M 01-20-87TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY AGENDA JANUARY 20, 1987 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 7:35 p.m., in regular session. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Joanne Benjamin, Thomas J. Ferrito, Robert L. Hamilton and Mayor Brent N. Ventura. ABSENT:Eric D. Carlson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. APPOINTMENTS STUDENT PARK COMMISSIONERS Nancy Toombs, member of the Parks Commission, referred to applications received for the 2 vacancies for student Park Commissioner. She stated five students had applied. Interviews had been held by the Parks Commission Interview Committee and Ariana S. Niemann and Geoffrey Ezgar were recommended for appointment. Mrs. Toombs introduced Ms. Niemann and Mr. Ezgar. Mrs. Benjamin moved Council confirm the appointment of Ariana Niemann and Geoffrey Ezgar to serve as student Park Commissioner's for one year. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. APPOINTMENTS PARKING COMMISSION Mayor Ventura stated that prior to tonight's meeting, interviews for the vacancies on the Parking Commission had been held. Applicants for said positions were Rex Morton, Gene Rugani, Lester Attaway and Andrea H. Holding. It was noted that Mr. Attaway had called the Clerk's Office and requested his application be withdrawn at this time. Mrs. Benjamin moved for the reappointment of Rex Morton and Mr. Rugani. The application of Mrs. Holding to be held, as there is another vacancy do to Mr. Mc Nulty letter of resignation. Clerk is directed to advertise for this vacancy and Mrs. Holding's application will be considered at that time. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Town Attorney Mary Jo Levinger, stated Council had met in Closed Session prior to tonight's meeting and pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a) discussed litigations of Overhouse v Town and Safe on 17 v Town (Guadalupe College) and there is nothing to report. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (c) Council discussed the institution of litigation on zoning violation and there is nothing to report. COMMUNICATIONS (REFERRAL/FILE) a.Letter from EnhanceLife Volkssporters, regarding historical Los Gatos walk to be held March 28-29, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin moved to refer this to Town Manager for report. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. b.Letter from Humane Society regarding Ordinance relating to animals and vehicles. It was noted Council acted on this and will investigate further with a report. c.Letter from Los Gatos Elks Lodge #1857 regarding permission to sponsor a concert and bar-b-que June 13, 1987 at Oak Meadow Park. Mrs. Benjamin moved to refer this to Town Manager for report. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. d.Letter from Pasteur Yuen regarding retaining wall on Los Cerritos Drive. Mrs. Benjamin moved to refer this to Town Manager for report. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS Informational report for Council re schedule of all Town Boards & Commission meetings as well as those County-wide meetings requiring Council representation. Town Manager stated this is a calendar for January and February and staff will attempt to improve this by the next Council meeting. PAYROLL OF JANUARY 16, 1987 Mrs. Benjamin moved for approval of January 16, 1987 payroll in the amount of $136,196.94 and payroll related warrants in the amount of $114,879.19. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE JANUARY 1, 1987 Mrs. Benjamin moved for approval of January 1987 warrants in the amount of $272,357.16. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS No public hearings scheduled for February at this time. CODE OFFICER MONTHLY REPORT Informational report for Council. SECONDARY DWELLING UNIT STATUS REPORT Informational report for Council. REVITALIZATION UNIV/EDELEN HISTORIC DIST. Informational report for Council. Town Manager stated neighborhood meetings would be held for input from the residents. This meeting has been scheduled for January 27, 1987 at 4:00 p.m. in the lower level conference room. CLAIM OF GREG GUYTON Mrs. Benjamin moved to reject the claim of Greg Lance Guyton. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. LOT DEPTH DEFINITION Mrs. Benjamin moved to refer the definition of lot depth to the Planning Commission for study and report back with a low priority. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito asked that staff assure Council that if any similar lot depth issues arise, then that application would be held and the issue not be resolved until Council resolves this question. This was assured. AMENDMENT TO CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Ordinance No.1705 entitled, ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TOWN CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE TO INCLUDE THE FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR AS A DESIGNATED EMPLOYEE. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. NOTICE OF COMPLETION Mrs. Benjamin moved for approval of Notice of Completion and Certificate of Acceptance for 17471 Farley Road (Mini Storage) Vasona Associates, Farley One. Mayor be authorized to execute said Notice and Clerk to record. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. HANDICAPPED PARKING - 66 CHESTER STREET Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1987-6 entitled, HANDICAPPED PARKING - 66 CHESTER STREET. This establishes one handicapped parking space in front of 66 Chester Street. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Discussion was held whether future resolutions should include language to withdraw handicap access parking when tenant or owner moves from this address. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Jerry Block, 109 Millrich Drive, stated the homeowners on Millrich Dr. Wished to thank Council for their action re the definition of lot depth and will be following the study on this issue. Scott Cooper, 17017 Roberts Road, spoke on his and the neighbors concerns re dangerous situation on Roberts Road as he feels the intersection is unsafe and asks that Council look into this. Mr. Zapf, Town Engineer, stated that staff is aware of the problem and there are meetings scheduled with Fisher School and neighbors to discuss this problem. APPEAL - 400 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD W.L. HIGGINS Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly published for public hearing to consider the appeal of Planning Commission denial of Architecture and Site Application requesting approval of plans to construct an additional office buildings and of Variance Application requesting approval to waive screen wall requirements on property located in the "O" zone at 400 Blossom Hill Road. It was noted a letter had been received from property owner, Mr. Higgins, requesting the continuance of the meeting to February 2, 1987 meeting so that all members of Council are present. There being no one in the audience wishing to speak on this issue, Mrs. Benjamin moved to grant request and continue the hearing to February 2, 1987. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. PROPOSALS FOR CDBG FUNDS Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly published for public hearing for allocation of Fy 1987-88 Town Community Service and Community Development Block Grant Funds. Town Manager stated that at the Council meeting of December 1, 1986, Council approved to combine the CDBG and "Town Community service" fund allocation processes. A total of sixteen applications have been received from organizations for various projects. Copies of applications have been presented to Council and stated that $50,000 of the CDBG appropriations are available for the various public service agencies. Applicants for said funds were: Catholic Social Services - requesting $15,000.00. Representative for said agency was Rita Baum. Food Bank - requesting $4,000.00. Representative for the agency was Cynthia MrCown. Live Oak Adult Day Services - requesting $21,000.00. Representative for said agency was Leta Friedlander. Los Gatos - Saratoga High School District - requesting $10,425.00 This is to furnish handicapped access to the bleachers by building a viewing platform. Representative for the agency was Dorothy Diekmann. San Jose State University (Health Place) - requesting $14,686.00. Representative was Dr. Bobbye Gorenberg. Senior Coordinating Council - requesting $7,500.00. Representative for the agency was Nelle Hanley. Discussion was held on the applications and consensus motions were made as follows: Mr. Ferrito moved to fund the Food Bank in the amount of $4,000.00. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund the Live Oak Adult day Services in the amount of $18,000.00. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund the San Jose Stated Univ. (The Health Place) in the amount of $12,000.00. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund Catholic Social Services in the amount of $13,000.00. Motion dies for lack of second. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund Catholic Social Services in the amount of $12,000.00. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Mr. Ventura stated he could not support the motion. The amount is in excess of what Council had in previous years funded. But he feels there are other organizations that provide services more directly to Town residents. After further discussion Mrs. Benjamin amended her motion to fund the Catholic Social Services in the amount of $11,000.00. Mr. Ferrito accepted the amendment and seconded. Motion carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Ventura voting no. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund the Senior Coordinating Council the amount of $5,000.00. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Discussion was held on lack of enough funds to fund all organizations. Mr. Ferrito questioned the possibility of funding the Los Gatos-Saratoga High School for the purpose for providing handicapped access to the bleachers for all stadium events, on a matching basis whereby the Town fund 1/3 of cost with Saratoga and the District each funding a third. Mr. Ventura stated its possible that this would not have to be funded from CBDG funds if Council feels strongly about the project and 2/3 of cost is received from the District and from Saratoga, then Council could possibly consider this at budget time. Discussion was then held on the Council policy to fund these various organizations from CBDG funds. Mr. Ventura moved to take $4,000.00 allocated to Catholic Social Services and give $2,000.00 to San Jose Health Place and $2,000.00 to Live Oak Adult Day Service. He believes these organizations provide an ongoing day to day service to Los Gatos residents. Motion dies for lack of second. Mrs. Benjamin moved to take $2,000.00 allocated to Catholic Social Services and allocate $1,000.00 to San Jose Health Place and $1,000.00 to Live Oak Adult Day Service. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Hamilton voting no and Mr. Carlson was absent. Mayor Ventura stated next Council would consider the applications for funding directly from the Town of Los Gatos pursuant to funds set aside in the FY 1986- 87 for Human Services Programs as well as Art & Education Programs, with 80% dedicated to Human Service and 20% dedicated to Art & Education Programs. Applications relating to Community Services Programs are as follows: Los Gatos Saratoga High School requesting $10,605.00 for the resurfacing of tennis court at Los Gatos High. Dorothy Diekmann representative, spoke on the request and answered questions of Council. Los Gatos Home Delivered Meal Program - requesting $22,544.00 - representative Noemi Baiza spoke on the issue. Senior Coordinating Council - requesting $17,221.00 - representative was Nelle Hanley spoke on services handled by the Coordinating Council. Teen Health Place - requesting $39,309.00 - Representative Doug Harris spoke on the request. Transit Assist - request for $5,883.00. Town Manager stated this is a statement of rents the Town contributed in the past. YWCA (Career Program) request for $11,125.00. Representative Patti Wilson spoke on the issue giving some back ground information to Council when the program first began. Ms. Wilson stated she is also requesting that the Council grant the full amount of rent for this year, 1/2 the rent for next year and none would be requested for the following years. Applications for Art & Educational Programs funding from the town funds are as follows: Art Docents request for $12,000.00 - Mary Martin representative spoke on request and answered questions of Council re their services. California Theater Center - requesting $1,000.00 - Hal Cropp, representative, spoke on their request and productions that will be preformed. Discussion was held re matching funds from Campbell to serve schools in their area. Photo Guild - requesting $520.00 - Jack Parsons representative spoke on the program. Mrs. Benjamin questioned the possibility of some of the photographs be shown so people could see the high quality work that is done by these photographers. San Jose Poetry Center - requesting $5,000.00 - Alan Soldofsky and Joann Knapp representatives spoke on their request and answered questions of Council. Youth Science Institute - requesting $5,000.00. Jana Sokale, Manager of the Vasona Youth Science Institute, spoke on their request and of the poetry readings and classes that have been scheduled. There were no other requests. Mrs. Benjamin moved public hearing be closed. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Town Manager stated funds available is $88,800.00 for the Human Services and $22,200.00 for Arts and Education. Mrs, Benjamin moved to fund the Art Docents $12,000.00. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of Three ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained, he is a member of the Art Docents Board of Directors and Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund California Theater Center total amount of $1,000.00, with $500.00 for two performances - one at Fisher School and one at Los Gatos High; fund $250.00 (1/2 the cost) for one performance at Union and one performance at Leigh High School; and fund $250.00 (1/2 the cost) for one performance at Rolling Hills and one performance at Westmont. These funds to be matched by either City of Campbell, City of San Jose or the School Districts. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund Photographic Guild $520.00. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Hamilton moved to fund the Youth Science Institute in the amount of $5,000.00. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund San Jose Poetry Center in the amount of $1,500.00 for only the poetry readings by Stanley Kunitz. She feels they would serve all the residents whereby the courses given are open to everyone. Motion dies for lack of a second. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund the San Jose Poetry Center in the amount of $3,680.00. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin stated the reason for her motion of funding only $1,500.00 to San Jose Poetry was that she felt Council could have reserved some of that money for the Arts Commission, in case any events came up that might serve all the residents of Los Gatos and not just a few that might sign up for a course. Mayor Ventura stated that completed the Town Funding for the Arts and Education. Now Council will decide the funding for the Town Community Services. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund the Home Delivered Meals Program $22,324.00. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund Transit Assist in the amount of $5,883.00. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin abstained, she is a member of the joint powers agency for transit assist. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund YWCA (Career Development) in the amount of $11,125.00 (which includes the rent). Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito moved to fund the Teen Health Place in the amount of $39,309.00. Motion dies for lack of second. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund the Teen Health Place in the amount of $35,000.00 Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Ventura voting no and Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to fund the Senior Coordinating Council in the amount of $14,468.00. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin stated Los Gatos High received no funding for tennis court repairs and feels they are important, but they are for recreation and monies being funding are for Human Services and Arts. Mayor Ventura suggested possibly the High School could present a proposal to the Town at the time of the Capital Improvement budget hearing which will be held in June. Mrs. Benjamin moved to authorize the funding of monies as follows: CBDG FUNDS - HUMAN SERVICES Catholic Social Services $ 9,000.00 Food Bank 4,000.00 Live Oak Adult Day Care 19,000.00 Los Gatos Saratoga High School District -0- (Platform) San Jose State University Health Place 13,000.00 Senior Coordinating Council 5,000.00 (Case Management Program) ---------- TOTAL $50,000.00 TOWN FUNDS - HUMAN SERVICES Los Gatos Saratoga High School District $ - 0 - Santa Clara Department of Social Services 22,324.00 (Home delivered meals) Senior Coordinating Council 14,468.00 Teen Health Place 35,000.00 Transit Assist 5,883.00 YWCA (Career Development)11,125.00 TOTAL $88,800.00 TOWN FUNDS - ARTS & EDUCATION Art Docents $12,000.00 California Theatre Center 1,000.00 Photo Guild 520.00 San Jose Poetry Center 3,680.00 Youth Science Institute 5,000.00 TOTAL $22,200.00 Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. It was also noted that Mrs. Benjamin had abstained from voting of the Transit Assist rental and Mr. Ferrito abstained from voting on funding for Art Docents for reasons stated previously. COMMUNICATIONS (FOR ACTION) a.Application from Happy Days Limousine Service to conduct a limousine services in the Town of Los gatos and establish a date for public hearing. Mrs. Benjamin moved Town Clerk to schedule a public hearing for February 17, 1987 to consider the application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of 4 ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. b.Letter of resignation from Parking Commission by John McNulty. Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept resignation with regret and direct the Town Manager to prepare appropriate Resolution for Council consideration. Clerk to advertise for vacancy. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. c.Letter from Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation District regarding repaving of parking lot adjacent to their district office. Gene Goldberg spoke on the dangerous condition of the parking lot and asked for some temporary repair service immediately. It was consensus of Council to hold there paving of the lot until the 1987-88 budget review. APPEAL-STANGER 101 GLENRIDGE Mayor Ventura stated he is requesting that this be brought back ad be agendized for later meeting. So ordered. PROJECT 8605 SARATOGA MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS Mr. Hamilton questioned the need for this when there are other projects that are in dire need of fixing and asked that this project be delayed until Council can receive a staff report on other, more urgent, problems or projects. Discussion was held on funds being used for said project. It was noted that this will be funded form gas tax funds. After further discussion Mr. Ferrito moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1987-7 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 8605-SARATOGA AVENUE MEDIAN LANDSCAPING. Mr. Ventura seconded, adding this was a project approved 2 years ago as part of a budget process under Capital Improvement item and money has been budgeted for it and this is a long term project to improve Saratoga Avenue the gateway to the Town. Motion carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Hamilton voting no and Mr. Carlson was absent. MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1987 Mr. Hamilton wished the minutes to reflect that under the subject, Withdrawal of Investments, that he only voted aye on the indemnity agreement and not on the withdrawal of funds. Mr. Ventura requested correct of typo on page 2, vote of subject - Alcoholic Beverage License application to read Mr. Hamilton seconded. Page 4, Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Mr. Ventura and Mr. Ferrito each wished the minutes to reflect that they would like to see the final form of the Ordinance keep the current setbacks as the standard but, based on specific finding made by the Commission, give them the right of flexibility, in terms of design, to altar those standard setback. Page 5, Secondary Units, request Clerk to review motions and bring back to Council at the next meeting. So ordered. MINUTES JANUARY 6, 1987 Correction was made re subject - MANAGEMENT LETTER - to read starting with the third sentence "January 26, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. was set for meeting to discuss the Management letter from Main Hurdman, Auditors for the Town. Council rescheduled meeting with Arts and Museum Commission to February 9, 1987 and Council also reaffirmed a joint meeting with Planning Commission for January 24, 1987 at 9:30 a.m." Mrs. Benjamin moved for approval of January 6, 1987 minutes as corrected. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. ADJOURNMENT Town Attorney stated Council would be adjourning to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 to discuss acquisition of property at 20 Grays Lane, property owner is G.B. Boyle and the agent is Charles Killian. Report on this closed session will be made at the next Council meeting. Mayor Ventura declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. to January 26, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. ATTEST: Rose E. Aldag Town Clerk