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05 Attachment 2A-B
Rev. Date: June 27, 2017 "EXHIBIT A" Englewood Avenue No. 11 Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos Geographic Description All that certain real property, situate in the unincorporated area of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Lot 19 as shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 38 Englewood Subdivision" filed March 9 , 1936, in Book 1 of Maps at Pages 28 and 29 , Santa Clara County Records, being a portion of Rancho Rinconada De Los Gatos, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of said Lot 19 with the Westerly line of Englewood Avenue (50 foot right of way) as said Avenue is shown on said map; said point also being on the existing Town limit line established by Englewood Avenue No. 5 ; thence along last said line; 1. North 78°41 '00" West, 260.00 feet to the existing Town limit line established by Englewood A venue No. 1; thence along last said line, 2. North 20°31 '00" East, 80.00 feet ; thence, 3. South 78°41 '00" East, 260.00 feet to said Town limit line established by Englewood Avenue No. 5; thence along last said line, 4. South 20°31 '00" West, 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 0.47 acres, more or less. For assessment purposes only. This description ofland is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer for sale of the land described. G :\Correspondence\2016 JOBS\2 160 111 SU\ANNEXA TION\Exhib it A annex lgl.doc EXHIBIT A This Page Intentionally Left Blank DISCLAIMER: FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS l DESCRIPTION OF LAND IS NOT A LEGAL l PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS DEFINED IN & BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR AN OFFER THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND MAY NOT -~ FOR SALE OF THE LAND DESCRIBED. ., __ EXISTING TOWN LIMIT ESTABLISHED BY ENGLEWOOD AVENUE NO . 1 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE \ APN: 532-05-013 I i5 !5 .:r ~ (.)Cl) " >-{?? .. _ \__;?~4-~ ~-0;;;;0"-~-· ;;;;;;;;..o,.;,.;;;;-..... ....... 2·~~~ @,3;;.·;,,;,·.,;-;;r.;.,· ·;,,,,,;;;;;;::::-::-::==:-=:-:=:::::JJ------t O:~co . § <!> o t 41 · [L IQ"jf' II® PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~en~ g~ @> ~ ~ AREA u o "'> -;...: b iF~~(Cif rNJ©. ~~ 0.47 ACRES:!:: -' U') r>1 0 ~ LL. • • Oii d II [Mj]~[p>~ ~~ APN: 532-05-014 en o °f ~,: c:o DOC. 22373212 0 ~ II 11® ~ . - --~--~'!""!!!!!!!!!"'!"'!"'~ - -~-='"!"'!""i!=::ik:---+---+=...:....:....:=...:...:....=:...:....:.-=t :5 i! · · -. N7s~41·06;,w . . . ·260.00· ©-7 , ___ POINT OF BEGINNING APN: 532-05-015 EXISTING TOWN LIMIT ESTABLISHED BY [L(Q)if' llS3 ENGLEWOOD A VENUE if'~~(Cif' rNJ©. ~S3 NO. 5 II !Mil~lf?>~ ~S3 LEGEND ---PROPOSED ANNEXATION BOUNDARY 0 30 60 120 I I ' I _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ EXISTING LOS GATOS TOWN LIMITS SCALE: 1" = 60' ~~!N~~~· BAY AREA REGION SACRAMENTO REGION 2495 INDUSTRIAL PKWY WEST 3017 DOUGLAS BLVD, I 300 HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA 94545 ROSEVIU£, CA 95661 (P) (510) 887-4086 (P) (916)966-1336 (F) (510) 887-3019 (F) (916)797-7363 WWW.LEABRAZE.COM EXHIBIT "B" PLAT TO ACCOMPANY GEOGRAPmc DESCRIPTION PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENGLEWOOD AVENUE NO. 11 A PORTION OF RANCHO RINCONADA DE LOS GATOS SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DRAWN BY: MT JUNE 2017 EXHIBIT B JOB NO 2160111 This Page Intentionally Left Blank