1984-162-Authorizing Agreement To Prepare A Focused Environmental Impact ReportRESOLUTION NO. 1984 -162 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TO PREPARE .A FOCUSEn ENVIRONMENTAL IMP:ICT REPORT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the TOWN OF LOS G,ATOS enter into that agreement to prepare a Focused Environmental Impact Report with Earth Metrics Incorporated, a copy of which is attached hereto, and that the Mayor is authorized, and he is hereby directed, to execute said agreement in the name and in behalf of the TO11N OF LOS GATOS. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a _ regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 17th day of September 1984, by the follol;ing Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS Joanne Benjamin, Eric D. Carlson, Terrence J. Daily, Brent N. Ventura and Mayor Thomas J. Ferrito NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSTAT^!: COUNCIL MEMBERS None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS None SIGNED: MAYOR OF l TO!d L S GATOS r� ATTEST: CLERK 0 THE TOWN OF LOS AT S � -pro :a i-�i3F i AG � �!.7� .... :,:1: REC: AGREEMENT r V THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on Se tember 17th 1984 by the Town of Los Gatos (TOWN), and Earth Me+rics Incorp te ora(CONSULTANT) . 1. The TOWN desires to contract for the oerformance of Environmental Services to include the preparation of a Focused :Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report for the following project: 17975 Foster Road a. onditiona se Permit Application I1 -84 -5 �DDFY b. Environmental Impact Report EIR -84 -1 Requesting permission to operate a private school (university level) within existing school facilities (Guadalupe College) in the 4R -5 (pre- zoned) zone. OWNER: Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary APPLICANT: Yang Ming Ho 2. The CONSULTANT is willing to perform such professional services upon the terms and conditions herein set forth: THE PARTIES ^O HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: SERVICES CONSULTANT shall perform those professional services described in the "Scope of Services" attached as "EXHIBIT .A." CONS'ILT.ANT'S work products and schedule of delivery shall be in accordance with the "Work Products and Schedule" attached as "EXHIBIT B." Scheduling may depend on factors not limited to) prompt submittal weather conditions, delay caused etc. CONSULTANT will diligently the schedule outlined above but his control. COMPENSATION beyond CONSULTANT'S control including (but of required data by the TOWN, adverse by alteration in the scope of the project, perform the required services according to will not be responsible for delays beyond Compensation for CONSULTANT'S professional services shall be at a firm fixed price of $8,600.00 payment to be made in accordance with !dork Prod - ur_ts and Schedule stated in EXHIBIT B. STANDARDS 3. CONSULTANT'S work shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended (Public Resources Code Section 21,000 to 21,176, inclusive), and the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 originally certified and adopted by the Secretary of the California Resources Agency as Adminis- trative Regulations on February 3, 1973, and as thereafter amended, if applicable. NOTICES 4. Any notice required to be given to CONSULTANT shall be deemed to be duly and properly given if mailed to CONSULTANT postage prepaid, and addressed to: EARTH METRICS INCORPORATED 859 Cowan Road Burlingame, CA 94010 or personally delivered to CONSULTANT as such address or such other address as CONSULTANT designates in writing to TOWN. Any notice required to be given to T014N shall be deemed to be duly and properly given if mailed to TOWN, postage prepaid, and addressed to: T014N OF LOS GATOS Planning Department P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, California 95031 or personally delivered to client at such address of such other as TOWN may designate in writing to CONSULTANT. IN 14ITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in the Town of Los Gatos, State of California. APPROVED AS TO FORM: l.( =� TOYN ATTORE' ' UM IC: CONSULTANT EARTH METRICS INCORPORATED -2- F� 2. TATEMENT OF WORK A detailed statement of work for the Western California University project EIR is presented below. The statement has been prepared based on a preliminary assessment of project issues, discussion with Los Gatos Town staff and review of the Expanded Initial Study. The statement is based the following understanding of the project: MEING SETTING: Hillside grassland and oak woodland area with lowest elevations near Alma Bridge Road; existing landslides on site; elevation up to approximately 700 feet; adjacent land is mostly open space and residential; Novitiate property to the west. PROJECT CHARACTER: New access road proposed with primary access via Alma Bridge Road; secondary access also needed; proposed access road is 7,000+ feet long; 51 new parking spaces proposed. Environmental analysis tasks will focus effort on key issues identified in the Expanded Initial Study. The following tasks will be conducted. COORDINATION/CONSULTATION - Conduct a project kick off meeting with Los Gatos staff and representa- tives of the applicant to refine issue focus and begin the analysis. - Conduct technical coordination meetings with Town staff, as needed, in Los Gatos. - Coordinate with affected responsible agency staff to ensure that agency issues are adequately addressed (e.g., Santa Clara County, SCVWD, LAFCO and CALTRANS. TRAFFIC C ANALYSIS - Summarize existing traffic data from Town of Los Gatos data, traffic study for the expanded initial study, prior Earth Metrics traffic studies in the area, and other available sources. (No new traffic counts are proposed.) - Discuss existing roadway and access constraints related to Foster Road and College Avenue. - Evaluate the proposed and alternative access roadways to the project to determine visibility, street grade, sight distance and maneuverability for turns. - Describe current traffic hazards related to left turning and other movements at Alma Bridge Road. - Determine trip generation factors which are representative of the Proposed use, based on the expanded initial study. 2 -1 - Provide an analysis of the project impacts. A specific output of the traffic study will be to quantify the cumulative traffic impact of this project combined with nearby uses to determine the cumulative peak hour impact. Evaluate alternative route traffic impacts on Foster Road, College Avenue, Alma Bridge Road, East Main Street and State Route 17, including affected intersections. Analyze impacts on non arterial residential streets in the hillsides related to local resident access and safety impacts, = merely level 2f service issues. - Analyze potential or ultimate needs for street and intersection improvements, if any, as a function of access needs for the university. For instance, discuss potential road improvements needed for Foster - Road. Evaluate expected peak hour impacts at the intersection of Alma Bridge Road and State Route 17. Consult with CALTRANS on impact findings and potential mitigation. Present and assess potential conceptual intersection improvements. Discuss intersection operation and safety. - Provide discussion of alternative secondary (emergency) access routes. Evaluate the ability of emergency service vehicles to access and function on site, including hillside road grades and response time impacts. Develop a set of mitigation measures and other improvements to alleviate any functional adverse impacts of the development action. GEOLOGY (BASIC PROPOSAL INCLUDED IN THE COVER LETTER PRICE) - Describe the existing setting based upon previously completed geotechnical information on nearby sites (including the proposed alignment's preliminary Geotechnical Report and previous work by Terratech). If sufficient data is available, describe nature of underlying soils. - Summarize applicable geology studies of the U.S. Geological Survey and Soil Conservation Service. - Conduct a reconnaissance of the roadway alignments for surface evidence of slope instability. - Discuss applicable provisions of the Seismic Safety Element of the Los Gatos General Plan. - Discuss likely construction methods and directly related construction impacts upon soils. Discuss expected grading and soil redistribution and roadway bank erosion issues. - Describe applicable data regarding roadway cut and fill and sedimentation related construction effects. 2 -2 Generally describe geotechnical and slope stability risks to the completed access road. Discuss and evaluate potential hillside erosion considerations and develop mitigation measures, if needed. Relate to construction activity and expected runoff patterns. (OPTIONAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS) In order to provide a level of geotechnical analysis for the College Avenue and Foster Road alternatives that is comparable to the previous work on the proposed alignment, a basic geologic investigation must be conducted. The Terratech report used as the geologic basis for the Expanded Initial Study does not include the complete alignments of these alternatives. The following tasks would be conducted, if authorized by the Town, for an additional firm fixed price of $3,300. This work does not duplicate previously completed geologic studies. - Conduct a preliminary geologic investigation of the alternative alignments using photogeology, field verification and secondary data. Evaluate geotechnical constraints of the alternative alignments recognizing that a new road would be built for the College Avenue alternative and improvements would be needed for Foster Road. - Provide a cross comparison of the relative severity of geotechnical constraints of the alternative alignments. - Evaluate geotechnical impacts and mitigation needs for the alternative roadways. BIOLOGY i- Describe the project site's existing plant communities (primarily oak savannah, oak woodland, and grassland), and their habitat values. Discuss sensitive habitats such as the dense oak woodland areas. Discuss wildlife populations expected to use the site. - Assess the potential for endangered plant species presence on the site, based on plant communities, soils, and growing conditions. Particularly, assess the potential for presence of the Mount Hamilton thistle and Metcalf Canyon jewel flower. (Note: definitive field surveys are not proposed since the period of valid surveys is the blooming season which is between April and July for both species. ' Follow up plant surveys may be needed in 1985 to definitively determine the species absence from the site or extent of its presence. - Evaluate the project's biological impacts in terms of reduction of the number of mature oak and other significant trees, loss of wildlife habitat and disruption of wildlife use. Quantify expected tree loss for each alignment. 