1989-154-Endorsing San Francisco Bay-Delta Water Quality StandardsRESOLUTION NO. 1989 -154 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ENDORSING SAN FRANCISCO BAY -DELTA WATER QUALITY STANDARDS WHEREAS, the State Water Resources Control Board ( SWRCB) has convened the Bay -Delta Hearings, a multi -pbase proceeding designed to set new water quality standards for the protection of beneficial uses in the San Francisco Bay - Sacramento /San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Estuary); and WHEREAS, beneficial uses for fresh water flowing into the Estuary include municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses; navigation; recreation; fishery, wetland and habitat protection; protection of the food chain; and the maintenance of the biologically productive plume of water extending into the Pacific Ocean; and WHEREAS, protection of these beneficial uses will require both substantial freshwater inflows and local measures, including wetland restoration and reductions in the discharge of pollutants into the Estuary; and WHEREAS, the Estuary is a resource of national significance -- home to over 100 species of fish and 800,000 waterfowl; a stop -over on the migratory Pacific Flyway; and the basis for major commercial fishing, sport fishing, maritime, recreational and tourist industries; and WHEREAS, the Estuary provides direct benefits to the Bay Area residents by enhancing the attractiveness ad quality of life of the Bay Area and by protecting property values; and WHEREAS, current Delta salinity and flow standards are inadequate and have failed to protect the Estuary; and WHEREAS, the SWRCB staff released draft documents in November 1988 which contained improved flow standards and pumping limitations for the protection of Delta fisheries in the spring, but which did not provide standards for the protection of beneficial uses below the Delta - including Suisun, San Pablo and San Francisco Bays; and WHEREAS, after pressure from water development interests, the SWRCB withdrew the draft flow standards accorded the Delta for the spring months; and Be WHEREAS, the draft standards relax salinity standards for water drawn from the Delta, reducing the quality of Delta drinking water and placing the Delta farms at risk; and WHEREAS, protection of the quality and reliability of urban water supplies is compatible with adequate protection of the Estuary; and WHEREAS, urban and agricultural conservation and voluntary water transfers from agriculture can provide ample water for reasonable urban and environmental needs without significant adverse impacts; and WHEREAS, despite the demonstrated need of the Estuary for increased freshwater flows, implementation of protective standards will not occur for several years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Los Gatos urges the State Water Resources Control Board to provide in its water quality control plan adequate flow and salinity standards to protect all the beneficial uses of the San Francisco Bay - Sacramento /San Joaquin Delta Estuary, giving great weight to: protection and restoration of the integrity of the entire estuarine ecosystem, not just selected parts and selected species; the continuing need of the Estuary for fresh water for circulation, whatever pollution discharge reductions should be achieved; protection of the quality and reliability of urban water supplies in ways which avoid environmental damage and increased north -south tensions; and -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the State Water Resources Control Board, the San Francisco Estuary Project, and the Committee for Water Policy Consensus. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 5th day of September, 1989 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NAYES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas J. Ferrito Robert L. Hamilton Brent N. Ventura Mayor Joanne Benjamin None I&@ Eric D. Carlson SIGNED: ` t OF THE TOWN O LOS GATOS ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF S GATOS MG090589.R2 -3-