M 05-07-84TOWN OF LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY AGENDA MAY 7, 1984 TOWN COUNCIL The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos met in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 7:45 p.m. in regular session. ROLL CALL PRESENT:Joanne Benjamin, Terrence J. Daily, Brent N. Ventura and Mayor Thomas J. Ferrito ABSENT:Eric D. Carlson. Mr. Carlson arrived at 7:55 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Given by all in attendance. PRESENTATION Mayor Ferrito presented Resolution of Commendation to each member of the Los Gatos High School Girls Basketball Team, Orange Crush, and their Coach John Mackey. Mr. Mackey and three members of the team accepted the Resolutions. The presentation of a Resolution of Commendation to Kelly Kelbo of the Youth Science Institute was also scheduled. Due to the absence of Kelly Kelbo this will be presented at a later date. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Mayor Ferrito stated Council had met in Closed Session prior to the Council meeting and discussed potential litigation and labor relations. BID AWARD POLICE DEPT. OFFICE MODIFICATIONS PROJECT 294-CT It was noted by staff that 4 bids had been received ranging from low bid of $15,911.40 to high bid of $19,880.00. After some discussion, Mr. Daily moved to accept staff recommendation and award the bid to Happy Builders based on their low bid of $15,911.40. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried by a vote of four ayes. Mr. Carlson was absent. EX-AGENDA ITEM It was consensus of Council to add agenda item 38-a and 46. Mr. Carlson arrived at 7:55 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS (referral/file) a.Notice from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding Calero Associates Hydroelectric Application (Calero Dam). Mrs. Benjamin moved to note and file said application. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. b.Letter from Stanislaw Kownacki regarding Oak Hill Way tree removal. Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation and refer letter to Director of Parks, Forestry and Maintenance Services for report to Council on May 21, 1984. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. c.Letter from Mary Whitworth regarding Job Search Program. Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation and file this letter for consideration during Town budget hearings. Advise Ms. Whitworth of the action taken and the schedule of budget hearing. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. d.Hearst Cablevision Annual report (filed with the Town Manager). Mrs. Benjamin moved to refer to staff for review and report in conjunction with the 12- month audit currently being conducted by Hammett and Edison. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE Information for Council. SMALL BUSINESS CENTENNIAL WEEK Mr. Ventura noted there was an agreement between the sponsor of the event and the Centennial Commission where 10% of the profits would be returned to the Centennial Commission for their operating budget and he does not see where that is referred to in the recommendation. After some discussion, Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation, as written, plus the 10% being returned to the Centennial Commission and Council approve the request of the Small Business Centennial Committee to close Montebello Way on August 5, 1984 and the use of the Town Plaza contingent on Police Department approval of final plans and cost recovery on any Town personnel time spent for this event. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AMENDMENT RE CUSTODIAN SERVICES Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation and adopt Resolution No. 1984-64 entitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN; APPROVING A CHANGE IN CUSTODIAN SERVICES FOR THE ASSESSOR OF SAID PLAN; AND AUTHORIZING TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR CUSTODIAN. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. ORCHARD STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 297 Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-65 entitled RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 297 -- ORCHARD STREET IMPROVEMENTS; and authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids to be received on June 6, 1984 at 3:30 p.m. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. CIVIC CENTER CARPETING PROJECT 299 Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-66 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 299 -- civic center carpeting; and authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids to be received June 7th, 1984 at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. SIGNAL PROJECT 295 -- LOS GATOS BLVD/KENNEDY RD/ CALDWELL Mr. Ventura moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-67 entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 295 -- LOS GATOS BOULEVARD/KENNEDY ROAD/CALDWELL AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION; and authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids to be received at 3:00 p.m., on June 6, 1984. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. COST SHARING AGREEMENT/SIGNAL AT BASCOM & SAMARITAN Mr. Ventura questioned the 50/50 cost sharing on maintenance of said signal. After some discussion it was consensus of Council to continue this until May 21st, 1984, agenda and direct staff to renegotiate with the City of San Jose on the cost sharing agreement and report back to Council at their next regular meeting. LOS GATOS BLVD. ASSESSMENT DIST. 73-2 RE-SPREAD OF ASSESSMENT Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation and adopt Resolution No. 1984-68 entitled, RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT PARCELS 2 AND 3 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 73-2. