M 03-20-89TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY MARCH 20, 1989 MINUTES TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of Town Hall, 110 E. Main St., at 7:35 p.m., Monday, March 20, 1989, in regular session. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Eric D. Carlson, Thomas J. Ferrito, Robert L. Hamilton, Brent N. Ventura and Mayor Joanne Benjamin. ABSENT: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/TROOP 556 Boy Scout Troop 556 led all in the Pledge of Allegiance. CLOSED SESSION Mary Jo Levinger, Town Attorney, reported that Council had met in Closed Session prior to this evening's meeting. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) in regard to Institution of Litigation concerning Forester Road. There is no report at this time. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding Institution of Litigation concerning Villa Vasona. There is no report at this time. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) regarding Institution of Litigation concerning Route 85. Council authorized $3,500.00 to retain the law firm of Ochou and Sillass as legislative and legal counsel. This law firm has represented the City of South Pasadena concerning its struggle for local control of a freeway location since the 1970's. The freeway has yet to be constructed. In addition to legislative advocacy on behalf of South Pasadena, the law firm also filed an environmental lawsuit representing the city. This law firm previously represented the Town concerning the proposed location of a prison at the Guadalupe College site. Council also met to discuss a personnel matter and there is no report at this time. PROJECT 8706/ALPINE STORM DRAIN/JAMES SAVATTONE/CONTRACT Mr. Carlson moved that Council award the contract to the lowest bidder, James A. Savattone Construction, in the total estimated amount of $31,182.00 and authorize the Town Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the Town. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. PROJECT 8710/BLOSSOM hILL RETAINING WALL/POWER ENGINEERING/CONTRACT Mr. Carlson moved that Council award the contract for the work to the low bidder, Power Engineering Contractors, in the total estimated amount of $142,000 and authorize the Town Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the Town. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Informational report to Council regarding upcoming scheduled public hearings. COUNTY REFERRALS Mr. Carlson moved to appeal County decision and authorize Town Attorney to file an appeal with the fee of $260.00 regarding County referral: 3687-36-50-88G-88B-88V- 88DR, West side of Hicks between Shannon Rd. and Arnerich Rd., Design Review and Variance. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ferrito asked that a letter be prepared from the Mayor to Supervisor Wilson asking that the county waive the appeal fees for the Town since County is inviting Town's comments. SECONDARY UNIT MONTHLY REPORT Informational report to Council regarding status of existing units. PAYROLL RATIFICATION/PAID MARCH 10, 1989/RELATED WARRANTS Mr. Carlson moved for ratification of payroll in the amount of $189,233.83 payroll related warrants in the amount of $106,574.77 and accompanying check registers for payroll of February 19 to March 4 paid on March 10, 1989. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried Unanimously. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/MARCH 10, 1989 Mr. Carlson moved for ratification of the check register in the amount of $424,459.99 for accounts payable invoices paid on March 10, 1989. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONSULTANT/PROPOSAL Mr. Carlson moved that the Town Council approve the issuance of the accompanying Request for Proposal for information systems consulting services. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. CHARLIE WEDEMEYER CLASSIC/10-KILOMETER RUN/3 MILE WALK Informational report regarding Los Gatos Christian Church's ninth annual "run for the Son" 10K run and 3 mile walk. CURBSIDE RECYCLING/REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Mr. Carlson moved that Council approve distribution of the attached request for proposals for a curbside recycling program to be implemented in the four city West Valley region. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. CARLTON AVENUE/PARKING PROHIBITION Mr. Carlson moved that the Town Council deny the request for a 2 hour parking limitation at 400 Carlton Avenue, and direct staff to write courtesy letters to the professionals in Los Robles Medical Center and Los Gatos Surgical Center asking their employees not to park in front of 400 Carlton Avenue. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Informational report suggesting utilization of traffic engineer consultant list for Engineering Dept. CLAIM REJECTION/LEWIS & TIBBITTS Mr. Carlson moved that Council reject the claim of Lewis & Tibbitts, Inc. filed with the Town Clerk on February 13, 1989. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. COMMENDING TOWN EMPLOYEES/YEARS OF SERVICE/RESOLUTIONS 1989-36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Mr. Carlson moved that Council adopt the accompanying resolutions as follows: Resolution 1989-36, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING ROBERT C. SCHUSTER FOR 25 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. Resolution 1989-37, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING CORDON BOWERS FOR 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS Resolution 1989-38, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING LYDIA M. MUZECK FOR 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS Resolution 1989-39, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING JOHN ANTE FOR 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS Resolution 1989-40, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING TIMOTHY BURNS FOR 15 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. 15894 WINCHESTER BLVD./SECONDARY UNIT/"O" ZONE/ELEANOR MATTIUZ/ RESOLUTION 1989-41 Mr. Carlson moved the adoption of Resolution 1989-41, entitled RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRANTING APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A SECONDARY DWELLING UNIT OF PROPERTY IN THE "O" (OFFICE) ZONE. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Ventura and Mr. Ferrito voted no, stating need to conform to set policies. 16060 CERRA VISTA/OW: BREZOCZKY/APPROVAL/RESOLUTION 1989-42 Mr. Carlson moved to adopt Resolution No. 1989-42, entitled RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DENYING APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE HR-1 ZONE, which incorporates the Council findings and decision at its meeting of March 6, 1989. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Ferrito voted no. HEARINGS. 16575 SHANNON RD./PEPPERTREE SCHOOL/U-78-19A/OW: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH/AP: HUFF & GRAMS Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider appeal of Planning Commission's approval of conditional use permit application U-78-19A, requesting remission to operate a school-age, before and after school, care facility within an existing church facility in the R-1:8000 zone. Property/16575 Shannon Road. Owner/Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos. Applicant/Peppertree School. Appellants/Walter Huff and Paul Grams. The following people from the audience addressed the Council. 116035 Huff, 120 Magneson, spoke against the school, the need for a noise study and the need for sound walls. Paul Gram,16426 Peacock Lane, spoke against the business being run without thought to the neighbors, and the need for improvements for the neighborhood. Jeff Osborn,16035 Los Gatos-Almaden Rd., owner of Peppertree School, spoke for the school, the need of the students, the needed service to the Los Gatos Community, and the support of the Church. Lou Murray,550 Pinewood Lane, on the Board of Trustees for the Church, spoke of minimizing the traffic on Shannon, and landscaping with staff recommendations to mitigate the noise problem Bonnie Bakers, 4010 Rivoir Drive, San Jose, Administrator of Peppertree School, addressed the facilities state licensing; the need for the facility shown by the long waiting list; the time of arrival and pick up of students not corresponding to local school hours; and the van delivery of students to local schools cutting down on traffic at peak times. Steve Wicker, 15530 El Gato Lane, spoke of living in Los Gatos to be near Peppertree facility. Marleen Kutter, 209 Belgatos Rd., spoke of her need for morning and after school care for her child. Bill Frantz,16345 Englewood Ave., stated that the service that the school offers, offsets any inconvenience to the neighborhood. Fred Kutter,209 Bel Gatos Rd., spoke to not limiting Los Gatos residents to the school enrolles. Steven Bevan, 2275 S. Bascom works in Los Gatos, and appreciates being able to have his children in the school. Pat Koelenbeck, 25 Cherry Blossom Lane, lives at the Church and has not been disturbed by noise or traffic. Greg Kostigen, 4982 Stickey Dr., San Jose, spoke in support of the school. Cheryl Wimberly, 15961 Quail Hill Rd., spoke in support of the school and the co-op nursery. Mr. Ventura asked Mr. Bowman if all the Magneson Terrace people were notified of this hearing, and staff replied they were. No one else from the audience wished to speak to this issue. Mr. Hamilton moved to close the public hearing. Mr.Ventura seconded. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained due to this daughter having worked at the school. Mr. Ventura moved to uphold the Planning Commission's decision and approve Conditional Use Permit Application U-78-19A, with the following amendments: the 3 conditions approved by the Planning Commission be kept; additional landscaping along the west property line to the satisfaction of the Town Parks and Forestry; instructions be given to parents of enrolled children regarding pick-up and drop-off along Cherry Blossom frontage only; recommend to parents not to use Shannon Rd. and other residential streets for access, but use Blossom Hill and Cherry Blossom; item to be brought back in one year for review of compliance at Planning Commission level. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. 16510 HARWOOD ROAD/M-87-9A/OW:FALTERSACK/HEARING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Subdivision Application M-87-9A requesting approval of a two-lot subdivision and permission to reduce minimum land area required for each dwelling unit on 2.01 acres of property in the HR-1 zone. Property located at 16510 Harwood Road and owned by Fred Faltersack. The following from the audience addressed the Council: Fred Faltersack, 125 Alerche Dr. or 16510 Harwood Rd., spoke in favor of his proposals for subdivision, asking Council to: 1. Approve application 2. Select best option 3. Make recording subject to obtaining necessary land from San Jose. 4. Make recording subject to LAFCO process and annexing the land into Los Gatos. Terence Szewczyk, Nowack & Associates, spoke in favor of project. Roger Maino, spoke to the agreement that was prepared for this evening's presentation but which had not been submitted. Mr. Carlson moved that applicant re-examine the need for land acquisition behind lot 2 inorder to have sufficient land to meet our regulations, or redo the slope density calculations using all the properties and subdivisions along Alerche Drive attempting to have slope density concur. There was no second. Mayor Benjamin appointed a subcommittee of Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Carlson to work with staff, and asked staff to work with Mr. Faltersack in the next few weeks. Mr. Carlson moved to continue this item until May 1st. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. 136, 136 1/2, & 138 TAIT AVE./S-88-49/OW: VETTOREL/HEARING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider appeal of Planning Commission's approval of plans to remodel an existing triplex and convert it to a duplex structure on property in the R-1D-LHP zone. Architecture and site application S-88-49. Property located at 136, 136 1/2, & 138 Tait Ave. Property owner, Mary F. Vettorel. Mr. McBain withdrew the appeal Mr. Hamilton moved to accept the withdrawal. Mr. Carlson seconded noting that this withdrawal does not preclude the applicant from reapplying on phase 2 and also noting that the Planning Commission, by virtue of Mr. Bowman's interpretation of their action, has dropped phase 2 from the application. Carried unanimously. 235 SARATOGA AVENUE/THE DINER/OW: BALL/AP: JULIUS/HEARING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider request for permission to intensify a nonconforming restaurant use by increasing the hours of operation on property in the C-2 zone. Property/235 Saratoga Ave. Owner/Linda Ball. Applicant/Anton Julius. The following people from the audience addressed the Council: Duane Perry, Attorney for the Diner, spoke in favor of the Diner's hours. Anton Julius, states that he made all the changes he was asked to make. Madame Yvette, complained of the noise caused by the Diner's new hours. No one else from the audience wished to speak on the issue. Mr. Ventura moved to close the hearing. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Carlson moved to refer the Conditional Use Permit Application to the Planning Commission to take action as quickly as can be agendized inorder to hear all points of view and to direct the Town to enforce our laws and hours of operation until such time as a determination is made as to the legality of this application. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mayor Benjamin and Mr. Hamilton voting no, stating that there should be a modification made to support a resident serving business. ROUTE 85/17 INTERCHANGE/OKA-MOZART NEIGHBORHOOD/NORTHWEST QUADRANT/HEARING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider alternative access roads for the Oka Road/Mozart Avenue neighborhood, which include aesthetics, safety, parking restrictions, sidewalks and bicycle paths within the designs. The following people from the audience addressed the Council: Don Armstrong, 66 Christopher Ave., Campbell spoke in favor of alternative #4. Rob Herald, 14300 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, expressed the opinion that alternative #4 is not appropriate for Becton-Dickinson. Mary Sondgroth, 16500 W. Mozart, spoke of the trees which may need to be removed inorder to put in certain alternatives. Michael Gray, 16501 Mozart Ave., asked that a quick decision be made as to the choice of alternatives due to his need to sell his home. Jim Cantore, 4036 Cranford Circle, San Jose 95124, President of the Pondorosa Homeowners Association spoke of regional cooperation. Lawrence Ames, 1218 Willow Street, San Jose 95125, representing Willow Glen Trails Committee, favors alternative #6, alternative #4 would involve destruction of a major part of the natural part of the Los Gatos Creek Trail. Larry Sondgroth, 16500 W. Mozart, #4 takes out Creek Trail and puts large road in the center of park and recreation area. Alternative #6 would have less impact on the neighborhood. Tony Herauf, 108 Mojonera Court, stated that 73% of the area voted for #4. Ralph Harms, 107 Mojonera Court, spoke in favor of alternative #4. Mary Coker, 14402 Oka Lane, spoke to the problems of emissions control form the Becton-Dickenson, and the lack of compliance by the company. Abe Garcia, 14401 Oka Lane, spoke in favor of #4 and against #6. Charles Coker, 14402 Oka Lane, spoke in favor of alternative #4. Mike Kronzer, 549 San Benito, representing Dell Enterprises, spoke in favor of alternative #6, and against #4 for the reason of it cutting through their property and parking facilities, it would also cut the jogging trail along the creek. Cathy Whtmans, 14341 Oka Lane, spoke to the safety of the children in the neighborhood and the need for an open and visible road. Don Hebard, 205 Calado Ave., Cambell, representing the Los Gatos Creek Streamside Park Committee, and is against alternative #4 because of its great impact on the Creek Trail. Dan Witman, spoke for the consideration of bike trails and the desire to see this handled as a separate issue and not grouped into the highway agreement. Edna Rathsack, 14353 Oka lane, spoke of the real estate impact and the safety factor of alternative #6, and stated that #4 was preferable. Judy Hanf, 16491 Mozart Ave., spoke in favor of alternative #6. Nani Daniels, 116 Mozart Ave., spoke in favor of #6 making less impact on the natural habitat of the area. Candy Awalt, read a statement from Suzanne McSwain, 16481 W. Mozart, in favor and support of alternative #6. Candy Awalt, 16469 W. Mozart, felt that alternative #6 causes far less impact on the neighborhood and is less of a safety hazard than alternative #4. Bob Harrigton, 110 Mozart, felt that alternative #6 caused less negative impact upon the neighborhood. Thurston Awalt, 16469 W. Mozart, one of the prettiest sections of the Creek Trail will be eliminated with the building of alternative #4, alternative #6 has the least impact on the neighborhood and on the trail system. Carol Calhoun, 16399 West Mozart, spoke in favor of alternate #4 There was no one else from the audience who wished to talk to the issue. Mr. Carson moved to close the hearing. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried unanimously. PAST MIDNIGHT Mr. Ferrito moved, Mr. Carson seconded to continue the meeting past midnight. Carried unanimously. ROUTE 85/17 INTERCHANGE/CONTINUED Will Kempton, Exec. Director, Santa Clara County Traffic Authority, 1754 Technology Dr., San Jose, was asked by Council if alternatives number 4 and 6 were within the plans of the Traffic Authority. His answer was yes. Paul Hensley, Supervisor of Transportation, Cal Trans, San Jose, said that alternative #4 would require an EIR before the freeway agreement can be signed. Mr. Hamilton moved to accept alternative #4. Mayor Benjamin seconded because of the commitment she made at the last Council meeting which would support the majority of the neighborhood. Mr. Carlson added the following modifications: ask those working on the project to make sure they incorporate designs which maximize the ways to mitigate the impacts on the trail and all the neighbors who will be dramatically effected by this alternative; and proceed as fast as possible through the required studies, and if any agency opposes this plan it should come back to Council for reconsideration at that time. Mr. Ferrito added that it's the sense of Council to have Cal Trans and the traffic Authority commence an EIR immediately on alternative #4 which is the choice of Council,k but alternative #6 is Council's second choice if necessary. Carried by a vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Ventura voted no due to the impact on the Los Gatos Creek Trail. MEETING INTERMISSION Mayor Benjamin declared an intermission at 12:25am. Meeting called back to order at 12:45am. HEARINGS CONTINUED. PUBLIC ART PROGRAM/ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION/HEARING Mayor Benjamin stated that this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the introduction of the Public Art Ordinance for establishing a program of public and visual art projects in the Town. The following people from the audience addressed the Council: Nancy Burbank, 108 Belcrest Drive, Arts Commissioner, spoke in support of the ordinance. Mr. Carlson asked for modifications under exclusions to include certain assessment districts, and the consideration of space area donated for the display of public art in lieu of full 2%. Paul Goreniuc, 100 Wood Road, Arts Commissioner, spoke of cultural life in Los Gatos. Anne Lamborn, 7 Monroe Court, Arts Commissioner, expressed the need for the purchase of public art. Steve Friedman, speaking for the chamber of Commerce, felt that the 2% levy was an unjust tax aimed at one particular segment of our business community and that other funding alternatives should be addressed and explored. Linda Lubeck, 47 Filmore Ave., feels she has not heard a great deal about this ordinance, and as a resident of Los Gatos