M 06-14-93TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING June 14, 1993 Minutes TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, 110 East Main Street, at 7:38 p.m., Monday, June 14, 1993, in regular session. ROLL CALL Present:Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck and Mayor Joanne Benjamin. Absent:Patrick O'Laughlin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. CLOSED SESSION Larry Anderson, Town Attorney, reported that Council had met in Closed Session prior to this evening's meeting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, to discuss Labor Relations. The Town's negotiator, Mark Linder, reported to Council concerning three of the Town's labor associations, AFSCME, TEA, and Management. Council instructed negotiator in future negotiations. There were no conclusions on contracts concerning the three associations. MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENT Mayor Benjamin announced that Councilmember O'Laughlin would be absent from Council meetings for several months due to surgery which he is facing this week. The Mayor requested well wishes be sent our councilmember. 9306 PROJECT/QUITO ROAD BRIDGE/RESOLUTION 1993-81 (01.35) Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, that Council adopt Resolution 1993-81 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 9306 - QUITO ROAD BRIDGE. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin absent. TC:D5:MM061493 9314 PROJECT/STORM DRAIN/BLOSSOM HILL/ROSS CREEK TO LINDA RESOLUTION 1993-82 (02.35) Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, that Council adopt Resolution 1993-82 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM DRAINAGE PROJECT 9314, BLOSSOM HILL ROAD, BETWEEN ROSS CREEK AND LINDA AVENUE. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin absent. TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California UNDERGROUND UTILITIES/LOS GATOS BOULEVARD/BRIAN KANGUS FOULK RESOLUTION 1993-83 (03.24) Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, that Council adopt Resolution 1993-83 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH BRIAN KANGUS FOULK TO PROVIDE CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR THE UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES ALONG LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin absent. HEARINGS GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT/ROUTE 85/NORTHERN TOWN LIMITS/HEARING (04.46) Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider Planning Commission recommendation for adoption of General Plan Amendment GP-92-2 regarding the land use designations and policy for future development of property in the area generally bounded by Lark Avenue, National Avenue, Capri Avenue, Winchester Boulevard and the northern Town limits, General Plan Amendment GP-92-2 & Environmental Impact Report EIR-92-2. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. {Due to the interest in this item, the public hearing will be split into at least two meetings. Testimony on June 14, 1993 will be limited to the areas east of highway 17 (Sub- Areas 4.1 and 4.2). Testimony on the remainder of the areas and the entire area affected by the General Plan Amendment will be heard on July 19, 1993. No Council action will take place prior to the conclusion of the public hearing.} Mr. Bowman, Town Planning Director, explained the General Plan process to Council and audience. In 1985 the Town adopted the current General Plan which they had worked on since 1982. The major element in the General Plan was the Route 85 element, which carried two major factors: 1) What type of facilities should be located in Route 85 corridor. 2) What should be the land uses associated with this area. Council adopted the concept of a four lane expressway with mass transit in the median. Council's action helped form the Route 85 of today. Route 85 now has two lanes plus two high occupancy vehicle lanes, with a 46 foot wide median reserved for mass transit in the future. The interchange at 17 and 85 is only 15 feet higher than the old 17. The original plan had called for it to be 70 feet high. Council's action ensured a full interchange at Bascom and limited the interchange at Winchester to a half interchange. Many properties were saved and not taken by the freeway due to Council action. Reparian habitat replacement was made in the Town which gave an additional eight acres of riparian habitat. Los Gatos Creek is being restored to its original riparian habitat. Council also formed a landscape committee to oversee the landscaping on TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California 85 and 17 after the construction is complete. The existing land uses and existing zoning would be held in the corridor until Route 85 is designed and funded. The work on the current proposal has been going on for about five years. A number of committees have been involved with these plans and proposals. The Route 85 Committee, the Commercial Specific Plan Committee, and the General Plan Committee. All these committees have been meeting over the years and have been responsible for formulating various elements which are now part of the plan. The Commercial Specific Plan Committee looked at various areas in the Town and TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CONT. Speakers continued: concentrated on the Route 85 area to determine the type of commercial activities are desireable in that area and which would contribute to the fiscal well being of the Town. These meetings have been going on for the last five years. They have been agendized, noticed and their reports have come before Council. Action has been reported in our local papers and many citizens have participated in the public meetings. The Planning Commission has held a public hearing and has recommended the plan to Council. This plan limits the development to the transportation capacity that serves it. This is a long