Desk Item Prepared by: Town Manager, Town Attorney, PPW Director, Interim Police Chief, and Economic Vitality Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 09/05/2017 ITEM NO: 12 DESK ITEM DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: SUMMER WEEKEND TRAFFIC REMARKS: After the distribution of the Staff Report, staff received a question from a Council Member and the staff response is below. Also, additional public comment is attached (Attachment 7). On page 19, the sentence reads "There may be some advantage to the classification, including assisting with programming pavement maintenance schedules and potentially in the allocation of tax dollars where allocations are based on roadway type." Is the advantage for Los Gatos to keep Residential Collector or is the advantage for the other jurisdictions that just have residential? The advantage for the Residential Collector designation may be to the Town in the ways of: (1) increased road maintenance funding through State (or other) allocations and (2) through prioritization within the Streetsaver software which provides more attention to bigger streets than to residential and therefore, allows us to be more precise with the programming of all street maintenance dollars. The latter is probably something the Town can overcome. At this time, staff is not sure if there is currently a formula that would be impacted for funding . If the Council approves the recommendation, this would be evaluated along with a determination of the environmental clearance that might be required to make the changes with a future General Plan Update. This is why the recommendation is to try the changes now and not make them official until the Town has a full understanding. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: SUMMER WEEKEND TRAFFIC SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2017\09-05-17\Weekend Traffic\Desk Item - Weekend Traffic Final.docx 9/5/2017 2:36 PM SLL Attachments 1-6 received with Staff Report: 1. Street Classifications Map 2. LGMSPD Beats 3. SCCFD Battalions 4. SCCFD Staffing Modes 5. Los Gatos Business Survey Results 6. Public Comments through 11:00 a.m. August 31, 2017 Attachment received with this Desk Item: 7. Communication received from 11:01 a.m. Thursday, August 31, 2017 through 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 5, 2017.