M 05-14-02-Study-DowntownStreetscape and TownPlazaTOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING STREETSCAPE & TOWN PLAZA May 14, 2002/Minutes TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, 2002, in special session. ROLL CALL Present:Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Joe Pirzynski, and Mayor/Chairman Randy Attaway. Absent:Steven Blanton. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Ray Davis, resident, spoke concerning the General Plan and the need of the Council to uphold the plan they have adopted. He related his comments to the Sobrato development. He also questioned a Councilmember’s declared residence of record. DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SANTA CRUZ AVE/STREETSCAPE/PROJECT 0108/RESOLUTION 2002-69 (01A.25) SANTA CRUZ AVE/STREETSCAPE PILOT PROJECT 0108B/RESOLUTION 2002-70 (01B.25) John Curtis, Director of Public Works, gave an overview of the proposals for the downtown improvements over the next three years. He also pointed out that this segment of the improvements are for sidewalk work only at this time between Bean and Bachman. He spoke of working with the merchants on timing issues related to the construction work, and the commitment of the Town to follow through with continual communication avenues while carrying out these improvements. Suggestions from the merchants on mitigating the impacts of these construction projects will be addressed and implemented if at all possible, such as beginning a section of work on Monday and being assured that it would be completed by Friday, so as to keep the sidewalks opened to the public for weekend shopping. Mr. Curtis also introduced Tom Theobald who will serve as a singularly dedicated project manager for the streetscape project. Michele Mann was also introduced as the public relations consultant for the project. Speakers from the audience: Ray Davis, resident, spoke in favor of adopting these resolutions, which support the quality of life in Los Gatos and advocate a pleasurable downtown shopping experience. He reaffirmed his opposition to the Sobrato project and its increased traffic generation. Margaret Garland, merchant, spoke of the impact that the construction will cause to her business. N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\M05-14-02SS.wpd Town Council Minutes May 14, 2002 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CONT. Speakers continued: Ted Romero, merchant, asked that the project be implemented in 2003 instead of this year. He spoke of issues which have impacted the business community in the downtown. Chris Wiley, resident, spoke of follow up and overview of construction projects, and of accidents that have occurred due to poor workmanship on prior public works projects. Adrienne Kerwin, merchant, spoke of the impacts to her business over the last two years and how the proposed project will negatively impact her business. Kurt Useldinger, spoke of the problems caused by construction. He spoke of processes to implement mitigation measures to protect the merchants during construction periods. Bill Bacche, spoke in support of the project going forward. He noted the times that construction would be implemented and the overall positive elements that far outweigh the negatives. Ginger Rowe, spoke of her business being seasonally impacted due to her merchandise being primarily swimsuits. Bill Wayker, expressed concern for his business and noted that town staff had listened to his needs and also noted the need for liquidated damages to reimburse businesses for their loss of revenues during the construction period. He also asked that residential parking be opened up during the construction dates. Margaret Smith, spoke positively of staff’s professional work, and asked that the downtown streetscape be left alone until next January. Laura Moore, merchant spoke of the impacts to her business if the construction goes forward at this time. The night time merchants do not have to suffer with this construction, and she noted that construction is never scheduled for the night time hours. Shirley Henderson, has had her sidewalk done and it worked out very well for her. Greg Stowers, representing the Chamber, supports the reconstruction and the pilot program. He asked that the pilot program go forward so that facts can be gathered to base the rest of the program on. He asked that the questions raised about the pilot program be addressed to help the impacted businesses through the problems. He spoke of a group marketing program to help the downtown. Kurt Lemons, spoke of the seasonal impacts on his business. His business takes place in the summer and during the holidays. Chris Bearden, spoke of the construction aspects of this project, his strong support for the business community and his promise to mitigate any construction impacts on the businesses he is working near. Paul Shepherd, resident, spoke of recession in Santa Clara County, and the budget deficits within the State. He spoke against the project and its timing, and about the impact to traffic flows downtown that the project will cause. Carol Hargett, merchant, spoke in favor of the project, and noted that shoppers will move around small construction projects. John Curtis, Public Works Director, addressed the timing for this type of project to be done during the summer months. He noted that the alleys are in the construction program for next year. Orry Korb, Town Attorney, spoke of liquidated damages, and the need for the construction contract to be completed before the contractor would be able to address any late completion components. N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\M05-14-02SS.wpd 2 Town Council Minutes May 14, 2002 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CONT. Council Comments: There was consensus to not open up the residential neighborhoods to overflow parking during this construction work and to have construction vehicles for the project park at the corporation yard. There was also consensus to move forward with the pilot project and keep track of the strengths and the issues that may need to be addressed. The continuing project components will benefit from the recommendations and considerations. Procedures for continual communication with the merchants will be in place and different means will be used to monitor the progress of the total project. Consensus was also found that after the pilot project there will be an analysis made and recommendations for the continuation of the project components will be considered, at which time possible amendments to the contract can be administered. Motion by Mr. Glickman, seconded by Mr. Pirzynski, that Council adopt Resolution 2002-70 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH CB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PR OJECT 0108B – SANTA CRUZ AVENUE PI LOT PROJECT. Carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Glickman, seconded by Mr. Pirzynski, that Council adopt Resolution 2002-69 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 0108 – NORTH SAN TA CRUZ AVENUE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FOR BIDS. Carried unanimously. TOWN PLAZA/PROJECT 0107/DISCUSSION OF DESIGN CHANGES (02.25) Mayor Attaway stated that this was the time so noted to discuss and give direction to staff regarding observations of and any changes to hardscape and landscape now under construction. John Curtis, Director of Public Works, described the ongoing Town Plaza reconstruction project. He noted that he had met with Councilmembers individually to view the park and to hear their concerns. From these meetings the following concerns were identified: 1) Concrete sidewalk to be removed to make room for additional grassy areas; 2) The bell tower be relocated so as to increase grass within the park augmenting the grasscape, also a small planter box with low shrubbery to soften the effect of concrete and to lead the eye into the park; 3) Landscaping around the trees decreased if at all possible to add more grass although of the needs of the redwoods must take priority; 4) Traffic controller on the corner of Santa Cruz and Main moved to a less visible location, possibly behind the bus station where there are other electrical control panels already positioned; 5) Drainage of the park accomplished with sheet drainage flowing toward the east and following the contour of land; 6) Additional street trees placed along the west side of the park to soften the effect of concrete on the southwest corner, also a small planter box added in that location with some shrubs or trees. Speakers from the audience: N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\M05-14-02SS.wpd 3 Town Council Minutes May 14, 2002 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California Gary Schloh, Architect, spoke of 1) adding trees to soften the effect of so much concrete at the south west corner of the project. He believes that 2) the bell tower stands out too prominently now that trees have been removed. He is opposed to 3) the area drains because of the puddles that form at the drain dips. He thinks that the sheet drains to the perimeter would be far more esthetic. TOWN PLAZA/PROJECT 0107/DISCUSSION OF DESIGN CHANGES CONT. Speakers from the audience continued: Shirley Henderson, spoke in favor of the project. She asked that tables not be included in the park. She also asked that the merchants by the Civic Center be asked about their perception of the Farmers Market in their section of Town. John Lochner, spoke of the history of the Town Fire Bell and its return to the Town, and of the tower that was designed specifically to hold it. Margaret Smith, spoke of moving the bell to the civic center. She also noted that the Farmer’s Market business was off 20% since the move to the Civic Center, mostly due to the church parking that deflects shoppers from parking in order to frequent the market. Greg Stowers, favored a new location for the fire bell tower. Brian Lee, Civil Engineer for CD Miller Engineering, agreed that the sheet drain would work well and that some of the concrete could be cut back. Park drainage going toward the east and emptying in the gutter is a possibility with inclusion of a drainage facility at the edge of the grass using a four4 inch drainage pipe beneath the sidewalk. Sarah Mason, Landscape Architect with Joni Jeneki & Assoc, explained that the additional concrete had been added to accommodate a request for wheel chair access within the park and it could easily be removed. Little additional grass could be added however because the redwoods need to have a mulch composite over their roots. Grass does not grow well under redwoods. The bell tower can also be relocated giving the park an impression of openness with more expanse of grass. Council Consensus: 1) Reduce concrete by half at the SW portion of project and remove along the back of the bus stop 2) North of the bus stop remove about half the concrete along the bus stop on Main Street 3) The bell tower can possibly become an island surrounded by grass or relocated after some consideration and referral to the Historical Preservation Committee assigning them the task of beginning the search for a location that meets the community’s needs, also creating a list of the original participants to work with the committee and asking Bill Wulf for his historic input. Historic Committee may hold a special meeting and Town can notify paper so public may have an opportunity to discuss this at public meeting. Council can make a final decision on the bell tower at the May 20th meeting. 4) Additional planter in SW corner of project to mitigate the solid concrete of the area will be square shape and slightly lower in order to look into the park 5) Signal controller moved behind bus shelter 6) Addition of street trees in the SW area along Santa Cruz in order to bring the park to the street and proving that there is ample room for the trees and for pedestrians 7) Remove tree in the NE section and create an entry way into the park including repositioning bender board 8) Sheet drainage to flow to the east using natural tilt of the land and under sidewalk pipes. N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\M05-14-02SS.wpd 4 Town Council Minutes May 14, 2002 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California ADJOURNMENT Mayor Attaway closed this evening’s meeting at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove, Town Clerk N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\M05-14-02SS.wpd 5