M 12-20-04TOWN OF LOS GATO S CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORIT Y JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENC Y DECEMBER 20, 2004/MINUTE S Los Gatos Civic Cente r 110 E . Main Stree t Los Gatos, CA 9503 0 TIME ITEM ACTION ON ITE M 7 :00 PM TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority/Redevelopment Agency of the Tow n of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town of Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7 :00 PM, December 20, 2004,in a joint regula r session . 7 :01 PM ROLL CALL Present : Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Barbara Spector , and Mayor/Chairman Mike Wasserma n Absent : Non e 7 :02 PM PLEDGE O F ALLEGIANCE Hannah and Ashley Kaikkonen were invited to sing the National Anthem . The audience was invited to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance . 7 :03 PM CLOSED SESSION None 7 :04PM I CONSENT ITEM S #1-18 TOWN COUNCI L 1 . Accept Schedule of Public Hearings . (1-V ) 2 . Ratify payroll for the period of November 7, 2004 - November 20 , 2004 paid on November 24, 2004 . (2-V ) 3 . Ratify accounts payable for November and December, 2004 . (3-V ) 4 . Accept Treasurers Report for October and November, 2004 . (4-2 ) 5 . Adopt a Resolution of the Town of Los Gatos and the Tow n Attorney and Authorizing the Mayor to sign amendment on behal f of the Town of Los Gatos .RESOLUTION 2004-148 (5-6) Town Council Minute s Redevelopment Agency December 20, 200 4 Los Gatos, Californi a CONSENT ITEM S #1-1 8 Continued Adopt a resolution of the Town of Los Gatos establishing a retire e health savings plan and adopting the plan in the form of the ICM A Retirement Corporation's Vantage Care Retirement Healt h Savings Program . RESOLUTION 2004-149 (6-9 ) 7.Adopt a resolution amending an agreement with Miller Van Eato n for cable television franchise renewal consultant services . RESOLUTION 2004-150 (7-35 ) 8.Tract No .9368 -17975 Foster Road . Adopt a resolution accepting work of McCarthy Land Company , LLC, and authorizing Town Manager to execute certificate o f acceptance and notice of completion for recording by the Cler k Administrator . RESOLUTION 2004-151 (8-24 ) 9.Project 04-17 - FY2004-05 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Repai r and Replacement . Adopt a resolution accepting work of C .B . Construction an d authorizing the Town Manager to execute Certificate o f Acceptance and Notice of Completion for recording by the Cler k Administrator . RESOLUTION 2004-152 (11-33 ) 10.Project04-36 -Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Project . Adopt a resolution accepting work of Joseph J . Albanese an d authorizing the Town Manager to execute Certificate o f Acceptance and Notice of Completion . For recording by the cler k Administrator . RESOLUTION 2004-153 (10-24 ) 1 1 .Project04-08 -CDBG Grant for Ross Creek Bridg e Improvements . Adopt a resolution accepting work of Joseph J . Albanese an d authorizing the Town Manager to execute Certificate o f Acceptance and Notice of Completion . For recording by the cler k Administrator .RESOLUTION 2004-154 (11-24 ) 12.Adopt a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to sign the Firs t Amendment to the agreement providing for implementation of th e Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Progra m (SCVURPP).RESOLUTION 2004-155 (12-40 ) 13.Adopt ordinance amending Article II, Town Council salaries , Section 2 .30 .025 .ORDINANCE 2135 (13-29) Page 2 of 7 N :AMASTER\COUNCIL\MINUTES\2004\M I2-20-04 .doc Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency December 20, 200 4 Los Gatos, Californi a CONSENT ITEM S #1-1 8 Continued 14 . Adopt ordinance amending Division 3, Town Attorney, Sectio n 2 .30 .505, of Town Code, clarifying court filings . ORDINANCE 2136 (14-29 ) REDEVELOPMEN T 15 . Ratify accounts payable for November and December, 2004 . (15-V ) 16 . Adopt resolution approving the 2003/04 Annual Report for the Lo s Gatos Redevelopment Agency . RESOLUTION 2004-14RD (16-27 ) TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT (13-V ) 17 . Approve Council/Agency minutes of December 6, 2004 . 18 . Award of Construction Contract for Project 04-38 -Way Findin g Sign Project . a. Adopt resolution declaring Chrisp Company to be th e lowest responsible bidder on the project and awarding a construction contract in the amount of $45,825 .00 . b . Authorize staff to issue change order to the constructio n contract up to an amount of $5,000 .00 . RESOLUTION 2004-156 (18-24) MOTION by Mr . Glickman to approve Consent Items #1-18 . Seconded by Mr. Pirzynski . 7 :05 PM MAYOR CALLE D THE QUESTION Consent Items #1-15, #17, and #18 . Carried unanimously . Consent Item #16 Carried 4/1 . Mrs . Spector abstained . 7 :06 PM VERBA L COMMUNICATION Carlos Novill o • Spoke regarding a drainage problem on his property . Marian Cosgrov e • Commented on FPPC filings relating to Conflict of Interest . Ray Davi s • Applauded the presentation for Lance Corporal Ben Dickenson . • Commented on keeping Los Gatos a Town . Page 3of 7 N :AMASTER \COUNCIL\MINUTESV2004\M 12 20-04 .do c Town Council Minute s Redevelopment Agency December 20, 200 4 Los Gatos, Californi a 7 :16 PM CLOSED VERBA L COMMUNICATIO N 7 :17 PM PUBLIC HEARIN G ITEM #1 9 CONTINUED US E O F SUPPLEMENTAL LOCAL LA W ENFORCEMEN T FUNDS ITEM #1 9 Adopt resolution authorizing the continued use of Supplemental Loca l Law Enforcement Funds (SLESF) to provide funding for one (1) full - time police officer assigned as a motorcycle traffic officer and one (1 ) full-time officer assigned as a school resource officer . RESOLUTION 2004-157 (19-36) Staff report made by Captain Gravel . 7 :20 PM OPEN/CLOS E PUBLI C COMMEN T 7 :21 PM MOTION by Mr. Pirzynski to adopt Resolution authorizing continued us e of Supplemental Law Enforcement Funds . Seconded by Mr . Glickman . MAYOR CALLE D THE QUESTION Carried unanimously . 7 :21 PM OTHER BUSINESS ITEM #20 REPORT ON THE SUPPLY AN D DEMAND O F SOCCER FIELD S IN LOS GATOS ITEM #2 0 Accept report on the supply and demand of soccer fields in Los Gato s And provide direction on next steps . (20-33 ) Staff report made by Pamela Jacob s 7 :34 PM OPEN PUBLI C COMMENT Ray Davis • Spoke about the park dedication fees pertaining to single family lots . Dale Greenle y • Commented on the shortage of practice fields . • Time slots from 3PM - 5 PM not suitable for most families . • Quality of the fields . e Council's continued support on the sports field issues . Page 4 of 7 N :AMASTER\COUNCILAMNUTESV2004\M 12 20-04 .do c Town Council Minute s Redevelopment Agency December 20, 200 4 Los Gatos, Californi a 7 :38 PM ITEM #2 0 Continue d CLOSED PUBLI C COMMEN T 7 :39 PM COUNCI L DICUSSION • Shortage of practice fields . • Size of area required for soccer fields . • Scheduling time slots for practices . • Field maintenance and costs to rebuild fields . • Safety issues and wear and tear of the fields . • Vasona Park area for sports usage . • Oak Meadow Park for sports usage . • Short and long term goals . • Portable or permanent lighting . • Impact on the neighborhoods . • Creating a task force committee to explore options and ideas . • Working with the Parks Commission for recommendations . • Almaden Valley's new sports program . • The impacts, ideas, and alternatives which could increase the socce r facilities in Los Gatos . • Use of Town property for soccer fields as an option . 8 :26 PM MAYOR ASKE D FOR CONSENSUS Consensus to accept report . • Direction to staff to develop a work plan for pursuing options to b e brought to the Council retreat in January, 2005 . 8 :27 PM ITEM #2 1 PLANNIN G COMMISSIO N RECOMMENDATIO N ON AMENDMENT S TO THE HILLSID E DEVELOPMEN T STANDARDS & GUIDELINE S ARCHITECTURA L REVIEW CRITERIA . ITEM #21 (21-38 ) Consider Planning Commission recommendation on amendments t o the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines Architectura l Review Criteria . Staff report made by Bud Lortz . Page _5of 7 N :AMASTER\C<3UNCIL\MINUTES\20X)4\M 12-20-04 .do c Town Council Minute s Redevelopment Agency December 20, 200 4 Los Gatos, Californi a 8 :32 PM ITEM #2 1 COUNCI L DISCUSSION • Consulting architect's part in the amendments . • Pedestrian access around the homes which may result in a footprin t reduction . • Residential Guidelines and General Plan Committee . • Two-story wall planes . • Second stories should be set back . • Natural forms are encouraged . • Step level floors rather than flat pad design . • Styles of architecture of new homes on the hillside . • Excessive stucco and clay . 8 :53 PM OPEN PUBLI C COMMENT Ray Davi s • Stated that the Chairman from the Planning Commission should b e present . • Commented on the suggested pedestrian access's being a safet y issue . 8 :56 PM CLOSED PUBLI C COMMEN T 8 :57 PM COUNCI L COMMENT • Requested the amendments be reviewed by the Architectura l Standards Committee . • Discussed issues relating to the length of time between Architectura l Standards Committee review and recommendations forwarded t o Council . • Accepted report of the Planning Commission relating to the ne w guidelines . • Discussed issues related to architectural styles, design elements, a s well as bulk and mass considerations . • Agreed to keep focused on the Planning Commissions concerns . • Directed staff to address Council's concerns and re-schedule thi s matter in late February or early March, 2005 meeting Page 6of 7 N :AMASTER \COUNCIL.AMINUTES\2004\M 2 20-04 .do c Town Council Minute s Redevelopment Agency December 20, 200 4 Los Gatos, Californi a 9 :00 PM ITEM #2 2 COUNCIL MATTERS ITEM #22 (22-28 ) Mr. Glickma n • The success of Santa in the Plaza . Mr . Wasserma n • The renaming of A Place for Teens to The Venue . • KCAT is seeking qualified residents to serve on the new KCA T Board of Directors . 9 :06 PM ITEM #2 3 MANAGE R MATTERS ITEM #23 (23-28 ) None . 9 :07 PM MEETIN G ADJOURNED Submitted by : Attest : Jackie D . Rose, Deputy Clerk MarLyn J . Rasmussen, Clerk Administrator Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency Page 7 of 7 N :AMASTER\C.OUNCIL\MINUTES\2004\M I2-20-04 .doc