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. POLICE - THIRD QUARTER REPORT Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept the Police Department FY 1983-84 third quarter report. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. COMMENDATION ROLF BONDELIE Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of resolution No. 1984-69 entitled, A RESOLUTION COMMENDING ROLF M. BONDELIE, for serving as Chairman on the Los Gatos Retirement Board. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. COMMENDATION ALAN ORR Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-70 entitled, A RESOLUTION COMMENDING ALAN ORR, for serving on the Los Gatos Town retirement Board. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR PROJECT AT LEXINGTON DAM Mrs. Benjamin moved to file the Notice of Application but direct staff to monitor it and work with the District and keep Council advised as to how application is progressing. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. SALARY & POSITION CONTROL TO IMPLEMENT TEA MOU Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-71 entitled, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMENDED SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS AND SALARIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. AGREEMENT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT & DISASTER PREPAREDNESS SERVICE Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-72 entitled, A RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES RELATED TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS; and authorize the Town Manager to execute said agreement in behalf of the Town. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. Mrs. Benjamin questioned the approximate cost for said services. The Town Manager had quoted approximately $3,600.00. CABLE TV JUNCTION BOXES RINCONADA HILLS Information for Council on written communication from Rinconada Hills Association objecting to the use of pedestal junction boxes for cable television facilities in Rinconada Hills. It is reported that Cable Vision and Rinconada Hills Association have come to an agreement. NOTICE OF COMPLETION Mrs. Benjamin moved for approval of Notice of Completion and Certificate of Acceptance on Project No. 288-PF, Oak Meadow Park Bocci Ball Court Improvements. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. REVISION TO TRACT 6878 Mr. Ventura questioned if number of BMP units are the same as previously approved or if they were being moved into the 85 Corridor. Staff answered question from Council stating BMP units will remain the same, the only change is a change of one bedroom and two bedroom units so they would fit on the parcel better. After further discussion, Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-73 entitled, RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING FINAL MAP FOR THE 1984 REVISION OF TRACT NO. 6878. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. PLANNING MONTHLY REPORT Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept the Planning Department/Planning Commission monthly report for May, 1984. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. COUNTY REFERRALS Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff recommendation on the following: 1356-23-45-83B-83G Thompson road Pierson Resubmittal single site development No comment. 2093-32-39-84SP 23259 Nikkie Lane Schroder resubmittal special permit (Temporary Mobile Home) No comment. 767-22-58-79B 20636 Black Road Gabler Time extension single bldg. site approval No comment. 2138-30--49-84B Maya Way Bazz, Houston, Miller Single residential bldg. County should not act on the bldg. site approval application until the design review application has been submitted and reviewed by the Town for compliance with the jointly adopted Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan. General Plan Amendment 1959-00-00-83GP E. Monschke The reports requested by the Bd. of Suprs. in Nov. 1983 have not been completed at this time and the County Planning Commission has requested that no action be taken pending receipt of the report by the Planning Commission. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. REPORT ON CITY OF SARATOGA PARKING REQUIREMENTS Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept report, note and file and notify Mr. Arzie. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. A.B.C. LICENSE APPLICATION 1452 POLLARD RD. Mrs. Benjamin moved to accept staff report on application of transfer of liquor license at 1452 Pollard Road. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. APPEAL - 354 N. SANTA CRUZ AVENUE Mrs. Benjamin moved for adoption of resolution No. 1984-74 entitled, RESOLUTION GRANTING APPEAL WITH CONDITIONS FROM DECISION OF BUILDING OFFICIAL (354 N. Santa Cruz Avenue-John Paul's). Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. MINUTES Mrs. Benjamin moved Council minutes of the April 16, 1984 meeting be approved as submitted. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. Mrs. Benjamin moved Council minutes of the April 30, 1984 meeting be approved as submitted. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS (for action) a.PG&E notice of application 84-04-028 to Public Utilities Commission for request of increase of electric rates be approximately $533 million on an annualized basis. Mr. Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and oppose this application. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. APRIL PAYROLL Mr. Carlson moved for approval of the April Payroll. Mr. Ventura seconded. Mr. Carlson then moved to defer approval of the payroll until May 21, 1984 and direct the Town Treasurer to provide a written report each month as the appropriateness of the expenditures and/or any comments. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. APPEAL ZONING VIOLATION (HI LITE BALLOONS) Mayor Ferrito stated this was the time and place duly published for public hearing on the appeal of Planning Commission decision on Architectural and Site Application S-84-6. Council has received a letter from the appellant asking that the appeal be withdrawn as the problem has been resolved. Mrs. Benjamin moved to grant the request for withdrawal of the appeal. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. LOS GATOS BOULEVARD NO. 10 ANNEXATION Mayor Ferrito stated this was the time and place duly published for public hearing to consider the annexation of Los Gatos Boulevard No. 10. Staff referred to letter from owner, Mr. and Mrs. Moisenco, of the property (within the said annexation) expressing their opposition to the annexation. This protest equals 100% and therefore staff is recommending termination of the proceedings to annex said property. Mr. Daily moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-75 entitled, A RESOLUTION MAKING A FINDING REGARDING THE VALUE OF WRITTEN PROTESTS FILED AND NOT WITHDRAWN AND TERMINATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS LOS GATOS BOULEVARD NO. 10 TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. SAN BENITO AVE/ANDREWS STREET TRAFFIC DIVERTERS Mayor Ferrito stated this was the time and place duly noted for the continued hearing. Mayor Ferrito stated further testimony will be taken from persons who did not speak at the last meeting. Jerry Donnelly, 422 San Benito Avenue, spoke in favor of the present traffic control system and asked people in audience who agreed with him to stand. Approximately 50 people stood. Speaking on this issue was Burton and Dale Chambers, 32 Mariposa Avenue; Mark Peterson spoke on the traffic count regarding turn on Montgomery. Consensus of Council to direct staff to make traffic count and contact the State regarding figures. Also speaking were Rebecca Shrader, 644 San Benito Avenue; John Turner, 410 San Benito Avenue; Suzanne Werner, Rose Avenue. Rae Schmuck, Englewood Avenue, Spoke of traffic problems in the Englewood Avenue area and in other areas of the Town. Mrs. Schmuck strongly urges full support of Route 85 and suggested a pilot program regarding resurfacing or paving of certain streets and possibility of using paving materials other than oil and screening. Mayor suggested staff meet and confer with Mrs. Schmuck regarding various suggestions she made. No one else wished to speak on the issue. Mr. Carlson moved hearing be closed. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. Mrs. Benjamin moved to adopt the existing temporary traffic management plan as a permanent system and direct staff to develop construction plans for permanent landscaped traffic islands for construction in 84/85. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. Mayor Ferrito stated he would like staff to provide a good design for the permanent diverters. HILLSIDE SPECIFIC PLAN Mayor Ferrito stated this was the time and place duly noted for the continued public hearing regarding General Plan amendment GP-83-4 to consider a new format and amendments to the Los Gatos Hillside Specific Plan. The Planning Director, Lee Bowman, spoke on the amendments Council had made and referred to the Planning Commission. Planning concurred with all of the amendments made by the Council except the following and Planning reaffirms their position. Page 10, Section 2.3 subsection 2, regarding development improvements. Last sentence add "...or tree removal". Page 11, Paragraph d. The words "Advisory Agency" be changed to "declining body" and delete the last two words "and appropriate". Page 11, Paragraph e. Wherever the word "street" appears, change to "road" Page 15, subsection 6 (d). Planning reaffirms the word "shall" will remain. Page 16, Section 3.4, paragraph 3. Council wished to add "Town Planning Department" as a Town agency. Page 17, Paragraph 11. Change "street" to "road". Page 4, Section 1.3. Regarding lighting, add Sections 4 (a) and 4 (e). Discussion was held on sub-areas 1 and 2. Mr. Ventura requested that the following should be referred to Planning for future consideration, policies that will minimize the extension of new streets, such as techniques that will encourage clustering of dwelling units. The purpose for these considerations is to reduce the amount of paving and grading in our hillsides and to limit the amount of new streets that the Town will have to maintain. Hillside roads are more expensive to maintain than flatland streets due to the nature of the areas served (slides, washouts, trees falling across roadways, etc.). The above changes were accepted by Council on consensus motions. No one else wished to speak on the issue, Mr. Carlson moved hearing be closed. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Carlson moved Council make Negative Declaration as new format is consistent with the Town General Plan. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Carlson moved this be continued to May 21, 1984 and direct the Town Attorney to prepare appropriate Resolution for Council consideration. TREE PRESERVATION Mayor Ferrito stated this was the time and place duly published to consider Planning Commission's recommendation on Zoning Ordinance Amendment A- 84-1 to consider amendment to the Zoning Ordinance amending those sections regarding tree preservation. Mayor also referred to Planning and Parks Department recommendations regarding landscaping standards. No one in the audience wished to speak on this issue, Mr. Daily moved hearing be closed. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura moved reading be waived for ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF TREES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AND TO THE RESPECTABLE DUTIES OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR AND THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS, FORESTRY AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES THEREUNDER; RETITLEMENT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS AND FORESTRY; AND ADOPTING THE DEFINITION OF "ZONING APPROVAL". Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Town Clerk read title. Mr. Daily moved Ordinance be introduced. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. POLICIES LANDSCAPING STANDARDS Mr. Ventura moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-76 entitled, A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONCERNING LANDSCAPING POLICIES FOR APPLICATIONS FOR ZONING AND SUBDIVISION APPROVALS. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Ventura stated he would like to thank staff and the committee for all the time they had put into this study regarding tree preservation. SUBDIVISION APPEAL - 586 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Mayor Ferrito stated this was the time and place duly published for public hearing to consider the appeal of Planning Commission's approval of subdivision application M-84-4. Mr. Bowman gave a summary of the project stating the appellant is appealing only the tentative map (not the Conditional Use Permit which was already approved) and does not effect the condominiums. Mr. Block, appellant, spoke on reason for his appeal. He stated he did not receive any notification when this matter had been before the Planning Commission so therefore had no say in the matter and feels approval of condominiums will generate more traffic. Hal Nelson, President of Nelson-Moles Developers, spoke on the size of the units and the design of streets to allow for traffic circulation. He stated he intended to sell these units at a price certain. Discussion was held regarding parking in the area. Also speaking on this issue were Walt Powers and John Turner. No one else wished to speak on this issue, Mr. Ventura moved hearing be closed. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. Carlson moved appeal be denied as can not see where the Planning Commission erred in the decision. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. Town Attorney directed to prepare appropriate Resolution and present for Council consideration at the next regular meeting. Council also requested a report from staff regarding noticing of persons. RECESS Mayor Ferrito declared a recess. Meeting reconvened at 10:00 p.m. TOWN RETIREMENT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The Town Manager spoke on the proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Town Code concerning the Town Retirement Plan so that it would be consistent with the recently ratified Memorandum of Understanding between the Town and the Town Employees Association. The change in the Ordinance would be that the employees in the Town Retirement Plan would be responsible for all administration and audit charges. Attorney Roessler, representing Town employees John Estruth, Gary Wolfinger and former employee D. Baker, spoke in opposition of the proposal stating the Town has always paid all costs for administration; there are only 8 active members in the plan; all are fully vested and he feels the only fair thing to do would be leave the ordinance as is. Discussion was held regarding the adoption of the TEA MOU in which two employees of the Town Retirement Plan were included and yet they had no knowledge this item was being considered. Mr. Jones spoke on the above issue. The Town Manager stated Mr. Jones could request TEA to reopen negotiations for that item. Discussions was held on other employees who are not represented by any bargaining organization. Also speaking in opposition to the proposal was Dan Barker, John Estruth, James Jones and Rose E. Aldag. Discussion was held by Council members as to cost of administering the PERS Retirement Plan in comparison to the administering of the Town Plan. The Town Manager stated they have no figures to compare. Other questions by Council is whether the Employees in the Town Plan have an option of changing plans. The answer is no, the only way of getting out of the plan is by resignation. Mr. Carlson and Mr. Daily questioned this. After further discussion, Mr. Carlson and Mr. Daily questioned this. After further discussion, Mr. Carlson moved reading be waived for AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE TOWN CODE RELATING TO CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TOWN RETIREMENT PLAN AND THE DETERMINATION AND PAYMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. Town Clerk read title. Council members feel the need for more information regarding cost per capita on administration fees of the PERS Plan and if they are any other alternatives for employees in the Town Plan. Mr. Ventura moved ordinance be introduced, but wants a report back from the Town Manager regarding administration cost and any other viable alternatives by May 21, 1984 before this ordinance is adopted. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. Council reports from the Manager should also be sent to Mr. Roessler. APPEAL 234 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD (SCOTT) Mr. Ventura moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-77 entitled, RESOLUTION DENYING APPEAL FROM PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION (234 Los Gatos Boulevard - Scott). mR. cARLSON SECONDED. cARRIED BY A VOTE OF FOUR AYES. mRS. bENJAMIN HAD LEFT THE ROOM. SUNDAY PARKING PROHIBITION ON N. SANTA CRUZ AVENUE Chief Acosta reported on the proposal for the parking prohibition on Sundays due to cruising problems. Speaking in support of the proposal were Julie Williams, Howard McKay and Jane McKinney (Merchants in downtown area). After some discussion as to whether merchants had all been informed, Mr. Daily moved for adoption of Resolution No. 1984-78 entitled, PARKING RESTRICTION - NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE (establishing no parking between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., on Sundays along both sides of N. Santa Cruz Avenue between W. Main Street and Bachman Avenue). Mr. Carlson seconded with condition that this be reviewed within 30 days from date of installation of all signs. Maker of motion concurred. Carried unanimously. THIRD QUARTER BUDGET REPORT Mr. Ventura moved Council approve the revenue adjustments as follows: GENERAL FUND FROM TO 010-900-4015 $ 35,000 $ 75,000 010-900-4020 4,000 7,000 010-900-4030 3,150,000 3,175,000 010-900-4050 95,000 100,000 010-900-4070 75,000 110,000 010-900-4220 2,500 5,000 010-900-4230 125,000 135,000 010-900-4240 120,000 150,000 010-900-4320 150,000 175,000 010-900-4410 720,000 730,000 010-900-4425 7,500 10,000 010-900-4590 18,000 15,000 010-900-4615 40,000 50,000 010-900-4670 -0-7,500 010-900-4710 15,000 5,000 010-900-4810 75,000 25,000 TOTAL:$ 142,500 Council approved the transfers and supplemental appropriations as follows: TRANSFERS FROM CONTINGENCY Town Manager $ 1,041 Town Clerk 508 Town Attorney 326 Planning 885 Building Reg.129 Police 5,337 Engineering 1,232 Parks, Forestry, Maint.702 Library 5,057 Community Serv.753 OTHER TRANSFERS ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT 010-030-6120 1,000 010-034-6256 2,500 010-210-6290 5,000 010-230-6120 2,500 010-230-6292 500 010-370-6150 3,600 GRAND TOTAL $ 303,700 (GF) 75,300 (GRS) Appropriate $112,183.00 to contingency. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. 6 YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT The Town Manager, Mr. Mora, presented the proposed 6 Year Capital Improvement Program for FY 84/85 to 1989/90 stating revisions have been made based on the direction given by Council at the study session. Mr. Mora then asked for any other revisions Council might want to make. Mr. Carlson referred to page 1, and moved the wording be changed on Item 2, to read, "Provide for additional space for the Police Department". Mr. Daily seconded. Carried by vote of three ayes. Mr. Ferrito and Mrs. Benjamin voted no. Mr. Ventura moved he would like to add funding to provide for a bridge or crosswalk from the Civic Center to Pageant grounds. Motion died for lack of second. Page 7, Mr. Carlson moved to bring Item 12 regarding Blossom Hill Road/Roberts Road intersection signalization, forward to higher priority. Motion died for lack of second. Mr. Carlson moved to accept the following recommendations of Planning Commission. Motion 1.Advance the date for the intersection improvements at Lark Avenue/Route 17 northbound ramps from 86/87 to 84/85. Motion 2.Staff gather data on accident history on both southbound and northbound at the Saratoga Avenue/Highway 17 interchange. Motion 3.Project 4, Lark Avenue Bridge Widening at Highway 17, change wording to "Reconstruct and widen bridge over Highway 17 to provide (4) 5 lanes (2 westbound, 3 eastbound) and sidewalks on both sides.." Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. OPEN SPACE DEDICATIONS POLICY Mr. Ventura moved to accept staff recommendation and adopt the policy that open space dedications (especially in the hillside) be made jointly to the Town and the Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. LEGISLATION SALES TAX MEASURES Mayor Ferrito requested this be agendized for next meeting and staff provide Council with a report. AMIGOS DE LAS AMERICAS Mr. Ventura moved Council accept recommendation of the Youth Advisory Commission and not contribute to the Amigos de las Americas due to a precedent it would set. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Motion and second withdrawn. Discussion was held on request for funding and it was consensus of Council they would like more information, so this would be continued to May 21st. TEEN QUESTIONNAIRE Council questioned how form would be distributed to schools. It was consensus of Council to continue this to May 21, 1984. AB 3989 OMBUDSMAN ACT Mr. Carlson moved Council support AB 3989, Emergency Ombudsman Act. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. AB 3808 REAL PROPERTY The Town Attorney spoke on the amendment to AB 3808 and what effect it would have regarding rent ordinance in Los Gatos. Mr. Ventura moved Council go on record opposing said AB 3808. Mr. Daily seconded. Carried unanimously. SB 2333 FIREWORKS SALES Mrs. Benjamin moved Council support SB 2333. Mr. Carlson seconded. Carried unanimously. LIGHT RAIL WEST VALLEY CORRIDOR Mr. Carlson moved Mayor respond to Mr. Kopp, that Council has continually supported the light rail line in the West Valley Corridor and will in the future. Mr. Ventura seconded. Carried unanimously. COALITION FOR PASSAGE OF PROPOSITION 18 Mr. Ventura moved Council go on record in support of Proposition 18. Mrs. Benjamin seconded. Carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrito declared the meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. ATTEST: Rose E. Aldag Town Clerk