Attachment 1 1 of 2 Resolution 20 1 8 - May 3 1 , 2018 DRAFT RESOLUTION 20 18 - RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR (FY) 201 8 /1 9 OPERATING BUDGET AND FY 201 8 /1 9 – 202 2 /2 3 CAPITAL BUDGET , NEW APPROPRIATIONS, OTHER APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS, MINOR CORRECTIONS, AND CARRY -FORWARD APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, Section 2.30.295(b) of the Los Gatos Town Code requires the Town Manager to annually prepare and submit a budget to the Town Council and be responsible for its administration; and WHEREAS , the Town Manager submitted to the Town Council a proposed Operatin g B udget for the FY 2018/19 on May 1 5 , 201 8 ; and WHEREAS , the Town Manager submitted to the Town Council a proposed five -year C apital I mprovement P rogram for FY 20 18/19 – 202 2 /2 3 on May 1 5 , 201 8 ; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered and reviewed sa id proposed B udget and C apital I mprovement P rogram during public hearings on May 1 5 , 201 8 and the Town Council directed no modifications to the Operating and Capital Budgets, respectively; and WHEREAS, on June 5 , 201 8 , Town Council considered and reviewed the proposed B udget and C apital I mprovement P rogram making final determinations . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Council hereby adopts as the Operating B udget for the Town of Los Gatos for the 201 8 /1 9 f iscal year as depicted in Exhibit A entitled “Total Town Revenues By Fund and Total Town Expenditures By Fund ” including the first year (FY 2018/19 ) of the Town’s Capital Improvement Program budget as contained in the Town’s FY 2018/19 – 202 2 /2 3 Capital Improvement P r o g r am . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the final adopted B udget documents include minor corrections, and approved appropriations for unspent prior year allocations, and that they be carried forward from prior years in a Reserve for Encu mbrances whereby within each fund there is an amount sufficient to cover approved outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 201 8 . ATTACHMENT 1 2 of 2 Resolution 20 1 8 - May 3 1 , 2018 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 5 th day of June , 20 1 8 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: __________________ ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA DATE: __________________ TOTAL TOWN REVENUES BY FUND AND TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURES BY FUND 2018/19 Estimated 2018/19 Proposed Budget Recommended Budget Revision Budget TOWN REVENUES & OTHER FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 42,363,657 $ -$ 42,363,657 $ Designated One-Time Use of General Fund Reserves 5,974,133 *5,974,133 * Special Revenue Funds 624,074 624,074 Internal Service Funds 4,362,795 - 4,362,795 Trust & Agency Funds 78,650 78,650 Capital Project Funds (does not include carryforwards)6,549,106 6,549,106 Successor Agnecy Funds 3,828,296 3,828,296 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES & OTHER FUNDING SOURCES 63,780,711 $ -$ 63,780,711 $ * Designated One-Time Use of the General Fund Reserves during FY 2018/19 Payments to the Town IRS 115 Trust Fund 3,188,913 $ Transfer to Capital Projects (GFAR)2,335,220 Transfer to Equipment Replacement Fund 450,000 Total 5,974,133 $ TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS OUT & CARRYFORWARD APPROPRIATION General Fund 47,522,071 $ -$ 47,522,071 $ Special Revenue Funds 672,312 672,312 Internal Service Funds 6,306,524 6,306,524 Trust & Agency Funds 73,500 73,500 Capital Project Funds (does not include carryforwards)9,131,757 9,131,757 Successor Agnecy Funds 3,831,229 3,831,229 TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURE & OTHER FUNDING USES 67,537,393 $ -$ 67,537,393 $ GENERAL FUND SOURCE(USE) OF FUND BALANCES 815,719 $ 815,719 $ OTHER FUNDS SOURCE(USE) OF FUND BALANCES (4,572,401) **(4,572,401) ** TOTAL SOURCE(USE) OF FUND BALANCES (3,756,682)$ -$ (3,756,682)$ ** Other Funds Source(Use) represents planned one-time uses of Internal Service Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Trust Fund, and Capital project Funds primary for infrastructure and equipment investment. ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT A