M02-22-05DRAFT TOWN OF LOS GATOS Council/Agency Meeting CALIFORNIA Date: 03/07/2005 TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Item#_________ FEBRUARY 22, 2005/MINUTES Los Gatos Civic Center 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 TIME ITEM ACTION ON ITEM 7:00 PM TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority/Redevelopment Agency of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town of Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:00 PM, February 22, 2005, in a joint regular session. 7:01 PM ROLL CALL Present: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Barbara Spector, and Mayor/Chairman Mike Wasserman Absent: None 7:02 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The audience was invited to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance. 7:03 PM CLOSED SESSION No report. 7:04 PM CONSENT ITEMS #1-13 CONSENT ITEMS TOWN COUNCIL 1. Accept Schedule of Public Hearings. (1-28) 2. Accept staff recommendation on County Referrals. (2-37) a. Projects outside urban service area: None b. Projects inside urban service area: 16661 Kennedy Road and 16516 Shannon Road. c. Status of previous applications: None. 3. Ratify Payroll for the period of January 16 – January 29, 2005 paid on February 4, 2005. (3-V) 4. Ratify accounts payable for February 2005. (4-V) 5. Accept Treasurer’s Report of January 2005. (5-2) 6. Approve Town Council Study Session Minutes of February 7, Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 2 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc #1-13 Continued 2005. (6-34) 8. Adopt a resolution ordering the summary vacation of a portion of excess water pipe line easement at 24 Kimble Avenue (APN: 529- 32-016) RESOLUTION 2005-008 (8-40) 9. Adopt a resolution making determinations and approving the reorganization of territory designated “Kennedy Road No. 15,” approximately 0.285 acres located at 16701 Kennedy Road ( APN: 532-08-063). RESOLUTION 2005-009 (9-26) 11. Adopt ordinance amending Town Conflict of Interest Code (Division 4 of Article III of Chapter 2) to allow future revisions of the appendices by resolution. ORDINANCE 2139 (11-1) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 12. Ratify accounts payable for February, 2005. (12-V) Motion by Mrs. McNutt to approve Consent Items #1-6, 8, 9, 11 and 12. Seconded by Mrs. Spector. 7:02 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. 7:03 PM CONSENT ITEMS #1-13 Continued PULLED ITEM #7 7. Adopt a resolution denying an appeal of a decision from the Planning Commission approving the construction of a second story addition to a pre-1941 residence and to exceed the FAR on property zoned R-1D. Architecture and site application: S-05-021. Property Location: 56 Bayview Avenue. Owner: Dave and Lyn Dardis. Applicant: E. Gary Schloh. Appellant: Michael Manley. RESOLUTION 2005-007 (7-15) 7:04 PM PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Davis Commented on the FAR Ordinance relating to 56 Bayview Avenue. Questioned the Resolution regarding Council’s vote to uphold the Planning Commission’s decision. 7:06 PM CONSENT ITEMS #1-13 Motion by Mr. Glickman to approve Consent Item #7. Seconded by Pirzynski. Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 3 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc Continued PULLED ITEM #7 COUNCIL COMMENT 7:07 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried 3/2 with Mr. Wasserman and Mrs. Spector voting no. 7:08 PM CONSENT ITEMS #1-13 Continued PULLED ITEM #10 10. Approve proceeding with the Civic Center/Master Plan project and adopt resolution authorizing Town Manager to negotiate and execute agreement with Anderson-Brule Architects. RESOLUTION 2005-010 (10-32) 7:09 PM PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Davis Commented on the public funding relating to the Civic Center/Master Plan Project. Commented on public funding for soccer fields in Los Gatos. COUNCIL COMMENT Motion by Mr. Glickman to Approve Consent Item #10. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 7:10 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. CONSENT ITEMS #1-13 Continued PULLED ITEM #13 TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 13. Approve Council/Agency minutes of February 7, 2005. 7:11 PM PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Davis Commented on the minutes of February 7, 2005 regarding concerns the neighbors may have in relation to reconstruction of the Auto Mall. 7:13 PM CONSENT ITEMS #1-13 Continued Motion by Mr. Glickman to approve Consent Item #13. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 4 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc PULLED ITEM #13 COUNCIL COMMENT 7:14 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. 7:15 PM VERBAL COMMUNICATION Mr. Davis Questioned Verbal Communications at the State of the Town Address. Questioned when the Engineering Peer Review for Roberts Road Bridge would return to Council. Mrs. Cosgrove Commented regarding the Elected Clerk’s position and certification of records. 7:18 PM CLOSED VERBAL COMMUNICATION 7:19 PM PUBLIC HEARING ITEM #14 CONSIDER EXTENSION OF AN URGENCY ORDINANCE 15200 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD ITEM #14 Consider extension of an Urgency Ordinance to streamline the review process for a replacement facility at 15200 Los Gatos Boulevard (Los Gatos Auto Mall). Staff Report Made by Bud Lortz. 7:21 PM COUNCIL COMMENT Clarification on Item J, relating to early neighborhood involvement during the design process. Questioned staff regarding the square footage and height of the replacement building. Clarification on Item A, regarding when the public hearing for the Auto Mall replacement building may be held. 7:22 PM ITEM #14 Continued OPEN PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Davis Spoke on public notification and land use entitlement for 15200 Los Gatos Boulevard. Commented on the second story addition proposed for the reconstruction of the building. Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 5 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc 7:25 PM CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT CLARIFICATION BY ATTORNEY Mr. Korb stated for the record: Council’s action on the Item was to allow, under the zoning, for an application to be made within the parameters of the Ordinance. 7:28 PM Clerk Administrator read the title. Motion by Mrs. McNutt to wave the reading of the ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 7:29 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. Motion by Mrs. McNutt to introduce and adopt Urgency Ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 7:30 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. 7:31 PM OTHER BUSINESS ITEM #15 DIRECTION ON OPTIONS FOR SCHEDULING TOWN PAVING PROJECT AND SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY PROJECT ON N. SANTA CRUZ AVENUE. ITEM #15 (8-40) Discuss and provide direction on options for scheduling Town paving project and San Jose Water Company project on N. Santa Cruz Avenue. Staff report made by John Curtis. 7:41 PM ITEM #15 Continued COUNCIL COMMENT Clarification of risks regarding not doing the reconstruction option. Clarification from San Jose Water on the current condition of the water main. Questioned the hours work would take place pertaining to option #4. Asked for clarification regarding the $30,000 allocated for a Marketing Campaign. Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 6 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc Requested information relating to the repairs done on Royce Street and the quality of the road at this time. 7:49 PM OPEN PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM #15 Continued PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Borfeld, Business Owner Commented on the growth of the project in the last two years. Suggested commitment on mitigating the negative impacts of the project. Commented on the proposed Marketing Campaign and the need for more support for the businesses. Mr. Lemons, Business Owner Commented on loss of income if N. Santa Cruz Avenue would be closed for two months or more. Ms. Kerwin, Business Owner Asked Council to postpone the project for another year. Commented that her shop could not survive another decrease in sales if the road were to be closed for two months. Ms. Choly, Business Manager Commented that the revenue loss would out weigh the urgency for the work to be done. Fears that customer’s shopping and dining habits would change, and they may go elsewhere. Asked for strong commitments from the Town, if the project does go forward. Would like to see the project take slower approach. Mr. Arzie, Property Owner Commented on the history of the Redevelopment District. Commented that the streets are not hazardous to the public health. Commented that businesses are not strong in the Downtown area, and suggested that option #4 would be the better approach. Mr. Zuur, Business Owner Asked for consideration regarding the Downtown businesses. Suggested Council consider option #4 or option #5. Mr. Hargett, Business Owner Commented on the character of the Town, and that the downtown offers alternatives to the regional shopping centers. Mr. Wayker, Business Owner Suggested the allocated $30,000 for a Marketing Plan be increased if Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 7 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc option #1 is approved. Commented on his business regarding layoffs, and revenue loss if the road is closed for two months. Andres Bergman, Business Owner Suggested his restaurant would not survive a two month closure, and would like Council to consider option #4 or option #5. Commented that customers would go elsewhere to shop and dine. Ginger Rowe, Business Owner Commented on the effect the road closure would have on her employees, family, and customers. Mr. Davis, Resident Suggested that the project be put on hold till business picks up. Commented on the condition of the water pipes in the Downtown area. Mr. Carlquist, Resident Commented on his support for options #4 or #5. Commented regarding the traffic on Massol Avenue and the surrounding neighborhoods if N. Santa Cruz Avenue was to close for two months. 8:19 PM CLOSE PUBLIC COMMENT 8:20 PM COUNCIL DISCUSSION ITEM #15 Continued COUNCIL DISCUSSION Commented on the Government process and the advantage of having time to think and re-think the project. Commented on the factors involving the water capacity, taste, water pressure, and the pipes. Stated that the quality is good at this time. Commented that San Jose Water had not scheduled replacement of the pipes for ten to fifteen years, and that the water pipes are not in danger at this time, and repairs are not needed.  Spoke on cost benefit for the project regarding merchants, the Town, and the residents. Commented regarding the effect the traffic would have on emergency vehicles and the gridlock in the Town and neighborhoods for an extended period. Spoke on the Democratic process regarding the public involvement. Suggested that the $30,000 remain allocated to a Marketing Campaign for option #4. Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 8 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc Suggested to staff that analysis be kept available for a future project. Commented on addressing concerns of the merchants and neighbors. Commented on promoting the Downtown area and mitigating traffic for the two weeks N. Santa Cruz would remain closed. Affirmed that the Town RDA funds would remain intact. Motion by Mrs. McNutt to adopt Town overlay project in summer 2005, with out San Jose Water project (Option #4). Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 8:46 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. 8:47 PM ITEM #16 ADOPT RESOLUTION AMENDING HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS & GUIDELINES ITEM #16 (16-37) Adopt a resolution amending the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines Architectural Review Criteria. RESOLUTION 2005-011 Staff report made by Bud Lortz. 8:49 PM COUNCIL COMMENT Clarification on the General Plan Committee regarding deletion of Items #8 and #11. Clarification regarding step and grading pertaining to different style homes. Questioned if staff could send Item #11 back to Architectural Standards Committee for revue and clarification. Questioned if Architectural Standards Committee wanted a comprehensive review. Asked for clarification regarding moving forward with the adopted Hillside Plans, and returning to Council at a future date with information relating to the review process. Clarification regarding the possibility of a focused review from Architectural Standards Committee to the General Plan Committee and forwarded to Council. 8:57 PM ITEM #16 Continued OPEN PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Davis Commented on the Hillside Plans relating to stepping a home up and down the hill to avoid a cut pad. Commented regarding a Peer Review from Portola Valley. Town Council Minutes February 22, 2005 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California 3/25/2019 1:11 PM Page 9 of 9 E:\uploadedFiles\d4ade5f12b93c12191acdf19b7f7d67-3447751aa9cda73\p1d6r0onk516kc1gu61h0r1lcs1bn5t.doc 9:00 PM CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT 9:01 PM COUNCIL DISCUSSION Commented that the general concept was approved, and needs to be tested on the ground, followed by evaluation on proposed projects. Suggested that the review process take its course. Commented on the minutes from the Architectural Standards Committee and suggested if the minutes do not reflect the decision they made on Item #11, they could address the matter at their meeting when minutes would be approved. Motion by Mrs. McNutt to adopt resolution amending Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski. 9:05 PM MAYOR CALLED THE QUESTION Carried unanimously. ITEM #17 COUNCIL MATTERS ITEM #17 (17-28) None. ITEM #18 MANAGER MATTERS ITEM #18 (18-28) None. 9:06 PM MEETING ADJOURNED Submitted by: Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Deputy Clerk MarLyn J. Rasmussen, Clerk Administrator Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency