Attachment 11September 4, 2017
Town of Los Gatos
110 E . Main Street
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Anthony J. Badame MD
73 Mariposa Court
Los Gatos, CA 95030
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SEP -5·2017
Attn : Town Council Re : Attachment 9: Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos amending chapter 29 (zoning
regulation) of the town code regarding cellars
Dear Council Members,
In addition to the comments I discussed in my August 28, 2017 letter, I have a few remarks after reading
attachment 9 which was made available subsequent to the date of my letter.
1. The following refinement to the definition of floor area, gross is suggested:
Sec. 29 .10.020 -Definitions .
Floor Area, gross countable ... proposed adjacent finished grade ... except on the ground floor and
"Countable" clearly delineates the square footage which counts toward the floor area ratio calculat ion .
''Adjacent finished grade" is clear, specific, and the most accurate reference grade whereas "proposed
grade" is not among the defined grades in Sec. 29.10.020 -Definitions.
"And basement" should be included based on the fact that basements shall not be counted in the floor
area ratio calculation.
2. The appellation "below grade square footage" should be called just "basement" now that the pre vious
definitions of cellar and basement have been eliminated. See page 2 of my letter dated August 28 , 2017 for
further explanation and suggested language for the definition of "basement".
3. A second fully enclosed basement which is not daylighted should be allowed without count ing aga inst the
floor area ratio calcu lati on. This would entail striking through Sec. 29.40 .071 (a)2 . For j ustification , see page 3
of m y letter dated August 28, 2017 .
Antho~ Badame, MD