M 10-20-03-Study Transcript-Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction ProjectsTOWN OF LOS GATOS JOINT TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STUDY SESSION DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION October 20, 2003/Meeting Minutes TOWN COUNCIL STUDY SESSION The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met at the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m., Monday, October 20, 2003 for a Study Session regarding the Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project. COUNCIL ATTENDANCE Present:Sandy Decker, Mayor; Steve Glickman, Vice Mayor; Diane McNutt, Council Member; Joe Pirzynski, Council Member; Mike Wasserman, Council Member. STUDY SESSION DISCUSSION ON THE DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Parks and Public Works Department Director, John Curtis, and Kevin Rohani, Town Engineer, presented the progress of the Streetscape Project and alternative completion schedules. Staff also indicated that previous meetings held with downtown merchants indicated merchants seek a time-out, or reprieve, of construction activities to bring their customer base back to town. Three additional possible schedules were developed based on the construction needs and merchants request. Of the three options, staff recommended Option D, with most of the work being completed in 2005 and 2006. The Option D schedule is to complete the utility underground improvements on Santa Cruz Avenue from January to March of 2004, (specifically sewer line re-line work that is conducted at each manhole), with a break in all downtown construction activity from March 2004 to March 2005. Main Street sidewalk improvements would be during March through May, 2005, followed by Santa Cruz Avenue paving from June through August 2005. Main Street resurfacing would be completed the following year, from July through August of 2006. Council Members asked staff to clarify various construction related issues, including: schedules; lamppost installation; PG&E work; sewer line work: costs, night work, encroachment issues, life span of new lines; risks of not paving; traffic lane closures; impacts from other projects-such as Reservoir Road and Gateway Project; impacts if Streets cape project was undertaken on multiple, different streets at same time (such as on both Main and Santa Cruz); bond time frame requirements; resurfacing of Santa Cruz over 2-year period rather than one; engineering studies conducted on Santa Cruz - methodology used and outcome; traffic circulation strategies for Santa Cruz Avenue when closed by section; access available to get to businesses and to let visitors know businesses are open. Staff clarified project details and impacts. PUBLIC COMMENT: The Mayor then opened the meeting to public comments, asking merchants to also indicate how they feel about Option D. The following is a summary of the comments received: Kurt Lemons of Upstream Flyfishing (N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Merchants faced with reduction of customers, who refuse to come to downtown. Merchants need time to recover, need a year to get customers back, and during that time to plan for events during future construction. Suggested revisiting the use of a Business Improvement District. Supports Option D. Adrienne of Adrienne's (N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Submitted a petition with over 100 signatures from merchants and began another petition signed by residents: both petitions request construction to stop. Stated she obtained signatures because most people don't come to meetings. Of all who signed the petition, only 2 wanted to get the work over ASAP. Thinks the economy, war and other things cannot be controlled, and this is the one thing that can be controlled. Big box stores waiting to come in. (example of change in Burlingame) Wants to keep town's uniqueness & charm. Has been in business N:\Clk\Marian’s Files\Draft Minutes\MM102003-Study Transcript-Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Projects.wpd here 20 years. N:\Clk\Marian’s Files\Draft Minutes\MM102003-Study Transcript-Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Projects.wpd Town Council Minutes October 20, 2003 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California PUBLIC COMMENT CONTINUED: Cathy Young, InnerJourney (N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Agrees with previous comments. Two years in current location. Town under construction since she came to town. Customers ask when will construction end. Moved business here due to uniqueness of town, many customers say "this is too much" and "I don't shop downtown anymore." Bill Boutfeld, Vintages (N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Thanks the Public Works Department for listening: Grays Lane improvements took longer than six weeks; concerned about the schedule. Also, no way to move traffic around Grays Lane. Requests more discussion concerning Business Improvement District before moving that forward. Not just economy slowing business- difficult to find parking. Supports Option D. Bill Wilson, BowWowzer (N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Requested. Resurfacing Santa Cruz Ave in 2 phases to get it done. Is concerned about shutting whole Town down. Main to Elm would be closed more than one week. Santa Cruz Avenue will be closed for whole summer during paving. Concern about parking tickets- people come to shop at their leisure, no place to park and are outraged at being ticketed for parking. Customers have left for Santana Row. Supports Option D. Carol Hargett, Twenty9 East Main and Dolce Spazio, (East Main and N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Will be impacted on both sides of Town. Does not want to see Business Improvement District reinstituted, thinks other things can be done. Supports Option D. Susan Sedte, Romantiques (University Ave.): Agrees with Option D. Suggests having a merchant committee to meet with Town. Also suggests extending parking time especially when parking lots empty. Ginger Rowe, Time Out Clothing (N. Santa Cruz Ave.): Appreciates being heard. Construction activities impact all businesses, even if on nearby street or sidewalk. Traffic flow is affected. Whenever traffic is thrown off, it really affects business. Asks if construction hours can be extended, how it affects schedule. A 4AM start is an issue for residents- extend the work schedule so overall project is completed in a shorter time. Supports Option D. Teri Hope, LG Coffee Raosting Co. (W. Main St.): Original response to streetscape construction schedule was to get work completed asap. Very concerned about the town's businesses. Suggests to take time off, postpone construction and find ways to build up the town's image. Supports Option D. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Council Members responded to public input with various suggestions: Council member McNutt: Form a merchant committee to provide time to recuperate and re- energize, to approach future downtown construction in more positive way; and to enlist help of merchants to find way to make 2005 construction positive; Vice Mayor Glickman: Issue of shutting town down, versus getting job done quickly -sequencing or overlap of work; Council member Pirzynski: To envision Oct 20,2007- a year after all work completed; with or without Streetscape Project, Santa Cruz Avenue needs to be paved; Council member Wasserman: Asks staff to find ways to be less invasive, defer paving now but put funds toward repainting crosswalks and brightening things up in downtown, have golfcart shuttle during closure; Mayor Decker: Merchants, staff and Council in favor of Option D. COUNCIL CONSIDERATIONS: Asked staff to work on the implementation of Option D Ms. Figone, Town Manager recommended Council form an ad hoc working group to work with staff in a policy advisory capacity on planning for the next phases of the Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project and on related communications and outreach efforts. Council Members McNutt and Wasserman appointed by the Town Council to be Council Liaisons. N:\Clk\Marian’s Files\Draft Minutes\MM102003-Study Transcript-Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Projects.wpd Town Council Minutes October 20, 2003 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California Meeting Adjourned at 6:55PM.Attest: Marian V. Cosgrove, Town Clerk N:\Clk\Marian’s Files\Draft Minutes\MM102003-Study Transcript-Downtown Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Projects.wpd