2 -3 Assess potential impacts, if any, to endangered plant and animal species. Develop mitigation, if needed, related to open space preservation, tree protection, landscape plans, tree replanting and other measures. ARCHAEOLOGY - Perform a brief description of potential on site cultural resources (including an examination of surficial indications of presence of cultural resources by Archaeological Resource Management, subcon- tractor). - Check applicable records for near or on site findings of cultural materials. - Assess impacts (if any) and develop mitigation measures applicable to site clearing, site preparation, and grading. VISUAL ANALYSIS - Discuss the existing hillside setting, especially related to views of the project site from nearby residential areas. - Depict by photographic illustration up to six views of (or looking across) the alternative alignments from nearby residential locations. - Discuss visual significance of specific view aspects where photographs are acquired. Relate to whose views are involved. - Evaluate the proposed access road and parking plan for the project in terms of siting, grading needed, landscape alteration, tree loss, expected landscaping and compatibility with nearby residential uses. - Provide analysis of appearance of the project from residences in the Los Gatos hills which view the proposed project. Mitigation measures will stress aesthetic means of landscaping, berming and /or other measures to mitigate any visual impacts. - Assess changes to landscape appearance, open space availability and tree presence. - Develop mitigation measures in terms of tree replacement, conceptual roadway alignment, and grading concepts, if needed. - Assemble existing data regarding area sound levels from the Noise Element of the General Plan and measurements Earth Metrics has previously acquired in this part of Los Gatos. - Conduct up to four noise measurements in surrounding residential areas near alternatee access roadways at peak hour traffic and off peak daytime hours. z -u Describe the existing sound levels on site, along College Avenue and Foster Road, and near residences in the hillside areas. Calculate, using Earth Metrics computer model for sound propagation, the future sound levels at the locations along access routes. Consider project generated vehicle trips and cumulative trips from other area future buildout. Describe construction noise impacts and recommend mitigation. Analyze potential noise impacts to residents of surrounding neighborhoods. Develop mitigation measures applicable to roadway construction. OTHER CEOA MANDATED SECTIONS - Prepare sections covering expected changes to the environment from the proposed action: irretrievable commitment of resources due to implementation of the proposed action; unavoidable, significant impacts of the proposed project (list only with cross reference to the section of the DEIR in which effects were described); and the relationship of short term versus long term impacts of the proposed action. ALTERNATIVES - Analyze the alternatives of: (i) no project (no new access roadway) (ii) College Avenue connection (iii) Foster Road improvement 2 -5 1. WORK PRODUCTS AND SCHEDULE The following work products will be prepared: Administrative Draft Environmental Impact Report (ADEIR) for review by the Town of Los Gatos Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) The following schedule for work will apply: ITEM Receipt of all background data from the Town of Los Gatos relative to the proposed project. Payment due for 25 percent of the contract value. Delivery of the ADEIR in 5 copies to the Town of Los Gatos. Payment due for 50 percent of the contract value. Receipt of all written comments in one copy from the Town of Los Gatos. Delivery of the DEIR in 40 copies to the Town of Los Gatos. Payment due for 15 percent of the contract value. Delivery of the FEIR in 40 copies in addendum form. Payment due for 10 percent of the contract value. Attendance at a maximum of four DRC and public meetings. DATE (Calendar days after receipt of authorization to proceed) 7 42 I. 14 days after receipt of Town comments 14 days after receipt of public comments As required The proposed work does not include attendance at public hearings beyond the number shown, production of color graphics, or multiple printing of documents beyond the number shown; however, our staff will be available to provide such services, if required, on a time and materials basis. The Town of Los Gatos will provide to Earth Metrics an 8 1/2 by 11 inch, camera ready base map suitable for use in the environmental documents. If material changes in the site plan or traffic generation are proposed during the course of the above schedule, Earth Metrics reserves the right to modify this schedule. 3 -1 LEH19IT