does not think there is a nexus for pub lic art. John Spaur, 132 Nina Court, does not support a developer's fee but feels that all people of the Town could support the art tax. Mr. Zaccone, 100 N. Santa Cruz Ave., does not agree with this one more additional fee that is aimed at the business community. Lucille Hogan, 105 Charter Oaks Circle, spoke of the TOT tax and the need for some more of that being addressed to the arts. No one else from the audience wished to speak on the issue. Mr. Ventura moved to reagendize this issue until May 1st. Mr. Carlson seconded with the following modifications: Arts Commission to bring back additional information to Council; definition of Public Art to include other art forms. The Public Hearing will be continued to the June budgetary hearings where Council can address the larger issue of Community Services' requests at one time. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ferrito asking that the record show that the Chairperson o the Arts Commission did agree with this decision. ROUTE 85/FREEWAY AGREEMENT/RESOLUTION 1989-43 Mr. Ventura moved adoption of Resolution No. 1989-43 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING FREEWAY AGREEMENT FOR ROUTE 85, conceptually approving a design for the Route 85, conceptually approving a design for the Route 85 freeway in Los Gatos which the Town Council acted upon February 13,1989, and which will include the following amendments. Mr. Ferrito addressed the following amendments to the Agreement: 1) Page 1 and page 2 have June 4, 1989 and June 6, 1989, those dates should be consistent within the document. 2) Page 4, paragraph 5, line 10 after "freeway" and before "in" insert (after funds are budgeted, appropriated and made fully available 3) Page 5, paragraph 9, line 5 after "the" (obligations of the Traffic Authority under the) before "terms". 4) Page 5, paragraph 9, line 9, capital T (traffic), capital A (authority) aft er "and" (any), before "the". 5) Page 5, paragraph 9, line 12 after "STATE" change will to shall assume and perform all such obligations. 6) Page 5, paragraph 10, line 14 after "shoulders" of Route 85, before "within". 7) Page 6, paragraph 13, delete first sentence. 8) Page 6, paragraph 13, line 26, insert after "agreement" also before "may". Mr. Carlson asked for the following consideration to the agreement: 1) Should the Council's preferred alternative, which is labeled #4, not be determined environmentally feasible by the Transit Authority and the Town, then the Town would reserve the right to modify the agreement by adopting alternative #6. Mr. Ventura asked for the following modifications to the Freeway Agreement: 1) Page 6, paragraph 12, the Town shall have the final decision regarding the design and location of the pedestrian bridge over Route 17 if within Town boundaries. 2) Page 6, paragraph 11, add item G. after F, widening the Lark Ave. bridge over route 17 and approaches to the bridge. 3) Page 3, paragraph 4, 2nd to last line, "obligations" changed to "rights". Mr. Ferrito made the following modifications to Resolution 1989-43. 1) There should be a second Whereas; Whereas said agreement has been modified by the Town Council so as to make it acceptable to the Town of Los Gatos. 2) In the Resolved paragraph insert "as amended" after said agreement, strike out "and the same is". The following people from the audience were invited to speak to the Council by the Mayor. Will Kempton, Cal Trans representative, spoke of the need for cooperation Paul Hensley spoke again about EIR studies and pedestrian overpasses Jim Spatione, spoke to a full interchange at Winchester and a partial interchange at Bascom with access to County Park. Thelma Spaziani, Vice-President of Charter Oaks Association, addressed the need or a traffic light on Lark Ave. Tom Tanner, Chairman of Cambrian Community Council, wished road access to the Creek Park, regional flow of traffic, and 1/2 interchanges at Bascom and Winchester. Mr. Carlson seconded the motion. Carried by a vote of 3 ayes. Mr. Hamilton voted no because there was no interchange at Winchester. Mr. Ferrito voted no, stating the larger issue of land use planning was needed not more freeways, and also each Town was told they could determine their own access route and exchange to the freeway. CONTINUED ITEMS TO MARCH 27, 1989 Mr. Carlson moved to continue the following items to Monday, March 27, 1989. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 1989 MINUTES OF MARCH 6, 1989 MINUTES OF MARCH 13, 1989 CODE ENFORCEMENT/REFERRALS TO TOWN ATTORNEY/STATUS REPORT AMICUS BRIEF/UPHOLT V. FLORANCE/CITY OF ROSEVILLE ROUTE 17 INTERCHANGE/LEXINGTON RESERVOIR PROJECT/COST SHARING/RESOLUTION 1989- WATER POLICY/WATER PROHIBITIONS PROJECT 8803/SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION/BID SPECIFICATIONS/RESOLUTION 1989- ADJOURNMENT Mayor Benjamin declared the meeting adjourned to Monday, March 27, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Time of adjournment was 3:15 a.m. Tuesday, March 21, 1989. ATTEST: Marian V. Cosgrove Town Clerk