 was well attended and that Council and staff received community feedback relating to the General Plan Update, Library Plan, and Los Gatos Prepared.  Commented on the great success of the Screen on the Green event held on September 28, 2007, at Oak Meadow Park.  Requested community participation with Los Gatos Prepared events being held throughout October 2007.  Commented that the CERT Team will be at the Farmer’s Market on October 7 and 14, 2007, and out at the shopping centers on October 17, 2007, for outreach to the community. Vice Mayor Barbara Spector  Commented on the success of the first green meeting held in Saratoga.  Commented that the next meeting will be hosted by the City of Monte Sereno. 7 MANAGER MATTERS None this evening. Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator