M 08-03-87TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY AGENDA AUGUST 3, 1987 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council/Parking Authority met in the Council chambers of the Town Hall at 7:55 p.m., in regular session. ROLL CALL PRESENT:Joanne Benjamin, Thomas J. Ferrito, Robert l.Hamilton and Mayor Brent N. Ventura. ABSENT:Eric D. Carlson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance PRESENTATION Mayor Ventura presented a Resolution of Commendation to Mr. Paul Butts for his service to the Community. Mr. Butts served 12 years on the Parks Commission. Mayor Ventura stated Mr. Moyles, the representative of the Santa Clara County Traffic Authority was scheduled to make a presentation re Highway 85 but is not present at this time. APPOINTMENTS PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Ventura stated interviews for the two vacancies on the Planning Commission had been held prior to tonight's meeting. Applicants were John Lien, Catherine Smith and John Spaur. Mayor Ventura stated that all three applicants are qualified, so all will be nominated for the vacancies. Voting was held whereby Catherine Smith and John Lien received the majority of votes and were thereby reappointed to the Planning Commission for a four year term. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Attorney Levinger stated that Council had met in closed session prior to tonights meeting whereby they discussed Labor Relations and there is nothing to report from said discussion. Also discussed were the salary evaluations for the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney. Whereby decision was made that the Town Clerk is to receive a 6% salary increase for appointed duties only effective July 1, 1987 and the Town Attorney is to receive a 6% salary increase effective July 1, 1987 and appropriate Resolutions will be prepared and presented for Council consideration t the next Council meeting. Mayor Ventura acknowledged the attendance of the Los Gatos High School Civic's class and spoke of the Centennial events forth coming. COMMUNICATIONS a. Letter from St. Mary's School requesting banners be hung on Town electroliers to publicize the St. Mary's Country Faire to be held on October 2, 3 and 4th, 1987. Mrs. Benjamin moved to refer to the Town Manager for report. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. SCHEDULE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Informational report for Council on public hearings scheduled for future meeting. COUNTY REFERRALS Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendations on County Referrals as follows: 2189-27-43-84B-84V-87V 20700 Santa Cruz Highway Steve Arnold Variance No comment. 2932-29-40-86A-87A N of Old Santa Cruz Hwy at Melody Lane. A & S Applications No comment. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. PLANNING REPORT FOR JULY Information report for Council. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS Information for Council. POLICE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE AND JULY 31 PAYROLL Mr. Benjamin moved for approval of July 24 annual uniform allowance for Police personnel in the amount of $18,426.21 and relating warrants in the amount of $4,533.58; approval of July 31 payroll in the amount of $168,083.63 and related warrants in the amount of $103,580.01. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. ALMOND GROVE TRAFFIC Information report on letter from Jerry Bannan letter of complaint. BICKNELL ROAD TRAFFIC MEASURES Mrs. Benjamin moved to authorize installation of two signs and pavement markings be placed on the north side of Bicknell Road (Town of Los Gatos) in order to alert westbound traffic. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. SENATE BILL 2232 REGULATIONS OF SUPER TRUCKS Council information WATER QUALITY CONTROL PARKING Council information. PARKING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT LAWSUIT Mrs. Benjamin moved to decline the Chamber of Commerce's offer of assistance in mediating the lawsuit against the Downtown Parking assessment District an authorize the Mayor to transmit a letter to the Chamber declining their proposal. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. WHITNEY AVENUE SPEED CONTROL Mrs. Benjamin moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 1987-94 entitled, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A VEHICULAR STOP AT THE INTERSECTION OF STACIA STREET WITH WHITNEY AVENUE AND WHITNEY AVENUE WITH LOMA ALTA AVENUE; continue to monitor traffic on Whitney Avenue; direct Town Engineer to inform Mr. Aikman of Council's action. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATION Information for Council EXTENSION OF URGENCY ORD. RE YARDS IN C-2 ZONE Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation and schedule a public hearing for November 16, 1987 to extend Urgency Ordinance concerning yard requirements in the Central Business District (C-2 Zone). Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. ARTS COMMISSION DEPOSIT ACC'T Council information RESOURCE DIRECTORY Mrs. Benjamin moved Council approve the resource directory for duplication and distributions. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. NON PROFIT AGENCIES AUDIT. Mrs. Benjamin moved Council adopt the recommended guidelines to allow for variable audit levels of non-profit agencies funded by the Town. Mrs. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. EXTENSION OF HCP LOAN Mrs. Benjamin moved Council approve conceptually, the following with regard to the Housing Conservation Program (HCP) loan to Mid-Peninsula Coalition Housing Fund (MPCHF) in the amount of $94,000. 1- increase the interest rate from 3% to 6% to conform to the current HCP Guidelines regarding Owner? Investor loans; 2 - extend the term of the loan from five to twenty years from date of issuance with a right to call the loan after fifteen years. A Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to amend the agreement be prepared for Council consideration. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Notice was presented to Council announcing the Cancellation of the August meeting for the Community Services Commission. TEACHER RECOGNITION DAY COMMENDATIONS Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of the following: Resolution No. 1987-95 entitled, A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING JAN PARKER (teacher at Lexington School). Resolution No. 1987-97 entitled, A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMENDING FLORENCE BELL (teacher at Los Gatos High School). Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. 87-88 TAX RATE Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1987-88 entitled, A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FIXING BOND SERVICE TAX RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. YWCA LEASE AGREEMENT Mrs. Benjamin moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 1987-88 entitled, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANGER TO ENTER INTO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER TENANT. (YWCA CAREER CENTER). Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. COMMENDATION F. TRESEDER Mrs. Benjamin moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 1987-100 entitle, A RESOLUTION COMMENDING FRANK TRESEDER. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. POLICE CHIEF RECRUITMENT Mrs. Benjamin moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 1987-101 entitled, RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AGREEMENT WITH RALPH ANDERSEN AND ASSOCIATES RECRUITMENT OF POLICE CHIEF. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Richard Gaines, 340 Johnson Avenue, thanked Council for the implementation of the 3 way stop signs at Los Gatos Boulevard and Loma Alta, and urged Council to look into having curbside recycling. Mayor and Manager both spoke on this issue and informed Mr. Gaines this has been discussed and will continue to look into this matter. APPEAL - DENIAL OF SHOP BUILDING AT 15095 GARDEN HILL DRIVE Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place for continued public hearing to consider an appeal of Planning Commission's denial of Variance Application V- 87-1, requesting permission to reduce various development standards, including required side yards and distance between building, in order to maintain a shop building in the R-1:8000 zone. Mr. Jansen, appellant, spoke on the issue and presented Council with report on the property, including pictures of the property showing lot size and contour of the lot. He stated this shop was there when he purchased the property and it would be a great hardship if he is not able to keep it. Mr. Jansen then referred to other cases of appeals on variance, setbacks etc. that Planning Commission had approved. Mr. Jansen answered questions of Council. There being no one else from the audience wishing to speak on this issue, Mrs. Benjamin moved the public hearing be closed. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. further discussion was held whereby Planning Director Bowman answered questions of Council re off street parking and setbacks. Mr. Ferrito moved to grant the appeal based on the finding that Planning Commission erred in that they did not consider the topography of the lot, shape of the lot, the reason why the structure was permitted originally in the rear set back and the fact that the only apparent option Mr. Jansen has is to build in the driveway, thereby removing two parking spaces in an area that is in bad need of parking. Also there have been no complaints from the neighbors regarding this. Mrs. Benjamin seconded and amended the motion to include additional finding, that consistently it appears, the Planning Commission has granted these appeals to other property owners in other parts of the Town. Mr. Ferrito accepted the added finding. Mr. Ventura moved to amend the motion and add Council finding of error and granting of variance is conditioned upon, that there be no increase of square footage of the existing covered structure. Mr. Ferrito and Mrs. Benjamin accepted the amendment to the motion. Motion carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Town Attorney to prepare appropriate Resolution and present for Council consideration at the next meeting. PARKING PROHIBITION ON SHANNON ROAD Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the prohibition of parking on both sides of Shannon Road in the Town's jurisdiction from Los Gatos Boulevard to Short Road between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except on weekends. Dr. Ross, 16140 Shannon Road, spoke in opposition to having parking ban on Shannon Road. Banning parking only crates further race way and urges that no action be taken at this time until the County and the Town are in agreement and any banning of parking be tied in with stop signs. Mayor Ventura explained to audience that most of the south side of Shannon Road is in the County and therefore that the hearing date has not been established as to when the Board of Supervisors will be hearing this matter and the Town's recommendations on this joint venture. Mr. Rice, 150 Wooded View Drive, can see no reason for four stop signs within 4/10th of a mile. Mayor Ventura asked Mr. Rice to Write a letter regarding this to be Board of Supervisors. Margaret Norris, 16667 Shannon Road, asked for explanation of where there would be no parking. Engineer Zapf explained and answered questions and stated he is recommending that both County and the Town restrict parking for the full length of Shannon Road but right now is only recommending that the Town formally take the action of prohibiting traffic in their area by the dotted lines on map until such time as the County takes action on the portion of property in their jurisdiction. Bruce Ball, 195 Jackson Street, speaking for his stepdaughter who lives at 16735 Shannon Road, stated that he feels a parking ban on one side of the street and moving the center stripe on the street would take care of all the problems. Discussion was held on this suggestion whereby Town Engineer spoke of need for facilities on both side of Shannon Road. Discussion was also held on various other streets in Town where the bicycle lanes all vary in widths. Vivienne Lee, 106 Ann Arbor Court, spoke on the parking ban and the need for stop signs on Shannon Rd. Mrs. Lee spoke on the auto dealers using Shannon Road for parking cars. John Uhl, Crescent Drive, stated he feels all agree that many bicycle lanes in Los Gatos are inadequate and agree that bicycle lanes should be put in properly on Shannon Road and we ought to, as much as possible, whenever we can, upgrade them on the other streets. Mrs. Barnett, 101 Wollin Way, stated when cars are parked on Shannon Road she cannot see when trying to get out of her street so it presents a dangerous situation for her to get out of Wollin Way onto Shannon Road. There being no one else wishing to speak on this issue, Mr. Ferrito moved hearing be closed. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to adopt Resolution No. 1987-102 entitled, PARKING PROHIBITION DURING CERTAIN HOURS ON SHANNON ROAD, with the stipulation that the parking ban would not be put into effect until the whole plan, which includes the stop signs and County ban on parking, be included. Mr. Ferrito seconded. With an addition that staff report to Council when County does act on this issue. Mrs. Benjamin accepted the addition. Motion carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Staff to notify interested persons who live on Shannon Road as to date this matter will be considered by the County Board of Supervisors. APPEAL - 58 ALPINE AVENUE Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the appeal of Planning Commission's denial of request for approval of a two (2) lot subdivision of 1.26 acres of property in the R-1:20,000 Zone, Subdivision Application M-87-2. Property located at 58 Alpine Avenue and owned by Rosalie Lincoln. Discussion was held regarding policies on flag lots. Mr. Bowman answered questions of Council. Other questions were on the safety of the bridge and Mr. Zapf, Town Engineer, stated the bridge is structurally unsound. Discussion was held on the State Map Act and the merger of lots. Mr. Bowman answered questions of Council on this issue. Speaking on the appeal was Steven Rice, Appellant, explaining the reason for the access off of Alpine Avenue as he felt the footprint of the house was the only way to go so as to preserve the existing trees. The access off of Jackson Avenue would not have enough room for off street parking that the Town requires because the house would be to far down on the lot to preserve the trees and coming in from Alpine Avenue there is plenty of off street parking as well as saving about $50,000 (the cost for rebuilding the bridge up to standards). Tom Mangano, 112 Panorama Way, spoke on the issue, stating her felt Los Gatos should not allow expansion if it was going to add critical trips to critical intersections and urges Council to deny the appeal. John Uhl, Planning Commissioner, feels Planning staff report clearly states this should not be allowed and there are no grounds under the current rules to approve and urges Council to deny the appeal. Mr. Rice stated he feels this will not set a precedent and hopes Council will approve this issue. Rosalie Lincoln also spoke in support of the appeal. No one else from the audience wished to speak on this issue. Mrs. Benjamin moved to close the public hearing. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Discussion was held regarding lot line adjustment proceedings and whether the two lots have been merged. Mr. Bowman stated the maps show the old lot lines along with the proposal. Mr. Honholt, Engineer for the project, presented a copy of the map showing lot line, stating this is the 1883 lot line which is described in Mrs. Lincoln's deed and are as per the original Templeton Addition. Mr. Honholt stated Mrs. Lincoln's old deed consists of lots 7 and 8 as per the Templeton Addition plus portion of lot 6 and this can be documented. Mr. Hamilton moved to reopen the public hearing. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Discussion was held on the proposal to swing the lot line around the other way between lots 7 and 8. Mr. Bowman answered questions of Council. Mr. Hamilton then moved to close the public hearing. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Motion carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin spoke on her concerns with subdividing a large lot but if there were two lots and one had not been built on then she sees it as a different situation. Mrs. Benjamin moved to grant the appeal in that there were two lots, therefore the traffic capacity standards does not apply. The Planning Commission erred in not realizing that originally there were two lots; the plana before Council is a better plan than taking it down the middle and asking them to take away part of the swimming pool. She feels consistency is important. Mrs. Benjamin referred to other projects when Council had approve 8 houses on Bella Vista and 60 some units on Blossom Hill and traffic wasn't a problem. Mr. Hamilton seconded stating "basically Planning erred in not considering the fact that there were two lots, in fact, and this presents a better hanging of that lot line to be more consistent with what actually exists there and we're getting much better than forcing them back into what they could do legally". Mayor Ventura stated he could not support Mrs. Benjamin's motion as he did not want Council to establish a policy by using old lot lines to permit new lots. Rather, he wished to amend the motion to state Council should basically focus, as a matter of policy, that one new traffic trip for lot split would not be grounds for denial. Benjamin accepted the amendment because the point is well taken, that it could bring the Town into problems down the road, on having too small lots because of old lot lines for development. Mr. Hamilton accepted the amendment. Mr. Ferrito stated Dr. Uhl reminded Council the approval is to go to the land and not the people and feels Council is doing the right job for the community regarding traffic capacity. Motion carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Discussion was held as to establishing an in-lieu fee and Mayor Ventura felt it appropriate to make a condition that an in-lieu fee for the impacted intersection equivalent to one percent (1%) of the project be paid if there is a project within five years. Mr. Bowman stated that it is his understanding of the statute that if you don't have a project identified now you can't charge an in-lieu fee. Also the motion was to approve as a subdivision or a lot split and not as a lot line adjustment. Mr. Bowman stated that the DRC did not include any conditions of approval as they recommended denial, so there are no conditions attached to the project. Mayor Ventura questioned if this project should be sent back to the DRC for consideration of conditions for subdivision approval and the dealing with the in-lieu fee issue. This was accepted by the maker of the motion and the second and was made part of the motion. Mr. Ferrito stated he felt it would be a lot better way to go if there is going to be a lot line adjustment or subdivision to reconsider the plan whereby the line goes in a straighter path between the two lots. It my involve the pool being associated with the second house but it would be a lot better than paving a strip of property and creating a corridor lot and he would like this looked into. Mr.l Hamilton agreed. Mayor Ventura stated that will be the Council's action and the applicant will have to go back to the DRC for further review on this subdivision but the appeal has been granted. Town Attorney to prepare appropriate resolution and present for Council consideration t the next meeting. APPEAL OF 2 LOT SUBD. AT 16768 FRANK AVENUE Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the appeal of Planning Commission's approval of a 2-lot subdivision of property in the R-1:8000 zone. Property located at 16768 Frank Avenue. Planning Director Lee Bowman answered questions of Council. John Uhl, appellant, stated his reason for filing the appeal is because that he thought staff had erred in the data that they used. He spoke against the lot division as he feels Town should uphold their traffic capacity standards. Spoke on the need for traffic study. Virginia Fanelli, representing Mr. Oveyssi stated Planning had thoroughly studied the traffic impact and therefor urged Council to deny the appeal. Tom Mangano, 112 Panorama Way, voiced his opinion, stating if Council awarded a lot split on 58 Alpine then this lot division should be granted. Further discussion was held and there being no one else from the audience wishing to speak on this appeal, Mr. Hamilton moved the public hearing be closed. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. MJr. Carlson was absent. Mr. Ferrito moved to grant the appeal as Planning erred in that it did not consider Gateway, Lark Avenue and Highway 17 traffic and staff input might have been misstated, in that, the level of service is really impossible. But because they were concerned about the in-lieu fee they misstated the actual level of service. Mrs. Benjamin seconded and amended the motion to add "Planning Commission did not consider the fact that they were taking an existing house and moving it, in order to add a second house". Mr. Ferrito accepted the amendment. Further discussion was held whereby Mayor Ventura asked that action be deferred and sent back to DRC for review - like to see analysis on mitigation. One critical trip to a lot split alone is not (in my view) sufficient grounds for denial. Would like to see staff's position re in-lieu fee for mitigation and like to have house placement reviewed. Vote of the above motion was held and motion fails on vote of 2 ayes, Hamilton and Ventura voting no. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mayor Ventura then moved to grant the appeal based on the fact the Planning Commission failed to consider the linking of the 2 intersections regarding peak hour traffic and the level of service that goes into those intersection if they were considered together. Also regarding the moving of the house in order to create the lot split and this be referred back to DRC for consideration of the amount of peak hour trips to be generated. Have DRC consider whether there should be an in-lieu fee and if so, the amount of the in- lieu fee. Also a recommendation re moving of houses on lots to allow the lot splits. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Ferrito voting no, and Mr. Carlson was absent. APPEAL OF BUSINESS LICENSE PENALTIES Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider the appeal of the decision of Tax & License Collector regarding payment of business license penalties. Speaking on the issue was Mr. Thomas who claimed he had never received a billing for his license renewal and that he had been out of Town due to illness in his family. Tax & License Collector presented copies of billing that had been sent in December 1986 for the renewal of Mr. Thomas's license, plus copy of penalty letters mailed in March and in April. Discussion was held on the length of time Mr. Thomas had been out of Town and have he had handled other payments.After further discussion and there being no one else from the audience wishing to speak on this matter, Mr. Ferrito moved public hearing be closed. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved to uphold the decision of the Tax & License Collector and instructed Mr. Thomas the penalty is due and payable. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Hamilton voting no and Mr. Carlson was absent. WEED ABATEMENT Mayor Ventura stated this was the time and place duly noted for public hearing to consider report and assessment charges for weed abatement for 1987-88. There being no one from the audience wishing to speak on this issue, Mr. Ferrito moved hearing be closed. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. Mrs. Benjamin moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 1987-103 entitled, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING REPORT DESCRIBING, PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY AND SHOWING AMOUNT OF WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES TO BE COLLECTED ON THE TAX ROLL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 and accept staff recommendation and refund the $3,000.00 deposit posted by Mr. Basuini for APN 523-10-006. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. MINUTES JULY 6, 1987 Mr. Hamilton moved to approve the July 6, 1987 minutes as submitted. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of two ayes. Mrs. Benjamin abstained and Mr. Ferrito and Mr. Carlson were absent. NOTICE OF COMPLETION This is for Notice of Completion and Certificate of Acceptance of 432-442 N. Santa Cruz Avenue (Sam Chuck Associates). It was consensus of Council to continue this until the matter regarding removal of tree is review. This to be brought back at the next meeting. LETTERS IN SUPPORT OF "AND CHILI'S" Mayor Ventura referred to letters in support of "AND CHILI'S" which Council has received. Mayor Ventura stated a letter is to be sent from staff in answer to letters received from residents and interested persons. Mayor Ventura feels the letter, in answer to these letters, should include "That when "And Chili's" were first notified they were illegal, they have been in a residential area for 22 years and have had 20 years notice that this use would have to be abated. Council does have a duty to the rest of the community to maintain the integrity of our residential areas". Mr. Ferrito suggested that, in addition, information be sent that the owners of "And Chili's" were aware of the rules when they purchased the property. Mrs. Benjamin moved letter be sent with information as stated. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Hamilton voting no. Mr. Carlson was absent. ROUTE 85 STRATEGIC PLAN Mrs. Benjamin moved to authorize the Mayor to sent a letter to the Traffic Authority re Measure A Strategic Plan. This to include January 8, 1987 letter and contact David Moyles, who was to be in attendance at tonight's meeting and find out when he can come back and speak to Council. Also make sure there is something in the plan re Wet Lands as well as the median, double track and stations issue. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. LOMA ALTA RUMBLE STRIP INSTALLATION Mrs. Benjamin moved to direct staff to install rumble strip on Loma Alta Avenue and contact residents on Johnson Avenue as they claim they were not contacted. So installation of strips on Johnson be continued for thirty days to allow Engineer's office to notify all residents. Mayor Ventura seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. CENTENNIAL ART COMPETITION Lucille Hogan, Chairperson of the Centennial Arts Commission spoke on the request for $175.00 contribution to prize money for the Arts Competition. Discussion was held re recognition being given to the Town for various contributions. After further discussion Mrs. Benjamin moved that Council approve a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $175.00 for the Arts Competition. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. CONTINUATION OF MEETING Mr. Hamilton moved to continue the meeting past midnight. Mr. Ferrito seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. VILLA VASONA OFF STREET PARKING Discussion was held on the petition presented to the Town requesting the Town's assistance with expanding off-street parking for the residents of Villa Vasona. Speaking on the issue was Ms. Shinn, a resident of Villa Vasona. Mrs. Benjamin moved that Council direct the management at Villa Vasona forward the information contained in the Town's staff report, to the tenants of Villa Vasona. Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. APPEAL - LONG'S DRUG Mr. Hamilton stated the proposed Resolution denying the appeal of Long's Drug store be amended as it does not reflect what Council had stated in their July 6, minutes. Mrs. Benjamin moved to amend the Resolution by omitting reference to the elimination of the Post Office Service in the drugstore and add "and also meets handicapped requirements". Mr. Hamilton seconded. Carried by vote of two ayes. Mr. Ferrito voted no. Mr. Ventura abstained and Mr. Carlson was absent. Resolution to be amended and presented to Council for consideration at the next meeting. APPEAL - 300 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD Mr. Hamilton referred to proposed Resolution stating there is an error in acreage. Should read 10.2 acres and not 8.8. Also questioned Council acting on something that he feels can't legally be done and that is tying this to an amendment to the General Plan that we (council) has not voted on yet. Mayor Ventura asked if Council would wish to reconsider this issue. Mrs. Benjamin stated she would move to reconsider this issue and set public hearing for September 8, 1987. Mayor Venture seconded the motion. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Hamilton voting no. Mr. Carlson was absent. PARKING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION Mr. Ferrito spoke on his concerns stating he felt that due to pending litigation nothing more should be done about this proposal. He is not in favor of this reorganization as there is less of a shortage of parking north of Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Ventura stated that the parking problem hasn't really been solved south of Saratoga Avenue, so reluctant to authorize Parking Commission to proceed on new area until the issues are settled on the old area. No action was taken on this and Town Manager to bring back a report on the issue with more details. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ventura declared the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. to Closed Session meeting at 8:00 on August 4th, 1987. ATTEST: Rose E. Aldag Town Clerk