M09-24-07 Town Hall in th Neighborhood TOWN OF LOS GATOS TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING -TOWN HALL IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD September 24, 2007 - Meeting Minutes MEETING CALLED TO ORDER The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held a special meeting (Town Hall in the Neighborhood) on Monday, September 24, 2007 at Fisher Middle School. Meeting began at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present:  Joe Pirzynski, Mayor  Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor  Steve Glickman, Council Member  Diane McNutt, Council Member  Mike Wasserman, Council Member Mayor Pirzysnki opened the meeting and stated the purpose of the Town Hall in the Neighborhood Meeting. Staff made presentations on the following items:  2010 General Plan Update - Bud Lortz, Community Development Director  Library Development Project – Peggy Conaway, Library Director  Los Gatos Prepared – Sergeant Kerry Harris. Members of the audience were invited to ask questions and participate in the discussion. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Davis  Commented about missing sidewalks along Blossom Hill Road.  Commented about the selection of a new Town Manager.  Expressed concern about the parking lot at Blossom Hill Park. Mr. Kuramoto  Commented about a Special Event Permit which had been denied by the Town.  Requested Council consideration of the use of Oak Meadow Park during the month of October, 2007 for a Halloween event in conjunction with Billy Jones Railroad. MEETING ADJOURNED Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.