RA 05-20-02TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY May 20, 2002 Minutes REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Redevelopment Agency/Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town hall, 110 East Main Street, at 6:05 p.m., Monday, May 20, 2002, in joint special session. ROLL CALL Present:Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Joe Pirzynski, and Mayor/Chairman Randy Attaway. Absent:None. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/RATIFICATION/MAY 2002 (13.V) Motion by Mr. Glickman seconded by Mr. Blanton, that the Agency ratify the accompanying check registers for accounts payable invoices paid on May 3, 2002 and May 10, 2002 in the amount of $200,043.55. Carried unanimously. MINUTES OF MAY 6, 2002 (14A.V) Motion by Mr. Glickman, seconded by Mr. Pirzynski, that the Agency approve the Minutes of May 6, 2002 Redevelopment Agency Meeting as submitted. Carried unanimously. MINUTES OF MAY 14, 2002 (14B.V) Motion by Mr. Glickman, seconded by Mr. Pirzynski, that the Agency approve the Minutes of May 14, 2002 Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting on Downtown Streetscape and Town Plaza as submitted. Carried unanimously. DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS/NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE (17.25) PROJECT 0108/BEAN TO BACHMAN INTERSECTIONS/RESOLUTION 2002-76 & 2002-13RD Mr. Curtis, Public Works Director, spoke of the 2 intersections and the need to approve the specifications so bids can be opened June 12, 2002. Speakers: Ray Davis, resident, spoke of the number of traffic trips generated by the Sobrato project that will be traveling through the beautified downtown. Greg Stowers, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke about continued work by the Town in communicating with the merchants while undertaking the pilot project in the downtown. Motion by Mr. Pirzynski, seconded by Mrs. Decker, that Council adopt Resolution 2002-76 & 2002-13RD entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 0108 – NORTH SAN TA CRUZ AVENUE STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 2 - (BEAN TO BACHMAN INTERSECTIONS) AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FOR BIDS. Carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Attaway adjourned this evening’s meeting at 10:14 p.m. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\RA05-20-02.wpd Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency N:\CLK\Council Minutes\2002\RA05-20-02.wpd