M 06-22-87TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY AGENDA JUNE 22, 1987 TOWN COUNCIL The Town/Parking Authority met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 7:35 p.m., in a continued regular session. ROLL CALL PRESENT:Joanne Benjamin, Eric D. Carlson, Thomas J. Ferrito, Robert L. Hamilton and Mayor Brent N. Ventura. ABSENT:None. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Prior to tonights Council meeting, Council met in Closed Session. Mary Jo Levinger, Town Attorney, stated pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Council discussed pending litigation on Farwell vs. Town. There is no report at this time. Discussion was also held, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), on the institution of litigation on zoning violation on nonconforming as to parking and the institution of litigation regarding the HVAC System. There is no report at this time. The discussion on labor relations was not held. Labor relations and personnel matters will be discussed in Closed Session at the close of this meeting. REVENUE SHARING 1987/88 BUDGET Mayor Ventura stated Council will make the final determination on the items that were previously discussed during the public hearings on the budget. The Town Manager reported that the Community requests were not discussed before a full Council and those item will be taken up first to see if there is support for funding. Mrs. Benjamin stated she had listened to the tapes. Mr. Ferrito stated he would be abstaining from voting on these issues because he missed the budget sessions due to injury and he was unable to finish listening to the tapes. He is also a member of the KCAT Board. The School Districts request for resurfacing of the high school tennis courts. If approved funding should be from the Capital Improvement Budget General Fund Appropriated Reserve. Mr. Carlson moved to incorporate this project into the Capital Improvement Project with the following conditions: 1) The Town manages effort (the contract) and 2) the High School and Recreation Department contribute to Town the amount they planned to spend on this if the Town had contributed to them. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Request from the Chamber of Commerce for funding. Mr. Hamilton moved to consider the request from the Chamber of Commerce after the first quarter review. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. KCAT request for funding. For the record Mayor Ventura apologized to Mr. Ferrito for not be notified of the KCAT meeting. Mr. Carlson is in favor of Proposal B which would give KCAT an additional $7,000.00 (shown is $22,000.00 but $15,000.00 has been included in the Budget) plus KCAT's share of the cable money which comes to over $50,000.00 ($28,000.00 per quarter). In Return KCAT is to guarantee Council ten hours of air time per week. The goal of KCAT is being on the air. Mr. Carlson moved to give KCAT and additional $7,000.00 (total of $22,000.00) plus the cable fee which would make the sum over $50,000.00 and a plan with what they would do should they get additional funding beyond what the Town has given them. The goal being additional air time. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mr. Ferrito and Mayor Ventura abstained. They are members of the KCAT Board. Information on the source of funding for KCAT to be noted in the "Town Talk". Funding for youth activities. Discussion regarding allocation of monies for youth activities, available activities and the feelings of the youths of Los Gatos. Mr. Carlson moved to allocated $7,500.00 for a novel proposals to better youth to come from youth via the Youth Commission to Council for approval. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Ferrito abstained. Mrs. Benjamin is supporting the motion because everything Council has done is to better the Town. Request for funding by the San Jose Symphony. This is another program for the youth. All human services funding should be at the same time in June. Council has already funded for next year and the San Jose Symphony went to the schools four times with the different sections of the orchestra (November, December, January and March). Council should allocate an amount for human services in June and look at it in July. If the Symphony does not receive fund the Town will loose this program. It costs $3,000.00 per school for this program. Mrs. Benjamin moved to allocate $6,000.00. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mr. Carlson and Mr. Ferrito abstained. This would allow the program to be put on in two schools per year. There was discussion on consolidating this with the Art Docents Program. No action was taken. 1987/88 BUDGET General Fund Appropriated Reserve. The Town Manager reported Council has added to the budget $85,270.00, deleted $62,480.00 for a net of $16,260.00 as a prebalance this includes the KCAT funding. After subtracting the $6,000.00 for the San Jose Symphony the balance is $10,260.00. Mr. Carlson moved to approve, by consensus motion, the General Fund Appropriated Reserve. SOURCE Economic Uncertainty $2,500,000 Town Retirement 100,000 Employee Leave 365,000 Building Maintenance 25,000 Capital Projects 4,924,868 $7,914,868 Transfers In 452,020 Total Source $8,366,918 USE General Fund $ 100,000 Capital Projects 1,772,000 $1,872,000 Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Equipment Replacement. Mr. Carlson moved to approve the equipment replacement in the amount of $1,349,782 with the condition that typewriters are replaced with PC's and if this can not be done, return to Council. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. There was discussion on staff to take a look at the replacement of the typewriters with PC's because there may be a need for a typewriter. Workers Compensation. Mr. Carlson moved to approve the Workers Compensation funding in the amount of $290,570. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. Debt Service. Mr. Carlson moved to approve the debt service in the amount of $348,682. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. Los Gatos Boulevard Corridor Improvements - Magneson Loop. Mrs. Benjamin stated that at Roberts, Shannon and Los Gatos Boulevard can not see the signals and this is the problem of the intersection. By consensus motion Council moved to delete the Magneson Loop project from the Capital Improvements Program in the amount of $20,000. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mr. Ferrito and Mayor Ventura voted no. Los Gatos Boulevard Corridor Improvements - Placer Oaks. Mayor Ventura moved, by consensus motion, to put this project back into the Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $32,000. Motion failed. Mrs. Benjamin, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Hamilton voted no. Leaving the left turn is a priority with Mrs. Benjamin and Mr. Carlson. Los Gatos Boulevard Corridor Improvements - Blossom Hill Road. It was consensus of Council to leave the $215,000 and staff to return with a new design. Blossom Hill Corridor - Camellia Terrace Signal. Mrs. Benjamin stated this would make too many signals in this area. There was discussion by Council for an interconnect with Blossom Hill and the engineers to show simulated traffic problems. Mrs. Benjamin moved to delete the Camellia Terrace Signal from the Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Carlson seconded. Motion failed. Mr. Ferrito, Mr. Hamilton and Mayor Ventura voted no. Loma Alta Avenue Signal. Mr. Carlson moved to add $84,000 for signalization of Loma Alta Avenue, Los Gatos Boulevard, Main Street, Jackson Street area. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mayor Ventura abstained. Telephone System Replacement. Mr. Carlson stated the importance of Council giving staff direction for the telephone system. No reason for paying for wiring of the telephones and then repay to for wiring to connect terminals or computers. He wants it to be a requirement of the telephone system to show how they are going to carry data. Town Center Expansion. Discussion was held to look at space available in other areas of town and expansion of the civic center building. Mr. Carlson moved to reallocate $100,000 for a study of relocation and renovation. Motion died for lack of second. Mr. Carlson moved to reallocate $100,000 with $5,000 being spent for initial study to include all the alternatives. Motion died for lack of second. The description for the Town Center Expansion to include professional fees for Civic Center expansion, relocation, renovation. Utility taxes. The Town Manager stated the underground for Saratoga Avenue Project was placed in the 1987/88 Budget and Shannon Road Project in the 1988/89 Budget. Storm Drain Projects. There was discussion by Council on the Jackson/Alpine and Bachman/Glenridge Storm Drain Projects. Mrs. Benjamin moved to add the Jackson/Alpine Storm Drain Project to the Capital Improvement Program and delete the Bachman/Glenridge Project; get an easement; and request contributions from the property owners of funds in excess of $34,800 allocated. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Town Treasurer's Budget. Discussion was held on the Treasurer's Budget, the Deputy Treasurer salary increase, performance report on the increase of duties for Deputy Treasurer, and putting a PC in the Treasurer's Office at Town Hall. Mr. Carlson moved to approve the Treasurer's Budget in the amount of $27,218; with the installation of a PC in the Treasure's office at Town Hall; and noting there will be an increase for the salary of the Deputy Treasurer and to look at the Treasurer's salary before the next election. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by a vote of three ayes. Mr. Hamilton voted no and Mr. Ferrito abstained. General Town Administration. The Town Manager state the adoption of the General Town Administration would be the adoption of the PC proposal. There is money in the replacement fund that was used to depreciate the Wang System to buy the PC's. Mr. Carlson moved to approve the proposal in concept with the following modifications: 1) it would not be implemented in full until there is a full data processing plana that would encompass it, showing how this would relate to the Wang, etc. 2) all PC's bought be justified either directly as replacement for existing equipment or for some specific new project that Council funded. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. 1987/88 OPERATING & CAPITAL IMPROV. BUDGET Mr. Ferrito moved to continue the adoption of the resolution approving the 1987/88 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget to June 29, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. CONTINUATION FUNDING TOWN SERVICES AT 1986/87 LEVEL Mr. Ferrito moved to continue the adoption of Resolution for continuation of funding for Town services at the 1986/87 authorization level pending adoption of the 1987/88 Budget to June 29, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. 1987/88 CLASSIFICATION PLAN Mr. Ferrito moved to continue the adoption of the resolution approving the 1987/88 Classification Plan to June 29, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. 1987/88 POSITION ALLOCATION SCHEDULE Mr. Ferrito moved to continue the adoption of the resolution approving the 1987/88 Position Allocation Schedule to June 29, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. 1987/88 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Mr. Ferrito moved to continue the adoption of the resolution approving the Town's 1987/88 Appropriations Limit to June 29, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. CENTENNIAL FIREWORKS - ON AUG. 9TH Mrs. Benjamin moved to waive the reading for ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE TOWN CODE PERMITTING PUBLIC DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CENTENNIAL. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. The Deputy Clerk read the title of the Ordinance. Mrs. Benjamin moved to introduce the Ordinance and obtaining the special liability insurance for this event. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Ferrito voted no because he has serious environmental concerns as voiced by Santa Clara County Parks and also concerned about the existing law that is being changed for just this event. This ordinance will be before Council for adoption at the June 29th meeting so there will be sufficient time for the ten day period to apply for the permit. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ventura declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. to a Closed Session to discuss labor relations and personnel item. This meeting is continued to June 29, 1987 with a Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. and the regular meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. ATTEST: Rebecca L. Yates Sr. Deputy Clerk