1985-139-Approving And Accepting Final Map Of Tract No. 7791RESOLUTION 110. 1985 -139
RESOLVED, that that certain Final Map of Tract No. 7791 in the Town of Los
Gatos, dated August, 1985, and prepared by Kier & Wright, Civil Engineers and
Surveyors, Incorporated, for Richard Steiner Development, Owners of Record of said
subdivision, recommended for approval by the Town Engineer of the Town of Los Gatos,
is hereby approved, and all offers of land for public use therein made on said Map
are hereby accepted subject to the following conditions:
1. That prior to the delivery of said Map to the owners of said subdivision,
and prior to its recordation, the owners or subdividers of said subdivision shall
enter into and execute an agreement between the Town of Los Gatos and the said
owners or subdividers on that certain proposed Subdivision Agreement on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk, entitled, "Contract for the Improvement of Tract No.
7791 ", wherein the Owners or Subdividers in consideration of the approval of said
Map by the Town and acceptance by the Town of the dedication of lands for public use
therein contained, shall agree to construct and complete, within the time specified
in said agreement, all street and other improvements required of Owners under the
Provisions of Chapter 27 of the Code of the Town of Los Gatos, and such other
street, sewer, or other improvements designated or mentioned in said agreement
and /or in and as specified in the Plans and Specifications for Tract 7791.
2. That said Owners or Subdividers shall, before the release of said Final Map
to Owners of Record, and as a condition precedent to the recordation thereof,
furnish to the Town and file with the Town Clerk cash, or a good and sufficient bond
in form to be approved by the Town Attorney, securing the faithful performance by
said Owners or Subdividers of all work, and the construction of all improvements
herein in this agreement mentioned, and within the time herein specified, the amount
of cash or said bond to be $114,088.00 Dollars.
3. That said Owners or Subdividers shall, before the release of said Final Map
to Owners of Record, and as a condition precedent to the recordation thereof,
furnish to the Town and file with the Town Clerk certificates or policies of public
liability and property damage insurance in form satisfactory to the Town Attorney,
providing public liability insurance in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand
($500,000.00) Dollars for each person, and One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars for
each accident or occurrence, and property damage cover of Two Hundred Thousand
($200,000.00) Dollars whereby the Town of Los Gatos, and in their capacity as such,
its Council members, officers, boards, commissions, and its employees will be
insured, indemnified, and held harmless from any and all claims of any kind or
nature arising or resulting from the construction of said improvements or other work
of subdividing within or outside the said subdivision, and/or arising or resulting
from or concerning the doing or failing to do so by said Owners or Subdividers of
all things required to be done in the above mentioned agreement between said Owners
or Subdividers and the Town of Los Gatos.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town
of Los Gatos held on 16th day of September 1985 by the
following vote:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS— Eric D. Carlson, Thomas J. Ferrito, Brent N.
- Ventura, and Mayor Joanne Benjamin
Terrence J. Daily