term plan that may take thirty years before it is fully implemented. Vasona Corridor Light Rail must be implemented, designed and funded, before any higher density housing may be planned. No entitlements are being granted in a General Plan Amendment. This is simply an overall goal to be considered and worked with. The following people from the audience spoke to this issue: Ted Kreines, representing Kreines & Kreines, of Tiburon, consultant who did the EIR for the Town, explained the rules of CEQA. This citizen's law protects the environment and the people who live within the environment. The report discloses all the facts. No project may be approved if it may have an effect on the environment unless CEQA is considered. CEQA usually requires a certified EIR before the project is approved. This process is continual and will continue under the light of public scrutiny. Chuck Weber, 16136 Camino Del Sol, not in favor of this proposal. Mimi Whitney, 15075 Garden Hill, Vasona Hills Neighborhood Network, spoke against this plan and requested further public input in developing an overall view of the area for the General Plan. This group is willing to raise money for consultants and would like to organize further public meetings. Stephen Cuneo, 100 Highland Oaks Dr., spoke against plans for high density of the area. Kathleen Sigal, 16261 Camino Del Sol, felt that traffic would be far too great in the area for the homes that are there at this time. Kyle Lanza, 15276 Karl Ave., Monte Sereno, requested further consideration of this proposal. Jim Cantore, Ponderosa Homeowners Association, 4036 Cranford Circle, San Jose, did not approve of the present report and asked for low density residential and mixed use commercial in the neighborhoods. Sheldon Smith. 14225 Lora Drive, addressed deficiency report which must be filed with the Congestion Management Committee, and the traffic mitigation which must be made under TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California deficiency standards. Ted Simonson, 220 Highland Terrace, served on Commercial Specific Plan Committee in 1991 and would hope that those studies will be used rather than spending for another study. All of these meetings were public meetings and input from the community was asked for and received. Roger Prince, 331 Penn Way, would like to see more thought be given to the neighborhoods in the area. Stephanie Maloney, 205 Oakwood Way, does not want to see additional growth in the area. Woody Nedom, 16280 Azalea Way, County, would like the land to remain undeveloped and in resource conservation. TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CONT. Speakers continued: Nancy Lee, 2317 Monaco Drive, San Jose, is not in favor of the proposal as it is planned. Jim Richards, White Oaks Homeowners Association, 108 Kilmer Ave., Campbell, would like to see planned development and less commercialism. Bill Downes, 15189 Lester Lane, spoke against this plan and in favor of more open space. Richard Booth, 237 San Mateo Ave., was against any development in the area. Ken Pearsall, 945 Norin Crt., Campbell, President Cambrian Village Homeowner's Association, addressed the safety of the small business owner in the vicinity of a planned large commercial project, and the need for open space to connect with Vasona Park and Los Gatos Creek Trail which may connect with pedestrian footbridge across the freeway, and for additional affordable housing in the area. Lael Sigal, 16261 Camino Del Sol, talked of the young people on the way to school in increased traffic. Dan Shelin, 14823 Los Gatos Blvd., spoke against the access traffic that would be generated by this project. Rudolf Herz, 1888 White Oaks Road, Campbell, asked for more consideration for the existing neighborhoods, and for a design to access the trail systems. Egon Jensen, 182 Lester Lane, spoke about housing density in Town and need to limit growth. Rhodie Firth, 15905 Orange Blossom Drive., County, spoke against the growth in Town. Philip Fok, 137 Potomac Drive, is not in favor of commercial growth and would like more concern for residential neighborhoods. Mike Abkin, 122 El Olivar, Planning Commissioner, Member of General Plan Committee, explained that this plan was drawn around the transportation corridors of Route 85 and the Vasona Corridor Plan. These transportation corridor access points can support greater density than other areas in Town. Mitigation will take place when projects are proposed and brought forward. Transit orientation will be a major consideration when any projects and proposals are made. Single occupancy does not support transit program. Higher density residential does support the transportation corridors and established transportation systems. Debbie Tanner, 14950 Terreno de Flores, is in favor of the General Plan amendment and the concepts which have been defined. She has followed the General Plan meetings for the past year and a-half and feels that any member of the public could have attended these meetings. Leslie Dill, 220 Wilder Ave., Historic Preservation member, (spoken by Mayor Benjamin), would like to see some form of the orchards preserved within whatever development takes TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California place. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Discussion by Council: Mr. Blanton asked for a public study session with interested parties. It was determined that June 28th at 7:30pm in the council chambers Council would hold an informal study session. Mr. Attaway or Mayor Benjamin will be present along with Mr. Blanton. Staff will be present to give answers to questions from people who attend. The citizens of Campbell and San Jose were also invited to attend. TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California HEARINGS CONTINUED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CONT. Motion by Mrs. Lubeck, seconded by Mr. Blanton, to continue this hearing to July 19, 1993. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin absent. BUDGET/1993-94/JOINT COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT/HEARING (05.06) Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the 1993-94 Operating Budget for the Town and the Redevelopment Agency and the use of Community Development Block Grant Funding. Council Comments: Mrs. Lubeck noted that a typo in the equipment replacement fund on page XV would be corrected in the final draft. Mrs. Lubeck asked what amount of crossing guard service the Town purchase with 2700 hours. Staff explained it buys 3 hrs a day for 5 guards for 180 school days. Mrs. Benjamin noted that the Superintendent of Schools for the Elementary School District will look at this issue and maybe fund some portion at the next board meeting. Consensus by Council that the Town could only afford $12,000 for crossing guards. The School District and Monte Sereno are considering contributing for the program. The following person addressed Council on a budget program. Lorimer Olson, Associate Administrator at the Terraces, requested support of the Crime Prevention Program, by the Terraces residents. He submitted written comment from the residents supporting a citizen based crime and safety program. No one else from the audience addressed this issue. Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, to close the public hearing. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin was absent. Mr. Blanton discussed streamlining the planning process to allow approving single family resident at the counter and not be required to go to the Planning Commission. Savings unknown. Staff suggested that this idea be reviewed when the streamlining committee report is presented to Council. Mrs. Lubeck requested any monies found in the budget or returned by state be used to replace the one time money supporting on-going operations in this year's budget. Over the past 3 years, Council has substantially reduced reliance on one time revenues to fund TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California ongoing expenditures. Mayor Benjamin spoke regarding the parking control program. This program should only follow after the managers of the businesses enforce the employee parking in the long term parking lots which the Town has provided for employee parking. The parking control program may generate ill will and negative letter writing. Mrs. Lubeck does not feel that the negative letters cause as much loss and HEARINGS CONTINUED BUDGET/1993-94/CONT. Council comments continued: frustration as the inability to move the cars along so that new shoppers and visitors to Town may use the parking spaces; and that if we do have laws on the books they should be enforced; also if this program generates fees to fund the crossing guard program she favors it. Consensus by Council to have this subject return to Council for review, and at that time request written comments from both the Chamber and BID. Mrs. Lubeck spoke of the third quarter budget report that accounts for a $35,000 roll forward from the previous year. That number is actually in the $200,000 range of which $35,000 is being allocated to roll forward, and the rest to go back into the reserve for economic uncertainty. She asked to increase the 35 thousand to 50 thousand and fully fund the Town Clerk's Office. Mr. Blanton supported the suggestion, and Mayor Benjamin asked that a report be made on what services this money would fund. Motion by Mrs. Lubeck, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that the Town Clerk's position be funded as last year and for the Clerk to submit an informational item delineating what the continuation of this service would be. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin was absent. Mrs. Lubeck commented that $160,000 from parking tickets which would have been used to specifically fund the parking control officers themselves, the school guards, and $35,000 for planning department which would be encumbered for general plan updates and consultant fees in the future would now not happen. Consensus by Council that staff look for an additional $9,000 for funding the notification policy now in effect by finding ongoing dollars rather than deficit funds. TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, to not fund the $9,000 for extra noticing, but for staff to look for another option to fund the noticing and for the papers to try to help with the items that need public attention. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin was absent. Mr. Blanton voted no. Mrs. Lubeck mentioned the study session in October at which time further review of Council's decisions could be made. Mr. Blanton continued to support a target of zero one time revenues spent on ongoing expenses, and Mayor Benjamin was wiling to look closely at the quarterly budget reports next year. Mr. Attaway requested specific action on the $231,000. Consensus of Council was to request staff to once again look at the budget and return with suggestions on how the original figure of $160,000 funding could be maintained. To find ways of bringing down the spending by 60 thousand by next Council meeting. TC:D5:MM061493 June 14, 1993 Los Gatos, California MINUTES OF MAY 24, 1993 (6A.V) Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mr. Blanton, that Council approve the Minutes of May 24, 1993 as submitted. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin was absent. MINUTES OF MAY 25, 1993 (6B.V) Motion by Mr. Attaway, seconded by Mrs. Lubeck, that Council approve the Minutes of May 25, 1993 as submitted. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin was absent. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Blanton, seconded by Mr. Attaway, to adjourn this meeting at 10:31 p.m. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. O'Laughlin was absent. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk TC:D5:MM061493